The Congress

of Local and Regional Authorities

Council of Europe

F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex

Tel : +33 (0)3 88 41 21 10

Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 27 51/ 37 47

Strasbourg, 27 October 2006                                                                                     CG (13)33



(Autumn Session, Moscow, 14-15 November 2006)


observed on 6 October 2006

Rapporteur: Véronique Moreira, France

Chamber of Regions, Political Group: SOC





The Congress was invited by the Azerbaijani authorities to observe the partial repeat of local elections in Azerbaijan on 6 October 2006. Five Congress observer teams were therefore deployed across Azerbaijan. Despite a generally professional and orderly conduct of the elections, the Congress observers witnessed serious irregularities inside and outside the polling stations, such as ballot stuffing, family voting and attempts of influence.

As in the observation of local elections in 2004, this Congress mission highlighted again serious issues concerning the periods before and after the Election Day. The Congress delegation was actually concerned by the low turnout, the poor electoral campaign, the low level of understanding of the role of municipalities and the lack of political commitment to local and regional matters.

The Congress considers that significant progress must be made for Azerbaijan to fully meet its commitments regarding Council of Europe election principles and standards. Further to these commitments, the Congress invites the Azerbaijani authorities, in its Recommendation 206 (2006), to undertake legislative reforms, to provide further training, to increase the participation of citizens, in particular women, and civil society in public affairs in order to improve democratic practices in Azerbaijan.

The Congress undertakes for its part, in its Resolution 225 (2006), to follow closely the developments and measures taken by the Authorities of Azerbaijan in the implementation of these recommendations, and to keep supporting the Azerbaijani authorities in their efforts to develop local and regional democracy, in particular through the joint project with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities to favour the establishment of a National Association of local authorities in Azerbaijan.

Table of Contents

1.     Introduction. 6

2.     Background. 7

2.1.      Territorial organisation. 7

2.2.      Legal framework. 8

3.     The elections. 9

3.1.      Voters Register. 9

3.2.      Candidates and political parties. 9

3.3.      Campaign. 10

3.4.      Election Day. 10

3.5.      Results. 11

4.     Conclusions. 12


Appendix I – Press statement issued during a press conference

held in Baku on 7 October 2006 ..................................................................................... 13

Appendix II – Programme of meetings and briefings attended by

the Congress delegation on 4-5 October 2006 ............................................................ 15

Appendix III – Deployment areas ................................................................................... 17

Appendix IV – Bibliography ........................................................................................... 18

1.            Introduction

1.         Following an invitation by Mr Mazahir PANAHOV, Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan,[1] the Bureau of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe decided to send a delegation to observe the partial repeat of municipal elections in Azerbaijan on 6 October 2006[2].

2.         The Congress delegation was headed by Mrs Ludmila Sfirloaga (Romania, SOC, R) and composed of Ms Brith Fäldt (Sweden, SOC, L), Mr Mihkel Juhkami (Estonia, EPP/CD, L), Mr David Lloyd-Williams (UK, ILDG, R), Mrs Véronique Moreira (France, SOC, R) and Mr Paolo Rondelli (San Marino, SOC, R). The delegation was accompanied by Mrs Antonella Cagnolati, Ms Caroline Martin and Ms Gönül Kocak, from the Congress Secretariat.

3.         Previous local elections were held on 17 December 2004; on this occasion a Congress observation mission was deployed, following which the Congress drafted an interim report[3] including preliminary recommendations. These elections were invalidated by the CEC in 135 municipalities, because of irregularities and complaints, and in another 6 municipalities later on, which created the necessity to organise repeat elections. Parliamentary elections were held in October 2005 and their partial re-run in May 2006, causing a tremendous delay in the organisation of repeat partial local elections.

4.         Due to this delay in announcing a date for the repeat of local elections, the Congress discussed the ratification of the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation at its 13th Plenary Session: it “request[ed] the Azerbaijani authorities to hold municipal elections before the end of 2006 in the 141 municipalities where the ballots of December 2004 were invalidated, failing which Azerbaijan's delegation to the Congress shall be suspended as from 1 January 2007 pending the holding of such elections”[4].

5.         The election on 6 October 2006 was actually held in 603 municipalities, including newly established constituencies or old constituencies with vacant seats, and the 141 municipalities where results of 2004 had been invalidated.

6.         On the days preceding the election, the Congress delegation attended several meetings with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Presidential Administration, Milli Mejlis (Parliament), local NGOs and political parties (cf. Appendix II).

