Strasbourg, 7 January/Janvier                                                                                                   

CCPE(2011)1 PROV2







with a view to the preparation of the

Opinion No.6 (2011) of the CCPE

on the relationships between prosecutors and prison administration, in particular in the light of the Recommendation Rec(2006)2 on the European prison rules


PROJET DE QUESTIONNAIRE à l’attention des délégations du CCPE

en vue de la préparation de

l’Avis n°6(2011) du CCPE

sur les relations entre les procureurs et l’administration pénitentiaire, à la lumière notamment de la Recommandation Rec(2006)2 sur les règles pénitentiaires européennes



Remarks / Бележки


This questionnaire is addressed to prosecutors and the member of the CCPE of each State shall be responsible for collecting of replies.

Този въпросник е адресиран до прокурорите и членовете на ССРЕ са отговорни за събирането на отговори.

In some States, prosecutors have only reduced powers within matters of prison administration. Some States will therefore not be able to reply to all questions.

В някои държави прокурорите имат ограничени правомощия по отношение на пенитенциарната (затворническа) администрация. Поради това някои държави няма да бъдат в състояние да отговорят на всички въпроси.

It will not be implied from the fact that this questionnaire was answered that prosecutors shall have a role in this matter.

От самото попълване на въпросника няма да се подразбира, че прокурорите имат решаваща роля по тази тема.

The scope of the questionnaire is identical to that of Recommendation Rec(2006)2 (see para.10): this questionnaire concerns any person deprived of liberty, in any form whatsoever and not strictly the person detained in a prison.

Обхватът на въпросника е идентичен с този на Препоръка (2006)2 – вж. § 10: въпросникът касае всяко лице, на което е ограничена свободата под каквато и да е форма, и не касае само лицата, които са задържани в затвор.

This questionnaire does not concern the enforcement of sanctions in general but is limited to the prosecutor’s supervision of the legality of the enforcement of sanctions.

Въпросникът не касае изпълнението на наказния генерално, а е съсредоточен върху прокурорския надзор за законност при изпълнението на наказания

Ce questionnaire s’adresse aux procureurs et le membre du CCPE au titre de chaque Etat est responsable de la collecte des réponses.

Dans certains Etats, les procureurs ont peu de compétences en matière d’administration pénitentiaire. Certains Etats ne pourront donc pas répondre à toutes les questions.

Le fait de répondre à ce questionnaire ne sous-entend pas que les procureurs doivent avoir un rôle en la matière.

Le champ d’application du questionnaire est le même que celui de la Recommandation Rec(2006)2 (voir para.10) : ce questionnaire concerne toute personne privée de liberté, sous quelque forme que ce soit, et non simplement de la personne détenue dans un établissement pénitentiaire.

Ce questionnaire ne concerne pas l’exécution des sanctions de manière générale et se limite au contrôle de la légalité de l’exécution des sanctions par le procureur.

Question 2

What are the Prosecution Service’s powers regarding prison matters and in terms of deprivation of liberty?

Какви са правомощията на прокуратурата, касаещи пенитенциарни въпроси и ограничаването на свободи?

According to the Bulgarian legislation the Prosecution is the authority, which exercise supervision for observation of legality at execution of the penalties and the other measures of procedural compulsion. The Prosecution possesses comparatively broad powers on the penitentiary matters, including:

1. The Prosecutor executes the penalty for deprivation of liberty, by ordering the detention of the person and his/her taking away to the prison and sends to the penitentiary body the effective verdict.

2. The administrative heads of the first-instance Prosecutor’s Offices are empowered to defer the execution of the penalties for deprivation of liberty on indicated grounds by the law for a certain period of time.

3. The administrative heads of the District Prosecutor’s Offices are empowered to terminate the execution of already started serving of penalty for deprivation of liberty on indicated grounds by the law for a certain period of time.

