Strasbourg, 16 December 2008




3rd plenary meeting - Strasbourg, 15 – 17 October 2008 – Meeting report

Report prepared by the Secretariat,

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

List of the main décisions taken by the CCPE:

adopted the Opinion No. 2 (2008) on “Alternatives to prosecution” (CCPE(2008)2);

adopted the Opinion No. 3 (2008) on “the role of prosecutors outside the criminal field” (CCPE(2008)3);

decided to forward these Opinions to the CDPC in view to be submitted to the Committee of Ministers for appropriate action, in particular for forwarding them to the competent authorities in the member states and, where appropriate, for translating them into the corresponding languages;

invited the Committee of Ministers to forward these Opinions to the CEPEJ and the CCJE, so that these bodies can take them into account within the framework of their own works;

invited its members to ensure a wide dissemination of these Opinions among their colleagues and the other relevant institutions in their countries;

approved the draft Terms of reference of the CCPE for 2009 – 2010 (CCPE(2008)1) and decided to forward them to the Committee of Ministers for adoption;

entrusted the Secretariat to undertake necessary steps in view of the drafting of the CCPE and CCJE joint Opinion to the Committee of Ministers on the relationships between judges and prosecutors in order to be submitted to the 4th plenary meeting of the CCPE;

welcomed the proposal to organise, in 2009, a Conference on the relationships between judges and prosecutors which will serve as a basis for the drafting of the CCPE and CCJE joint Opinion;

elected Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) President of the CCPE and Mr Joao Manuel DA SILVA MIGUEL (Portugal) Vice-President of the CCPE for 2009; it also elected Mrs Raija TOIVIAINEN (Finland) and Mr Peter McCORMICK (Ireland) members of the Bureau of the CCPE;

appointed Mrs Alessandra GIRALDI (Denmark); Mr Harald RANGE (Germany); Mr Peter POLT (Hungary); Mr Antonio MURA (Italy); Mr Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV and Mr Vladimir ZIMIN (Russian Federation); Mr Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA (Spain); Mr Ahmet TASYURT (Turkey) as members of the 2009 Working Group and Mr Cedric VISART de BOCARME (Belgium) and Mrs Despina KYRPRIANOU (Cyprus) (the exact name of the person to be confirmed by the authorities) as substitute members;

approved the procedure enabling the CCPE to answer the requests regarding the specific situation of prosecutors in some member states in line with the CCPE’s terms of reference;

took note of the information on the activities of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE), the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), the Steering Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) and the Lisbon Network and agreed to pursue an appropriate cooperation with these bodies to ensure the coherence between their respective activities and  facilitate the synergies, where appropriate;

took note of the information given by the observers of MEDEL and the International Association of  Prosecutors, thanked them for their concrete contribution to its activities, and invited them to contribute further to the implementation of its programme of activities for 2008;

1.    The Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) held its 3rd plenary meeting from 15 to 17 October 2008 in Strasbourg under the Chairmanship of Mr Harald RANGE (Germany). The agenda and list of participants can be found in Appendix I and II of the present report.

2.    Mrs Anna CAPELLO-BRILLAT, Head of Justice Division opened the meeting and welcomed the participants as well as the observers, Mr Gerhard REISSNER (Austria), deputy Chair of the CCJE and Mr Jean-Christian VAULOT PFISTER representative of MEDEL. She informed the participants about the changes that lead to her appointment as Secretary of the CCPE and Mrs Ana RUSU as Co-secretary. 

3.    Mr Harald RANGE, welcomed the participants and passed the information regarding the absence of Mrs Katarina LAIFEROVA (Slovak Republic) due to a force majeure situation.  

1.   Communications by the President and the Secretariat

4.    The President informed the CCPE of the work done by the Bureau during its sixth and seventh meetings. This work is summed up in reports available on the CCPE’s website[1].

5.    The President also thanked the Russian authorities for the excellent organisation of the 8th Conference of General Prosecutors of Europe in Saint-Petersburg on 1 – 3 July 2008. The Conclusions of this Conference lead to the drafting of the CCPE Opinion No. 3 on “The role of prosecution services outside the Criminal Law Field”.