7.         The Congress extends its thanks to all those included in the programme who provided very useful information and in particular to Mr Denis BRIBOSIA, Special Representative of the Secretary General in Baku, and his staff for the very efficient support provided to the Congress for the preparation of the programme and during the mission.

2.            Background

2.1.        Territorial organisation

8.         The Azerbaijani authorities signed the European Charter of Local Self-Government on 21 December 2001 and ratified it on 15 April 2002. The Charter officially came into force on 1 August 2002 under the terms of the ratifying legislation passed by the Milli Mejlis, the Azerbaijani Parliament. The Republic of Azerbaijan accepted most of the Charter's articles as binding. It also declared its inability to guarantee the application of the Charter provisions “in the territories occupied by the Republic of Armenia” until such time as they were liberated.

9.         Municipalities are recent institutions of local government in Azerbaijan: they started working as elected bodies only in 1999. The first local elections took place in December 1999 in 2667 municipalities, with a re-run organised in March 2000 because of the annulment of the results in 75 municipalities. The term of office of municipalities is 5 years.

10.       Municipalities (cf. Fourth Chapter of the Constitution) approve local taxes, can own municipal property, approve and implement local programmes on social security, social and economic development and ecological matters. Municipalities may adopt Municipal Acts, which are binding for the citizens living and legal persons located in the relevant territory. When municipalities are granted “additional authority” by the Legislative and the Executive power, they “must be allotted necessary financial means” [5] and the “realisation of this authority shall be controlled by the Legislative and Executive power.”

11.       Each municipality is administered by a council, elected directly, whose membership varies according to the size of the population, from five members in municipalities with populations of under 500 inhabitants to 19 members in municipalities with populations of between 100 000 and 300 000. There are special arrangements for the city of Baku, which is divided into 11 districts (decentralised entities) of varying size and population, and 48 municipalities ("devolved entities").

12.       Beside municipalities, local executive authorities are appointed by the President of the Republic to exercise central government powers as decentralised bodies. “Local Executive power shall be implemented by the Heads of Executive power. 
Heads of Executive power shall be appointed and removed from holding positions by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic. Authority of the Local Executive power shall be determined by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.”

13.       As stipulated in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is an autonomous State forming a part of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Its territory is also divided into local executive powers, headed by representatives appointed by the President of Azerbaijan, and elected municipalities.

14.       The situation of conflict with the neighbouring Republic of Armenia has been lasting since 1993. With both Nagorno-Karabakh and the neighbouring areas having been occupied by the Armenian army, a large part of Azerbaijan's territory is under occupation at present. This has resulted in numbers of displaced persons living in conditions of extreme hardship.

2.2.        Legal framework

15.       The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted on 12 November 1995 by Referendum and amended by Referendum on 24 August 2002. The Constitution introduced a strong presidential regime and established the foundations of a unitary, secular, democratic state based on the respect for the rule of law and the separation of powers. However, the principle of the separation of powers may be questioned in practice, as the centralised features of the former regime can still be considered as having a strong influence on the institutions’ functioning. 

16.       The basis of municipalities’ status is determined by the Constitution. Regulations of municipal elections and legislation on local self-government (competences, responsibilities, resources and supervision of municipalities) are determined by specific laws, such as the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Status of municipalities (28 July 1999).

17.       As in Recommendation 126 (2003) on local and regional democracy in Azerbaijan and following the report on elections’ observation in 2004[7], the Congress delegation reiterated during the mission that further efforts need to be made to bring legislative provisions and their implementation fully in line with the Constitution and the European Charter of Local Self-Government, in particular by facilitating the full recognition of the powers and the responsibilities of the local authorities. This would also entail gradually increasing the tax-raising capacity of municipalities, defining more transparent and objective criteria for the distribution of state funds and clarifying the administrative supervision framework.

18.       Moreover, the Congress recommended the setting-up of a city council directly elected by the citizens of the city of Baku (and other big cities which do not have an elected mayor at the city level) and of a local public administration acting at overall city level. The Congress also encouraged a larger implication of citizens and civil society in public interest matters and in the local decision making process.

19.       The Congress and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) are currently assisting the Azerbaijani authorities in the creation of National Association(s) of local authorities, by promoting the setting-up of a nationwide structure which would represent local government units’ interests in a spirit of dialogue with the central authorities; it would improve the training of local elected representatives and staff in the day-to-day exercise of their responsibilities; and it could be a voice on national and international level to discuss resources and legislative changes when necessary.

