Period covered: 1/7/2020 to 30/6/2021
I. List of Laws and Regulations which apply the provisions of the Code
Please add:
· Social Insurance (Amendment) Law N. 194(I)/2020 of 18 Dec 2020
· Social Insurance (Amendment) Law N. 88(I)/2021 – 6 May 2021
· Social Insurance (Amendment) Law N. 101(I)/2021 – 11 May 2021
No change
II. Details of the provisions of the above-mentioned legislation giving effect
to each of the following Articles of the Code
Articles 1 – 2
No change.
Articles 3 – 6
Not applicable.
Articles 7 – 12
Not applicable as Cyprus has not accepted the obligations of the Code in respect of this Part.
Articles 13 – 14
No change.
Article 15
A. No change.
B. No change.
TITLE II (Article 74)
A. Number of economically active persons protected –
(i) under general scheme ………………………….. 473.247
(ii) under special schemes –
scheme for ……………………………………….. NIL
scheme for ……………………………………….. NIL
(iii) Total ………………….. 473.247
B. Total number of residents 888.005[1]
C. Total number of economically active persons (A(iii)) per cent of total
number of residents (B): 53,29%
The number given in A(i) above is the total number οf persons who have paid or been credited with contributions to the Social Insurance Scheme in 2020.
The number given in B above is the total number of residents in the Government controlled area of Cyprus which was estimated for 2020.
D. Not applicable.
Article 16
A. Recourse is had to Article 65 for the calculation of sickness benefit.
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. No change except that the amount of the weekly basic insurable earnings was increased as from 1/1/2021 to €183,96 and the ceiling of earnings on which contributions are payable to €1.104 per week.
B. No change.
C. The weekly wage of the skilled manual worker (construction) was €401.08[2].
1 – 2: Not applicable.
TITLE II (Article 65)
D. The weekly amount of sickness benefit for the standard beneficiary is
E. No change.
F. No change.
G. Percentage of the weekly amount of sickness benefit payable (€292,52) in relation to the weekly amount of the reference wage (€401,08): 72,93% (€292,52: €401,08).
TITLE V (Article 65)
D. Amount of benefit granted during the time basis: €218,94
G. Amount of benefit (D) per cent of the standard wage (€401,08):
54,59% (€218,94: €401,08).
Β. Νοt applicable.
C. No change.
Articles 17
No change.
Articles 18
No Change
Articles 19-20
Article 21
A. No change.
B. See Articles 19-20
TITLE I (Article 74)
A. Number of employees protected:
(i) under general scheme 473.247
(ii) under special schemes NIL
(iii) Total 490.984
B. Total number of employees 359.833[3]
The number of employees in A(i) above is the total number of employed persons who have paid or been credited with contributions to the Social Insurance Scheme in 2020.
The total number of employees in B above is provided according to the Labour Force Survey (L.F.S.) (2020).
No comparison between the number of employees protected under the General Scheme and the total number of employees is possible since the basis for the collection of the data is different.
For example the number in A above includes also persons who have worked for at least one week and terminated their employment in the reference year whereas these persons are not included in the number of B above.
D. Not applicable.
A. Recourse is had to Article 65 for the calculation of unemployment benefit.
(Article 65)
Same as for sickness benefit (see Article 16 above)
No change.
Article 25 - 26
No change except that the Social Insurance (Amendment) law N.194(I)/2020 of 18 Dec 2020 provides for a special allowance for insured persons who have thalassemia, at the age of 50. This is calculated in the same way as statutory (old age) pension and provided the person fulfills the contribution criteria for old age pension at the time of application of this special allowance (in any case after completion of 50 years of age). This allowance is terminated at the age of 63 if insured person is entitled to old age pension, and/or at the pensionable age (65).
