for the period from 01 July 2018 to 30 June 2020 prepared by the Government of the Republic of Turkey in accordance with Article 76 of the European Code on Social Security on the position of national law and practice in regard to the matters dealth with Part of the European Code of Social Security which have not been specified in the ratification of the Code or in a subsequent notification.

Republic of Turkey has not ratified Family Benefits which appears under part VII and Unemployment Benefits under part IV of the European Code of Social Security.


I. Unemployment Insurance and Legal Framework

The legal regulation for unemployment insurance has been enacted through the Law on Unemployment Insurance No. 4447 published on the Official Gazette No. 23810 dated 08 September 1999. Unemployment Insurance Fund has been established with the same law.

The Unemployment Insurance is a compulsory insurance which partially meets the income loss of those who have lost their jobs without their own will and fault, although they possess the will, the capacity, the health and the qualifications required by the job. It has been insurance established by the State and operates upon insurance techniques.

Unemployment Benefit is the payment made within the duration and amount described in the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447.

Pursuant to the Law No. 4447, the State, employers and insurance holders pay unemployment insurance premiums in order to cover the payments, service and management expenses required by unemployment insurance.

Unemployment insurance premium is collected from the insured at a rate of 1%, from the employer at 2% and as State subsidy at 1%, all calculated using the monthly gross earning amount of the insured which is the basis for the premium.

In this context, unemployment benefit system in Turkey is based on the contribution-based insurance system in within the scope of the Law No. 4447.  Currently, there is no universal budgetary unemployment benefit without relying on contributions. The following sections of the report are based on this general rule.

The current legislation on unemployment insurance are listed below;

1.      "Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447" published in the Official Gazette dated 08.09.1999 and numbered 23810

2.      “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Evaluation of Unemployment Insurance Fund Resources" published in the Official Gazette dated 01.09.2004 and numbered 25570

3.      "Communiqué No. 1 on the Implementation of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447" published in the Official Gazette dated 21.05.2000 and numbered 24055

4.      "Communiqué No. 2 on the Implementation of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447" published in the Official Gazette dated 29.06.2000 and numbered 24094

5.      “Communiqué No. 3 on the Implementation of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447" published in the Official Gazette dated 30.01.2002 and numbered 24656

6.      “Communiqué No. 4 on the Implementation of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447" published in the Official Gazette dated 30.05.2002 and numbered 24770


1.  Scope

The scope of the unemployment insurance law in Turkey is stated in Article 46 of the Law No. 4447. According to this Article, those who are covered by unemployment insurance are as follows:

§  The insured persons working on contract, defined in Clause (a) of Paragraph 1, and in Paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Law on Social Security and Universal Health Insurance no. 5510.

§  The insured persons who are working on part-time working contract under Labour Law No. 4857 and also voluntary insurance holders paying unemployment insurance premiums in the scope of Paragraph 1 of Article 52 of the Law No. 5510, and those in the scope of Additional Article 6 of the same law.

§  The insured persons subject to the funds specified in the provisional Article 20 of the Law on Social Security No. 506.

According to Social Security Institution’s data for the end of March 2020, the number of active insured is approximately 22 million and the number of people within the scope of unemployment insurance is approximately 14.480.000.

Those who are not within the scope of unemployment insurance are civil servants and self-employed workers in general. "Artisan Guild Fund” has been added to Additional Article 6 of Law No. 4447 with the Article 9 of the Law "Restructuring Certain Claims and Making Amendments to Certain Laws and Decree Laws" published in the Official Gazette dated 08.03.2017 and numbered 30001. The aim of the fund is to prevent any possible hardship of the insured and their family members, and partially meet the loss of income of the self-employed persons. The legislation will take effect from 01.01.2021.

2. Conditions for Entitlement to Benefits

In order to be eligible for unemployment benefit under the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447, the following conditions shall be fulfilled:

§  Employment contract shall terminate without the person’s will or fault,

§  The person shall apply to the Turkish Employment Agency in person or online within 30 days of the termination of employment contract,

§  The person shall have worked continuously, paying unemployment benefit premiums, for the last 120 days before the termination of employment contract and he/she shall have paid unemployment benefit premiums for at least 600 days within the last three years.