20.       The legal framework for the referenda, presidential, parliamentary and local elections is established by the Election Code of Azerbaijan. It was adopted in May 2003 and amended in June 2005. In an effort to bring electoral legislation closer to international standards and to improve the electoral practice as a whole, Azerbaijani authorities work in co-operation with the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR. The Venice Commission has nevertheless noted in its latest opinion in 2005[8] that the joint recommendations were “only partially implemented.” It also considered that the examined law “is insufficient to develop the necessary public confidence in the electoral legislation and practice in Azerbaijan.” Some major issues still raise concerns, notably the composition of electoral commissions, venue for election rallies, right to campaign and complaints and appeals procedures. The Venice Commission is currently examining the new proposals for amending the Election Code. This remains under the list of commitments not yet fulfilled by Azerbaijan.

21.       Election administration is operated by:

CEC – Central Election Commission

ConEC – Constituency Election Commission

PEC – Precinct Election Commission

3.            The elections

3.1.        Voters Register

22.       The CEC is responsible for the maintenance of a centralised computerised voter register. The delegation could check that voter register was available on the CEC website. The CEC Chairman informed the delegation that the voters’ lists are updated every year between January and May, and were given particular attention 35 days prior to the election, in order to be perfectly up-to-date on Election Day.

23.       If a voter could not find his name on a register on Election Day, he/she had to fill in a form and go to the Court to solve the matter. Team 2 observed a situation where a person whose name was not on the register, arrived at the polling station with the Court decision enabling him to vote, as a result of such a procedure.

24.       A rather complex system of “de-registration card” enables a voter included on the voters list and not having the possibility to vote in the election precinct on the voting day, to get a voting card in the relevant Constituency Election Commission or Precinct Election Commission, and to vote on the basis of the voting card in the election precinct of the territory where he is on the voting day. Refugees and IDPs have the right to vote in their location of residence, after 5 years of residence, but not in their home town.

3.2.        Candidates and political parties

25.       Figures announced by the CEC:

The number of seats to be filled


The number of candidates running for election


The number of the constituencies to participate in elections


The number of the municipalities to take part in elections


The number of women candidates


26.       Azerbaijan is a one party dominant state. The New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) is the ruling political party in Azerbaijan. It was formed in 1993 by Heydar Aliyev, who led it until his retirement and death in 2003. It is now led by his son, Ilham Aliyev. At the elections of 5 November 2000 and 7 January 2001, the party won 62.3 % of the popular vote and 75 out of 125 seats in Parliament. Its candidate Ilham Aliyev was reported by the government to have won 80 % of the popular vote in the 15 October 2003 presidential elections, which faced criticism of vote-rigging from groups such as Human Rights Watch. . At the parliamentary elections of 6 November 2005 (which were monitored by OSCE/OHDIR observers and PACE), it won 56 out of 125 seats.

27.       Opposition parties against the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) are allowed, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power. Opposition representatives met by the delegation (Azadliq and Musavat) reported on their daily activity difficulties (incidents, arrests, kidnappings); for instance the Popular Front Party (PFP) cannot seat in Parliament and its chairman explained to the delegation that he was refused the delivery of a foreign passport.

28.       According to official figures 2,109 candidates ran as independent candidates. The New Azerbaijan Party announced that it would have 2,185 candidates. Following an initial decision to boycott the election, the Musavat Party decided to grant its members the right to run for elections as independent candidates. Other candidates ran under affiliation to small political parties. As a result, political pluralism cannot really be observed at local level.

3.3.        Campaign

29.       Under the Election Code[9] pre-election campaign shall start 60 days prior to the election day and finish 24 hours prior to Election Day. The delegation present in Baku two days before the election day saw absolutely no posters. To a question raised on that issue, it was told that all campaign material had to be removed 24 hours before election day, in accordance with the Election Code. The delegation was also informed that local campaign is mostly carried out through meetings and door-to-door initiatives.

30.       On their side, opposition parties reported that they were not allocated any air time on national TV channels; there are few/no regional or local TV channels. Candidates in general have low resources for campaigning.

3.4.        Election Day

31.       There is a visible lower interest for local than national elections, and of course even lower for partial than full elections. The turnout observed by the delegation was relatively low. Raising this aspect in the discussion, the delegation was informed that the legislation does not provide any threshold for the election to be valid, and that in the central authorities’ view the turnout was satisfactory.

