Curriculum Vitae

Contact Details:


Dr. Alan McCully


Honorary Research Fellow


School of Education

University of Ulster

Coleraine, BT52 1SA

Northern Ireland


+44 28 7055 8152


+44 (0)7770893692


[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:






2017-                 Honorary Research Fellow, School of Education

2008-17             Senior Lecturer in Education (History and Citizenship)

1999-2008         Lecturer, School of Education, Ulster University

1995-99              Research Fellow, Speak Your Piece project, UNESCO Centre, Ulster University

1990-93              Lecturer in Education, School of Education, Ulster University (secondment)

1979-80              Field officer, Schools Cultural Studies Project, Education centre, NUU (secondment)

1974- 95             Subject teacher, head of history, Dunluce School, Bushmills

Professional experience:

External Positions and Consultancy:

2018-               Member of the steering group for Belfast and the World project, Corrymeela Community/ Belfast City Council.

2013-               Member of the Community Relations Council Roundtable group for the Decade of centenaries

2012-14           Member of the Editorial Board of Theory and Research in Social Education

2010-16           Executive Committee member, Educational Studies Association of Ireland

2011-14           Member of the steering group for the Facing our History, Shaping the Future project, Corrymeela Community.

2010-13           Member of the steering group for Teaching Divided Histories, a multi-media project, Nerve Centre, Derry.

2008-13           Member of the steering group for Epilogues: a multimedia education workshop programme exploring the underlying causes of conflict

2008-09           Consultant to DENI Community Relations Review conducted by FRS McClure / Watters.

2000 - 2005

Diversity and Interdependence (Jedi) Practice group.

2000 – 2004

External Evaluator for Public Achievement, Northern Ireland.

1999 - 2011

Member of YCNI Community Relations Youth Service (CRYSSS) funding group.

1991 - 2016

Committee member, History Teacher Education Network of UK (HTEN).

President, HTEN, 2004-2015

1998 – 1999

Internal Evaluator for the Northern Ireland Future Youth Games.

External Examining - Research

2018               External Examiner  PhD, University of Sussex

2015                External Examiner, PhD, University of Nottingham

2012                External Examiner, EdD., University of Nottingham

                         External Examiner, PhD, Institute of Education, University of London.

2009                External Examiner, PhD, Dublin University

External Examining – Teaching

2016-19         External Examiner, PGCE History, University of Western England

2009- 2014     External Examiner, PGCE History, University of Nottingham

2005-  2008    External Examiner, PGCE History, University of Birmingham

2002 - 2005


Journal articles

McCully Alan, Magdalena Weiglhofer & Jessica Bates (2021): “But it wasn’t like that”: The impact of visits to community-based museums on young people’s understanding of the commemorated past in a divided society, Theory and Research in  Social Education, 29:4, 510-539. DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2021.1899090

Bates Jessica & McCully Alan (2021)Our children can see that we aren’t the only wee school in the countryside: can shared teachers offer solutions to the challenges facing rural primary schools in a divided society?,Irish Educational Studies,40:1, 129-146, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2020.1800502

McCully Alan, Fionnuala Waldron & Benjamin Mallon(2020)The contrasting place of political history in the primary curricula of Ireland, north and south: a comparative study,Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,  DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2020.1777841

McCully A. (2019) Formování identity, komemoracea výuka historie (Identity Formation, Commemoration and History Education), Marginalia Historica2, pp.13-28

Namphande, P.Clarke, L.Farren, S. and McCully, A. (2017) Education for democratic citizenship in Malawian secondary schools: balancing student voice and adult privilege. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47:5, 703-721

McCully A. & Clarke L. (2016) A place for fundamental (British) values in teacher education in Northern Ireland?, Journal of Education for Teaching, 42:3, 354-368, DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2016.1184465

McCully A., Scott D., O’Hagan D. and Pettis S. (2015) ‘Oral History and Understanding a Troubled Past’ MuseumEdu2, Museum Education and Oral History

McCully A. and Waldron F. (2013) A Question of Identity: Purpose, policy and practice in the Teaching of History in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, International Journal of History Learning, Teaching and Research, Vol.11, no.2, pp.138-151.

