| Upcoming Activities | | - 7-14 September 2021, European Youth Centre Budapest, 1st residential seminar of the ENTER! long term training course
- 8 September 2021, Strasbourg and on-line, Meeting of the group drafting a CM recommendation on protecting youth civil society and young people, and supporting their participation in democratic processes
- 8 September 2021, on-line, European Youth Foundation Info Session on EYF grants to International Youth Activities
- 8-11 September 2021, Graz, Austria, COMPASS National training course Methods of Human Rights Education in formal and non-formal educational setting in cooperation with the Department of Education of the Government of Styria
- 9 September 2021, on-line, European Youth Foundation Info Session on EYF grants to Annual work plans
- 9-10 September 2021, Strasbourg and on-line, 3rd meeting of the Steering group on a future Council of Europe youth campaign to revitalise democracy or alternative action
- 13-17 September 2021, European Youth Centre Budapest, BE A VOICE, NOT AN ECHO, Study session - in cooperation with the European Alliance of YMCAs
- 13-17 September 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, Strengthening youth participation and civic engagement of young people: training seminar for staff of youth centres - partners of the Council of Europe project "Youth for Democracy in Ukraine"
- 13-19 September 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan, COMPASS National training course National Training Course on Human Rights Education for youth trainers and multipliers from Azerbaijan in 2021 in cooperation with the National Assembly of Youth Organisation of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- 16-17 September 2021, European Youth Centre Strasbourg, Consultative meeting on Access to Rights for young people
- 17-20 September 2021, Firenze, Italy, COMPASS National training course SHARED-Support Human Rights Education in cooperation with Now Here +, REDU – Rete Educare ai Diritti Umani
- 20-25 September 2021, European Youth Centre Strasbourg, Unrepresented Diplomats: A study session for European Minority Youth on Shrinking Civic Space, Political Participation and Freedom of Association in cooperation with the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO), European Free Alliance Youth (EFAy), and The Youth of European Nationalities (YEN)
- 20-24 September 2021, Brussels, Belgium, COMPASS National training course Formation Repères “Les Droits Humains pour kids'' in cooperation with the Le Foyer des Jeunes des Marolles (FJM)
- 27 September-2 October 2021, Ankara, Turkey, COMPASS National training course Discovering Human Rights through Compass in cooperation with the ULUSLARARASI GENÇLİK AKTİVİTELERİ MERKEZİ DERNEĞİ – IYACA
- 27 September-2 October 2021, European Youth Centre Strasbourg, Peer Education for Social Sustainability - Do your part! Study session in cooperation with the European Students’ Union (ESU)
- 1-4 October 2021, Skopje, North Macedonia, COMPASS National training course ComPASSforYouthPass-Education in Human Rights in cooperation with the National Youth Council of North Macedonia
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