6.    The President informed the CCPE about his participation at the Conference: “Building a Europe for and with Children: towards a strategy for 2009 – 2011” organised by the Council of Europe in Stockholm on 8 – 9 September within the Swedish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, and as a follow-up to the 28th Conference of the European Ministers of Justice (Lanzarote, October 2007). The Conference, inter alia, touched upon questions related to juveniles and how to deal with them, juveniles as witnesses and victims in a criminal case. Mr Harald RANGE also represented the CCPE at Eurojustice Conference which took place in Edinburgh on 30 September – 1 October 2008. His presentation focused on : “The Prosecutor’s Role in Securing Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System”. The second topic of the Conference was: “The Development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) by Prosecutors and Lessons Learned from Experience” with a focus on the E-Justice Strategy of the EU and presentation of Dutch Prosecution ICT system.     

7.    The Secretariat informed the CCPE members about its participation at a colloquy on international and European judicial cooperation organised by the Bar Association in Paris on 7 April 2008. The event was a perfect opportunity to introduce to a great number of practicing lawyers and other judicial professions the work of the CCPE and in particular its Opinion No. 1 on “Ways to improve the international co-operation in the criminal justice field”. The intervention of Mr Stéphane LEYENBERGER can be found on the web site of the CCPE.

8.    The Secretariat told the CCPE members that Opinion No. 1 of the CCPE on “Ways to improve the international co-operation in the criminal justice field” was transmitted by the CDPC to the Committee of Ministers which took note of it. 

2.      Recent developments regarding public prosecution in the member states in relation to the implementation of the Recommendation 2000(19): tour de table

9.    The delegations informed the CCPE about the recent developments regarding the public prosecution in their respective countries, namely:

A.         The Criminal Procedure Code of Netherlands has undergone some changes when it comes to the powers of Dutch prosecutors to give a penal order, to impose a fine on its own or a tax penalty, to withdraw the driver licence for 6 months, etc. If the decision taken by the prosecutor regarding these actions is not appealed in the following 2 weeks, it becomes final. The implementation of these novelties in the Dutch Criminal Procedure Code started in two districts and only for sanctions related to so-called “drinking and driving” offences. From one hand, discussions are now held with the legislative regarding the compatibility of these measures with the Article 6 of the ECHR and from the other hand decision making bodies are thinking of introducing alternatives to prosecution.

B.            In Spain, the amendments from October 2007 to the Organic law governing the prosecutor’s function allow the dismissal of a prosecutor only if he/she committed a crime or in case of incompatibility of functions. Also, following the implementation of the Recommendation 2000(19), the Spanish authorities decided to create specific systems of investigation for juveniles, human rights violations, environmental issues, corruption cases up to one year. Regarding violations in the environmental matters, new changes occurred which allow the prosecutors to intervene from the criminal and administrative point of view.

C.           In Austria, investigating judges have been abolished and replaced by custodial judges (juges des libertés). Police officers can initiate a case but need to report on the procedure to the prosecution service. The number of public prosecutors has been raised and public prosecution is now mentioned in the Constitution as part of judiciary not executive power anymore. 

D.           In Portugal changes have been made to the Law on judicial training which stipulates that initial and continuous training for magistrates is an obligation as well as a duty.

E.            In Poland there are projects to amend the Act of public prosecution service in order to establish the independence of public prosecution from the executive branch. The General Prosecutor will be nominated for 6 years term, after which the prosecutor will retire irrespective of the age. From the structural point of view, general, regional and district public prosecution offices will remain in place. 

F.            Prosecution services in Italy undergone changes in order to comply to the Recommendation 2000(19) point 5b “the carriers of public prosecutors, their promotions and their mobility are governed by known and objective criteria, such as competence and experience”. Therefore, in a system where judges and prosecutors share the same carrier, after the legislative changes which took place in 2007, there are time limits for a prosecutor when he/she is taking up the prosecutors job and shall remain in this position for a certain number of years. As a consequence, nowadays, in Italy less judges are moving from their positions to be prosecutors and the vice-versa.

