Strasbourg, 10 December 2007




2nd plenary meeting - Strasbourg, 28 – 30 November 2007 – Meeting report

Report prepared by the Secretariat,

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

List of the main décisions taken by the CCPE:

adopted the Opinion No. (2007) 1 on “Ways of improving international co-operation in the criminal justice field” (CCPE (2007)25);

instructed its Working Party to take into account, in its preparatory work on Alternatives to prosecution, the drafting in 2008 of an Opinion on the subject to be submitted to the 3rd plenary meeting of the CCPE; therefore, it invited the members of the CCPE who have not done it so far, to send to the Secretariat their reply to the questionnaire on this issue no later than 15 January 2008;

entrusted the Secretariat to designate a scientific expert to analyse the answers to the questionnaire on the role of the Prosecutor’s Office outside the criminal field and to write a report, instructed its Working Party to take into account this preparatory work to draft a draft Opinion on this matter, which will be submitted to the 3rd plenary meeting of the CCPE; therefore, it invites the members who have not done it so far, to send to the Secretariat their reply to the questionnaire on this issue no later than  no later than 15 January 2008;

welcomed the proposal by the CCJE to undertake together in 2009 joint work on the relationship between judges and prosecutors, which should result in a specific Opinion to the Committee of Ministers on this issue, the preparation of which could be carried out be means of a joint conference of judges and prosecutors; it instructed its Working Group to carry out preparatory work in 2008;

welcomed the agreement of the Lisbon Network to cooperate with the Polish authorities in order to implement the conclusions of the Warsaw Conference concerning the development of specific training for prosecutors to facilitate the implementation of international co-operation in criminal justice and invited the Polish authorities to report on the developments at its next plenary meeting;

instructed its Working Group to take measures to enable it to address in due time and according to the appropriate method the essential issue of the relationships between public prosecutors and the executive power;

approved its draft terms of reference for 2008 (CCPE (2007)28) which includes the setting up of a Bureau consisting of the Chair, the Vice-Chair and two other members and decided to submit it to the Committee of Ministers for adoption;

elected Mr Harald RANGE (Germany) President of the CCPE and Mr Peter POLT (Hungary) Vice-President of the CCPE for 2008; and subject to the approval by the Committee of Ministers of the revised terms of reference, also elected Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) and Mr Joao DA SILVA MIGUEL (Portugal) members of the Bureau of the CCPE;

subject to the adoption of its draft terms of reference by the Committee of Ministers, appointed Mr Roy JUNKIN (United Kingdom), Ms Katarína LAIFEROVA (Slovak Republic),Mr Vito MONETTI (Italy), Mr Jerzy SZYMANSKI (Poland), Ms Raija TOIVIAINEN (Finland), Mr Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA (Spain), Mr Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV (Russian Federation) as members of the 2008 Working Group and Mr Peter Mc CORMICK (Ireland) as substitute member;

took note of the information on the activities of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE), of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), of the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) and of the Lisbon Network and agreed to pursue an appropriate co-operation with these bodies to ensure the coherence between their respective activities and facilitate their synergies, where appropriate;

took note of the information given by the observers of MEDEL and the International Association of  Prosecutors, thanked them for their concrete contribution to its activities, and invited them to contribute further to the implementation of its programme of activities for 2008;

took note of the explanations given by the member of the CCPE in respect of Italy and the observer of MEDEL on possible intelligence activities vis-à-vis judges and prosecutors, invited the presidents of the CCJE and the CCPE to send a joint reply to MEDEL, who had seized both councils on this issue, invited the member of the CCPE in respect of Italy to inform the Italian High Council of Justice about this discussion, and decided to keep this point on the agenda of the CCPE;

took note of the Resolution of the 9th Annual Conference of the Association of Prosecutors of Poland and the subsequent explanations given by the member of the CCPE in respect of Poland on the rights and duties of prosecutors, entrusted its President to reply to the organisations which had seized the CCPE on this matter, in order to inform them of the discussion which had taken place during the plenary meeting and decided that this item should no longer be kept on the agenda of the CCPE owing the development of the situation;

instructed its Bureau to propose a procedure enabling the CCPE to reply the requests regarding the specific situation of prosecutors in certain member States;

entrusted its Bureau and the Secretariat to consider measures which would increase the participation of delegations of member States during its meetings and invited the Committee of Ministers to reconsider the decision regarding the budget allocated to the CCPE in order to facilitate the participation of all member States in its plenary meetings.

