| | | | | Regional Seminars for the South Mediterranean region (2013-2017) | | | | Seminar on Democracy and Climate change, Marrakech 16 - 18 November 2016 Under the auspices of the joint EU-CoE South Programme II, the Moroccan School of Political Studies organised this seminar, the fourth of its kind, with the support of the Tunisian School of Politics and the Moroccan Coalition for Climate Justice. Experts from both sides of the Mediterranean and parts of western Africa participated in the meeting, representing various academic, political and civil society institutions, as well as regional and international institutions promoting democracy and human rights.
The 2017 seminar will take place in Tunisia on 23-24 October on the theme: "The challenge of migration in the Euro-Mediterranean region".
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| | | | | | | Regional partnerships and initiatives | | | | Summer Academy for Strengthening Democracy in the Euro-Med Region (2014 - 2017) This initiative of the Bulgarian School of Politics "Dimitry Panitza" was organised for the fourth time in cooperation with the Tunisian School of Politics and the Citizenship School of Political Studies in Morocco. Its main goal is to reinforce democratic reforms and to establish democratic governance in the Southern Mediterranean region. The Summer Academy 2017 addressed the topic of "Violent Radicalisation and Extremism in the Euro-Med Region and the Role of Civil Society in Developing Successful Countering Strategies"
Western Balkans Anti-Corruption Forum This initiative by the Visegrád School of Political Studies in partnership with the Schools of Political Studies in the Western Balkans is aimed at identifying the gaps in combating corruption in the Western Balkans, to share the V4 experiences in the field, and to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to improve anticorruption measures in their countries. Following the Forum's first two parts in June and July 2016, a Series of town hall meetings in six Western Balkan countries concluded the 3-part 2016 Forum. | | | |
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