A. No change.
B. No change.
TITLE II (Article 74)
A. Number of economically active persons protected:
(i) under general scheme ………………… 523.598
(ii) under special schemes ………………… ---
(iii) Total ……………… 523.598 =======
B. Total number of residents ……………………. 888.005[4]
C. Total number of economically active persons ((A(iii)) per cent of
total number of residents (B): 58,96%
The number given in A(i) above is the total number of persons who have paid or been credited with contributions to the Social Insurance Scheme in 2020.
The number given in B above is the total number of residents in the Government controlled area of Cyprus which was estimated for 2020.
D. Not applicable.
A. Recourse is had to Article 65 for the calculation of old-age benefit.
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. No change except that the amount of the weekly basic insurable earnings was increased as from 1/1/2021 to €183,96 and the ceiling of earnings on which contributions are payable to €1.104 per week
B. No change.
B. The weekly wage of the skilled manual worker (construction) was €401,08.
1-2: Not applicable.
TITLE III (Article 65)
D. The amount of the weekly benefit granted to the standard beneficiary whose earnings are equal to the reference wage (€401,08) and with a full insurance record from 1964 to 30.6.2021 (49 years) is €279,88 or 69,78% of the reference wage, as against 40% provided by the Code.
E. Not applicable.
F. Not applicable.
F. The following Table gives examples of the weekly amount of pension as a percentage of the reference wage of the standard beneficiary with varying years of insurance.
Years of insurance |
Amount of benefit for standard beneficiary (€) |
Benefit as % of reference wage (€401,08) |
35 30 |
237,83 195,22 |
59,29 48,67 |
TITLE V (Article 65)
(with full insurance record):
D. Amount granted during the time basis: €243,09.
G. Amount of benefit (D) per cent of the standard wage (€401,08): 60,61% (€243,09 : €401,08).
B. Not applicable.
C. TITLE VI (Article 65)
1. No change.
2. See Attached table on Cost of Living Index
3. The rate of old-age benefit was increased by 4,58% in the basic part. In the supplementary part there was no change from the amount of pensions in force on 1.1.2020.
1. No change.
2. No change.
3. Not applicable.
4. Not applicable.
5. No change.
No change.
No change.
A. No change.
B. TITLE I (Article 74)
A. Number of employees protected:
(i) under general scheme 472.847
(ii) under special schemes NIL
Total 472.847
B. Total number of employees 359.833[5]
Τhe number of employees in A (i) above represents the total number of employed persons who have paid or been credited with contributions to the Social Insurance Scheme in 2020.
The total number of employees in B above is provided according to the Labour Force Survey (L.F.S.)(2021) prepared by the Statistical Service of the Ministry of Finance.
Please refer to the Part IV, Unemployment Benefit for further explanation regarding the number of employees above.
A. No change.
A. No change. The weekly amount of the constant allowance was increased as from 1/1/2021 to €60,70. The total weekly benefit for a beneficiary with three dependents, including constant allowance, reaches €374,93 which corresponds to 93,48% of the standard wage.
Also, according to the Social Insurance (Amendment) Law. N. 101(I)/2021 of 11 May 2021, a new detailed table for the calculation of disability pension for injury from an industrial accident is introduced (see attached law).
B. Injury Benefit
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. No change except that the amount of the weekly basic insurable earnings was increased as from 1/1/2021 to €183,96 and the ceiling of earnings on which contributions are payable to €1.104 per week
B. 1-2 No change.
C. The wage of the skilled manual worker was €401,08 per week.
1. Not applicable.
2. Not applicable.
TITLE II (Article 65)
D. Weekly amount of injury benefit for the standard beneficiary: €292,52.
E. No change.
F. No change.
G. Percentage of the weekly amount of injury benefit payable (€292,52) in relation to the weekly amount of the reference wage (€401,08): 72,93% (€292,52 : €401,08).
The amount of the periodical benefit does not vary by region.
TITLE V (Article 65)
D. Amount of benefit granted during the time basis: €218,94
G. Amount of benefit (D) per cent of the standard wage (€401,08):
54,58% (€218,94 : €401,08).
Disablement Benefit
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. No change.