4. The Prosecutor is authorized to perform detached inspections of the activity of the penitentiary administration, to become acquainted with all documents, to meet in private with prisoners, to consider their signals, complaints and requests in connection with the serving of the penalty and to order to the administration of the places for deprivation of liberty and execution of other compulsory measures to inform him/her about certain actions, acts and events.

5. At ascertained violation the prosecutor may immediately release anybody illegally seized in the places for deprivation of liberty, may issue written order for removal of the violations and may suspend the execution of illegal acts of the officials, by requesting their overturning.


Question 3

In States where prosecutors do not have full authority in prison matters, what are nevertheless their means of action used as regards prisons ?

В държавите, в които прокурорът няма пълни правомощия по пенитенциарни въпроси, какви  са въпреки всичко техните средства за намеса спрямо дейността на затворите?

The question is not relevant to the legal system of the Republic of Bulgaria. See the answer to the question 1.

Dans les Etats dans lesquels les procureurs n’ont pas de compétence générale en matière de prisons, quels sont néanmoins les moyens d’action dont ils disposent concernant les systèmes pénitentiaires ?

Question 4

If prosecutors have general competences as regard prisons and detention, what kind of means have been provided to the Prosecution Service to allow its effective and fast action towards protecting human rights in matters of prison administration?

Ако прокурорите имат генерална компетентност спрямо дейността на затворите и арестите, от какво естество са предоставените им средства (правомощия), които им позволяват ефективни и бързи действия, насочени към защита на човешките права в областта на затворното дело?

The prosecutor issues within the framework of his/her competences rulings and dispositions, which are mandatory for execution by the state authorities and the officials. The guilty failure to execute his/her acts by them is considered a breach of their office and may lead to imposition of fine by the prosecutor himself/herself (in his capacity as a body of the judicial authority) or of a disciplinary punishment imposed by the head of the administration.

Si les procureurs sont compétents en matière de prisons et de détention, quels sont les moyens à disposition du Ministère public pour lui permettre d’agir efficacement et rapidement pour protéger les droits de l’homme en matière d’administration pénitentiaire ?

Question 5

What are the positive and decisive elements of the prosecutor’s role in terms of protecting Human rights compared to other mechanisms of legal protection?

Кои са позитивните и ключови (решаващи) елементи в ролята на прокурора по защита на човешките права – в сравнение с други механизми на законова защита?

By our opinion the advantages of the prosecutor’s role in terms of protecting Human rights compared to other mechanisms of legal protection, are:

1.      There exists tradition and experience of the Prosecutor’s activity on the supervision of the execution of the penalties and the compulsory measures.

2.      Independency of the executive authority, which bodies are engaged with the detention of persons and execution of the penalty for deprivation of liberty and the other compulsory measures.

3.      Opportunities for urgent intervention and issue of mandatory orders, which cannot be appealed by the penitentiary administration. The eventual revision of the prosecutor’s acts is available through the instance control of the superior prosecutor.

Quels sont les éléments positifs et déterminants du rôle du procureur en matière de protection des droits de l’homme, par rapport aux autres mécanismes de protection juridique ?

Question 6

What could be the improvements to this system of protection?

Какви биха могли да бъдат подобренията на системата за защита на човешките права?

1.      In the Republic of Bulgaria the main concern about the Human rights of the prisoners comes from the lack of budget resources and infrastructure to assure the exigible standard of life. The Prosecution has no possibilities to influence for a better financing and improvement of the infrastructure.

2.      Out of the main problem under item 1, it would be appropriate to be widened the scope of the judicial control on the acts of the administration and the decisions of first-instance courts on matters, related to the execution of penalties.

Quels sont les améliorations qui pourraient être apportées à ce système de protection ?

Question 7

Do prosecutors have jurisdiction to examine whether the rights (Human rights and especially procedural rights) of persons in criminal (for example as regards enforcement of prison sentences or pre-trial detention) or administrative detention are respected at the detention centre?

Имат ли прокурорите юрисдикция (правомощия) да проверяват дали в мястото за задържане са спазени правата (човешите права и по-специално процесуалните права) на лица, които са задържани във връзка с наказателен процес (при изпълнение на присъди или предварително задържане) или в изпълнение на административен акт?

