Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development

reports submitted by the Committee to the Assembly

on the theme of Social Resilience and Health Equity

(2012 – 2021)


Doc. 12804       Protecting human rights and dignity by taking into account previously                                                        expressed wishes of patients *

                        Resolution 1859 (2012) and Recommendation 1993 (2012) adopted on 25 January 2012

                        Rapporteur: Mr Jordi XUCLÀ i COSTA, Spain, ALDE

* This document was assigned to the former Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee

Doc. 12873       The need for independent and credible expert assessments *

                        Resolution 1870 (2012) adopted on 9 March 2012

                        Rapporteur: Mr Cezar Florin PREDA, Romania, EPP/CD

 * These documents were assigned to the former Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs


Doc. 13225       Equal access to health care

                        Resolution 1946 (2013) et Recommendation 2020 (2013) adopted on 26 June 2013

                        Rapporteur: Mr Jean-Louis LORRAIN, France, EPP/CD


Doc.13572        Towards optimum breast cancer services across Europe

                        Resolution 2021 (2014) adopted on 3 October 2014

                        Rapporteur: Ms Stella KYRIAKIDES, Cyprus, EPP/CD

Doc. 13539       Measuring and fostering the well-being of European citizens

                        Resolution 2023 (2014) adopted on 18 November 2014

                        Rapporteur: The Earl of DUNDEE, United Kingdom, EC


Doc. 13869       Public health and the interests of the pharmaceutical industry: how to guarantee the primacy of public health interests?

                        Resolution 2071 (2015) adopted 29 September 2015

                        Rapporteur: Ms Liliane MAURY PASQUIER, Switzerland, SOC


Doc. 14012       The handling of international public-health emergencies

Resolution 2114 (2016) adopted on 22 April 2016

Rapporteur: Ms Sílvia Eloïsa BONET, Andorra, SOC

Doc. 14194       Ensuring access to health care for all children in Europe

Resolution 2139 (2016) adopted on 25 November 2016

            Rapporteur: Ms Stella KYRIAKIDES, Cyprus, EPP/CD


Doc. 14219       “New generation” trade agreements and their implications for social rights, public health and sustainable development

                        Resolution 2152 (2017) adopted on 27 January 2017

                        Rapporteur: Mr Geraint DAVIES, United Kingdom, SOC

Doc. 14320       Human rights of older persons and their comprehensive care

                        Resolution 2168 (2017) and Recommendation 2104 (2017) adopted on 30 May 2017

                        Rapporteur: Lord George FOULKES, United Kingdom, SOC

Doc. 14328                   The use of new genetic technologies in human beings

Recommendation 2115 (2017) adopted on 12 October 2017

Rapporteur: Ms Petra De SUTTER, Belgium, SOC


Doc. 14525       Drug-resistant tuberculosis in Europe

                        Resolution 2219 (2018) adopted on 27 April 2018

                        Rapporteur: Mr Serhii KIRAL, Ukraine, EC

Doc. 14657                   The provision of palliative care in Europe

Resolution 2249 (2018) adopted on 23 November 2018

Rapporteur: Mr Rónán MULLEN, Ireland, EPP/CD


Doc. 14824       Stress at work

                        Resolution 2267 (2019) adopted on 1 March 2019

                        Rapporteur: Mr Stefaan VERCAMER, Belgium, EPP/CD

Doc. 14829       Addressing the health needs of adolescents in Europe

                        Resolution 2284 (2019) adopted on 24 May 2019

                        Rapporteur: Baroness Doreen E. MASSEY, United Kingdom, SOC

Doc. 14888       Air pollution: a challenge for public health in Europe

                        Resolution 2286 (2019) adopted on 24 May 2019

                        Rapporteur: Mr Serhii KIRAL, Ukraine, EC

Doc. 14895       Ending coercion in mental health: the need for a human rights-based approach

                        Resolution 2291 (2019) and Recommendation 2158 (2019) adopted on 26 June 2019

                        Rapporteur: Ms Reina de BRUIJN-WEZEMAN, Netherlands, ALDE

Doc. 14961       The Council of Europe Development Bank: contributing to building a more inclusive society

                        Resolution 2302 (2019) adopted on 2 October 2019

                        Rapporteur: Ms Nicole TRISSE, France, ALDE


Doc. 15115       Lessons for the future from an effective and rights-based response to the Covid-19 pandemic

                        Resolution 2329 (2020) and Recommendation 2174 (2020) adopted on 26 June 2020

                        Rapporteur: Mr Andrej HUNKO, Germany, UEL

Doc. 15154       Artificial intelligence in health care: medical, legal and ethical challenges ahead

                        Recommendation 2185 (2020) adopted on 22 October 2020

                        Rapporteur: Ms Selin SAYEK BÖKE, Turkey, SOC

Doc. 15177       Supporting people with autism and their families

                        Resolution 2353 (2020) adopted on 4 December 2020

                        Rapporteur: Ms Sevinj FATALIYEVA, Azerbaijan, EC/DA


Doc 15212        Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations

Resolution 2361 (2021) adopted on 27 January 2021

Rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman, France, ALDE

Doc 15208        Discrimination against persons dealing with chronic and long-term illnesses

Resolution 2373 (2021) adopted on 21 April 2021

Rapporteur: Ms Martine Wonner, France, ALDE

Doc 15365        Socio-economic inequalities in Europe: time to restore social trust by strengthening social rights

Resolution 2393 (2021) and Recommendation 2210 (2021) adopted on 28 September 2021

Rapporteur: Ms Selin Sayek Böke, Turkey, SOC

Doc 15367        Anchoring the right to a healthy environment: need for enhanced action by the Council of Europe

Resolution 2396 (2021) and Recommendation 2211 (2021) adopted on 29 September 2021

Rapporteur: Mr Simon Moutquin, Belgium, SOC


Doc 15444        Beating Covid-19 with public health measures

Resolution 2424 (2022) and Recommendation 2222 (2022) adopted on 27 January 2022

Rapporteur: Mr Stefan Schennach, Austria, SOC