Except for force majeure, the time delayed on application is deducted from the total period of entitlement.

Unemployment benefit is granted for the following periods according to the working period in the last three years before termination of the service contract.

§  180 days for insured unemployed who have worked insured for 600 days and paid unemployment insurance premiums,

§  240 days for insured unemployed who have worked insured for 900 days and paid unemployment insurance premiums,

§  300 days for insured unemployed who have worked insured for 1080 days and paid unemployment insurance premiums.

3. Level of Benefits

Daily unemployment insurance benefit is calculated as 40% of daily average gross earning which is calculated in consideration of earnings taken as the basis for the premium for the last 4 months. The sum of unemployment benefit calculated as explained may not exceed 80% of the gross sum of monthly minimum wage.

The rate of the minimum amount of unemployment benefit divided by net minimum wage is 50%.

Maximum amount of unemployment benefit is calculated by taking into account the average daily earnings of all the insurance holders in the scope of Social Security Institution’s unemployment insurance in March 2020. Average earning of a qualified worker was calculated based on the paragraph 6 of Article 65 of the European Code of Social Security. The rate of maximum amount of unemployment benefit divided by the average net wage is 54.5%.

4. Miscellaneous

a. Citizens may resort to judicial process against the work and operations carried out by the administration regarding the unemployment insurance.

b. Unemployment insurance premium is collected from the insurance holder at a rate of 1%, from the employer at 2% and as State subsidy at 1% of the monthly gross earning amount of the insured, which is the basis for the premium, according to Articles 80 and 82 of the Law on Social Security and Universal Health Insurance No. 5510. This premium fund is directed in line with the decisions of the Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR) Board of Directors, responsible for investment of the fund sources in the market conditions, managing the audit of income and expenses of the fund, and ensure that audit reports are announced to the public. Board of Directors consists of 6 members, namely the Director General of the Turkish Employment Agency, representative of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, representative of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, a member designated by the workers’ confederation with the highest number of members, a member designated by the employers’ confederation with the highest number of members, and a member designated by the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen.

c. According to Article 53 of Law No. 4447, Unemployment Insurance Fund is supervised by the Court of Accounts. In addition, the income and expenditures of the Fund are auditted quarterly by professional certified public accountants, who have licence and supervisory authority according to the Law No. 3568 dated 01.06.1989 and the results of audit reports are announced.


1.    With the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 09.11.2018 and numbered 30590, “Regulation on Short-Time Working and Short-Time Working Benefit” has been amended. With the amendment, the phrase of “periodical cases arising from external factors” has been added to the force majeure such as earthquake and fire so that employers with difficulties due to periodic developments could benefit from the short-time working application. Compliance determination procedures of applications for short-time working has been decided to be carried out by the Labour Inspections Board of the Ministry. Moreover, measures have been taken to eliminate the problems related to implementation of the programme and revisions have been made in the organisation of the Ministry.

Short-Time Working is an implementation that provides income support for a duration not exceeding three months, in the event that the weekly working hours in the workplace are temporarily reduced by at least one third or if the workplace is stopped completely or partially for at least four weeks due to general economic, sectoral, regional crisis or force majeure.

2.    3-month short-time working period for the workplaces that implement short-time working due to force majeure in terms of periodical cases arising from external factors has been extended for 3 months based on the Presidential Decree numbered 1198 published in the Official Gazette dated 26.06.2019 and numbered 30813, and in case short-time working period is extended, the payment made in the first three months would not be deducted from the unemployment benefit period determined at the beginning.

3.    With the Law No. 7161 dated 18.01.2019, the statement “having worked continuously by paying premium” in Article 50 of the Law No. 4447 was amended as “being subject to employment contract”. After the amendment, the condition of “the last 120 days”, which is one of the requirements for entitlement to unemployment benefit was improved.

4.    In 2020, according to Article 17 of “the Law on Amendments to Certain Laws No. 7226” published in the Official Gazette dated 26.03.2020 and numbered 31080 and provisions added as provisional Article 22 to Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447, provisions regarding Artisan Guild Fund in the Law No. 5510 were amended as not to be applied until 01.01.2021.

