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European Social Cohesion Platform
European Social Cohesion Platform Newsletter May - June 2018
Third meeting of the European Social Cohesion Platform
The 3rd meeting of the European Social Cohesion Platform (PECS) took place on 3-4 May 2018, in Strasbourg, and was opened by Director General Christos Giakoumopoulos. The Platform elected Ms Rita Skrebiškienė (Lithuania) as Chair and Mr Joseph Gerada (Malta) as Vice-Chair. Mr Michele Palma (Italy) has been nominated Gender Equality Rapporteur. The PECS discussed the follow-up to the Prospective Study by Professor Paolo
Graziano, and had an exchange of views following the presentations on the ‘Protection and Integration of Migrants and Refugees’. It decided to pursue its work in 2018-2019 within three working groups - WG1. Mainstreaming (social cohesion throughout the Council of Europe); WG2. Best Practices, Innovative Approaches, New Trends and Challenges ; WG3.  Revision of the Strategy for Social Cohesion.
Meeting on non-accepted provisions of the European Social Charter by the Republic of Moldova
On 29 May, in Chisinau, the Department of
the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova organised a meeting in the framework of the procedure provided for by Article 22 of the European Social Charter on “non-accepted provisions” in order to exchange views and information with the national authorities on provisions not yet accepted by the Republic of Moldova with a view to evaluating the prospects for the acceptance of additional provisions.
In addition, there was an exchange of views on the collective complaints procedure, which has not yet been accepted by the Republic of Moldova.
The European Committee of Social Rights was be represented by Kristine Dupate and József Hajdú, members of the Committee.
Fifth meeting of the Operational Platform on Roma Equality (OPRE)
The 5th meeting of the Operational Platform on Roma Equality (OPRE) was hosted by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission in Belfast on
15-16 May 2018 and jointly held  with the” 4Social Rights Platform” to give greater focus on housing and accommodation rights of Roma and Travellers as  guaranteed by the European Social Charter. Issues related to evictions of Roma were also raised.
Successful launch of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023
On 3 and 4 May, in Copenhagen, the
Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023, was launched at the international conference “Gender Equality: Paving the Way”, organised in the framework of the Danish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
Recent Developments in the Court's Case-law (24 March - 4 June 2018)
Čakarević v. Croatia, judgment of 26.04.2018
Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property) : Order to repay mistakenly paid unemployment benefits
was excessive burden. The applicant had been ordered to repay unemployment benefits after the employment office made a mistake in authorising the payments. The Court observed that he applicant, who was unemployed and suffered from ill health, had done nothing to mislead the employment office about her circumstances. The authorities themselves had made the mistake of paying her benefits for about three years longer than the law allowed. However, the applicant had alone been ordered to right the situation, including having to pay statutory interest. Given her ill health and lack of income, the domestic authorities had therefore violated her rights by placing an excessive individual burden on her.
Devinar v. Slovenia, judgment of 22.05.2018
The case concerned decisions refusing her application for a disability allowance.
The applicant was a cleaning lady until she developed serious medical problems and was recognised as having a partial disability in 2006. She applied to the administrative authorities for a disability pension. However, in-house experts who examined her and her medical records found that she did not have a physical impairment, and her application was dismissed. She brought judicial proceedings before the domestic courts in 2012 to challenge the administrative decisions, without success. The domestic courts based their dismissal of her claim on the findings of the experts in the prior administrative decisions and on their own observation of the applicant at an oral hearing on her case. Finally, in 2014, her constitutional complaint was not accepted for consideration.No violation of Article 6 § 1
ROMACTED : A joint Council of Europe and European Union Programme
The Joint Council of Europe and European
Union Programme, ROMACTED: Promoting Good Governance and Roma Empowerment at Local Level, was launched in Belgrade on 29 May. The Protocol of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, authorities from 11 participating municipalities and the Council of Europe.
Seminar "Access of young people to rights: the role of the European youth card"
The Partial Agreement on youth mobility through the youth card organised, on 22-24 April 2018, in Budva, Montenegro,
a seminar on : “Access of young people to rights: the role of the European youth card”
The seminar aimed to identify possibilities of using the European Youth Card as a tool to reach out to the most vulnerable young persons and to ensure that they have access to information that defends their social rights.