1.    The Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) held its 2nd plenary meeting from 28 to 30 November 2007 in Strasbourg, with Mr Harald RANGE (Germany) in the Chair. The agenda and list of participants can be found in Appendix I and II of the present report respectively.

2.    The meeting was opened by Mr Philippe BOILLAT, Director General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs. His speech can be found in Appendix III of the present report.

1.   Communications by the President and the Secretariat

3.    The President informed the CCPE of the work done by the Bureau during its first five meetings. This work is summed up in reports available on the CCPE’s website[1].

4.    The member of the CCPE in respect of Poland underlined the success of the European Conference of Prosecutors which took place in Warsaw (4 – 5 June 2007) on the topic of “International cooperation in the criminal justice field”, organised at the initiative of the National Training Centre of Prosecutors and Auxiliaries of Justice of Poland, with the support of the Ministry of Justice. The Conclusions of this Conference are available on the CCPE’s Internet site.

5.    The member of the CCPE in respect of Spain indicated that he represented the Council at the 3rd European Conference of Judges organised in Rome on 26 - 27 March 2007 on: "Which Council for Justice?". The member of the CCPE in respect of Italy gave an account of the Conference on new information technologies and justice organised by the Institute of Research on Judicial Systems in Bologna (Italy, 12 – 13 October 2007) at which he represented the Council of Europe. He underlined the importance of the development of information technologies in criminal proceedings and invited the CCPE to consider it in its future work schedule. The members of the CCPE in respect of Portugal and France participated in the Conference: "Which future for the Public prosecution system?" organised at the Senate in Paris on 12 October 2007. The member of the CCPE in respect of Hungary represented the CCPE at the Eurojustice Conference in Portoroz (Slovenia, 24 - 26 October 2007). The relevant documents to these meetings can be found on the CCPE’s Internet site.

2.      Recent developments regarding public prosecution in the member states: tour de table

6.    Several delegations informed the CCPE of recent developments regarding the public prosecution in their respective country. The Secretariat invited the delegations to communicate this information in writing, along with useful references, so that they can be included in the "country profile" section of the CCPE’s internet site.

3.   Discussion of the Draft Opinion on: "Ways to improve international cooperation in the criminal justice field"

7.    On behalf of the Bureau, Mr Vito MONETTI (Italy) presented the draft Opinion[2] prepared taking into account the report of the expert consultant, Ms Joana GOMES-FERREIRA, Prosecutor of the Republic of Portugal[3], which makes the synthesis of the replies to the questionnaire prepared to this effect. The CCPE warmly thanked the expert consultant as well as the members of the Bureau for this preparatory work.

8.    The draft was discussed article by article, relying namely on the specific comments made by the delegation from the Federation of Russia.

9.    After having amended the document, the CCPE adopted Opinion N° (2007) 1 on “Ways to improve international cooperation in the criminal justice field” (CCPE (2007)25). In accordance with its terms of reference, it decided to send it to the CDPC with a view to it being sent to the Committee of Ministers. He invited the Committee of Ministers to make good use of it, and especially to send this Opinion to the relevant authorities within the member States and, if need be, to ensure that it is translated into the relevant languages. It also invited the Committee of Ministers to send this Opinion to the CEPEJ and the CCJE, so that theses bodies can consider it in their own work.

10.  Furthermore, the CCPE invited its members to ensure a wide dissemination of this Opinion among their colleagues and other relevant authorities in their country.