32.       The management in polling stations reflected training improvements, thanks among others to a co-operation programme between CEC and IFES[10] in the preparation phase. In general, polling stations’ staff had a good knowledge of the procedures and instructions were visible outside the polling stations. The Presidential Administration informed the delegation that all security forces and local executive authorities were instructed not to interfere in the election process. While welcoming the presence of authorised domestic observers in the polling stations, the Congress observers noted that most of them represented the ruling political party.

33.       Among major irregularities, the Congress delegation observed:

-        Many cases of mismatch between the number of signatures registered on the voting list and votes found in the ballot box (i.e. ballot stuffing), and multiple similar signatures on the voters lists. Precinct Election Commission staff should be more careful about this issue; although the electoral guide distributed by the Central Election Commission (CEC) to the Precinct Election Commissions’ (PEC) staff and to observers (in English for the Congress delegation members) does not recall the obligation for voters’ to sign on the register, the Electoral Code of Azerbaijan[11], however, clearly states that identification documents should be checked, and each voter should sign the voters’ register on receipt of a ballot paper.

-        Unsealed ballot boxes

-        Over-zealous assistancewithin the polling booth and large crowds in front of polling stations, some of whom were observers, but also candidates and representatives local executive authorities, which can be seen as attempts of influence or intimidation

-        Family voting, although family assistance in voting can sometimes be explained by the difficulties in reading the ballot papers (elderly people cannot read the Latin alphabet)

34.       In addition, observation teams witnessed interferences during the vote count (use of telephones was not clear; doors were opened and closed several times, enabling unauthorised people to enter or give/receive information); the distinction between Precinct Election Commission members and observers was not always clear (they did not wear badges at all times). Team 3 also observed a complaint about the composition of a ConEC: a representative of the Democratic Reform Party was refused a seat for unclear reasons.

35.       Access to polling stations was found difficult, sometimes even impossible for the elderly and people with disabilities. Team 5 observed mobile voting: it was conducted in conformity with the legislation.

36.       Under the Election Code, voting Day shall not be considered a working day, but it was not clear on 6 October 2006, as it was not a general election. There is a general need for better information of the citizens.

3.5.        Results

37.       According to the Central Electoral Commission, the average turnout in the whole country was of 33.9 %. Under the Election Code, the CEC examines procedures and documents, and makes a final decision within 20 days after the election. The final results have to be confirmed within the ten-day period after this process.

38.       After investigation on appeals, the Central Election Commission decided on 25 October 2006 to consider invalid election results in 21 precincts out of 940 precincts in which elections were conducted. In consequence, election results were considered invalid in 3 municipalities out of 603 in which elections were conducted. The CEC also decided to dismiss one Constituency Election Commission (# 54: Davachi-Siyazan), in which voting results on Maliklar and Uzunboyad municipalities were considered invalid, and one Precinct Election Commission (#11: Azizbayov, under Con.EC # 13), in which voting results on Buzovna municipality were considered invalid.

39.       The Chairman of the Central Election Commission stated that “the above-mentioned elections, in general met legal requirements and 1901 municipality members were elected on 600 municipalities. He noted that without considering some little law violations, we can regard election results satisfactory.”[12]

4.            Conclusions

40.       The repeat, by, new and first local elections were held on 6 October 2006 in a quiet and rather indifferent atmosphere. Despite a clear intention and serious effort to organise elections in accordance with the Electoral Code, as instructed by the President of Azerbaijan in his “Executive order on improvement of electoral practice” (11 May 2005), the Congress observation mission stated that a number of irregularities were observed in the polls.

41.       Improvements should still be made for Azerbaijan to fully meet its commitments regarding international and Council of Europe election principles and democratic standards. In this regard, the Congress invites the Azerbaijani authorities to take account of its recommendations based on the observation of the 6 October local elections and of relevant recommendations made by the Parliamentary Assembly, the Venice Commission and other international organisations.

42.       The Congress delegation, however, was even more concerned by the weak electoral campaign and regretted that the main opposition parties’ refusal to participate in the election prevented any form of debate between political forces in local affairs. The Congress wishes to support more political commitment and pluralism, together with an evolution of democratic practices, and an increased role of women in political life. All these elements can guarantee real democratic elections.


43.       On the other hand, the Congress is convinced that the relatively low turn-out is one of the consequences of the lack of information, interest, and trust, not only on the democratic process, but also in the functioning, role, and competences of local self-governments. Necessary concrete measures should be taken to raise awareness of Azerbaijani citizens and increase their participation in local public life.

