Resolution 93 (2000)1 on local and regional democracy in the Czech Republic
The Congress,
1. Having examined the situation of local and regional democracy in the Czech Republic on the basis of the report presented by Llibert Cuatrecasas (Spain) and Michel Guégan (France),
2. Having regard to Recommendation 77 (2000) on this subject ;
a. Invites the Bureau and the Institutional Committee of the Congress to:
— follow closely the progress of the reform under way in the Czech Republic, and in particular implementation by the Czech authorities of the proposals set out in the recommendation;
— assist the Czech authorities, giving them the benefit of the expertise of the Congress and the experience of other European countries in the spheres of local and regional democracy and transfrontier co-operation;
— continue examining local and regional self-government in the Czech Republic and submit a final report to the Congress as soon as the reform process is complete ;
b. Invites the local and regional authorities of the Czech Republic, once the fourteen regions provided for by the Constitutional Law of 1997 have been established, to consider setting up associations for the local authorities and the regions, so as to protect and promote their respective common interests.
1 Debated by the Congress and adopted on 25 May 2000, third sitting (see Doc. CG (7) 4 draft resolution presented by M. Cuatrecasas and M. Guegan, rapporteurs).