 Smith R. and McCully A. (2013) Organisational Self-Evaluation and Teacher Education for Community Relations in a Transforming Society?, European Journal of Teacher Education, Vol..36 Issue 3, pp.320-345


Barton K.C. and McCully A.W. (2012) Trying to “see things differently”: Northern Ireland Students’ Struggle to Understand Alternative Historical Perspectives. Theory and Research in Social Education,Vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 371-471.

McCully A. (2012) History teaching, conflict and the legacy of the past,  Education, Citizenship and Social Justice Vol. 7 No. 2, pp.145-159

Barton K.C. and McCully A.W. (2010) “You can form your own point of view”: Internally persuasive discourse in Northern Ireland Students’ encounters with History, Teachers’ College Record, Vol. 112, No.1, pp.142-181

McCully A. and Montgomery A. (2009) Knowledge, skills and dispositions:

educating history teachers in a divided society, International Journal of Historical learning, Teaching and Research, Vol.8, No.2, pp.92-105

Barton K.C. and McCully A.W. (2009) When History teaching really matters: understanding the intervention of School History on students’ neighbourhood learning in Northern Ireland, International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research, Vol.8, No.1, pp.28-46.

Barton K. and McCully A. (2007) Teaching Controversial Issues .where controversial issues really matter, Teaching History 127, pp.13-19.

Smith R., Hartop B., Kelly C., McCully A. and O’Connor U. (2006) What does it mean to be a community relations professional in Northern Irish education? Some research-based answers, Reflective Practice Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 215–231

McCully A. (2006) Practitioner perceptions of their role in facilitating the handling of controversial issues in contested societies: a Northern Irish experience, Educational Review, Vol. 58, No.1, pp. 51-6

McCully A. (2005) Teaching Controversial Issues in a Divided Society: Learning from Northern Ireland, Prospero, Vol.11, no.4, pp.38-46

Kitson A. and McCully A. (2005) ‘You hear about it for real in school.’ Avoiding, containing and risk-taking in the history classroom, Teaching History 120, pp.32-37.

McCully A. (2005) History Education’s Responses to a Divided Community: the example of Northern Ireland, Storia e Memoria, xiv, no. 1, pp. 97-106

Barton, K. C. and  McCully, A. W (2005) History, Identity and the School History Curriculum in Northern Ireland: An Empirical Study of Secondary Students’Ideas and Perspectives, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol.37, No. 1, 85-116.

Barton K. and McCully A.W (2005) Learning History and Inheriting the Past: the Interaction of School and Community Perspectives in Northern Ireland, International journal of Historical learning, teaching and Research, Vol.5, No.1

McCully A. and Pilgrim N. (2004) ‘‘They took Ireland away from us and we have to fight to get it back’’: Using fictional characters to explore the relationship between historical interpretation and contemporary attitudes’, Teaching History 114, 17-21.

Barton, K.C., McCully, A.W. & Conway, M. (2003) History Education and National Identity in Northern Ireland.  International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2003: 31-43.

McCully, A. (1997) Key Questions, Planning, and Extended Writing in Teaching History No.89, October.

McCully, A. & O'Doherty, M. (1996) Teaching Controversial Issues: An Introduction to the Speak your Piece Project, in B. Hutchinson and P. Whitehouse ed. Taking Education back: The Classroom of Tomorrow, The Education Network Journal, No. 10, March.

McCully, A. (1994) School-based Initial Teacher Training in Northern Ireland in Education Research Network Journal, Univ. of Ulster, Feb.

Books / Resource Packs


McCully A. and Jess M. (2015) A Decade of Anniversaries – a resource for schools,

McCully A., Mills G. and van Boxtel C. (eds.) (2012) The Professional Teaching of History: UK and Dutch Perspectives, Papers from the VGN-HTEN-Euroclio Conference. University of Amsterdam 2007, Coleraine, History Teacher Education Network

McCabe B. and McCully A. (2005) Taking Strides: Perspectives on Parades, Belfast, UNESCO Centre, Univ. of Ulster / Parades Commission.

 McCully A. and O’Neill C. (2002) (eds) Values in Teacher Education and Research, Lancaster: HTEN.

Devers, A, McCall, D. McCully, A. & McMaster, C.(1983) North Antrim and the Glens, N.E.E.L.B., Antrim.

Chapters in edited books

McCully A.W. and Barton K.C. (2019) Schools, Students and Community History in Northern Ireland, A. Clark and C.L. Peck (eds.) Contemplating Historical Consciousness: notes from the field, New York: Berghahn Books, pp.19-31

McCully A. (2019) ‘Northern Ireland’, L. Cajani, Lassig S. and Repoussi M., The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in the Post-Cold War Era, Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 435-445

McCully A. (2018) ‘Teaching History and Educating for Citizenship: Allies or ‘uneasy bedfellows’ in a post-conflict context?, T. Epstein and C. Peck (Eds.) Teaching and Learning History in Difficult Contexts: A Critical  Sociocultural Approach, New York: Routledge, pp. 160-174

McCully A. and Reilly J. (2017) ‘History Teaching to Promote Positive Community Relations in Northern Ireland: Tensions between Pedagogy, Social Psychological Theory and Professional Practice in Two Recent Projects, Psaltis C., Carretero M. and Cehajic-Clancy S. (Eds.) History Education and Conflict Transformation: Social Psychological Theories, History Teaching and Transformation, Cham, Palgrave_MacMillan, pp.301-320

Waldron F. and McCully A. (2016) ‘Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: Eroded Certainties and New Possibilities’, Robert Guyver (Ed.) Teaching History and the Changing Nation State : Transnational and Intranational Perspectives, London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 53-73

McCully A. and Waldron F. (2015) A Question of Identity? Purpose, Policy and practice in the Teaching of History in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, H. Cooper H. and J. Nichol (2015) (eds.) Identity, Trauma, Sensitive Issues in the Teaching of History, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars. [Reprinted from IJHLTR]

McCully A. & Emerson L. (2014) ‘Teaching controversial issues in Northern Ireland’, in T. Misco and J. de Groof (eds), Cross-cultural Case-studies in Controversial Issues: Pathways and Challenges in Democratic Citizenship Education, Tilberg, Legal Wolf Publishers.

McCully A. (2010) History Teaching, ‘Truth Recovery’ and Reconciliation, In C. Mitchell, T. Strong-Wilson, K. Pithouse and L. Allnutt (eds.) Memory and Pedagogy, New York, Routledge.

McCully, A. (2010) What role for history teaching in the transitional justice process in deeply divided societies? In I. Nakou & I. Barca (Eds.), Contemporary public debates over history education, International Review of History Education 6. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

McCully A. (2009) The Contribution of History Teaching to Peace-building,

Salomon, G. and Cairns, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Peace Education. NY, Psychology Press, pp.213-222.

McCully A. (2008) Reflections on the Local and global Citizenship Programmes in Northern Ireland, G. Jeffers and U. O’Connor (eds.) Education for Citizenship and Diversity in Irish Contexts, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, pp. 1-10.

McCully A. (2006) ‘Controversial Issues, Citizenship and History ’ in G. Mills (ed.) Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues in History, Nottingham, HTEN, pp.34-43.

Clarke L. and McCully A. (2006) ‘Northern Ireland: Cultural Conflict and Change’ in J. Lidstone (ed.) Cultural Issues of our Time, Melbourne, Cambridge Press, pp. 157-167.

Barton K.C. and McCully A.W. (2003)  ‘History Teaching and the Perpetuation of Memories: the Northern Ireland Experience’ in Cairns E. and Roe M.D. The Role of Memory in Ethnic Conflict, Basingstoke, Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 105-123

Montgomery A. and McCully A. (2000) What have values got to do with it?, Easdown G. ed., Innovation and methodology: Opportunities and Constraints in History Teacher Education, HTEN, Lancaster.

McCully, A. (1987) Irish History in the Classroom, a paper given to the Anglo-Irish History Conference held at Cultra Manor, Sept. 1986. Subsequently published in Irish History in the Classroom - Research, Resources and Realisation, D.E.N.I., Bangor.

McCully, A. (1985) The Relevance of Social Studies to the Teaching of Irish History, in R. Austin (ed.), Essays on History Teaching in Northern Ireland, University of Ulster, Coleraine.


Psaltis C., McCully A. et al. (2017) Recommendations for the History Teaching of Intergroup Conflicts, European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST

Smith, Alan , Datzberger, Simone and McCully, Alan (2016) The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding: Synthesis Report on Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa and Uganda.UNICEF. UNICEF, New York. 112 pp.

Datzberger S., McCully A. and Smith A. (2015) Education and Peacebuilding in Uganda: Country Report, UNICEF, New York.

Hunter A., Bates  J., McCully A.and O’Connor Bones U. (2012) Evaluation of the Primary Integration / Enriching Education (PIEE) Project Final Report: A Legacy of Partnership, Coleraine, School of Education University of Ulster

McCully A. (2010) Better Embedding Community Relations Principles in Initial Teacher Education: Concluding Report to Funders (International Fund for Ireland (Community Bridges) DENI Community Relations Project

McCully A. (ed.) (2007) Recent Research on Teaching History in Northern Ireland: Informing Curriculum Change, UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster, Coleraine.

McCully A. and Green R. (2004) Public Achievement: Final Evaluation, Coleraine, UNESCO Centre, U.U.

McCully A., Hartop B. and Barton K. (2003) Teaching History in Societies Emerging from Conflict, Coleraine, UNESCO Centre.

O’Connor U., Hartop B. and McCully A. (2002) The Schools Community Relations Programme: A Review, Bangor: DENI.

McCully A. and Green R. (2001) Public Achievement: an Interim Evaluation, Coleraine, UNESCO Centre, U.U.

McCully A. (2000) Speak Your Piece Final Report,

McCully, A. (1998) The teaching of history in a divided community. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe.

Book Reviews

 McCully A. (2018) Teacher preparation in Ireland: history, policy and future directions, by Tom O’Donoghue, Judith Harford and Teresa O’Doherty, History of Education, 48:5,700-702,

McCully A. (2012) Education for Diversity and Mutual Understanding: the Experience of    Northern Ireland. Edited by N. Richardson and T. Gallagher, British Journal of Educational Studies, 60:1, pp. 95-96

Selected Lecture/ Conference/ Seminar Presentations, 2001-

‘Teachers as Change Agents in Peacebuilding’. The Brian Ruane Lecture in Human Rights and Human Rights Education, St Patrick’s College Campus, Dublin City University Institute of Education, 10 Dec., 2019


‘Encountering the contentious past through community based museums’. Paper presented to the Conflict and Identity: Confronting the Past through Education, Lincoln College, University of Oxford, 17-18 October, 2019

Education‘Identity Formation, Commemoration and History Education’. Keynote address and follow up workshop, ‘Controversial Historical Issues in the Classroom’, to Education, Identity and Historical Memory Conference, Charles University, Prague, 8-9 Nov. 2018

 ‘Teaching History in a divided Society: Balancing the Challenges of Political accountability. Disciplinary Rigour and social utility’. Paper presented to an ICAS:MP Workshop, Negotiating History Education in Conflict and   Post Conflict Settings, New Delhi, 9-10 Oct. 2018

Input to Discussion Panel, ‘Heritage, History and Commemoration’, ESRC Seminar Series,

 Theme Lead, Workshop 3 ‘The Politics of Culture as Testimony, AHRC funded project, Culture and its uses of Testimony, University of Nottingham, 22 May, 2017

  International Expert to ‘Learning a History that is not yet History: a Euro Clio International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia working group for Balkan educators examining the teaching of the recent, violent past, The Hague, 28-30 January, 2017

   Member of Expert Workshop in Cyprus: Writing Guidelines for History Teaching in post-conflict societies COST IS1205, Nicosia, 8-9 April, 2016

  ‘Investigating and Commemorating the Irish Revolution in a divided society’. Presentation given to Children and the Irish Revolution: a one day symposium, Dublin City University, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, 27 February, 2016

‘The Potential Role of Social Psychology in History Teaching after Conflict: exploring two history education projects aiming to improve community relations in NI’. Paper presented (with Jackie Reilly) to Conference on History Education and Political Conflicts: Dealing with the Past and Facing the Future, COST, Split, Croatia 12 Sept. 2015

‘What should enquiry based,multi-perspective history look like in a post-conflict context?’.  Paper presented to an invited conference, Research on Teaching and Learning Difficult Histories: Global Concepts and Contexts, Hunter College / City University of New York, 24-26 June, 2015

(with F. Waldron) ‘ “Ireland at this time was a troublesome place”. Student teachers’  views on teaching contested histories at times of commemoration’; presented  (with Professor F. Waldron) to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 16-20 April, 2015

‘Collective memory, history teaching and the legacy of the recent past in Northern Ireland’. Presented at a session on Traumas and Memory in Education,  Education in Conflict – Conflict in Education Conference, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, 29-30 March, 2014.

