PROVISION OF “Training of Trainers”

(One-off contract 4708/2022/93)


 9 August 2022

Question 1

What form of the four-day training plan should be attached?

Answer 1

- As stated in the published document "Tender File", candidates need to provide a motivation letter and their CV. In the case of Lot 2, it is necessary to attach proof of accreditation by NAJU (for the area of ​​accreditation "trainer training"). At this stage, candidates are not required to submit a  training plan.

Q2. Should PPT and training agenda be attached?

A2 - As stated in the previous answer, at this stage candidates are not required to submit a training plan, nor accompanying training materials.

Q3. Can a link to the NAPA website where my name appears on the Permanent List of Lecturers page be used as proof of NAPA accreditation?

A3 - Candidates are required to submit a proof of accreditation issued by NAJU, which clearly indicates that the candidate is an accredited NAJU trainer in the field of "trainer training".

Q4. How and where in the application form is the coordinator determined?

A4 - After the selection of trainers, it is up to the selected trainers to mutually agree on a work plan. At this moment, it is not necessary to emphasize the role of the coordinator in the tender documentation.

Q5. How to accurately determine the total amount for fees (accommodation for 4 days of training, for candidates coming from another city, food, travel expenses.. Also work materials, printing and duplicating... Who does it? Us or NAPA ?).

A5 - The amounts stated in the Act of Engagement are presented as gross amounts, they include the travel and other expenses of the trainers for conducting the training.

- The cost of printing and copying of materials will be borne by the Programme, with the prior consent of the Programme Team.

- Travel and accommodation costs for the participants/trainees, are decided by the Project Team in agreement with NAJU.

Q6. Is it necessary to attach the training plan as part of the application documentation, or is it enough to attach a certificate that we have an accredited "Training of trainers" training plan, which was accredited by NAPA?

A6 - Please see the answers under number 1, 2 and 3. At this stage, candidates are not required to submit a training plan. It is necessary to submit proof/decision from NAPA, which shows that the candidate is an accredited NAPA trainer in the field of "training of trainers".

Q7. I would apply for the competition together with my colleague and the co-author of the training programme that we created together. Both she and I are accredited trainers enrolled in the permanent list of lecturers and other training providers in the areas of personal development and skills and trainer training. Considering that we would implement the training of trainers together, do we fill out one Act of Engagement or do we each fill out separately?

A7 - The terms of the tender allow for several application modalities:

Ø  Candidates can apply individually, in which case each candidate fills out and attaches their completed Act of Engagement.

Ø  Candidates can also apply as a consortium of natural or legal entities (Tender File, Page 1):

The tenderer must be either a natural person, a legal person or consortia of legal and/or natural persons.

After the evaluation, the Programme will hire two trainers for each lot (two trainers for Lot 1 and two trainers for LoT 2).

The "Exclusion level" in the "Act of Engagement" remains the same - whether one natural person, a legal person with several trainers or a consortium of natural or legal persons applies.

Pitanje 1

1. Koja forma programa četvorodnevne obuke treba da se priloži? 

U dokumentaciji NAJU (Nacionalne akademije za javnu upravu) se nalaze moji odobreni i više puta realizovani programi "Obuka predavača - osnovni nivo" i "Obuka predavača - napredni nivo". Programi u formi NAPA obrazaca imaju više od 1500 reči, verovatno i više od 5000, tako da Vas molim za odgovor da li prilažem originalni dokument koji je obimniji od traženog?

Odgovor 1

- Kao što je navedeno u objavljenom dokumentu pod nazivom“Tender File”, kandidati  prilažu CV i motivaciono pismo.  U slučaju Lota 2, potrebno je priložiti i dokaz o akreditaciji od strane NAJU (za oblast akreditacije “trening trenera”).U ovoj fazi od kandidata se ne zahteva da  dostavite izradjeni program obuke.

Pitanje 2

Da li se sada prilaže i PPT i agenda obuke?

Odgovor 2

- Kao što je navedeno u prethodnom odgovoru, u ovoj fazi od kandidata se ne zahteva da dostavite izrađeni program obuke, niti prateće materijale vezane za obuku.

Pitanje 3

Da li se kao dokaz o NAPA akreditaciji može koristiti link koji vodi ka sajtu NAPA gde stoji moje ime na stranici Stalna lista predavača?

Odgovor 3

- Od kandidata se zahteva da dostave potvrdu o akreditaciji izdatu od strane NAJU koja jasno ukazuje da je kandidat akreditovani trener NAJU za oblast “trening trenera”.

Pitanje 4

Kako se i gde u formularu određuje koordinator?

Odgovor 4

- Nakon selekcije trenera, na izabranim trenerima je da međusobno dogovore plan rada. U ovom trenutku nije potrebno posebno naglašavati ulogu koordinatora u tenderskoj dokumentaciji.

Pitanje 5

Kako precizno odrediti ukupnu sumu za naknade (smeštaj za 4 dana trajanja obuke, za kandidate koji dolazi iz drugog grada, ishranu, putne troškove.. Takođe i radni materijal, štampanje i umnožavanje... Ko to radi? Mi sami ili NAPA?).

Odgovor 5

- Iznosi navedeni u Act of Engagement su predstavljeni u bruto iznosu, oni obuhvataju putne i druge troškove trenera za izvođenje obuke.

- Troškove štamanje i kopiranje materijala će snositi Projekat, uz prethodnu saglasnost projektnog tima.

- O putnim troškovima i troškovima smeštaja polaznika, odlučuje Projektni tim u dogovoru sa NAJU. 

Pitanje 6

Da li je potrebno da u okviru konkursne dokumentacije prilažemo program ili je dovoljno da priložimo potvrdu da imamo akreditovani program "Obuka predavača", koji je akreditovan na konkursu NAJA raspisanom u oblasti trening trenera?

Odgovor 6

- Molimo Vas da pogledate odgovore pod broj 1, 2 i 3. U ovoj fazi od kandidata se ne zahteva da dostave izradjeni program obuke.Potrebno je dostaviti potvrdu/rešenje NAJU iz kog se vidi da je kandidat akreditovan trener NAJU za oblast “trening trenera”.

Pitanje 7

Ja bih se na konkurs javila zajedno sa svojom saradnicom i koautorkom programa koji smo zajedno kreirale. I ona i ja smo akreditovani treneri upisani u stalnu listu predavača i drugih realizatora obuka u oblastima lični razvoj i veštine i trening trenera. S obzirom da bismo mi zajedno realizovale trening trenera, da li popunjavamo jedan ugovor o angažovanju ili svaka popunjava za sebe?

Odgovor 7

Uslovi tendera omogućavaju nekoliko modaliteta prijava:

-          Kandidati se mogu prijaviti pojedinačno, u tom slučaju svako od kadnidata popunjava i prilaže svoj popunjen Act of Engagement.

Takođe, kandidati se mogu prijaviti i kao konzorcijum fizičkih ili pranih lica, (Tender File, Strana 1):

The tenderer must be either a natural person, a legal person or consortia of legal and/or natural persons.

            Projekat će po sprovedenoj evaluaciji angažovati po dva trenera za svaki lot (dva trenera za Lot 1 i dva trenera za LoT 2).                   

“Exclusion level” u “Act of Engagement” ostaje isti – bilo da se prijavi jedno fizičko lice, pravno lice sa više trenera ili konzorcijum fizičkih ili pravnih lica.