B. 1-2 No change.
C. No change.
TITLE II (Article 65)
D. Weekly amount of disablement benefit for the standard beneficiary: €314,23.
E. No change.
F. No change.
G. Percentage of the weekly amount of disablement benefit in relation to the weekly amount of the reference wage: 78,34% (€314,23 : €401,08).
TITLE V (Article 65)
D. Amount of benefit granted during the time basis: €240,65
G. Amount of benefit (D) per cent of the standard wage (€401,08):
60,0% (€240,65: €401,08).
TITLE VI (Article 65)
1. No change.
2. See attached table on Cost of Living Index
3. The rate of disablement benefit was increased by 4,58% in the basic part of the Social Insurance Scheme, as from 1/1/2021. In the supplementary part there was no change from the amount in force on 1.1.2020.
Death Benefit
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. 1. No change.
2-3. No change.
B. No change.
C. The wage of the skilled manual worker was €401,08 per week in.
1. Not applicable.
2. Not applicable.
TITLE IV (Article 65)
D. Amount of widow/er’s pension for the standard beneficiary: €243,72 per week.
E. No change.
F. No change.
G. Percentage of the weekly amount of widow/er’s pension in relation to the weekly amount of the standard wage: 60,76% (€243,72: €401,08).
Α funeral grant is payable where the victim of an employment accident
or occupational disease dies. The beneficiary is the surviving spouse
and, in the absence of a spouse, the person who has undertaken the
funeral expenses. The amount of the funeral grant is fixed at €535,70 irrespective of the amount of the actual expenses.
The rate of benefit does not vary by region.
TITLE V (Article 65)
D. Amount of benefit granted during the time basis: €188,54
G. Amount of benefit (D) per cent of the standard wage (€401,08): 47 % (€188,54: €401,08).
ΤΙTLE VI (Article 65)
1. No change.
2. See attached table on Cost of Living Index
3. The rate of death benefit was increased by 4,58% in the basic part of the Social Insurance Scheme, as from 1/1/2021. In the supplementary part there was no change from the amount in force on 1.1.2020.
C. No change.
D. Where the degree of disability is between 10% and 19% a disablement grant
is payable instead of a pension. The amount of the grant varies according to
the degree of disablement as shown in the Table below.
Degree of disablement |
Amount € |
10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% |
4.017,65 4.419,42 4.821,18 5.222,95 5.624,71 6.026,48 6.428,24 6.830,01 7.231,77 7.633,54 |
No change.
Article 41
(PERIOD 1/7/2020-30/06/2021)
Number of families protected: 64.091[1] (incl. 11.637 single parent families)
Total number of families: 303.242[2]
Percentage of families protected during 2020: 21,14%
Total number of children for whom child benefit was paid: 109.879[3]
Total number of children up to 19 years old [4]: 190.766
Percentage of children for whom child benefit was paid during 2020: 57.60%
Article 42
The child allowance is granted to the family only for the number of unmarried and dependent children who live with the family under the same roof. The term dependent children is defined as children:
· Up to 18 years of age
· Aged up to 20 years if they are attending a secondary education school
· Aged up to 21 years if they serve in the National Guard
· Irrespective of age, children who lack a permanent capacity to support themselves.
The child benefit is granted based on:
I. Residence requirements: the family has to have its legal and continuous residence for at least five consecutive years prior to the application submission, in the areas under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus The above residence condition applies to Cypriot nationals, to EU member state nationals and to third country nationals. Note that the period of residence in an EU Member State is considered as a period of residence in the Republic of Cyprus, to be consisted with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004.
II. Income criteria: the family’s gross annual income for the previous year does not exceed €49.000 for families with one dependent child and €59.000 for families with two dependent children. For families with more than two dependent children, the threshold is increased by €5.000 per child, i.e., for three children is €64.000, for four children is €69.000 etc.
III. Assets criteria: the family does not own assets (including immovable property, deposits etc.) in excess of EUR 1.2 million in current prices. The value of any possible alienation of assets that took place within 24 months prior to the application submission date, is also included.