G.           In France, recent changes concerning the functioning of prosecution services are guided to comply with the Recommendation 2000(19) and with respect to the principles of  objectivity and impartiality of prosecutors.  Article 65 of the French Constitution stipulates new procedure for the nomination of prosecutors where the Superior Council of Magistracy chaired by the General Prosecutor to the Cassation Court gives the advise on nominations. As concerns the disciplinary procedures, the relevant panel is composed of a majority of prosecutors not judges. Changes have been also introduced regarding the training techniques of future magistrates.

H.           In Monaco changes from the year 2007 concern the intervention of a custodial judge for the extension of the police custody and projects are in view to revise the Criminal Procedure Code of Monaco as well as the law related to the status of judges and prosecutors in order to comply with the Recommendation 2000 (19).

I.              In Turkey the prosecution falls organisationally under the Ministry of Justice.

J.            In Belgium discussions are under way concerning the evaluation system of prosecutors. 

K.            In Sweden there are three novelties that need to be mentioned: a new prosecutor general appointed; new commissions dealing with war crimes investigations within the Swedish borders have been created; three departments dealing with organised crime have been established having one prosecutor on the top of each (it is expected in the nearest future to have the three departments under the responsibility with only one prosecutor).

L.            In Georgia, talks are held to unite the Prosecution service with the Ministry of Justice. A new Criminal Procedure Code it is expected to be in force as of January 2009 according to which a prosecutor will have discretionary power to initiate a case. On an structural level projects are under way to upgrade the human resource management.  

M.           In Romania, the Constitutional Court has been established in 2007 as the superior hierarchical court. Part of the reform of the criminal justice system are the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code which introduce serious limitations in the prosecutors powers  - for example only a judge can decide on measures related to non custodial pre-trial supervision (e.g. travel prohibition outside the country’s border).

10.  The Secretariat invited the delegations to communicate the information regarding the institutional and legislative changes in writing, along with useful references, so that they can be included in the "country profile" section of the CCPE’s internet site.

3.   Discussion of the Draft Opinion on: "Alternatives to prosecution"

11.  Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) presented the draft Opinion[2] on “Alternatives to prosecution”. He particularly underlined the very great diversity of alternative measures proposed, which appear essential to modernise criminal justice systems and to act against certain forms of delinquency. The CCPE warmly thanked Mr de BAYNAST as well as the members of the Bureau for this work.

12.  The draft was discussed article by article, relying on the specific comments made by various delegations.

13.  After having amended the document, the CCPE adopted Opinion N° 2 (2008) on “Alternatives to prosecution” (CCPE(2008)2). In accordance with its terms of reference, it decided to send it to the CDPC with a view to it being sent to the Committee of Ministers. The CCPE invited the Committee of Ministers to make good use of it, and especially to send this Opinion to the relevant authorities within the member States and, if need be, to ensure that it is translated into the relevant languages. It also invited the Committee of Ministers to send this Opinion to the CEPEJ and the CCJE, so that theses bodies can consider it in their own work.

14.  Furthermore, the CCPE invited its members to ensure a wide dissemination of this Opinion among their colleagues and other relevant authorities in their country.

      4.   Discussion of the Draft Opinion on “ the Role of prosecution services outside the criminal field”

15.  Mr Peter POLT (Hungary) presented the draft Opinion on “the Role of prosecution services outside the criminal field” based on the report of the scientific expert, Mr Andras VARGA on “the role of prosecutors beyond the criminal field”. Mr POLT underlined the importance of drafting such an Opinion to the member States taking into account the growing need in today’s societies to protect effectively the rights of vulnerable groups, notably children, young people, victims, witnesses, disabled people as well as the socio-economic rights of the population in general. The increased involvement of the state in the settling of issues related to the protection of the environment, consumer’s rights or public health was also mentioned.

16.  The CCPE warmly thanked Mr Andras VARGA and Mr Peter POLT as well as members of the Working Group for the work done.

17.  The draft Opinion was discussed point by point and amended in the light of comments made mainly by the Russian Federation. After having amended the document, the CCPE adopted Opinion N° 3(2008) on “the Role of prosecution services outside the criminal field” (CCPE(2008)3). In accordance with its terms of reference, it decided to send it to the CDPC with a view to it being sent to the Committee of Ministers. The CCPE invited the Committee of Ministers to make good use of it, and especially to send this Opinion to the relevant authorities within the member States and, if need be, to ensure that it is translated into the relevant languages. It also invited the Committee of Ministers to send this Opinion to the CEPEJ and the CCJE, so that theses bodies can consider it in their own work and it invited its members to ensure a wide dissemination of this Opinion among their colleagues and other relevant authorities in their country.

5.   Working programme for 2009 -2010

18.  The CCPE approved the draft Terms of reference of the CCPE for 2009 – 2010 (CCPE(2008)1) and decided to send them to the Committee of Ministers for adoption. In the framework of the future work of the CCPE, the members assisted at an exchange of views with the Vice-President of the CCJE, Mr Gerhard REISSNER (Austria) concerning the joint work between the CCJE and the CCPE on the preparation in 2009 of an opinion on “relationships between judges and prosecutors”. This work can be carried out following the organisation of a joint European Conference of judges and prosecutors on the subject, to be held either in Strasbourg or in Bordeaux.   

19.  As this Conference would send a strong signal from practitioners to the governments of member states, the topic needs to be carefully selected in order to cover all questions related to an independent and impartial judicial system. Ethic problems, delays in judicial proceedings, training of magistrates, future of the court system, impact of the IT on the work of the courts and prosecution services should also be dealt with in the joint Opinion.

20.  On the practical side and pending the adoption of the revised terms of reference by the Committee of Ministers, a common meeting of the Working Group of the CCPE and CCJE dedicated to the drafting of the joint Opinion could be organsed one day between 16 – 18 February 2009. This can also serve as an opportunity for discussion the logistics of the future European Conference of judges and prosecutors. Another joint meeting of the drafting group with representatives from the CCJE and the CCPE can be organised on 17 – 18 September 2009. The dates for the plenary meeting of the CCPE have been set for 18 – 20 November 2009.

21.  The Secretariat indicated that these dates will be put on the CCPE’s Internet site and will be regularly updated. It therefore invited the members of the CCPE to regularly consult the site.

6.   Working structure of the CCPE

22.  The term of office of Mr Herald RANGE (Germany) in his capacity as President of the CCPE came to an end as well as of the Vice – President, Mr Peter POLT (Hungary). Elections took place during the plenary meeting to elect: a new President, a new Vice-President and consequently two new members of the Bureau and members of the Working Group.   

23.  Two candidates were proposed for the position of President of the CCPE: Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) and Mr Joao Manuel DA SILVA MIGUEL (Portugal). As a result of the voting process, after the second round, Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) was elected by simple majority with 15 votes pro and 12 against. The CCPE unanimously agreed that Mr Joao Manuel DA SILVA MIGUEL (Portugal) become Vice-President. Subject to the adoption by the Committee of Ministers of the draft terms of reference, the CCPE also elected Mrs raja TOIVIAINEN (Finland) and Mr Peter McCORMICK (Ireland) members of the Bureau of the CCPE for two years.   

24.  Subject to the adoption of the draft revised terms of reference by the Committee of Ministers, the CCPE appointed Mrs Alessandra GIRALDI (Denmark); Mr Harald RANGE (Germany); Mr Peter POLT (Hungary); Mr Antonio MURA (Italy); Mr Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV and Mr Vladimir ZIMIN (Russian Federation); Mr Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA (Spain); Mr Ahmet TASYURT (Turkey) as members of the 2009 Working Group and Mr Cedric VISART de BOCARME (Belgium) and Mrs Despina KYRPRIANOU (Cyprus) (the exact name of the person to be confirmed by the authorities) as substitute members.

7.   Situation in member states concerning prosecutors

25.  The President of the CCPE mentioned that following a letter sent by MEDEL last year to the CCJE and to the CCPE concerning allegations of illegal intelligence activities vis-à-vis judges and prosecutors in Italy, the CCPE decided to establish a special procedure to reply to such requests. Therefore the Bureau agreed on a document, initially prepared by the Russian delegate to the CCPE proposed for the adoption during the plenary meeting. The participants discussed point by point the document regarding the procedure enabling the CCPE to answer the requests regarding the specific situation of prosecutors in some member states in line with the CCPE’s terms of reference (CCPE-BU(2008)5) and approved it.    