Yes, and this is a part of their general competence on exercising the supervision on the execution of the penalties and the compulsory measures. See the answer to the question №2.

Le procureur a-t-il compétence pour examiner si les droits (droits de l’homme et en particulier droits procéduraux) des personnes détenues ou retenues (par exemple en matière d’exécution de peines de prison ou de détention provisoire) sont respectés au centre de détention?

Question 8

Can a prisoner meet in private with a prosecutor to determine whether they had been subjected to torture or to any other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment?

Може ли затворник да се срещне насаме с прокурор, за да се установи дали е бил подложен на мъчение или друго нечовешко или унизително третиране?

Yes, the competence is explicitly stipulated in Article 146, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Law on Judiciary. See the answer to the question №2.

Les détenus peuvent-ils avoir une entrevue en tête-à-tête avec le procureur pour savoir s’ils ont été exposés à un acte de torture ou à tout autre peine ou traitement inhumain ou dégradant ?

Question 9

Do prosecutors examine, and if so, how frequently, whether the accommodation provided to prisoners meet the recommendations of the Council of Europe (and namely of the European Committee for the prevention of Torture/CPT[1]? Can prosecutors make proposals in that direction which have an influence on the relevant budget ?

Прокурорите проверяват ли, и ако да – колко често, дали условията за настаняване на затворници отговарят на препоръките на Съвета на Европа (а именно на европейския комитет за предотвратяване на изтезанията). Могат ли прокурорите да правят предложения в тази посока и да повлияят предвидения за това бюджет?

Yes. The intensity of the prosecutor’s monitoring visits in the prisons and arrests is regulated with internal directions, issued by the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office. Arrests (places for preliminary detention of accused persons on pending investigations) are visited at least once per week. The monitoring visits in the prisons (the places for accommodation of convicted persons and persons under trial) are carried out once per month.

The prosecutors carry out monitoring visits emphasizing on the guarantee of the lawful  status of the deprived of liberty – rhythm of the meetings with the investigating body, the use of the right of visits, correspondence, meetings with the defender, etc. Examined are also the conditions of accommodation, as the prosecutor may give recommendations, proposals and dispositions, with regard to the lawful treatment of the deprived of liberty, conformable to the infrastructural and budget possibilities.

The prosecutors can not influence the provided budget for activities of the institutions for execution of penalties and other compulsive measures.

Le procureur examine-t-il, le cas échéant à quelle fréquence, si l’hébergement des détenus respecte les recommandations du Conseil de l’Europe (et en particulier du Comité européen pour la prévention de la torture/CPT)1 ?

Le procureur peut-il faire des propositions en ce sens ayant une influence sur le budget concerné ?

Question 10

What kind of means exist for prosecutors to deal with authorities or officers/employees which have not completely or properly enforced the decisions of the court or the Prosecution Service related to punishments and/or measures involving deprivation of liberty? If a prosecutor detects such negligence, is he entitled to give binding instructions for the immediate termination of the breach of law? Is it in their power to initiate criminal or disciplinary proceedings, actions for damages or any other kind of impeachment? What other prosecutorial instruments are at his disposal ?

Какъв тип средства съществуват за прокурорите, за да се справят със служители, които не напълно или неправилно изпълняват решенията на съда или прокуратурата, свързани с наказанието или изпълнението на мерки, изискващи ограничаването на свобода? Ако прокурорът установи такива пропуски, опровомощен ли е той да издаде обвързващи указания за незабавно прекратяване на закононарушение? Имат ли власт прокурорите да инициират наказателно или дисциплинарно производство, искове за обезвреда или друг вид импийчмънт (не знам как да го преведа по-добре) спрямо служителя. Какви други прокурорски инструменти са на разположение?