In calculating the family income, the gross income earned in one year before the year in which the payment of the benefit falls due, by all the family members, from work, employment, self-employment, pensions, alimony, rents, dividends, interest on deposits/bonds/securities in Cyprus or/and abroad shall be taken into account. Any public allowance provided by the Social Welfare Services or any other grant provided by any other Government Service shall also be taken into account. Excluded from the family income are provisions such as: child benefit, mother allowance, student grants, student welfare, scholarships, and grants to deprived or distressed people with disabilities or chronic illnesses as well as income from employment of children and full-time students.
Single-parent family benefit
A complementary benefit is attributed to single parent familieswho are entitled to child benefit. Single parent family means a family where a lone parent, without a spouse/companion, lives with at least one dependent child, either from marriage or out of wedlock and lives alone because he/she is single, widowed, divorced or because one of the parents is declared by the court as a missing person or is serving a sentence of imprisonment more than six months.
The single parent family allowance is also based on the total gross income obtained during the previous year as well as on residence and economic criteria. A single parent family is entitled to single parent benefit if its total gross income obtained during the previous year does not exceed €49.000.
Child Benefit and Single Parent Benefit Rates
The amount of the child benefit is proportional to the number of children in the family and the level of family income. Families with low and middle incomes (up to €19.500 and €39.000) receive supplementary child benefit. The Single Parent Benefit and the Child Benefit for families with three or more children, is paid on a monthly basis. The Child Benefit for families with one or two children is paid in one annual instalment.
The amount of child benefit and single-parent family benefit for years 2020 and 2021 is described on the following tables:
Number of Children In the family |
Child Benefit annual amount per dependent child (€) |
families with income of up to €19.500,00 |
families with income over €19.500,01 and up to €39.000,00 |
families with income over €39.000,01 and up to €49.000,00 |
families with income over €49.000,01 and up to €59.000,00* |
1 child |
475 |
425 |
380 |
0 |
2 children |
570 |
520 |
380 |
345 |
3 children |
1.045 |
995 |
760 |
690 |
4 or more children |
1.675 |
1.525 |
1.260 |
1.135 |
*for families with more than two dependent children, the threshold is increased by €5.000 per child
Single parent benefit monthly amount per dependent child (€) |
Family income |
€0 – €39.000,00 |
180 |
€39.000,01 – €49.000,00 |
160 |
It’s noted that the benefits amount for years 2020 and 2021 is increased by Automatic Price Indexation (1.97%).
Articles 46-52
Not applicable as Cyprus has not accepted the obligations of the Code in respect of this Part.
Articles 53 – 54
No change.
A. No change.
B. No change.
TITLE II (Article 74)
A. Number of economically persons protected:
(i) under general scheme 503.800
(ii) under special schemes NIL
(iii) Total 503.800
B. Total number of residents 888.005[6]
C. Total number of economically active persons (A(iii)) per cent of total
number of residents (B) : 56,73%
The number given in A(i) above is the total number of employed or self-employed persons who have paid or been credited with contributions to the Social Insurance Scheme in 2020.
The number given in B above is the total number of residents in the Government controlled area of Cyprus, for 2020.
D. Not applicable.
A. Recourse is had to Article 65 for the calculation of invalidity benefit.
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. No change except that the amount of the weekly basic insurable earnings was increased as from 1/1/2021 to €183,96 and the ceiling of earnings on which contributions are payable to €1.104 per week
B. No change.
C. The amount of the wage of the skilled manual worker (standard
wage) was €401,08 per week.
1. Not applicable.
2. Not applicable.
TITLE II (Article 65)
D. The weekly amount of invalidity benefit for 100% invalidity for a person with a spouse and two children is €337,03. This amount is guaranteed for a person whose actual and prospective contributions cover a period of not less than 47 years.
E. Not applicable.
F. Not applicable.
G. Percentage of invalidity pension in relation to the standard wage:
84,03% (€337,03 : €401,08).