44.       Likewise, the Congress encourages training of local elected representatives and staff so as to enhance their professionalism and the level of trust and respect between central and local elected authorities, and information campaign for the citizens.

45.       In order to strengthen local self governments-units so that they can play a real active role in a democratic society, foster good governance and deliver appropriate and good quality services to their citizens, the Congress calls for the creation of a nation-wide association of local authorities. The joint project between the Congress and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities goes in that direction.

46.       The Congress wishes to renew its readiness to support and assist the Azerbaijani authorities in their intention to develop and strengthen local and regional democracy, which should be based on genuine responsibilities and adequate resources, in conformity with the European Charter of Local Self-Government.

The recommendations of the Congress to the Azerbaijani authorities based on the observation of the partial repeat of local elections are presented in document REC 206 (2006).


Elections in Azerbaijan: some improvement, but much still to do to raise the level of trust and respect between central and local administration

Strasbourg, 09.10.2006 - At the invitation of the Azerbaijan authorities, a delegation of the Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe, observed the partial repeat of municipal elections held on 6th October 2006.

“We noted a general technical improvement in the organization of the elections process, in line with European standards, but unfortunately we also observed serious irregularities for example mismatch between signatures registered on the voting list and votes found in the ballot box, family voting, multiple similar signatures on the voters lists, over-zealous assistance within in the polling booth …. declared Ludmila Sfirloaga, head of the delegation. And - she added- although the election day was calm and voting took place inside polling centres in an orderly manner, there are other important commitments still to fulfill”

The local democracy in the Republic of Azerbaijan should be based more on real powers and resources for local authorities, in the full respect of the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government signed and ratified in 2002, and based on clear political commitment.

“In fact the lack of any dynamic electoral campaign, the decision of the main opposition parties not to participate in the elections and the still relatively weak participation in the vote seems to demonstrate that  meaningful local democracy is not yet one of the political priorities in the Republic of Azerbaijan” she declared.

As in 2004, the Congress delegation again reiterates the need to facilitate the full recognition of the powers and the responsibilities of the local authorities. The setting up of specific actions and programs for information and training of all involved people must be the field where the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Congress of the Council of Europe should come together.

With progressive and positive commitment by the Government and the Congress the quality of life for all the people will improve.


Composition of the delegation

Members of the Congress

Ø  Mrs Ludmila Sfirloaga, Congress, Vice-President of the Congress, Councillor, Prahova County Council (Romania, SOC, R) – Head of delegation

Ø  Ms Brith Fäldt, Councillor, Pitea, Member of the Congress (Sweden, SOC, L)

Ø  Mr Mihkel Juhkami, Chair, Rakvere City Council, Member of the Congress

Ø  Mr David Lloyd-Williams, Councilor, North-Yorkshire County, Member of the Congress (UK, ILDG, R)

Ø  Mrs Véronique Moreira, Regional Councillor of Rhône Alpes, Member of the Congress (France, SOC, R)

Ø  Mr Paolo Rondelli, Municipal Councillor of San Marino, Member of the Congress (San Marino, SOC, R)

Secretariat of the Congress

Ø  Ms Antonella Cagnolati, Deputy Chief Executive of the Congress

Ø  Ms Caroline Martin, Congress Secretariat

Ø  Ms Gönül Kocak, Congress Secretariat

Mr Denis Bribosia, Special Representative of the Council of Europe Secretary General

Press contact: Dmitri Marchenkov
Head of the Congress Communication Unit
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 38 44
Email: [email protected]


The Congress

of Local and Regional authorities

Council of Europe

F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex

Tel : +33 (0)3 88 41 21 10

Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 27 51 / 37 47


Observation of the repeat municipal elections in Azerbaijan


Hotel "PARK INN", 1 Azadlig Ave, Baku 1000, Azerbaijan

Wednesday 4 October

8:30 - 9:00       Delegation de-briefing & practical issues, venue COE office

09:00 – 10:00 Denis BRIBOSIA, Special Representative of the Secretary General in Azerbaijan, venue COE office

10:30 – 11:30               Mazahir PANAHOV, Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission

12:00 – 13:00  Ramiz MEHTIYEV, Head of the Presidential Administration

Zeynal NAGDALIYEV, Head of Department on coordination of territorial administration bodies

(composition- Ludmila Sfirloaga, Antonella Cagnolati, Caroline Martin, Denis Bribosia and interpreter Mehriban van de Griendt)