The Prosecution has the possibility to react to the unlawful acts of the officials during the execution of the penalty and the compulsory measures in two aspects:

1.      As an authority of supervision on the legality of the execution of compulsory measures, the competent prosecutor may:

-      give mandatory dispositions in writing for removal of established by him/her factual infringement of the law

-      if there exists an issued formal act – an order or disposition of a competent authority, which is unlawful, the prosecutor may suspend its execution and may request its overturning according to the relevant order (before the court or by the superior administrative body).

-      may refer to the relevant disciplinary body and request its consideration.

         2. As an authority of the State prosecution and if assesses, that the infringement presents the signs of a crime, the competent prosecutor may initiate a criminal proceeding against the guilty person and may involve him/her in the capacity of accused with all consequences following from this act. For certain offences it is possible the prosecutor to request for the removal of the defendant from office as a form of procedural compulsion.

De quels moyens dispose le procureur à l’encontre des autorités ou agents qui n’exécutent pas complètement ou correctement les décisions du tribunal ou du procureur concernant les sanctions et/ou les mesures privatives de liberté ? Si le procureur détecte une négligence, peut-il donner des instructions contraignantes visant à faire cesser immédiatement l’infraction à la loi ? Peut-il initier une procédure pénale ou disciplinaire, une action en réparation ou tout autre type d’action en contestation ? Quels sont les autres instruments d’action publique à sa disposition ?

Question 11

How often do prosecutors carry out monitoring visits of institutions of criminal and administrative detention? Are there concrete follow-ups related to these visits?

Колко често прокурорите осъществяват мониторингови визити в институциите за наказателно или административно задържане? Има ли конкретни последици, свързани с тези визити?

The frequency of the monitoring visits is clarified by the answer to question 9. From it follows concrete consequences. Exactly at his/her monitoring visits in the prisons and the arrests, the prosecutor may find out violations and grounds for intervention, which lead to the issuing of mandatory dispositions with regard to the penitentiary body.

Quelle est la fréquence des visites de contrôle du procureur dans les lieux de détention et de rétention ? Ces visites peuvent-elles faire l’objet d’un suivi concret ?

Question 12

Within the framework of their monitoring duties, do prosecutors have the power to take action at any time of the day (even at night) in the institutions of criminal and administrative detention?

В рамките на своите надзорни (мониторингови) задължения, имат ли прокурорите право да извършват действия по всяко време на деня (дори нощем) в институциите за наказателно или административно задържане?

Yes. The prosecutor, who is assigned to carry out monitoring duties on the activity of the penitentiary bodies, has the right of access to the institutions at any time and the administration of the prison is obliged to fulfill his/her dispositions, with regard to the observation of the rules for execution of the penalty. This competence is regulated in Article 5of the Law on Execution of Penalties and Detention.

Le procureur a-t-il la possibilité d’intervenir à toute heure (même la nuit) dans le lieu de détention et de rétention dans le cadre de sa tâche d’inspection?

Question 13

May prosecutors commission experts to assist them in their tasks related to supervision and inspection?

Могат ли експерти да подпомагат прокурорите  в изпълнението на задачите им по супервизии и инспекции?

The prosecutor may at his/her own discretion involve experts from other spheres in the exercising of the supervision on the activity of the penitentiary body.

Pour leurs tâches de contrôle et d’inspection, les procureurs ont-ils la possibilité de recourir à des experts ?

Question 14

Are complaints and/or denunciations regarding criminal and administrative detention subject to prosecutorial inquiry independently of any relevant authority or employees/officers? Is it a prosecutor’s duty to complete investigations himself/herself or is he/she allowed to forward these complaints for investigation to the officers/employees that are the subject of those complaints?

Има ли оплаквания и/или изобличения, отнасящи се наказателно или административно задържане, които са обект на прокурорски разследвания (проверки), независими спрямо компетентните пенитeнциарни власти или служители. Задължение на прокурора ли е да приключи разследването сам, или той има право да препрати оплакванията за разследване към органите/служителите, срещу които са тези оплаквания?

