List of CINGO Representatives and Liaisons
to CoE committees and other bodies
Situation 17 January 2025
Intergovernmental committees
Steering Committee on Human Rights (CDDH) |
Ciaran King (Standing Committee); Simon Matthijssen (Standing Committee) |
Drafting Group on Human Rights and Environment (CDDH-ENV) |
Amy Jacobsen, Greenpeace |
Committee of Bioethics (DH-BIO) |
Gender Equality Commission (GEC) |
Cianán B. Russell, ILGA-Europe; Bettina Hahne, Soroptimist International |
European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) |
Cyril Ritchie, CIVICUS |
Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) |
Committee of experts on the integrity of online information (MSI-INF) |
EU Accession Group (46+1) |
Olga Sadovskaya (Standing Committee) Piotr Sadowski (Standing Committee) |
Evaluation of the first effects of Protocols No. 15 and No. 16 to the ECHR (DH-SYSC-PRO) |
Olga Sadovskaya (Standing Committee) |
System of the European Convention on Human Rights (DH-SYSC) |
Olga Sadovskaya (Standing Committee) |
Issues relating to judges of the ECHR (DH-SYSC-JC) |
Olga Sadovskaya (Standing Committee) |
Eradication of Impunity Human Rights Violations (CDDH-ELI) |
Human Rights in Situations of Crisis (CDDH-SCR) |
Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) |
Francesca Fanucci, Council of Experts |
CDDEM plenaries |
Gerhard Ermischer (President of the Standing Committee); Roy Virah-Sawmy, EPD |
CDDEM Working Group on Parameters for the application and implementation of the Reykjavík Principles of Democracy (GT-P) |
Gerhard Ermischer (President of the Standing Committee); Roy Virah-Sawmy, EPD |
CDDEM Working Group on civil society participation (GT-CS) |
Gerhard Ermischer (President of the Standing Committee); Roy Virah-Sawmy, EPD |
Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU) |
Anna Sevortian (Standing Committee); Genevieve Laloy (Standing Committee) |
European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) |
Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ) |
Ece Ciftci (Standing Committee); Iordanis Chorozoglou (Standing Committee) |
Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) |
Ece Ciftci (Standing Committee); Iordanis Chorozoglou (Standing Committee) |
Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) |
Anna Sevortian (Standing Committee); Sophie Hüglin, European Association of Archaeologists |
Collaborative Platform on Social and Economic Rights (COE-FRA-ENNHRI-EQUINET) |
Piotr Sadowski (Standing Committee); Peter Verhaeghe, CARITAS |
Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF) |
Ruth Allen (Standing Committee) |
Committee of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Committee) |
Katrina Melissari, Hope For Children |
Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) |
Goran Miletic (Standing Committee); Piotr Sadowski (Standing Committee) |
Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM) |
Goran Miletic (Standing Committee) |
Committee of Experts on Combating Hate Speech (ADI/MSI-DIS) |
Goran Miletic (Standing Committee) |
Committees of the Parties
Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Violence Against Women) |
Anita Schnetzer Spranger, Zonta Int. |
Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings |
Marie Salphati, FIACAT |
Governmental Committees
European Committee of Social Rights (on invitation) (ECSR) |
Piotr Sadowski (Standing Committee); Ruth Allen (Standing Committee); Peter Verhaeghe, CARITAS |
Partial Agreements
North South Centre Bureau (NSC) |
Christoph Spreng, Initatives of Change-International |
Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) |
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) |
Arthur Garrido, ANETAPS |
Pompidou Group |
Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of PACE |
Piotr Sadowski (Standing Committee); Anna Rurka, EUROCEF |
Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of PACE |
Anita Schnetzer Spranger, ZONTA Int. |
Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons of PACE |
Ciaran King (Standing Committee); |
World Forum for Democracy Steering Group (WFfD) |
Maritchu Rall, ESAN-AISBL |
European Landscape Convention (ELC) |
Gerhard Ermischer (President of the Standing Committee); Sophie Hüglin, European Association of Archaeologists |
INGO Committees
Education for Democracy |
Genevieve Laloy (Standing Committee); Iordanis Chorozoglou (Standing Committee) |
Civil Society Committee on the Rights of the Child in Europe |
Ruth Allen (Standing Committee); Ece Ciftci (Standing Committee); Ciaran King (Standing Committee) |
Interreligious & Interconvictional Dialogue |
Gerhard Ermischer (President of the Standing Committee); |
Committee on Migration Issues |
Ciaran King (Standing Committee); Genevieve Laloy (Standing Committee); |
Human rights, Democracy and Artificial Intelligence |
Iordanis Chorozoglou (Standing Committee); Simon Matthijssen (Standing Committee) |
Environmental and health crisis: governance and solidarity issues |
Genevieve Laloy (Standing Committee); |
Gender Equality |
Ruth Allen (Standing Committee); |
Sport and Human Rights |
Simon Matthijssen (Standing Committee); Ece Ciftci (Standing Committee) |