Excellences, chères et chers collègues et  ami.es, cher Monsieur Jean-Paul GRETH

Today, 2 months after receiving the Torch of the 2024 Olympic Games in our Parliamentary Assembly here in Strasbourg, we are hosting the Paralympic Torch – travelling through France for the first time in its history. Strasbourg, along with 11 other French cities, is fortunate to be able to witness this historic event.

We, in the Council of Europe, feel particularly honoured to welcome the Torch in our premises. For me, personally, it is not only a great honour but a special emotion, not only because I come from the country were the Olympic Games were born – Greece – but most importantly because I am a mother of a child who lost his leg when he was 4 years old, alongside his father, and found his strength and courage in sports, inspired by his 2 heroes: Franck Steketee, our colleague who many of you will surely remember and Michalis Seitis, a Greek paralympic athlete, both with an amputated leg.

Sport, for us, is an integral part of our European societies, indeed of all societies in the world.  And we are convinced that sports are central to the life and core values of our democracies.

Sport is a unique vector to bring all parts of society together, to share joy and passion and to celebrate the best of human achievement.  It is a level playing field where children and adults alike can learn and practice the values of human dignity, equality and inclusion.

This is why the Council of Europe is committed to sports for all.

Our European Sports Charter recognises that all persons and groups in society, not least those with disabilities, or, as I prefer, - those who are simply "differently-abled" - should be given every opportunity to enter the sports field and to join sports communities - at all levels, from the school team to the Olympic stadium. 

In an environment that is warm, welcoming and affirming of the rights of each and everyone.

Discrimination must never be tolerated – on any ground whatsoever - gender, ethnic background, disability or for any other reason.

And nor can we tolerate gender inequality, hate speech, or the terrible reality of child abuse in sports.

Our Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport provides a unique platform for governments to work alongside sports organisations and civil society –

So that, together, we can shape new policies, campaigns and initiatives that ensure the very best environment for sports.

The International Paralympic Committee participates at the heart of that work –

The Council of Europe has also developed a range of sports conventions that our member states and countries throughout the world can join.

On anti-doping, match-fixing, and on spectator violence at football matches and other sports events.

These too are about creating a fair, safe and open environment in which every individual feels respected and included.

Mesdames et Messieurs, cher Jean-Paul,

Les Jeux Paralympiques et les athlètes qui y participent, ont déjà fait leurs preuves.  Dans les dernières années, iIs et elles ont contribué massivement à changer les attitudes et les regards sur les personnes en situation d'handicap.  Dans les prochains jours, les athlètes de ces Jeux de Paris 2024 nous épateront, tout simplement, tout comme l'ont fait les athlètes des jeux olympiques classiques qui viennent de terminer, à un changement sociétal.

Par mon histoire personnelle, je sais combien il est important pour les personnes en situation de handicap, et pour leurs familles, de voir ces belles réussites et de se sentir vus, reconnus et applaudis en tant que membres à part entière de nos sociétés et de nos événements communs.

Pour citer Mme Marie-Amelie Le Fur, présidente du Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français, athlète et médaillée paralympique, lors d’une audition dans la Commission Egalité de notre Assemblée parlementaire :

« les Jeux Paralympiques sont un moyen non stigmatisant de reconnaître les personnes en situation de handicap pour ce qu’elles sont et non pour ce qui leur manque ».

Je n’oublierai jamais le sourire de mon fils la première fois qu’il a mis une prothèse de course, sourire contagieux, grâce au progrès des sciences, des médecins, des kinésithérapeutes et des prothésistes d’Europe. Que nos athlètes nous procurent le même sourire que celui de mon fils, sourire de l’exploit, de l’espoir et du dépassement de soi.

Vive le sport pour toutes et tous !