      4.   Working programme 2008 and beyond

      Alternatives to prosecution

11.  Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) presented the report prepared based on the replies from member states to the questionnaire on alternative measures to prosecution[4]. He particularly underlined the very great diversity of alternative measures proposed, which appear essential to modernise criminal justice systems and to act against certain forms of delinquency.

12.  The CCPE warmly thanked Mr de BAYNAST for the preparatory work done. It instructed its Working Group (or, failing that, its Bureau) to consider this report when preparing a draft Opinion on this topic in 2008. This draft should be submitted to the 3rd plenary meeting of the CCPE. With this in mind, the members of the CCPE who had not yet done so were invited to send their replies to the questionnaire to the Secretariat no later than 15 January 2008.

Relationships between public prosecutors and politics

13.  The President of the CCPE gave an account of the preliminary discussions held during the Bureau meeting on the relationship between prosecutors and political authorities (executive and legislative). He drew the Group’s attention on the draft questionnaire on the subject[5], while underlining that this draft required more in-depth work on the part of the Working Group before it could be discussed with a view to its adoption in plenary meeting. He therefore proposed to postpone the substantial discussion on this point. The CCPE instructed its Working Group to take the relevant measures to address in due time and under appropriate modalities this essential question.

The role of public prosecutors outside of the criminal justice field

14.  Mr Peter POLT (Hungary) presented his preliminary reflections on the role of public prosecutors outside of the criminal justice field, by particularly relying on experiences in Hungary and taking into account the replies of several member states to the questionnaires on the subject. The CCPE thanked him for this preparatory work.

15.  Following its Bureau’s proposal, the CCPE instructed its Secretariat to appoint a scientific expert (Mr Andras VARGA, Hungary, was put forward) to analyse the replies to questionnaire on this point and to draft a report. It was agreed that the CCPE’s Working Group would consider this report to prepare a draft Opinion on this question, which would then be submitted to the 3rd plenary meeting of the CCPE. With this in mind, the members of the CCPE who had not yet done so were invited to send their replies to the questionnaire to the Secretariat no later than 15 January 2008.

16.  The member of the CCPE in respect of the Federation of Russia confirmed his country’s invitation to host in 2008 a conference on this question. He stressed the importance given to such a conference by his country’s highest political authorities. This event could be articulated with a meeting of the CCPE’s Working Group.

The relationship between judges and prosecutors

17.  The representative of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) stressed that his Council had offered, during its 8th plenary meeting (21 – 23 November 2007), to deal, in 2009, with the question of the relationship between judges and prosecutors. The CCPE fully supported this proposal, bearing in mind that such a question should be dealt with by both councils in close cooperation. This would send a strong signal from practitioners to the governments of member states. The preparation of an opinion (if necessary, jointly) could be preceded by a joint European conference of judges and prosecutors.

The training of prosecutors

18.  The member of the CCPE in respect of Poland indicated that, in the context of the follow-up to the Warsaw Conference of June 2007 on "International Cooperation in the Criminal Field", the Bureau of the CCPE had invited the Polish authorities to contact the Lisbon Network in order to implement measures to develop the specific training of prosecutors in the field of international cooperation. The CCPE encouraged them to continue on that line, while indicating that it would be willing to be implicated in that project.


19.  The CCPE underlined the need to include specific training for prosecutors in Human Rights and in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in this particular context, if need be in the framework of the HELP programme of the Council of Europe.

20.  The CCPE invited the Polish authorities and the Lisbon Network to report on the developments at its next plenary meeting.

Work schedule for 2008

21.  It was proposed that the next plenary meeting of the CCPE be held from 15 to 17 October 2008 and, pending the adoption of the revised terms of reference by the Committee of Ministers, the meetings of the Working Group (CCPE-GT)[6] would be held 6 - 8 February, 4 - 6 June and 10 - 12 September 2008; these dates were still to be confirmed by the Secretariat.

