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Action against Trafficking in Human Beings www.coe.int/trafficking
Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
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Newsletter April- Mid-July 2024
GRETA holds its 51st plenary meeting
GRETA holds its 51st plenary meeting

The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) held its 51st plenary meeting from 1 to 5 July 2024 in Strasbourg, France.

GRETA adopted the final reports on the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by Aruba (combined first and second evaluation rounds), Czechia (second evaluation round), San Marino (third evaluation round) and Türkiye (second evaluation round). GRETA also approved the draft third round report on Liechtenstein and the draft fourth round reports on Austria, Cyprus and the Slovak Republic.

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34th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
34th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings

The 34th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings took place on 21 June 2024, in Strasbourg and online. During the meeting, the Committee re-elected Ambassador Maria Spassova (Bulgaria) as Chair for a second term of office of one year, and Ambassador Sini Paukkunen-Mykkänen (Finland) as Vice-Chair for a first term of office of one year.

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GRETA’s 2023 annual report highlights the need for strengthening trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies
GRETA’s 2023 annual report highlights the need for strengthening trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies
29 APRIL 2024

The Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings has published its latest general report of activities, highlighting the key achievements in 2023. These include the publication of 11 new country evaluation reports (in respect of Azerbaijan, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) and the launch of the fourth evaluation round of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, with a thematic focus on vulnerabilities to human trafficking.
The report includes a stocktaking of the third evaluation round of the Convention, which focused on trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies.

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GRETA publishes its third report on Switzerland
GRETA publishes its third report on Switzerland

In a report published on 20 June 2024, GRETA calls on Switzerland to take more measures against trafficking, particularly by improving victim identification and access to compensation, combating trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, and providing specialised assistance to children and asylum seekers who fall victim to trafficking.
GRETA welcomes the progress made since the publication in 2019 of its second evaluation report on Switzerland, including the adoption of the third National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings. Further, roundtables responsible for the co-ordination of anti-trafficking action were established in three additional cantons.

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GRETA publishes its third report on Switzerland
GRETA publishes its third report on Monaco

In a report published on 11 June 2024, GRETA calls on the Principality of Monaco to take further steps to combat trafficking, including by improving the identification of victims and the criminal justice response, and by strengthening measures to combat trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation.

Although no victims have been formally identified in Monaco since the entry into force of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in 2016, the risk of labour exploitation continues to raise concerns, particularly in sectors such as domestic work, construction, hotels and restaurants, and in work on private yachts. There are also concerns about the possible sexual exploitation of people who come to Monaco occasionally, notably for important events.

There has been some progress since the previous evaluation (2020), in particular as regards the legislative framework, the definition of the offence of trafficking, training for professionals and the provision of information to victims. 

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GRETA publishes its third report on Finland
GRETA publishes its third report on Finland

In a new report published on 10 June 2024, GRETA has called on Finland to strengthen the criminal justice response to human trafficking and to provide victims with compensation and specialised assistance.
The report reveals a significant increase in the number of identified trafficking victims, from 229 in 2019 to 367 in 2022. Nearly half of the victims were trafficked for the purpose of labour exploitation, followed by sexual exploitation (25%) and forced marriage (21%). Since the publication of GRETA’s previous evaluation report in 2019, Finland has made progress in a number of areas, including legislative amendments to the procedure for the identification of victims of trafficking and the permanent establishment of a Government anti-trafficking coordinator. 

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GRETA publishes its third report on Finland
GRETA publishes its third report on Germany

In its latest report, GRETA has urged the German authorities to take further action against human trafficking, notably by providing specialised assistance and compensation for victims and ensuring effective sanctions for human traffickers.
GRETA has welcomed positive developments since the publication of its second evaluation report on Germany in 2019, including  the designation of the German Institute of Human Rights as the National Reporting Mechanism on trafficking in human beings, and the expansion of the mandate of the Unit for Financial Control of Undeclared Work (FKS) to cover human trafficking. 