The following issues were addressed: the capacity of young people to access social and economic rights; how to prevent the loss of a new generation? how youth leaders could advance social justice? how to integrate the youth card in local/national policies and youth services in order to facilitate access for young people to:
• Social inclusion;
• Quality jobs and internships;
• Justice (preventing and combating discrimination).
EYCA good practices on social integration of young people and on ways to link the youth card experience to local/national youth policies were presented by four EYCA member organisations.
Particular attention in the discussions was paid to the three most recent Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers related to youth work and services to ensure young people have access to their social and economic rights, are correctly informed and aware of the instruments they can use:
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 to member states on youth work,
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)7 to member states on young people access to rights;
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)3 to member states on access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights.
A special presentation on the above-mentioned three Recommendations was done by a representative of the Advisory Council on Youth, who was the speaker on this issue and the facilitator of the whole seminar. 
Very practical and interesting suggestions were made with the possible use of youth cards for assisting young people with access to their rights. Recommendations will be made on their basis as part of the report. They will serve for further development of the youth cards scheme as well as for further good practice sharing at the Partial Agreement's events.
Enabling citizens to plan for incapacity
Allow citizens to organize in case of disability - A report reviewing the follow-up given by the Council of Europe member states to Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)11 related to continuing powers of attorney and advance directives
for incapacity was published online in June 2018. It includes proposals to enhance incapacity planning for people whose capabilities may, at some point in their lives, be impaired by mental or physical disability. The report was commissioned by the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ).
Administrative detention of migrants - CDCJ is codifying the existing international standards relating to the conditions of administrative detention of migrants.
Legal aid - CDCJ is reflecting on a possible development of policy guidelines aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of legal aid schemes and at ensuring access to justice for all and on an equal footing.
CEB approves financing for eleven new social projects
On 15 June 2018, at its meeting held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, the Administrative Council of the Council of
Europe Development Bank (CEB) approved eleven new loans worth a total of € 893 million.
20th meeting of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection of the Council of Europe (MISSCEO) network
The 20th meeting of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection of the Council of Europe (MISSCEO) network took place on 21 June 2018 in Strasbourg. The network produces regularly updated comparative tables on social protection systems in the form of a database and is complementary to the European Union’s MISSOC network. An aim of the network is also to promote a regular exchange of information and identify trends in the field of social protection in MISSCEO countries.
The INSCHOOL Joint Project of the European Union and Council of Europe continues its recently launched activities in Romania with a training targeting principals and staff of the six selected schools located in Bucharest (2nd district),
Chitila (IF), Cilibia (BZ), Buzau (BZ), Pietrosani (TL) and Contesti (TL). From each school, four dedicated professionals attended the training, which was led by the Romanian INSCHOOL Team in close cooperation with ARACIP (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Primary Education) and ISE (Institute for Educational Sciences), and with the participation of UNICEF.
Visit of the Commissioner for Human Rights to Estonia
In June, the Commissioner for Human Rights visited Estonia. In a press release
issued at the end of the visit, she called on the authorities to ensure social cohesion at a time when Estonia is developing at a rapid pace and some groups risk being left behind. In particular, the Commissioner examined the situation of older persons and called on Estonia to address discrimination, poverty and long-term care needs. The Commissioner also urged the authorities to tackle the gender pay gap and violence against women. Photo Credit : © CoE/Aron Urb
Meeting on non-accepted provisions of the European Social Charter by Latvia
The Department of the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe and the
Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia organised in the framework of the procedure provided for by Article 22 of the European Social Charter on “non-accepted provisions” in order to exchange views and information with the national authorities on provisions not yet accepted by Latvia with a view to evaluating the prospects for the acceptance of additional provisions.In addition, there was an exchange of views on the collective complaints procedure, which has not yet been accepted by Latvia.The European Committee of Social Rights was represented by Giuseppe Palmisano, President, and Kristine Dupate, Member of the Committee. Mr ALLIKS Ingus, State Secretary at the Ministry of Welfare and member of the Social Cohesion Platform (PECS) took part in the meeting.
Visit of the Commissioner for Human Rights to Albania
In May the Commissioner for Human Rights carried out a visit to Albania focusing on children’s rights, the human rights of persons with disabilities, and access to free legal aid. In her preliminary observations the Commissioner highlighted the need for better inclusion of Roma children and children with disabilities in mainstream education.
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