Yes. There are cases, in which the complaints for infringements at the detention and execution of penalties or other compulsory measures are subject to prosecutorial inquiry and investigations by the prosecutor. The prosecutor has the right to perform the inquiry and the investigation by himself/herself, or to assign it to investigating body – most often to investigating police officer. The administration on the execution of the penalty and the compulsory measures and the police in Bulgaria are bodies of different ministries ( Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Interior) and are independent from each other.

Les plaintes et/ou dénonciations concernant la détention et la rétention  font-elles l’objet d’investigations par le procureur, indépendamment des autorités ou des agents concernés?Le procureur a-t-il le devoir d’enquêter lui-même ou peut-il transmettre les plaintes pour enquête aux agents qui sont l’objet de la plainte ?

Question 15

In case of sudden death, accident or criminal offence committed against a prisoner, or if a prisoner commits a crime against another prisoner or a prison staff member, is the investigation conducted by a prosecutor acting as an independent judicial authority or is it simply supervised by a prosecutor? Do prosecutors have any role in investigations?

В случай на внезапна смърт, инцидент или криминално деяние, извършено спрямо затворник, или ако затворник извърши престъпление спрямо друго затворник или служител на затвора, разследването ръководи ли се от прокурор като независим юридически орган, или просто се супервизира от прокурор. Имат ли прокурорите някаква роля в разследванията?

Еach case of sudden death, severe accident or criminal act, that result injury to the  health of a prisoner, or an offence, committed against a prisoner, is a subject of investigation. The prosecutor is the supreme guiding body of this investigation. He/she may perform it alone or may assign it to an investigating police officer or an investigating magistrate. The directions of the investigation are determined by the prosecutor, who rules or co-ordinates the involvement of the accused and takes decision whether to bring the defendant to the court, to discontinue or suspend the criminal proceeding.

En cas de décès subit, d’accident ou d’infraction pénale à l’encontre du détenu, ou si celui-ci commet un crime à l’encontre d’un autre détenu ou d’un agent de l’administration pénitentiaire, l’affaire est-elle instruite par le procureur en tant qu’instance judiciaire indépendante ou est-elle simplement contrôlée par le procureur ? Les procureurs ont-ils un rôle quelconque dans l’enquête ?

Question 16

Are prosecutors entitled to take action in procedures concerning the adoption/revocation of special measures for high risk detaineed or subject to special restrictions in connection with their role and position in active criminal organizations ? If so, how?

Оправомощени ли са прокурорите да предприемат действия в процедури, касаещи предприемането на специални мерки спрямо затворници, които представляват висок риск или са подложени на специални рестрикции във връзка с тяхната роля и позиция в активни престъпни организации. Ако е така, как става това?

     1. The administrative head of the District Prosecutor’s Office at the location of the prison is empowered to request from the court  a substitution of the regime for execution of the penalty for a heavier type with regard to dangerous prisoners or prisoners in offence.

2. A prosecutor from the District Prosecutor’s Office participates in the Commission on execution of penalties at each prison, which takes decisions with regard to dangerous prisoners or prisoners in offence for:

-       substitution of the regime for execution of the penalty for a heavier type and taking away out the convicted person to a prisoners institution of a heavier type (at certain conditions);

-       submission of a request to the court for substitution of the regime for execution of the penalty for a heavier type and taking away out the convicted person to a prisoners institution of a heavier type.

3. The prosecutor participates in the hearings before the court, in connection with aggravating the conditions for execution of the penalties.

The imposition of disciplinary punishments with regard to prisoners, who perform violations, including their isolation in a penal cell, is within the powers of the administrative head of the prison, whose orders are subject of appeal before the court.

Le procureur peut-il intervenir, et le cas échéant de quelle manière, dans des procédures concernant l’adoption/la révocation de mesures spéciales pour les détenus à haut risque ou soumis à des restrictions spécifiques en raison de leur rôle et leur position dans les organisations criminelles actives ?

Question 17

With a view to preserving them from any type of influence, are prosecutors autonomous or subordinated to other colleagues when monitoring the detention’s legality?