5.    Conditions for entitlement to short-time working application due to new coronavirus (Covid-19) were facilitated with Article 41 of the Law No. 7226published in the Official Gazette dated 26.03.2020 and numbered 31080 (repeated). With the amendment made, the premium payment requirement for 600 days was reduced to 450 days and the requirement of being subject to labour contract for the last 120 days was reduced to 60 days, which are required for the worker to be entitled to the benefit.

6.    With the Law No. 7244 published in the Official Gazette dated 17.04.2020 and numbered 31102, it was determined that for short-time working applications due to new coronavirus (Covid-19), the short-time working benefit would be paid in line with the statements of employers, and the determination of conformity would be made later by the labour inspectors affiliated to the Directorate of Guidance and Inspection. In this process, overpayment or improper payments due to misinformation and incorrect documents provided by employers will be collected from employers along with their legal interest.

7.    With the Law No. 7244, it has been also ensured that employees who have taken unpaid leave according to the Provisional Article 10 of the Labour Law No. 4857 and cannot benefit from short-time working benefit and employees who cannot receive unemployment benefit although their labour contracts have been cancelled in a way to be entitled to unemployment benefit would benefit from Cash Wage Support for a period that cannot exceed the period in which labour contract cannot be cancelled as stated in the Provisional Article 10, on the condition that they do not receive any old-age pension from a social security institution.

·         Employees who are given unpaid leave by employers and cannot benefit from short-time working benefit, and employees who do not receive old age pension and whose labour contracts were cancelled after 15/03/2020, but do not have the right to get unemployment benefit, benefit from cash wage support.

·         Cash wage support will continue to be provided within the time the person has unpaid leave in the period in which his/her employment guarantee under the Provisional Article 10 of the Law No. 4857 continues, and general health insurance premiums of those who benefit from the support in the same period will be covered from Unemployment Insurance Fund. 


42 social assistance programs are carried out by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services for the needy citizens through the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations, in line with the Law on Encouragement of Social Assistance and Solidarity No. 3294, the Law No. 2022 on Putting Needy, Weak, Forlorn Turkish Citizens Over the Age of 65 on Pension, and other legislative provisions. The social assistance programs that are being carried out, regular and permanent, are classified as family benefits, shelter and food aids, aids for the elderly and the disabled, health aids, educational aids and project supports.

Other legislation on the provision of regular central aid programs are as follows:

§  Article 73 of the Sixth Section, Second Part of the Presidential Decree on Presidential Organization No. 1, published in the Official Gazette dated 10/07/2018 and numbered 30474

§  Provisions of the Law No. 3294 on Encouragement of Social Assistance and Solidarity, amended by Law No. 6353 of 04/07/2012

§  The section titled 2, 2.1 of the Fund Board decision dated 20.06.2013 and numbered 2013/5, regulating the procedures and principles regarding the aid program for the families of the soldiers in need

§  The section titled 3 of the Fund Board decision dated 29.12.2011 and numbered 2011/8, which regulates the procedures and principles regarding the Regular Cash Aid Program for Women Whose Spouse Has Deceased

§  Circular No. 2012/6 on the Regular Cash Aid Program for Women Whose Spouse Has Deceased

§  Fund Board decisions 2014/3, 2015/7, 2014/3, and 2014/4

§  Circular No. 2012/10

§  Procedures and Principles Regarding the Aid Program for Orphans and Children of Soldiers approved by the Fund Board Decision dated 25.03.2015 and numbered 2015/2

§  Decision of the Fund Board dated 22.05.2018 and numbered 2018/2 on the Aid Program for Cash Support for Needy Families with Multiple Births

§  Decision of the Fund Board dated 09.03.2017 and numbered 2017/2 on the Regular Cash Aid Program for Tuberculosis and SSPE Patients with Psycho-Social and Financial Loss, Decision 2017/5 dated 23.08.2017

§  Procedures and principles regarding the implementation of the electricity consumption support program put into effect by the Presidential Decree dated 27/2/2019 and numbered 795, published in the Official Gazette dated 28/2/2019 and numbered 30700.