TITLE V (Article 65)
Same as for old-age benefit
(see TITLE V under Article 28).
B. Not applicable.
TITLE VI (Article 65)
1. No change.
The rate of invalidity benefit was increased by 4,58% in the basic part of the Social Insurance Scheme, as from 1/1/2021. In the supplementary part there was no change from the amount in force on 1.1.2020.
Articles 57 – 58
No change.
Articles 59 – 60
No change except that according to Social Insurance (Amendment) Law N. 88(I)/2021 of 6 May 2021, periods of marriages of cumulatively at least 5 years between the deceased and the same spouse are taken into account for the provision of widow’s pension.
A. Recourse is had to paragraph (b). The persons protected comprise surviving spouses and children of all persons protected for old-age benefit. See reply under Article 27.
B. See reply under Article 27.
C. See reply under Article 27.
D. Not applicable.
A. Recourse is had to Article 65.
TITLE I (Article 65)
A. No change in the method of calculation of the widow’s/ers pension.
The amount of the benefit for a full orphan is as follows:
- Basic benefit: €73,58 per week per orphan.
- Supplementary benefit: This represents 50% of the amount of the supplementary widow’s pension which would have been payable in each case. The total supplementary benefit where there are more than two orphans cannot exceed the amount of the supplementary widow’s pension.
The amount of benefit for half-orphans is the same as the increase payable in respect of dependants in the case of old age pensioner, i.e. €36,79 per week for one orphan, €55,19 for two orphans and €73,59 for three or more orphans.
The amount of funeral grant is €535,70 for the death of an insured person or a pensioner and €267,85 for the death of a dependant of an insured person or a pensioner.
B. No change.
C. The wage of the skilled manual worker was €401,08.
1. Not applicable.
2. Not applicable.
TITLE IV (Article 65)
D. Weekly amount of widow’s pension for a widow with two
children whose deceased husband had 47 years of insurance(actual and prospective): €318,63.
Ε. Not applicable.
F. Not applicable.
G. Percentage of the pension in relation to the standard wage: 79,44%
(€318,63: €401,08).
ΤΙΤLE V (Article 65)
D. Amount of benefit granted during the time basis: €263,45.
G. Amount of benefit (D) per cent of the standard wage (€401,08):
62,18% (€263,45: €423,70).
B. Not applicable.
TITLE VI (Article 65)
1. No change.
2. See attached table on Cost of Living Index
3. The rate of widows/widowers pension was increased by 4,58% in the basic part of the Social Insurance Scheme, as from 1/1/2021. In the supplementary part there was no change from the amount in force on 1.1.2020.
Article 63
1. No change except that the amount of the weekly basic insurable earnings was increased as from 1/1/2021 to €183,96 and the ceiling of earnings on which contributions are payable to €1.104 per week
2. The Table below gives examples of the amount of pension for the standard beneficiary whose late breadwinner’s average earnings are equal to the reference wage.
Actual and prospective years of insurance |
Amount of benefit for standard beneficiary (€) |
Benefit as % of reference wage (€401,08). |
35 30 |
224,13 197,52 |
55,88 49,24 |
3. Not applicable.
4. Not applicable.
5. No change.
Article 64
No change.
Articles 68-69
No change.
Article 70
1. No Change
Article 71
No change.
III. No change.
IV. No change.
Update from previous report
Payment methods
Following the Council of Ministers’ decision of 2/10/2019 regarding the abolition of the cashier’s desks operating in the District Offices of the SIS and the adoption of automated methods of contribution collection, as from 15/02/2020 a new developed and efficient online payment system became available to users for the online payment of contributions due. The use of the system is compulsory for employers and self-employed persons as regards the payment of contributions for which the deadline of payment has not expired. Users can register online to the system and pay their contributions due electronically either via SEPA direct debit method or credit/debit bank card. Currently, the SIS are in the process of making the required amendments to the online system so as to give the possibility to users to pay contributions electronically for periods of contributions which the deadline for payment has expired along with additional charges imposed for late payment. As mentioned and in the previous report these measures will ultimately improve the service provided to the public, ensure the safety of the transactions, and enable employees and self-employed persons to have information regarding their transactions and their insurance record. In addition the measures will improve the ability of the SIS to prepare statistical reports and analyze data.