13:00 – 15:00              Lunch

15:00 – 15:45              Arif RAHIMZADEH, Head of the Parliamentary Commission on Local and Regional Policies

16:00 – 16:45  Mahmud MAMMADGULIYEV, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

17:00 – 18:00              Vilayet ZAHIROV, Deputy Minister of Justice 

18.00 -             19:00   NGOs:

"For the Sake of Civil Society", Mr Fikret Rzayev, Co-ordinator

"For free and fair elections", Arzu Abdullayeva, Co-ordinator

            Election Monitoring Center, Anar Mammadli, Executive Director

                        Hayat NGO, Vusal Rajabli, President

Venue COE office

19:00 – 20.00 Delegation de-briefing

                        Venue: Park Inn Hotel

20:00-20:30     Meeting of teams with interpreters and drivers

Venue: Park Inn Hotel

Thursday 5 October

09:00 – 10:00  YAP party,

Ali Ahhmadov, Deputy Chairman, Executive Secretary

Venue COE office


10:00 – 11:00  Azadliq bloc: 

Ali Kerimli, Chairman of the Popular Front Party

Lala Shovket, Leader of National Unity movement

Sardar Jalaloglu, Deputy Chairman of ADP

11:00 – 12:00  Musavat Party

Gulaga Aslanli, Head of Election Department


Afternoon        deployment of teams observing in Masalli-Lankaran, Gusar-Guba, Zagatala-Shaki (departure time to be confirmed)

15:00               Meeting in Norwegian Embassy (team 1)

16:00               Meeting in UK Embassy (team 1)

17:00               Meeting with OSCE representatives (team 1)

Friday 6 October

Election day

Saturday 7 October

9:00- 11:00      de-briefing and preparation of press release

Venue: Council of Europe Office, 39-41 Boyuk Gala street

Icheri Sheher, Baku

15:00               Press Conference

Venue: Council of Europe Office, 39-41 Boyuk Gala street

Icheri Sheher, Baku

18:00               Dinner with the Deputy Minister of Justice


 DEPLOYMENT AREAS on 6 October 2006


Deployed Area

Congress Members


Sumagayit Con.

Apsheron Con.




Saatli Con.

Sabirabad I Con.

Sabirabad II Con.

Saatli-Sabiarabad-Kurdamir Con.

Mrs Antonella CAGNOLATI



Masalli City Con.

Masalli Village Con.

Yardimli-Masalli Con.

Lankaran City Con.

74 Sayli Lenkeren kend

Lankaran-Masalli Con.

Mrs Brith FÄLDT

Mrs Gönül KOCAK


Gusar Con.

Guba Con.

Guba-Gusar Con.

Davachi-Siyazan Con.

Khacmaz city Con.

56 sayli Xaçmaz kend




Zagatala Con.

Zagatala-Balakan Con.

Gakh Con.

Shaki City Con.

Shaki village I Con.

Shaki village II Con.

Mrs Véronique MOREIRA

Mrs Caroline MARTIN



·         Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

·         Election Code:

·         Final opinion of 25 October 2005 on the amendments to the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CDL-AD(2005)029) - Joint opinion 336/2005 by Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR

·         CG (10) 4 Part II - Congress report on Local and Regional Democracy in Azerbaijan

·         Rec 126 (2003) and Res 151 (2003) on local and regional democracy in Azerbaijan

·         CG BUR (11) 95 - Congress report on local elections in Azerbaijan in 2004

·         PACE Report (Doc. 10569) and Resolution 1456 (2005) on the functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan adopted on 22.06.2005

·         OSCE/ODIHR observation reports on parliamentary elections in November 2005 and their repeat in 2006

[1] Letter addressed by Mr Mazahir PANAHOV, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to Mr Halvdan SKARD, President of the Congress, on 28 July 2006.

[2] CG BUR (13) 26

[3] CG BUR (11) 95

[4] CG (13) 2

[5] Article 144 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, adopted on 12 November 1995 by the Referendum of the Republic of Azerbaijan and amended by Referendum on 24 August 2002

[6] Article 124 of the Constitution

[7] CG BUR (11) 95

[8] Final opinion of 25 October 2005 on the amendments to the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CDL-AD(2005)029) – Opinion no.336 / 2005.

[9] Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, adopted in May 2003 and amended in June 2005

[10] International Foundation for Election Systems (USA)

[11] Article 104 of the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan

[12] CEC Chairman in a press release on 25.10.2006 published on: