The Congress,
1. Having taken note of the report on local and regional democracy in France prepared by MM. Moreno Bucci (Italy, L) and Jean-Claude Van Cauwenberghe (Belgium, R), rapporteurs, and having adopted Recommendation 78 (2000) on this subject;
2. Considering the willingness of the French authorities to pursue the political debate on decentralisation in France, particularly by establishing an ad hoc governmental commission with a view to improving the legislative basis and the conditions for the exercise of territorial autonomy, and wishing to make a constructive contribution to this debate;
3. Encourages French territorial elected representatives to commit themselves to strengthening local and regional democracy in their country, and particularly to submit practical proposals to the governmental and parliamentary authorities, through the intermediary of their representative associations, in the context of the above-mentioned debate;
4. Considers that these proposals should focus particularly on the following questions:
a. increased participation by representatives of territorial authorities in public decisions concerning administrative planning and the administrative organisation of the national territory;
b. clarification of the powers of territorial authorities, in response to their interlocking nature and the growing use of contractual arrangements;
c. consolidation of territorial authorities' financial resources from taxation, through reform of the corresponding legislative framework;
d. adoption of a series of coherent legislative measures to improve the status of territorial elected representative;
e. ratification by the appropriate bodies of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and acceptance of the Charter on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level;
5. In the light of the above, instructs its Institutional Committee to:
a. follow developments in the political debate on continuing decentralisation in France and keep it informed as appropriate of any development that might justify the preparation of a second report;
b. consider holding an international conference in France to promote the European Charter of Local Self-Government, with a view to its ratification.
1 Debated by the Congress and adopted on 25 May 2000, third sitting (see doc. CG (7) 7, draft Resolution presented by MM. Bucci and J.-C. Van Cauwenberghe, rapporteurs).