As of May 2021 Cyprus has implemented all required processes for all social security sectors within the EESSI system and all information regarding the implementation of Regulations 883/2004 and 987/2009 for the coordination of social security systems of the EU, EEA Member States and Switzerland is exchanged electronically with competent institutions in other member States who are EESSI ready in the specific social security sector.
Answers to comments by the Committee of Experts
Concerning Part VI (Employment injury benefit), Article 34 of the Code, types of medical care provided by the Government about the introduction of a new universal General Healthcare System (GHS)-
Concerning Part VII (Family benefit), Article 43 of the Code, Length of the qualifying period of residence, and specifically child benefit, the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance will take the necessary measures to adopt the recommendations of the Committee of Experts.
Table 1[7] - Increases of Basic and Supplementary Pensions
Percentage Increase |
Beneficiary without Dependents |
Beneficiary with1 Dependents |
Beneficiary with 2 Dependents |
Beneficiary with 3 Dependents |
Period |
Basic Pension |
Suppl. Pension |
Full basic Pension-€ |
Minimum Pension € |
Full basic pension-€ |
Minimum Pension € |
Full basic pension-€ |
Minimum pension € |
Full basic pension-€ |
Minimum pension € |
1/1/2011 |
2,98% |
2,58% |
400,92 |
340,78 |
534,56 |
454,38 |
601,38 |
511,17 |
668,20 |
567,97 |
1/1/2012 |
2,29% |
2,29% |
410,11 |
348,60 |
546,82 |
464,79 |
617,17 |
522,89 |
683,52 |
580,99 |
1/1/20131 |
0,00% |
0,00% |
415,15 |
352,88 |
553,54 |
470,51 |
622,73 |
529,32 |
691,92 |
588,13 |
1/1/2014 |
0,00% |
0,00% |
415,15 |
352,88 |
553,54 |
470,51 |
622,73 |
529,32 |
691,92 |
588,13 |
1/1/2015 |
0,00% |
0,00% |
415,15 |
352,88 |
553,54 |
470,51 |
622,73 |
529,32 |
691,92 |
588,13 |
1/1/2016 |
0,00% |
0,00% |
415,15 |
352,88 |
553,54 |
470,51 |
622,73 |
529,32 |
691,92 |
588,13 |
1/1/2017 |
0,81% |
0,00% |
418,51 |
355,74 |
558,02 |
474,31 |
627,77 |
533,60 |
697,52 |
592,89 |
1/1/2018 |
0,00% |
0,00% |
418,51 |
355,74 |
558,02 |
474,31 |
627,77 |
533,60 |
697,52 |
592,89 |
1/1/2019 |
0,42% |
0,42% |
420,26 |
357,22 |
560,35 |
476,30 |
630,40 |
535,84 |
700,44 |
595,37 |
1/1/2020 |
0,45% |
0,00% |
422,16 |
358,84 |
562,88 |
478,45 |
633,24 |
538,25 |
703,60 |
598,06 |
Table 2[8]-Consumer Price Index, Base 2015
Month Year |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Yearly Average |
% Change |
2nd half Average |
% Change |
2011 |
98,87 |
99,29 |
100,27 |
101,44 |
101,94 |
102,45 |
100,94 |
100,99 |
101,79 |
103,26 |
103,59 |
103,61 |
101,54 |
3,3 |
102,36 |
2,58% |
2012 |
101,95 |
102,36 |
103,65 |
104,56 |
104,95 |
104,26 |
103,14 |