A.    Conditional Education Aid Program


Primary and secondary school students with families who have no social security and determined to be in need by the Board of Trustees of the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations, according to the Law No. 3294 are the beneficiaries of this program.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order to benefit from this assistance program, the condition of attendance of the students in need to primary or secondary school is required.

Level of Benefits:

Aid amounts are incresed from 40 TL to 50 TL per month for girls attending primary education, 35 TL to 45 TL for boys, 60 TL to 75 TL per month for girls attending secondary education, 50 TL to 55 TL for boys. The increase will be reflected in the July 2020 payment. Payments to girls and secondary school students are higher, thereby contributing more to participation in secondary education and girls' education. Payments made under this assistance program are made to cover the education costs of children. Payments are made primarily to mothers.

B.     Conditional Health Aid Program


It is a conditional aid program, which provides payment to the beneficiaries provided that their children between the ages of 0-6 are regularly monitored during the health control months determined by the Ministry of Health.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order to be eligible for this aid, it is necessary that there is no person with social insurance in the household of the person applying for assistance on behalf of the child and that the relevant household is determined to be in need under the Law No. 3294 by the Board of Trustees, and that the beneficial child between the ages of 0-6 is checked regularly.

Level of Benefits:

In case of fulfilment of the necessary conditions, regular monthly cash aid of 35 TL is provided per child, while this amount was increased to 45 TL with the approval of the Presidency dated 05.03.2020 and numbered 10749, and the increase was reflected in the May 2020 payment.

C.    Conditional Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Aid Program


The program is carried out to support pregnant women in the low-income groups during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum periods, in order to minimize health problems encountered during pregnancy and early childhood deaths.

Conditions for Entitlement:

Within the scope of the program, according to Law No. 3294, pregnant women who have no social security and are determined to be in need by the Board of Trustees, are provided aid on condition that they regularly go to doctor examinations during their pregnancies, give birth in the hospital and go to doctor examinations during the 2-month postpartum period.

Level of Benefits:

Conditional Pregnancy Benefit increased from 35 TL to 45 TL, Maternity Benefit from 35 TL to 45 TL per month, Maternity Benefit from 75 TL to 100 TL, and the increase is reflected in the May 2020 payment.

D.    Multiple Birth Aid Program for the Needy Families


Within the scope of this program, assistance is provided to families who are in need according to the Law No. 3294 and to each of their 0-24 months old children who are born with multiple births and survive.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order to benefit from the assistance program, it should be determined that the monthly amount of income per capita in the household is below 1/3 of the minimum wage, there are children born with multiple births in the age of 0-24 months, and health checks are made at the health institution where the children are registered at certain periods.

Level of Benefits:

This benefit is paid as a total of 300 TL per child every two months, as 150 TL per child every month.

E.     Cash Aid Program for the Needy Families of the Soldiers


In case the young men under compulsory military service is providing the income of the household, the members of the family may risk facing periodic poverty. The soldier's spouse, mother or father can benefit from this assistance program to avert the risk of poverty during the military service period.

Conditions for Entitlement:

The wife or mother/father of the person who is performing or will perform his military service can benefit from this assistance program, in case they do not have social security and found to be poor and in need under Law No. 3294. The beneficiaries of this program are only the soldier's wife, mother and father respectively.

Level of Benefits:

While the program aids are paid as 550 TL in 2-month periods, 275 TL per month, the monthly amount has been increased from 275 TL to 400 TL with the approval of the Presidency dated 27.03.2020 and numbered 14375, and the increase has been reflected to the 2020 April payment.

F.     Cash Aid Program for the Needy Children of the Soldiers


According to the Law No. 3294, children who are under the age of 18, not married and living with their mother who is benefiting from the Cash Aid Program for the Needy Families of the Soldiers can benefit from this program.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order to benefit from assistance program, it should be determined that the beneficiary child has not reached the age of 18, his father is in military service, he is single and that he is in need according to the Law No. 3294. Aid is provided during the father's military service.

