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Partnership for Good Governance II
Newsletter 21| October-December 2021


Trainee judges learn about money laundering and terrorism financing adjudication. This initiative is aimed to complement the government’s efforts to prevent and combat money laundering and other economic crimes and contribute to the recent judicial reforms in Azerbaijan on the enhancement of transparency in the activity of courts and the efficiency of legal proceedings.


Anti-corruption Agency staff get necessary support to train and raise awareness of public servants on corruption prevention. Local municipalities are key players in the development and implementation of an effective anti-corruption policy, by promoting integrity and preventing conflict of interest, establishing effective reporting mechanisms, and managing corruption risk.


The Ukrainian banking sector reinforces its skills in preventing money laundering and terrorism financing. In co-operation with the National Bank of Ukraine, five weekly sessions served to enhance the skills of the banking professionals in applying Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing measures.



Legal professionals enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal and procedural legislation of Armenia through a two-day seminar for judges, two workshops for the judiciary of the Court of Cassation and a one-day workshop for staff of the Representation of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights.


An online round table to present the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) dynamic database of European judicial systems was held for national stakeholders in Azerbaijan. In the framework of the project "Strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in Azerbaijan," various CEPEJ tools were discussed with representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan.


A Court Manager’s Forum was organised in the country to follow-up on developments related to electronic case management rule of the Courts and its implementation and exchange with experts of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ).


The country's judicial system benefits from a new IT tool for publishing judicial statistics. JUSTAT aims at publishing data about the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova, such as statistics, key indicators and other information on the performance of the court system. The tool was presented to its stakeholders in order to support the work of the national authorities to enhance transparency, efficiency, and facilitate the understanding of the functioning of the judiciary by professionals and the public at large.



The International seminar “Combating sexist advertising: learning from practice,” increased the understanding of participants about sexist advertising and how to assess it. It provided space for sharing challenges at national level and the responses to these issues. It engaged participants in discussing ways in which different national entities and equality bodies, can combat sexist advertising. Watch the recorded sessions of the seminar and access the presentation material at the bottom of the web news.


Three awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech go online. These videos are prepared in co-operation with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia. They aim to inform the general public on how manifestations of hate speech can harm the society and the assistance the Human Rights Defender of Armenia can provide in such cases.

Judges and prosecutors get trained to better comprehend the concept of hate speech and its manifestation and enable them to better tackle such cases as part of their work.

Staff of the Ombudsperson's Office of Azerbaijan, representatives of civil society organisations and free-lance legal professionals participate in the first training of trainers’ session on combating discrimination in the country. The training aimed at developing the knowledge and understanding on how to combat discrimination, to discover European and national level tools available and improve the participants’ skills to offer support to victims of discrimination.

A delegation of representatives from the Azerbaijani state authorities participated in a study visit to Georgia with the aim to learn more about promising practices in the field of violence against women and domestic violence.


Two new storytelling articles, raising awareness on hate speech and discrimination in the country have been published online through the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri", in co-operation with the Ombudsperson’s Office, the Equality Council and the Promo-LEX Association from the Republic of Moldova. The articles are available in English, Romanian and Russian.

Read the article “Resistance” on discrimination against religious minorities.

Read the article "It’s like I’m the celebrity of the village" on discrimination against persons with HIV.


A pilot course on combating hate speech was launched for Ukrainian judges to reinforce their capacities and enable them to better tackle this issue in their daily work.

European Court of Human Rights factsheets on violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality are now available in Azerbaijani.
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Partnership for Good Governance II