22.  The Secretariat indicated that these dates were on line on the CCPE’s Internet site and would be regularly updated. It therefore invited the members of the CCPE to regularly consult the site.

5.   Working structure of the CCPE

23.  Following the discussions within the Bureau, it was suggested that the CCPE modify its working structures in order to make the most of the meetings planned on the budget, to ensure more flexibility in the organisation of the working programme and to make the decision-making process easier throughout the year. It was therefore proposed to split the existing 11-member Bureau into two:

§  a Bureau made up of a President, a Vice-President and two other members, elected in accordance with articles 12 et 13 of Appendix 1 to Resolution (2005) 47 of the Committee of Ministers; it would be entrusted with organisational matters for implementing the terms of reference and could be specifically instructed by the plenary meeting to deal with specific tasks; the Bureau would be a privileged partner of the Secretariat to manage the implementation of the working programme during the year; and

§  a Working Group made up of seven members appointed by the plenary meeting in accordance with Article 14-b of the Appendix 1 to Resolution (2005) 47 of the Committee of Ministers, entrusted with preparing draft opinions and other substantial matters in accordance with the CCPE’s terms of reference.

The CCPE agreed that the Bureau members could, within the means of the budget available, participate in the Working Group meetings.

24.  The Secretariat underlined that such a working structure had been applied successfully by the CCJE over the last two years.

25.  The CCPE agreed with this proposal of the Bureau and consequently approved a draft revision of its terms of reference for 2008 (document CCPE(2007)28), which it decided to submit to the Committee of Ministers for adoption.

26.  The CCPE elected Mr Harald RANGE (Germany) President of the CCPE and Mr Peter POLT (Hungary) Vice-President of the CCPE for 2008. Subject to the adoption by the Committee of Ministers of the draft revised terms of reference, it also elected Mr Olivier de BAYNAST (France) and Mr Joao DA SILVA MIGUEL (Portugal) as members of the Bureau of the CCPE for two years.

27.  Subject to the adoption of the draft revised terms of reference by the Committee of Ministers, the CCPE appointed Mr Roy JUNKIN (United Kingdom), Ms Katarína LAIFEROVA (Slovak Republic), Mr Vito MONETTI (Italy), Mr Jerzy SZYMANSKI (Poland), Ms Raija TOIVIAINEN (Finland), Mr Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA (Spain), Mr Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV (Russian Federation), as members of the 2008 Working Group and Mr Peter Mc CORMICK (Ireland) as deputy member. The group would particularly deal with the specific tasks mentioned in item 4 above.

6.   Situation in member states concerning prosecutors

28.  The President of the CCPE mentioned the letter sent by MEDEL to the CCJE and to the CCPE concerning allegations of illegal intelligence activities vis-à-vis judges and prosecutors in Italy. The members of the Italian delegation as well as representatives of MEDEL informed the CCPE of the situation. They mentioned inter alia that the Italian High Council of Justice had seized the matter. They also mentioned that judicial proceedings were pending in Italy. The representative of the CCJE indicated that his Council had already discussed this point and proposed that the presidents of the two councils send a joint reply to MEDEL. A draft letter was presented to the plenary and discussed. An amendment was proposed. The CCPE entrusted its President to finalise the letter with the President of the CCJE, taking the change into account. It was decided that the Italian delegation in the CCPE would also keep the Italian High Council of Justice informed of the steps taken. The CCPE decided to keep this item on its working agenda.

29.  The member of the CCPE in respect of Poland informed the Council of the Resolution of the 9th Annual Conference of the Association of Prosecutors of Poland concerning the rights and duties of prosecutors in his country, and of the letters sent between June and November 2007 by MEDEL and the International Association of Prosecutors to the CCPE on this matter. He indicated that these documents did not reflect anymore the current situation in Poland. The CCPE entrusted its President to reply to MEDEL and to the IAP to inform them of the discussions which took place during the plenary meeting, while deciding that there was no need to keep this item on its working agenda.