Level of Benefits:

While the aid is paid as 200 TL in 2-month periods, with a monthly amount of 100 TL per child, with the approval of the Presidency dated 27.03.2020 and numbered 14375, the monthly amount per child was increased from 100 TL to 150 TL, and the increase was reflected in the 2020 April payment.

G.    Regular Cash Aid Program for Women Whose Spouse Has Deceased


This assistance program covers women in need, according to Law No. 3294, whose latest spouse died while their official marriage continued.

Conditions for Entitlement:

Women whose spouse died during her last official marriage can benefit from this assistance program provided that she is not currently married and none of the persons in the household is subject to a social security institution.

Level of Benefits:

In this assistance program, a total of 550 TL is paid to the beneficiary every two months, 275 TL per month, while the monthly amount was increased from 275 TL to 325 TL with the approval of the Presidency dated 05.03.2020 and the increase was reflected to the 2020 April payment.

H.    Orphan Aid Program


The Orphan Aid Program is a program for children under the age of 18, who are in need under the Law No. 3294, whose mother/father or both have deceased.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order to benefit from the program, the beneficiary child whose mother/father or both have deceased shall be under the age of 18 and single. In order to be eligible to apply, the applicant shall reside in the same house with the child, determined to be in need according to Law No. 3294 and none of the persons in the household is subject to a social security institution.

Level of Benefits:

The Orphan Aid is paid as 200 TL in 2-month periods, 100 TL per month, while the monthly amount per child has been increased from 100 TL to 150 TL with the approval of the Presidency dated 22.04.2020, effective as June 2020.

I.       Chronic Disease Aid Program


Chronic Disease Aid Program is a central regular cash aid program developed for patients suffering from psychosocial and financial losses due to Tuberculosis and Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) disease, which is accepted as an emergency within the scope of paragraph 4 of Article 2 of Law No. 3294.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order to benefit from the assistance program, it should be determined that the monthly amount of income per capita in the household is below 2/3 of the minimum wage, the tuberculosis patient is continuing the treatment, follow-up and controls of programmed by Tuberculosis Dispensary regularly, using his medicines as prescribed the doctor and SSPE disease is documented by the medical board report.

Level of Benefits:

In this help program, monthly 1,460.61 TL is paid for each individual patient. An additional monthly maintenance fee of 600 TL is made to the patients who are found to be unable to perform medical self-care or those who are found to need to improve their home care conditions.

J.      Electricity Consumption Support Program


Within the scope of Laws No. 3294 and 2022, this program covers the electricity consumption support provided by the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations to the households entitled to receive monthly or regular social assistance.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In order for individuals to benefit from the Electricity Consumption Support Program, they must meet the criteria of being a Turkish citizen, having a right to receive a monthly or regular social assistance within the scope of Laws No. 3294 and 2022, and that the invoice belongs to the residential group.

Level of Benefits:

Amounts of monthly support provided for electricity consumption are as follows:

§  75 kilowatt-hours per month for needy households of 1-2 people,

§  100 kilowatt-hours per month for needy households of 3 persons,

§  125 kilowatt-hours per month for needy households of 4 people,

§  150 kilowatt-hours per month for needy households of 5 or more persons

Information Regarding Regular Central Assistance Programs

Regular central assistance financing is covered by the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations (SYDV) established under the Law on Encouragement of Social Assistance and Solidarity No. 3294.

Applicants may appeal against the decisions made by SYDV in writing at any time. Objections made by applicants within the scope of regular central aids should be concluded positively or negatively and notified to the relevant person within 1 month from the date of appeal by the Board of Trustees of the Foundations.

Applications made within the scope of Regular Central Aids are evaluated based on households. The concept of household is defined as the ones who are registered in the same residence according to the Address Based Population Registration System, whether or not they have kinship ties, including children studying outside the city.

For the determination of the neediness of the people who will benefit from the programs, considering the purpose and scope of the Law No. 3294, the socio-economic status of the households should be evaluated by the Board of Trustees considering the reports created as a result of the social examination to be performed on site.

According to the Law No. 3294, the amount of aid sent to the beneficiary accounts within the scope of Regular Central Aids cannot be foreclosed, transferred or assigned even with the person's consent.