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GRETA carries out fourth evaluation visit to Albania
GRETA carries out fourth evaluation visit to Albania
ALBANIA 22 - 26 APRIL 2024

A GRETA delegation carried out an evaluation visit to Albania from 22 to 26 April 2024, as part of the fourth evaluation round of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
During the visit, the delegation met officials of the Ministry of the Interior (including the Office of the National Anti-Trafficking Co-ordinator and the State Police), other relevant ministries and agencies, members of the judiciary, members of the Regional Anti-Trafficking Committee in Durrës. to action against THB and of the judicial and Parliament.

GRETA’s delegation visited the National Reception Centre for Victims of Trafficking in Tirana, an NGO-run shelter for child victims of trafficking in Elbasan, a children institution (orphanage) in Tirana, as well as the detention centre for foreigners in Karreç.
The delegation had the opportunity to visit centres and shelters for THB victims, and other similar institutions.

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GRETA carries out fourth evaluation visit to Albania
GRETA carries out third evaluation visit to the Republic of Moldova
MOLDOVA 22 - 26 APRIL 2024

A delegation of GRETA carried out an evaluation visit to the Republic of Moldova on 22-26 April 2024, as part of the fourth evaluation round of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.

During the visit, the delegation met representatives of Directorate of Permanent Secretariats under the State Chancellery, which supports the work of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, as well as officials and central and local level.
The visit provided an opportunity to visit four state shelters which can accommodate victims of human trafficking (in Chișinău, Cahul and Hîncești), the Regional Centre for Rehabilitation of Victims of Domestic Violence in Chirsova, an accommodation centre for children in difficulty in Cahul, and a temporary accommodation centre for refugees in Chișinău.

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GRETA carries out third evaluation visit to Ukraine
GRETA carries out third evaluation visit to Ukraine
UKRAINE, 21 - 23 MAY 2024

A delegation of GRETA carried out an evaluation visit to Ukraine form 21 to 23 May 2024, as part of the third evaluation round of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
The GRETA delegation met Ms Uliana Tokarieva, Deputy Minister of Social Policy, responsible for the co-ordination of national anti-trafficking action, as well as representatives of relevant ministries, agencies, regional authorities in Lviv, civil society and intergovernmental organisations.

In the course of the visit, the GRETA delegation visited the Medical Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings run by the IOM in Kyiv and the Department of Social and Psychological Assistance of the Lviv Regional Centre of Social Services.

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GRETA carries out third evaluation visit to Ukraine
GRETA carries out fourth evaluation visit to Croatia
CROATIA, 3 - 7 JUNE 2024

A GRETA delegation carried out an evaluation visit to Croatia on 3-7 June 2024, as part of the fourth evaluation round of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
During the visit, the GRETA delegation met Mr Alen Tahiri, Director of the Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities and National Co-ordinator for Combating Human Trafficking, and representatives of relevant ministries, agencies, civil society and international organisations.
GRETA delegation visited a shelter for adult victims of human trafficking, as well as the reception centre for asylum seekers in Zagreb.

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Latvia: Round-table to discuss the country’s progress in combating human trafficking
Latvia: Round-table to discuss the country’s progress in combating human trafficking
RIGA, 18 APRIL 2024

Some 30 representatives of Latvian ministries, public bodies and civil society organisations met in Riga on 18 April 2024 to discuss the implementation of the recommendations from the third evaluation report on Latvia by the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) and the related Committee of the Parties’ recommendation.
The meeting was organised by the Anti-Trafficking Division of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of the Interior of Latvia, which co-ordinates national action against human trafficking.

