| | | | | Co-operation with the Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on Migration and Refugees | | | | The Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on Migration and Refugees carried out visits to the Czech Republic, Poland, the Republic of Moldova and the Slovak Republic in May-July 2022 (see her country reports) to assess the situation and needs of the different countries concerned by the incoming flow of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. The Lanzarote Committee Secretariat prepared inputs for the SRSG based on the monitoring work of the Lanzarote Committee and produced a Checklist on protection of children affected by refugee crises from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse available in Ukrainian, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Czech, Romanian, English and French to be disseminated in the work with countries. The former Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee, Mr George Nikolaidis, also participated in the visit to Poland. On 21 September 2022, the Office of the SRSG, in partnership with UNHCR, launched the first country Roundtable to follow up on her country visits. The event focused on the Slovak Republic. The Lanzarote Committee Secretariat delivered a presentation on the standards of the Convention and some of the recommendations identified for the Slovak Republic. | | Read more › | |
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| |  | | | | | Challenges of online sexual exploitation of children addressed in a 77th UN General Assembly side event | | | | On 21 September 2022, a high-level side event on the Online sexual exploitation and abuse of children took place online in the context of the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations. The conference, organised by the Republic of Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates in co-operation with the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Violence against Children and the Council of Europe discussed trends, challenges and responses to online sexual exploitation and abuse of children. It examined shortcomings to current frameworks, ways to address these, as well as new developments in efforts to combat these crimes. In particular, the conference looked into the development of legal and policy frameworks and protection strategies to effectively prevent and eradicate new and emerging forms of online sexual exploitation and abuse in a gender-responsive and child-friendly manner. | | Read more › | |
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