Other Payments

A.    Contribution Share Payments


Contribution share is defined in the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, as the amount to be paid by the general health insurer or the dependents to benefit from health services.

Conditions for Entitlement:

Within the scope of the paragraphs 60 / c-1 (formerly green card holders) and 60 / c-3 (benefiting from the Law No. 2022) of the Law No. 5510, the amounts paid as hospital, medicine, medical devices and materials, optics, etc. contribution shares are reimbursed by the Foundation, if requested, and if deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees.

Level of Benefits:

The amounts paid are the expenses for hospital, medicine, medical devices and materials, optics, etc.

B.     General Health Insurance Premium Payments


Regarding Article 87/1/c of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, which has been enforced as of 01/01/2012 in order to secure individuals in terms of social insurances and general health insurance, General Health Insurance premiums of the persons listed in Article 60/1-c of the Law are paid to the Social Security Institution every month.

Conditions for Entitlement:

In case the monthly amount of income per capita in the family is less than of third of the lower limit of income which is the basis of premium calculation, then the General Health Insurance premiums arepaid by the Social Security Institution (SSI). The amount of income is determined as a result of the examination by the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations, on the application for income test.

Level of Benefits:

For individuals specified in Article 60/1-c of Law No. 5510, the lower limit of income which is the basis of premium is taken as basis. The mentioned premium amount is 117.72 TL for 2020.

Information Regarding Pensions in the Scope of the Law No. 2022 on Putting Needy, Weak, Forlorn Turkish Citizens Over the Age of 65 on Pension

Conditions related to the pensions covered by the Law No. 2022 are determined within the framework of the provisions of the Regulation of the same Law.

a.      Elderly Pension

The citizens are entitled to receive elderly pension under the Law No. 2022 if they fulfil the following conditions:

• Completing the age of 65,

• Not having worked as to be subject to long-term insurance branches,

• Not benefiting from any monthly pension right from social security institutions,

• Not receiving or able to receive alimony,

• Not under institutional care,

• The average monthly income per capita is less than 1/3 of the net minimum wage, taking into account himself/herself and spouse.

b.      Disability Pensions

The citizens are entitled to receive disability pension under the Law No. 2022 if they fulfil the following conditions:

• 40% or more disabled over 18 years of age or relatives of a person younger than 18 years of age, with at least mild special requirement level.

• Not having worked as to be subject to long-term insurance branches,

• Not benefiting from any monthly pension right from social security institutions,

• Not receiving or able to receive alimony,

• Not under institutional care,

• The average monthly income per capita in the household is less than 1/3 of the net minimum wage (701.32 TL for 2020).

The medical board reports, which are the basis for issuing disabled pensions, are prepared according to the conditions specified in the Regulation on Disability Assessment for Adults and the Regulation on Special Needs Assessment for Children.

Information regarding other aids

Birth Aid      

Within the framework of Article 4 of the Decree Law No. 633, Turkish citizens and blue cardholders[1] are provided with one-time cash support for children born alive as from 15.05.2015. 300 TL is paid for the first child, 400 TL for the second and 600 TL for the third and subsequent children.

Terror Damage Aid

Essential needs of the poor and needy people affected by terrorist incidents are met by the aid, such as emergency food, clothing, road, education and shelter. The amount of aid determined by the Board of Trustees cannot exceed 1.200 TL per household.

Disaster-Emergency Aids

In cases of earthquake, fire, flood and landslide etc., the basic needs of citizens affected by the disaster are met for the first month of the disaster, without the condition of being in need. The amount of disaster / emergency aids is determined by the Board of Trustees by evaluating the emerging needs after the disaster.

Employment Guidance-Start Assistance

In case the social aid beneficiary goes to a job interview or hired, the necessary expenses such as travel, health report, stationary etc. are covered.

[1] The blue card is given to those who become Turkish citizens by birth but lose their Turkish citizenship by obtaining permission to revoke their citizenship, and to their children born after renunciation. Blue cardholders enjoy all the rights granted to Turkish citizens, except rights and obligations such as the right to vote and the obligation to perform military service.