Handbook – Background Reading Materials by Module

Module 1

M1-i:     Broekaert, E., Vandervelde, S., Soyez, V., Yates, R. and Slater, A. “The third generation of therapeutic communities: the early development of the TC for addiction in Europe.” European Addiction Research, 12, no. 1, (2006): 2–11.

M1-ii:    Yates, R. “Therapeutic communities: can do thinking for must have recovery.” Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery 6, no. 1/2 (2011): 101-116.  (Module 1 Handout Pack – Papers: M1-ii).

M1-iii:   National Institute on Drug Abuse. Therapeutic Communities: NIH Publication Number15-4877. Washington: NIDA, 2015.

M1-iv:   Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Therapeutic Community Curriculum: Trainers Manual. Washington: SAMHSA, 2006. (Extract – pp. 2-17 – 2-19).

M1-v:    Unpublished guide to online resources (see: Prison-Based Therapeutic Communities Handbook, p. 70).

M1-vi:   Dye, M., Ducharme, L., Johnson, J., Knudson, H. and Roman, P. “Modified therapeutic communities and adherence to traditional elements.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41, no. 3, (2009): 275–283.

Module 2

M2-i:     National Institute on Drug Abuse. Therapeutic Communities: NIH Publication Number15-4877. Washington: NIDA, 2015.

M2-ii:    Heneghan, L. Her Majesty’s Prison, Wymott TC: TC and Recovery Dictionary. Preston: Unpublished, 2014.

Module 3

M3-i:     De Leon, G. “The therapeutic community: Toward a general theory and model.” In Therapeutic Community: Advances in Research and Application (NIDA Research Monograph 144), edited by F. M. Timms, G. De Leon and N. Jainchill, 16–55. Washington DC: US DHHS, 1994.

Module 4

M4-i:     Yates, R. “Therapeutic communities: can do thinking for must have recovery.” Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery 6, no. 1/2 (2011): 101-116.  (Module 1 Handout Pack – Papers: M1-ii).

Module 5

M5-i:     Szalay, L. “Socialization into the therapeutic community cullture.” In Therapeutic Community: Advances in Research and Application (NIDA Research Monograph 144), edited by F. M. Timms, G. De Leon and N. Jainchill, 54–79. Washington DC: US DHHS, 1994.

Module 6

M6-i:     Mitchell, O., Wilson, D. and MacKenzie, D. The Effectiveness of Incarceration-based Treatment on Criminal Behaviour: A Systematic Review. Oslo: Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2012.

M6-ii:    Wexler, H. and Prendergast, M. “Therapeutic communities in United States’ prisons: Effectiveness and challenges.” International Journal of Therapeutic Communities 31, no. 2 (2010): 157-175. 

M6-iii:   Aslan, L. “Doing time on a TC: How effective are drug-free therapeutic communities in prison? A review of the literature.” International Journal of Therapeutic Communities 39, no. 1 (2018): 26-34. 

M6-iv:   Jensen, E. and Kane, S. “The effects of therapeutic community on recidivism up to four years after release from prison.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 39, no. 8 (2012): 1075-1087. 

M6-v:    Mullen, R., Arbiter, N., Plepler, C. and Bond, D. “In-prison therapeutic communities in California.” International Journal of Therapeutic Communities 40, no. 3/4 (2019): 142-158. 

M6-vi:   Inciardi, J., Suratt, H. and Martin, S. “The therapeutic community: a model program for the treatment of drug-involved offenders.” In Developing a Treatment and Service Continuum for Offenders: Caribbean Regional Resource and Guidelines, edited by M. Day, 43–56. Washington: Organisation of American States, 2009.

M6-vii:  Unpublished guide to online resources (see: Prison-Based Therapeutic Communities Handbook, p. 70).

Module 7

M7-i:     Unpublished guide to online resources (see: Prison-Based Therapeutic Communities Handbook, p. 70).

M7-ii:    Broekaert, E., Vandervelde, S., Schuyten, G., Erauw, K. and Bracke, R. “Evolution of encounter group methods in therapeutic communities for substance abusers.” Journal of Addictive Behaviors, 29, no. 2, (2004): 231–244.

Module 8

M8-i:     World Health Organisation. WHOQOL-BREF: Introduction, Scoring and Generic Version of the Assessment (Field Trial Version). Geneva: WHO, 1996.

M8-ii:    Broekaert, E., De Maeyer, J., Vandervelde, S., Vanderplasschen, W., Claes, C., Colpaert, K. and Walgraeve, M. “Quality of life in therapeutic communities for addictions: a positive search for wellbeing and happiness.” Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery 12, no. 2/3, (2017): 207–221.

Module 9

M9-i:     De Leon, G. “The therapeutic community: Toward a general theory and model.” In Therapeutic Community: Advances in Research and Application (NIDA Research Monograph 144), edited by F. M. Timms, G. De Leon and N. Jainchill, 16–55. Washington DC: US DHHS, 1994.

Module 10

M10-i:   Jervis, V. “The role of trauma-informed care in building resilience and recovery.” Prison Service Journal, no. 242 (2019): 18-25. 

M10-ii:  McDonald, D. “Empowering Female Inmates: An Exploratory Study of a Prison Therapeutic Community and its Impact on the Coping Skills of Substance Abusing Women.” PhD Thesis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2006.