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Latvia: Round-table to discuss the country’s progress in combating human trafficking
Norway: Round-table to discuss the country’s progress in combating human trafficking
OSLO, 7 MAY 2024

Some 35 representatives of Norwegian government agencies, public bodies and civil society organisations met in Oslo on 7 May 2024 to discuss the implementation of the recommendations of the third evaluation report on Norway by the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) and the related Committee of the Parties’ recommendation.
The meeting, organised by the Anti-Trafficking Division of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security of Norway, focused on victims’ access to justice and effective remedies, the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases, and the identification of victims of trafficking.

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Collaborative efforts and private sector role in combating human trafficking and labour exploitation highlighted at conference and roundtable in Bulgaria
Collaborative efforts and private sector role in combating human trafficking and labour exploitation highlighted at conference and roundtable in Bulgaria
SOFIA, 28 - 29 MAY 2024

More than 50 public officials, business and civil society representatives gathered in Sofia to discuss collaborative efforts in addressing human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. Hosted by the Office of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the Council of Europe's Anti-Trafficking Division, and supported by the Bulgarian National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the event encouraged dialogue and intensified action towards implementing ethical supply chains in Bulgaria. 
The event brought together representatives from governmental bodies, private sector stakeholders, business associations, chambers of commerce, labour inspectors, procurement practitioners, trade unions, civil society, diplomatic representatives, and international organizations.
Alongside the conference, an interactive Business Roundtable on “Human Rights Due Diligence” was held on 29 May, in cooperation with the UN Global Compact Bulgaria Network and the German Helpdesk Business and Human Rights.

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Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine discusses the risks of trafficking of Ukrainian children, including for the purposes of sexual and labour exploitation.
Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine discusses the risks of trafficking of Ukrainian children, including for the purposes of sexual and labour exploitation.

Millions of Ukrainian children have fled their homeland as a result of Russia’s war of aggression, with many of them being hosted in Council of Europe member states. Armed conflicts create particular vulnerabilities for children leading to increased risks of abuse at many levels, including trafficking in human beings. In this context, new challenges in preventing and combating human trafficking affecting children have emerged.
Against this background, the Council of Europe Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine (CGU), a multilateral operational co-operation platform set up as a direct follow-up to the Reykjavík Summit, dedicated part of its 3rd plenary (1-2 July) to a special hearing on “Understanding the risks of human trafficking, including for the purposes of sexual and labour exploitation of children of Ukraine”. 
Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) presented GRETA’s work on preventing and combating human trafficking focusing on risks related to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

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Supporting countries in the implementation of the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention
Supporting countries in the implementation of the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention

Cooperation projects on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings have continued being implemented in Bosnia and HerzegovinaMaltaNorth Macedonia, Serbia, as well as in the framework of the South programme. A range of activities have been carried out as part of these projects. Seminars were organised in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia on the topic of online and technology-facilitated trafficking in human beings. Preventing and combating labour trafficking, and empowering its victims, was the focus of a multi-disciplinary round table in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as of a capacity-building event in North Macedonia. In Malta, the preparation of the National Anti-Trafficking Strategy is at its final stages

  • GRETA fourth evaluation visit to Georgia (23 - 27 September 2024)
  • GRETA fourth evaluation visit to Bulgaria (30 September - 4 October 2024)
  • GRETA fourth evaluation visit to Denmark (7 - 11 October 2024)
  • GRETA fourth evaluation visit to Romania (7 - 11 October 2024)
  • Round-table meeting on the follow-up given to the recommendations made by GRETA and the Committee of the Parties in Ireland (19 September 2024)
  • Round-table meeting on the follow-up given to the recommendations made by GRETA and the Committee of the Parties in Luxembourg (27 September 2024)
  • Round-table meeting on the follow-up given to the recommendations made by GRETA and the Committee of the Parties in Belgium (1 October 2024)
  • Meeting of the Council of Europe Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs providing legal assistance to victims of trafficking (17-18 October 2024)
  • Deadline for submitting candidates for the elections of GRETA members: 29 September 2024 (the elections will take place during the Committee of the Parties’ meeting on 29 November 2024)
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