Council of Europe. Resolution (98) 6 on the youth policy of the Council of Europe






(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 16 April 1998,
at the 628th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)


The Committee of Ministers,

Reaffirming the pan-European character of the Council of Europe;

Referring to the various instruments formulated by the Council of Europe in the youth field, and stressing the importance of their implementation in all member states;

Taking into account the far-reaching changes in European societies;

Having regard to the Final Declaration and Action Plan of the 2nd Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, held on 10 and 11 October 1997 in Strasbourg;

Convinced of the need for a dynamic Council of Europe youth policy;

With a view to ensuring that the Council of Europe pursues a youth policy involving young people, effectively responding to the changes in contemporary society, and capable of advancing democratic, cultural and social consolidation;

With a view to maximising young people's contribution to the building of society, especially in all areas which concern them;

With a view to their deeper commitment to European integration, to the preservation of the Council of Europe's achievements and to the furtherance and dissemination of its values, upholding peace, freedom and solidarity,

Resolves that the Council of Europe youth policy shall henceforth be based on the following principles:


I. In order to make more of the potential offered by young people, the objectives of youth policy shall be:

- to help young people, particularly the disadvantaged, to find ways of meeting both the challenges facing them and their own aspirations;

- to strengthen civil society in Europe through the promotion of training for democratic citizenship, in a non-formal educational context;

- to encourage young people's participation in civil society;

- to support the development of youth policies in Europe and the provision of suitable legislation and structures, in keeping with the specific features of each country;

- to seek ways of promoting youth mobility in Europe.


II. In the light of the above objectives and the means available to the Council of Europe, the following shall be regarded as priorities:

- the promotion of intercultural dialogue and understanding in a spirit of respect for diversity;

- the combating of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, intolerance and all movements aiming to undermine democracy;

- young people's awareness of and commitment to human rights and democracy;

- the development of co-operation to stimulate a balanced development of youth structures in all member states;

- the encouragement of new forms of youth participation and organisation;

- the training of young people to assume responsibilities;

- the contribution to social cohesion, especially by combating exclusion, and the prevention of phenomena specifically affecting young people;

- young people's access to information and new information technologies;

- the systematic exchange of information and good practices;

- the ongoing analysis of national youth policies.


III. These objectives and priorities shall be implemented through the following methods:

- a multidisciplinary and intercultural approach;

- closer involvement of young people in decisions which affect them and in the management of programmes and resources;

- adapting and opening up programmes and structures to the changes in society;

- developing research into the problems of greatest concern to young people;

- stimulating young people's creativity and critical sense.


IV. The existing structures shall be adapted with a view to:

- achieving greater transparency, flexibility and rapidity in the implementation of youth policies;

- clearly demarcating the functions of each structure;

- making Council of Europe youth activities more co-ordinated, co-operative and coherent;

- improving co-operation with the European Union and with other international organisations.


V. Regarding resources, the following guidelines shall be followed:

- optimum use of human, financial and other resources shall be ensured through programming based on objectives and priorities;

- all such resources shall be presented according to a single comprehensive scheme;

- a stable endowment to the European Youth Foundation shall be encouraged;

- stimulus in finding non-governmental resources shall be provided.