On behalf of the entire Children’s Rights Team in Strasbourg I would like to first wish all our member states and stakeholders a very Happy New Year 2022. In my capacity as the Council of Europe Co-ordinator for the Rights of the Child I am looking forward to seeing a new Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) become effective. The efforts we have put into the elaboration of this new strategic instrument for our organisation and our member states have shown their results. The document is now branded with objectives aimed at pursuing the implementation of key Council of Europe standards that uphold the human rights of children, and at continuing to innovate for the rights of the child. The past years have challenged the way in which we work but have also allowed us to see new issues emerge which we need to address urgently. Many organs, entities and Committees of the Council of Europe have contributed to the elaboration of this Strategy and it has also received valuable input from about 220 children in ten member states. I would like to thank them most sincerely for their support. It is our ambition to launch this new Strategy, once adopted by the Committee of Ministers, in Rome on 7-8 April, under the Italian Presidency to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Looking ahead I am pleased to announce that the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), with its Terms of Reference approved by the Committee of Ministers at the end of 2021, has been given a very pertinent work programme. We look forward to engaging with all our internal and external partners in launching this important work. Furthermore, the Committee of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Committee) is expected to adopt in March 2022 the Implementation report on its 2nd monitoring round: “The protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs)”. Its recommendations and promising practices will guide state Parties in better aligning their legislative and policy framework and practice with the requirements of the Lanzarote Convention, thus enhancing effective protection of children against ICTs facilitated sexual abuse. In the field of co-operation, we continue actively supporting our project partners with strengthening child rights protection mechanisms in line with international and Council of Europe standards, and working on new projects to assist interested member states with introduction/implementation of Barnahus (Children’s House) model. Wishing you all a very fruitful 2022!