8.   The relationship between the CCPE and other bodies of the Council of Europe

26.  The CCPE took note of the information on the activities of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE), the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), the Steering Committee of Crime Problems (CDPC), and the Lisbon Network. The CCPE agreed to continue appropriate cooperation with these bodies to ensure coherence in their respective activities and to facilitate synergies, where appropriate.

9.   Communication strategy of the CCPE

27.  The Secretariat presented the new Internet site for the CCPE, which includes a public part and a new restricted part reserved to members of the CCPE. It indicated in particular that the "country profile" section in the public part would be updated with information from members of the CCPE and greatly encouraged the latter to transmit to it current information as well as the relevant documents to the activities of the prosecution system in their countries.

28.  The CCPE agreed that the replies to the questionnaires should at this point only be available on the restricted site, in order to incite prosecutors to reply to them as fully as possible, in the interest of the work of the CCPE.


Draft Agenda

1.        Opening of the meeting by Mrs Anna Capello-Brillat, Secretary of the CCPE, Head of Justice Division, Directorate general of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

2.        Adoption of the agenda

3.        Information by the President, Bureau members and the Secretariat

4.        Recent developments regarding public prosecution in the member states in relation to the implementation of the Recommendation 2000(19): tour de table

5.        Discussion with a view to the adoption of CCPE's Draft Opinion No.2 on: "Alternatives to prosecution"

6.        Discussion with a view to the adoption of CCPE’s Draft Opinion No.3 on : "the role of prosecutors beyond the criminal field"

7.        Working programme 2009 - 2010 


§  Approval of the Terms of reference of the CCPE for 2009 – 2010/

8.        Working Structure of the CCPE

§  Election of the Bureau 

§  Designation of the Working Group of the CCPE for 2009

9.        Situation in member States concerning prosecutors

10.      Relations between the CCPE and other bodies of the Council of Europe

§    Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) 

§    European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) 

§    European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC)

§    Lisbon Network 

11.      Communication strategy of the CCPE

12.      Any other business






Apologised / Excusé


Louise MANUKIAN, Prosecutor, International legal relations department, General Prosecutor’s office, Yerevan


Ernst-Eugen FABRIZY, First Deputy Prosecutor General, Generalprokuratur, Vienne


Anar RZAYEV, Prosecutor, International Relations Department of the General Prosecutor’s, Baku


Cedric VISART de BOCARME, Procureur général de Liège, Palais de Justice, Liège



Mario VASSILEV, District Prosecutor of Pleven District, Sofia


Dragan NOVOSEL, Deputy Attorney General, Office of the State Attorney, Zagreb

Davorka RADALJ, Legal Assistant, Office of the State Attorney, Zagreb


Despina KYPRIANOU, Special Adviser to the Attorney General, Law office of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia


Jana ZEZULOVA, Public Prosecutor, Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office, Analytic and Legislative Department, Brno


Alessandra GIRALDI, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Copenhagen


Margus KURM, Chief State Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor General, Tallinn

Apologised / Excusé

Norman AAS, Prosecutor General, Office of the Prosecutor General, Tallinn

Apologised / Excusé


Raija TOIVIAINEN, State Prosecutor, Head of the International Unit, Helsinki


Olivier de BAYNAST, Procureur Général auprès de la Cour d’Appel d’Amiens, Palais de Justice, Amiens


Givi BAGDAVADZE, Acting Head of Unit of International Co-operation Office of the Prosecutor General, Tbilisi


Harald RANGE, Chairman/ Président

Generalstaatsanwalt, Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Celle


Emmanuel Papadakis ROUSSOS, Vice-Public Prosecutor, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Court, Athens

Apologised / Excusé


Peter POLT, Vice-Chairman/Vice-Président

Chief Prosecutor, Head of Criminal Trial Cases, Office of the Prosecutor General, Budapest


Kolbrun SAEVARSDOTTIR, Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Reykjvik

Apologised / Excusé


James HAMILTON, Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutors, Dublin

Apologised / Excusé

Peter McCORMICK, Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutors, Dublin


Antonio MURA, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Italian Supreme Court, Prosecutor General’s office, International Relations, Rome