 ‘Teaching history where collective memory, national identity and national commemorations matter’; Invited presentation to an inter-disciplinary symposium, Collective memory, National Identity and Commemorations, University of Utrecht, 6-7 June, 2014.

Ireland’s Decade of Centenaries: obstacle or opportunity?, HEIRNET Conference, Nicosia, 12-14 Sept. 2013

(with L. Clarke) Fundamental British values – the Northern Irish perspective, Symposium on Fundamental British Values in Teacher Education, BERA Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, 4 Sept. 2013

‘Heritage and History: thinking and feeling the contentious past’. Paper to an Invited International Conference,  Tangible Pasts? Questioning Heritage Education, Rotterdam, 6-7 June 2013

‘Secondary students’ perspectives on school and community history in Northern Ireland’, Paper presented with Keith Barton to the AERA Annual Meeting, Montreal, April, 2005. A revised paper then presented to the European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, March, 2006

Co-facilitator of an international seminar entitled ‘Ethnic Relations and the Teaching of History’, held jointly by the GREAPE group, Universite de Montreal and the UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster, held in Montreal, November, 2004

Led a seminar (with Brendan Hartop) for the Nuffield Foundation on the theme of Teaching History in Societies Emerging from Conflict, London,  April, 2004

 Discussant to a Comparative and International collective, ‘Research on History Education in Britain and North America: the Value of Transatlantic Comparisons’, British Educational Research Association conference, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 13 September, 2003

Presentations on Teaching History in a Divided community to the History Education communities in Croatia (March 2003, Zagreb, invited by the Council of Europe) and Kosovo (November 2003, Prestina, invited by ADRA, Denmark).

‘Handling Controversial Issues in a Contested Society: a Northern Irish experience’, Invited seminar at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2002.

‘The role of the practitioner in facilitating the handling of controversial issues in contested societies’. Paper presented to the American Educational Research  Association Annual Meeting Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 1 April, 2002.

Professional Affiliations:

Member of : Educational Studies Association of Ireland, American Educational Research Association, the British Educational Research Association (2001-2020), History Teacher Education Network (President 2004-2015) , Historical Association., History Teachers’ Association of Northern Ireland, Fellow of  the Salzburg Global Seminar.

Grants and Awards:





Funding Body

Grant Holders


The impact of history teaching on the      formation of national identities in Northern Ireland


Royal Irish Academy

 Co-grantholder with Prof. K. Barton


A pilot project in Social, Civic and   Political Education


Citizenship Foundation / CCEA

Co-grantholder with Prof. A. Smith.


Teaching History in Societies emerging       

from conflict


Nuffield Foundation



An evaluation of the Schools’ Community Relations Programme



DENI CR Branch

Co-grantholder with Brendan Hartop


Production of a teaching approaches for educating youth and community groups on the parading issue.


Parades Commission



To better embed Community Relations Principles in Initial Teacher Education


International Fund  / DENI CR Branch or Ireland

PI, with Prof. Smith, B. Burgess, D. Loughery


A Values-based approach to in Teacher Education Education


ESRC / TLRP project

Co-grantholder with Prof Smith, Prof. Moran, L. Clarke


Recent Research into History Education in Northern Ireland


Nuffield Foundation


2011-12             School History and Commemorating 1916   £2,600                  SCoTENS                                                                                                   Co-grantholder with Prof. F.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Waldron, DCU

2012-14          Remembering the Future, The Decade        £5000                     Community Relations Council, NI                                                   PI

   of Commemorations: a Project for


2013-2015      Teaching Political History at Primary          £1400                     SCoTENS                                                                                                       PI with Prof. F. Waldron,

    Level, North and South                                                                                                                                                                                      DCU

2014-16         Research Consortium on Education and       £2.4 Million          UNICEF                                                                                                         Co-grantholder, PI Professor

         Peacebuilding                                                    (with Amsterdam                                                                                                                           A. Smith

       & Sussex)