
Strasbourg, 7 September 2020                                                                     CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)OJ1REV1

Committee of Experts on the Rights and the Best Interests of the Child in Parental Separation and in Care Proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE)

First Meeting, 24-25 September 2020

Videoconference – 2.00 pm -5.30 pm


[email protected]


1.   Opening of the meeting and welcome

2.   Adoption of the draft agenda and order of business

 Working documents


3.   CJ/ENF-ISE Tour de Table

Reference documents

CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)LOP1 / List of members

4.   Terms of reference of the CJ/ENF-ISE for 2020-2021

Reference documents

·      Terms of reference of the CJ/ENF-ISE

·      Background information – excerpts of meeting reports of the CAHENF, CDENF and CDCJ concerning the work of the CJ/ENF-ISE - CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)INF1

·      Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021)

·      Report: Workshop 7 – The Power of Family Relations respecting the best interests of the child in divorce or separation

5.   Presentation of the Council of Europe’s typology of legal instruments

6.   Exchange of views on the preparation of the reviews and on the scope and nature of the Council of Europe’s possible legal instruments and/or tools to be prepared

6.1  Protection of the best interests of the child and their rights in situations of parental separation

6.2  Protection of the best interests of the child in domestic law proceedings by public authorities to limit parental responsibilities or place a child in care

6.3  Preliminary exchange of views on possible legal instruments/tools to be prepared in the above-mentioned fields, considerations related to the structure of future guidelines, common factors and differences

6.4  Identification of information gaps, discussion and approval of draft questionnaire(s)

Working documents

·         Table of contributions received - CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)01

·         Compilation of written contributions - CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)02 (restricted document)

·         Draft questionnaire - CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)03  

Reference documents

·         Best interests of the child and children’s rights in parental separation - relevant international and European instruments - CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)INF2

·         Best interests of the child in care proceedings - relevant international and European instruments - CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)INF3

7.   Organisation of consultations with relevant stakeholders, including child participation

8.   Discussion of the proposed workplan and organisation of future work

Working documents

CJ/ENF-ISE(2020)04 –Working methods and workplan

9.   Dates of next meetings

10.  Any other business

11. Adoption of the abridged report