Alfredo VIOLA, member of the High Council for the Judiciary, Rome


Rudite ABOLINA, Head Prosecutor of the Department of Analysis and Management, Deputy Prosecutor General, Prosecutor’s General Office, Riga

Apologised / Excusé

Una BRENČA, Head Prosecutor of International Cooperation Division, Prosecutor General’s Office, Riga

Apologised / Excusé


Robert WALLNER, Prosecutor General, Vaduz

Apologised / Excusé


Apologised / Excusé


Robert BIEVER, Procureur d’Etat, Parquet du Tribunal d’Arrondissement de Luxembourg

Apologised / Excusé


Silvio CAMILLERI, Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, Valletta

Apologised / Excusé


Valeriu GURBULEA, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau

Apologised / Excusé


Jacques RAYBAUD, Procureur Général


Apologised / Excusé


Arend B. VAST, National Member for the Netherlands, Chief Public Prosecutor,  The Hague


Harald STRAND, Senior Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Oslo

Apologised / Excusé

Roar ØSTBY, Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Oslo

Apologised / Excusé


Jerzy SZYMAŃSKI, Deputy Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, Warsaw

Krzysztof KARSZNICKI, Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, Warsaw


João Manuel DA SILVA MIGUEL, Procureur Général Adjoint, Procuradoria-Geral da República, Lisbonne


Gabriela SCUTEA - adjoint au procureur général, Ministère Public près de la Haute Cours de Cassation et de Justice de Roumanie

Lucian BUTIU, Public Manager, Head of the Programme Implementation Unit (PHARE)


Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV, Deputy Prosecutor General, Office of the Prosecutor General, Moscow

Vladimir P. ZIMIN, First Deputy Chief, General Department of International Legal Cooperation, Office of the Prosecutor General, Moscow


Djordje OSTOJIC, Deputy Prosecutor General, Office of the Prosecutor General, Belgrade


Katarína LAIFEROVA, Head of the Office of the Prosecutor General, Generálna prokuratúra Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava

Apologised / Excusé


Mirko VRTACNIK, Supreme State Prosecutor Councillor, Deputy State Prosecutor General, Ljubljana

Apologised / Excusé


Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA, Deputy Attorney General for environmental matters, Fiscalia de medio ambiente y urbanismo, Madrid


Annette von SYDOW Chief Public Prosecutor, International Unit, Office of the Prosecutor General, Stockholm


Claude NICATI, Procureur Général Suppléant, Ministère Public de la Confédération, Berne

Apologised / Excusé


Jovan ILIEVSKI, Head of the Department for Prosecuting Organised Crime and Corruption, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Skopje

Apologised / Excusé


Ahmet TASYURT, Public Prosecutor, Court of Cassation, Ankara


Olesksandr SHYNALSKYI, Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Prosecutor General’s Office, Kiev

Vitaliy KASKO, Head of International Law Department, Prosecutor General’s Office, Kiev


Head of International Cooperation Unit, Prosecutor General’s Office, Kiev


Moira ANDREWS, Head of International Affairs, Crown Prosecution Service, London

Apologised / Excusé




Gerhard REISSNER, President of the District Court of Floridsdorf, Vice-President of the International Judges Association, Vienna, AUSTRA


Henk MARQUART SCHOLTZ, Secretary General, International Association of Prosecutors, the Hague, Netherlands


Jean-Christian VAULOT PFISTER, procureur-adjoint, Tribunal de Grande Instance, Besançon, France


Katerina LOIZOU, National Member for Cyprus



(CCPE E-mail : [email protected])

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs / Justice Division

Direction Générale des droits de l’Homme et des affaires juridiques / Division de la Justice

Anna CAPELLO-BRILLAT, Secretary of the CCPE / Secrétaire du CCPE, Head of Division, Chef de  Division

Stéphane LEYENBERGER, Deputy Head of Division / Chef Adjoint de Division

Ana RUSU-MARIDET, Co-Secretary of the CCPE / Co-Secrétaire du CCPE

Jean-Pierre GEILLER, Documentalist / Documentaliste


Emily WALKER, Assistant / Assistante



TYCZKA Christopher


[2]CCPE-Bu(2008)1REV 7.