2nd Meeting of the Secretary General

with Presidents of Intergovernmental Committees

Strasbourg, 1 February 2024, Palais de l’Europe - (09:30-17:00)

Meeting rooms: 11 for plenary, 10 and 11 for working groups

Wednesday, 31 January

20:00-22:00         Informal dinner of Presidents of Intergovernmental


                            Venue: European Youth Centre Strasbourg (TBC)

Thursday, 1 February 

8:45-9:30              Networking Coffee (outside room 11)


Plenary Session (room 11)

Opening remarks by Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe


Intervention by Síofra O’Leary, President of the European Court of Human Rights


Discussion in Working Groups: Beyond the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government: delivering results on the Reykjavík commitments

Working Group 1 (room 11)

Challenges to Council of Europe fundamental values and how to address them: strengthening the commitment to the European Convention of Human Rights, countering democratic backsliding, engaging civil society and including a youth perspective

Moderator: Matjaž Gruden, Director for Democracy, DG II

Rapporteur: Krista Oinonen, CDDH, Government Agent before the ECtHR, Director, Unit for Human Rights Courts and Conventions, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland

Working Group 2 (room 10)

Challenges to Council of Europe fundamental values and how to address them: the fight against discrimination and anti-gender movements, the use of new digital technologies, protection of the environment

Moderator: Daniele Cangemi, Head of Department, Human Rights, Justice and Legal Co-operation, Standard-Setting activities, DG I

Rapporteur: Ralph Kass, Gender Equality Commission, Principal Advisor to the Director, Ministry of Equality between Men and Women, Luxembourg


Coffee break


Plenary Session (room 11)

Presentation of the conclusions of the Working Groups, followed by concluding remarks by the Secretary General


Family photo followed by the lunch, Blue Restaurant



Discussion between Presidents of Intergovernmental Committees on working methods (room 11)


First topic:

-       Exchange of information, transversal co-operation, mainstreamed perspectives and joint work among Committees

Second topic:

-       Relations with the European Union


Coffee break                                                                     


Third topic:

-       Interaction with civil society, including in view of the implementation of the Secretary General's Roadmap on the Council of Europe's Engagement with Civil Society 2024‑2027

Fourth topic:

-       Impact of the intergovernmental work: implementation of standards, interaction with monitoring, role of co-operation activities and visibility of its work


Conclusions and closing of the meeting