103,69 |
104,35 |
105,05 |
104,83 |
104,75 |
103,96 |
2,4 |
104,30 |
3,28% |
2013 |
103,81 |
104,04 |
104,76 |
104,25 |
104,22 |
104,34 |
102,81 |
102,71 |
103,27 |
103,37 |
102,63 |
102,33 |
103,55 |
-0,4 |
102,85 |
1,89% |
2014 |
100,82 |
101,36 |
102,36 |
102,59 |
102,80 |
103,10 |
102,21 |
101,97 |
102,33 |
102,87 |
102,47 |
100,84 |
102,14 |
-1,4 |
102,12 |
-1,39% |
2015 |
99,32 |
99,81 |
100,43 |
100,53 |
100,81 |
100,69 |
98,91 |
98,99 |
99,64 |
100,47 |
100,54 |
99,86 |
100,00 |
-2,1 |
99,74 |
-0,72% |
2016 |
98,02 |
97,24 |
97,89 |
98,05 |
98,66 |
98,52 |
98,71 |
98,63 |
99,14 |
99,22 |
99,16 |
99,61 |
98,57 |
-1,4 |
99,08 |
-2,33% |
2017 |
98,53 |
98,87 |
99,76 |
100,01 |
99,70 |
99,19 |
98,03 |
98,48 |
98,76 |
99,34 |
99,44 |
99,03 |
99,10 |
0,5 |
98,85 |
-0,66% |
2018 |
97,82 |
98,56 |
99,27 |
99,87 |
100,96 |
101,49 |
100,32 |
100,98 |
101,85 |
102,29 |
102,09 |
100,71 |
100,52 |
1,4 |
101,37 |
-0,23% |
2019 |
99,76 |
99,79 |
100,62 |
101,04 |
101,18 |
101,29 |
100,02 |
100,32 |
100,89 |
101,29 |
101,60 |
101,43 |
100,77 |
0,3 |
100,93 |
2,56% |
2020 |
100,83 |
101,23 |
101,34 |
99,82 |
99,69 |
99,27 |
98,52 |
99,10 |
99,95 |
100,51 |
100,98 |
100,27 |
100,13 |
-0, 6 |
99,89 |
-0,44% |
Table 3-Icrease of Average Insurable earnings
Year |
Avg. Insurable earnings |
% Increase 1st of January (previous year compared to the immediately preceding year) |
2010 |
19797 |
2011 |
20202 |
2012 |
19984 |
2,05% |
2013 |
19777 |
-1,08% |
2014 |
19113 |
-1,03% |
2015 |
18894 |
-3,36% |
2016 |
18860 |
-1,14% |
2017 |
18938 |
-0,18% |
2018 |
19023 |
0,42% |
2019 |
19893 |
0,45% |
Cost of Living Index 2020-2021
Month |
Year |
2020 |
2021 |
January |
100,83 |
99,21 |
February |
101,23 |
99,32 |
March |
101,34 |
100,61 |
April |
99,82 |
101,43 |
May |
99,69 |
102,07 |
June |
99,27 |
102,39 |
Avg 1st Semester |
100,36 |
100,84 |
July |
98,52 |
102,5 |
August |
99,10 |
September |
99,95 |
October |
100,51 |
November |
100,98 |
December |
100,27 |
Avg 2nd Semester |
99,89 |
Yearly Avg |
100,13 |
101,08 |
Source: Statistical Service, Ministry of Finance
CPI (base 1992, 2005, 2015)
[1] Eurostat: Source:
[2] Average monthly wages of skilled employees by economic activity, SES-Eurostat, 2018
[4] Eurostat: Source:
[1] Represents the total number of families entitled to child benefit for 2020, according to the Child Benefit Scheme.
[2] Represents the total number of households in 2011, according to the Census of Population of 2011.
[3] Represents the total number of children for whom child benefit was paid for 2020 under the Child Benefit Scheme.
[4] Represents the total number of children up to the age of 19 according to the Census of Population of 2011.
[7] Source: Social Insurance Services
[8] Republic of Cyprus, Statistical Service