[Place, date]

To the attention of

Mr. Stefano Dominioni,

Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement

on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and

Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes

Subject:  Application for certification as a “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” of [name of the Cultural Route]

In my capacity as President of the [name of the association] association, I should like to inform you that the [name of the Cultural Route] is planning to submit an application for certification as “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” in the framework of the 20….-20…. Certification Cyle.

Please find below additional information concerning the candidate network:

1.    Name of the Cultural Route:

2.    Route’s theme: (1 paragraph) 

3.    Legal body responsible for the management of the Route: (name, type, date and place of establishment)

4.    Route’s headquarters:

5.    Number of members involved:

6.    Countries involved in the network:

7.    Route’s website:

8.    Name and email address of the Route’s manager and president:

I thank you in advance and I remain at your disposal for any further information.

Best regards,