С оглед предпазването им от всякакъв тип влияние, прокурорите автономни ли са, или са подчинени на свои колеги, когато осъществяват надзор (мониторинг) относно законността на задържането?

1. The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Bulgaria according to the Constitution is an unified and centralized system, within which all prosecutors are subordinated to the Prosecutor General. The issued prosecutorial acts, that are not a subject of appeal before the court, may be revised and revoked by a prosecutor superior in office, who is competent to perform actions of the competence of the prosecutors subordinate to him/her or to give him/her mandatory directions.

2. While performing his/her concrete powers, including those regarding the supervision on the execution of the penalties and the other compulsory measures, the prosecutor is guided by his/her own internal discretion and the law. In this meaning his/her autonomy at exercising of original competence is guaranteed.

Afin de les protéger contre toute forme d’influence, les procureurs exercent-ils de manière autonome le contrôle de la légalité de la détention ou sont-ils subordonnés à d’autres collègues?

Question 18

Is a prosecutor involved in granting a person’s pardon, amnesty or release, especially in the case of negative effects resulting from the punishment? Do prosecutors supervise criminal records?

Прокурорът участва ли в даването на помилване, амнистия или предсрочно освобождаване, особено в случай на негативни резултати от наказанието. Прокурорът супервизира ли (проверява ли) криминалното досие?(

1.            The court pronounces on proposals for release ahead of term of a prisoner only by a proposal of the District prosecutor or of the Commission on execution of penalties, which is established at each prison. At both cases a prosecutor participates in the court hearings, gives his/her conclusions and is entitled to submit a challenge against the judicial act.

2.            At the sessions of the Commission on execution of penalties participates a prosecutor, who presents opinion on the requests for release ahead of the term. The prosecutor is not entitled to vote.

Les procureurs participent-ils au processus de grâce, d’amnistie ou de libération des personnes notamment en cas d’effets négatifs de la sanction ? Les procureurs contrôlent-ils les casiers judiciaires ?

Question 19

Are special qualifications and training required of prosecutors who carry out duties in matters of criminal and administrative detention? Please specify.

Изискват ли се специални квалификации и обучение за прокурора, който изпълнява задълженията си в областта на наказателното и административно задържане?

There is no preliminary requirement for a special qualification and training of the prosecutors, responsible for the supervision on the execution of the penalties and the other compulsory measures. After being assigned to work in this field, the prosecutors are granted with additional training within the framework of the institution. Some of the powers in this sphere are assigned only for the administrative heads of prosecutor’s offices.

Les procureurs bénéficient-ils de qualifications et formations spéciales pour l’accomplissement de leurs tâches en matière de détention et de rétention des personnes? Veuillez préciser.

Question 20

What acts (presentation of conclusions, attend hearings, appeal against court decisions) are prosecutors entitled to carry out during proceedings before judges with jurisdiction over the enforcement of sentences/surveillance judges (“juges de l’application des peines”), in states where such judge exists?

Какви актове (представяне на заключения, участие в производство, жалби срещу съдебни решения) са оправомощени да издават прокурорите по време на процедурите пред съдиите с юрисдикция върху изпълнението на санкциите (съдиите по изпълнение на наказанието) – в страните, където има такива съдии?

There are no specialized judges in the Republic of Bulgaria on execution of penalties. The proceedings with regard to execution of penalties are considered by the District court in the place of the location of the prison or the probation service.

In states where such a judge does not exist, what acts (release on probation, subsequent alteration of the detention’s enforcement scheme, further restriction of a detainee’s rights, placement in solitary confinement, disciplinary punishment, and so on) are prosecutors entitled to carry out as regards court decisions?

В страните, където няма такива съдии, какви актове са оправомощени да издават прокурорите, касаещи освобождаването с пробационни мерки, допълнителни изменения на плана за изпълнение на наказанието, последващо утежняване на рестрикциите върху правата на задържания/осъдения,  преместване в самостоятелен затвор (не съм сигурен в превода – вероятно се има предвид изолиране в наказателна килия) и относими към съдебните решения?

The competences of the prosecutor in the court proceedings in connection with execution of penalties, are:

1. Referring to the court proposals for:

-  aggravation of the regime for execution of the penalty in relation to prisoners in offence;

-   release ahead of the term;

-   substitution of  probation penalty for imprisonment penalty;

- substitution of life imprisonment penalty for imprisonment penalty;

2. Participation in all above indicated court proceedings by giving conclusions and affording the opportunity to submit evidence and requests.

3. Submission of a challenge before the Court Instance of Appeal against the pronounced judicial acts.

Quelles sont les types d’action (présentation de conclusions, présence à l’audience, appel contre la décision) que le procureur peut accomplir durant la procédure devant le juge d’application des peines, dans les Etats où un tel juge existe?

Dans les Etats dans lesquels un tel juge n’existe pas, quels sont les actes que peut faire un procureur concernant la décision judiciaire (libération avec mise à l’épreuve, modification postérieure du régine d’exécution de la détention, renforcement des restrictions des droits des détenus, placement en isolement/confinement, sanction disciplinaire, etc.) ?

Question 21

When monitoring the enforcement of punishments, do public prosecutors interact with the ombudsman or any other organisation linked to or charged with controlling the enforcement of punishments? If so, what type of interactions are they? Could you give the names of these organisations, whether they be institutional or not, and explain briefly their roles?

Когато наблюдават изпълнението на наказанията, прокурорите взаимодействат ли с омбудсмана или други организации, свързани или натоварени с контрол върху изпълнението на наказанията? Ако е така, за какъв тип взаимодействия става въпрос? Бихте дали наименованията на тези организации, дали се касае за институции или не, като обясните накратко техните роли?

The main partners of the prosecutors (The Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s office) in the activity on enforcement of penalties, are:

-       The Execution of Penalty Chief Directorate within the Ministry of Justice a centralized state body, within the system of which are all penitentiary institutions. It exercises operative, controlling and methodological functions.

-      Council of Execution of Penalties at the Ministry of Justice a collective inter-institutional state body. In its staff participate representatives of ministries, magistrates and non-governmental organizations, as well as a representative of the Supreme Cassation prosecutor’s Office. The Council has scientific research, methodological and training functions and prepares projects of legal acts in relation to execution of penalties.

-       The national Ombudsman a public body with powers to monitor complaints and reports for violated rights by the activity of the administration bodies and to refer to the Prosecution.

-       Non-governmental organizations in the field of protection of Human rights – the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee on projects for research and improvement of the conditions for the treatment of persons, placed involuntary in institutions.

Le procureur qui contrôle l’exécution des sanctions a-t-il des relations, le cas échéant de quels types, avec le médiateur ou d’autres organisations liées au ou chargées du contrôle de l’exécution des sanctions? Pouvez-vous citer ces organisations, institutionnelles ou non, et expliquer brièvement leur rôle ?

Question 22

Could you give other useful information to the preparation of the draft Opinion (relevant questions to add, documents, etc)?

Pouvez-vous fournir d’autres informations que vous jugez utile à la préparation du projet d’Avis (questions pertinentes à évoquer, documents, etc.) ?


I, Dimitar Ivanov Nikolov, certify that the translation from Bulgarian into English of the attached document is made by me and is true to the original. The translation consists of  19  pages.

Signature:……………….. (Dimitar Ivanov Nikolov, Civil ID/EGN4905024047)


[1] Suspects held in custody/defendants, men/women, juveniles/adults, criminal prisoners/other prisoners, ill/healthy persons, accessories to criminal conspiracy, recidivists/first offenders, officials - police, military, detention facility staff - involved in criminal procedures.

Suspects en détention/accusés, hommes/femmes, mineurs/adultes, détenus ayant commis des crimes/autres détenus, personnes malades/non malades, complices d’une association de malfaiteurs, récidivistes/primo-délinquants, fonctionnaires (policiers, militaires, personnel pénitentiaire impliqués dans des procédures pénales).