30.  Generally, several members of the CCPE underlined the need to define modalities and criteria allowing the CCPE to determine which solicitations should be followed up or not. The CCPE instructed its Bureau to propose a procedure to deal with that matter.

7.   The relationship between the CCPE and other bodies of the Council of Europe

31.  The CCPE took note of the information on the activities of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE), the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), the European Committee for Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) and the Lisbon Network, as well as of the HELP programme for the training of judges and prosecutors in Human Rights. It was also underlined that the President of the Steering Committee of Crime Problems (CDPC), Mr Branislav BOHÁČIK, held an exchange of views with the Bureau of the CCPE during its 4th meeting[7]. The detailed information relating to these activities were available on the Internet websites of these bodies[8]. The CCPE agreed to continue appropriate cooperation with these bodies to ensure coherence in their respective activities and to facilitate synergies, where appropriate.

8.   Communication strategy of the CCPE

32.  The Secretariat presented the new Internet site for the CCPE, which includes a public part and a restricted part reserved to members of the CCPE. It indicated in particular that the "country profile" section in the public part would be updated with information from members of the CCPE and greatly encouraged the latter to transmit to it current information as well as the relevant documents to the activities of the prosecution system in their countries.

33.  The CCPE agreed that the replies to the questionnaires should at this point only be available on the restricted site, in order to incite prosecutors to reply to them as fully as possible, in the interest of the work of the CCPE.

9.   Any other business

34.  The President informed the Council of the request made by the Conseil Consultatif de la Magistrature of Belgium to obtain observer status with the CCPE. The Secretariat underlined that, by way of information, to this date, only relevant European or international organisations had become observers to the CEPEJ and the CCJE, namely due to the too high number of national organisations which could potentially request to be granted this status. It was noted that the question of the representation of professional or judicial organisations within the delegations represented in the CCPE in respect of member states should fall within the competence of the relevant authorities of these states. The Secretariat was entrusted with replying to the Belgian Conseil Consultatif de la Magistrature along these lines.

35.  The Irish delegation forwarded the invitation from its authorities to host at the beginning of July 2009 a conference on a topic regarding public prosecutors. This conference could be articulated, where appropriate, around the organisation of a meeting of the CCPE’s Working Group. The Council thanked the Irish delegation for this proposal and entrusted the Secretariat to pursue its contacts with it in order to define appropriate modalities for the organisation of such a conference.

36.  Some members of the CCPE regretted the absence, during the plenary meeting, of several delegations, in particular from Central and Eastern Europe. They stressed that the added value of the CCPE, as opposed to other meetings of prosecutors organised within the framework of the European Union, was because of the participation of prosecutors from non-member states of the European Union. They indicated that these absences could be partly explained by the fact that the participation expenses of members were not borne by the Council of Europe, contrary to the other committees with which the CCPE worked, notably the CCJE.

37.  The CCPE entrusted its Bureau and the Secretariat to consider measures which would increase the participation of delegations of member States during its meetings and invited the Committee of Ministers to reconsider the decision regarding the budget allocated to the CCPE in order to facilitate the participation of all member States in its plenary meetings.

38.  The member of the CCPE in respect of France underlined the responsibility of each member of the CCPE to better disseminate the work and documents of the Council among their prosecutor colleagues and other interested bodies in their countries. He also indicated that, within the framework of the preparation of the CCPE's meetings and of the documents submitted for adoption to the plenary meeting, it was important that the members of the CCPE consult with their colleagues and relevant institutions beforehand, so that the legitimacy of these activities are reinforced and to then facilitate their ownership by practitioners in the states.



1.    Opening of the meeting by Mr Philippe BOILLAT, Director general of Human Rights and Legal Affairs /

Ouverture de la réunion par M. Philippe BOILLAT, Directeur général des droits de l’Homme et des affaires juridiques

2.    Adoption of the agenda / Adoption de l’ordre du jour

3.    Information by the President, Bureau members and the Secretariat / Informations par le Président, les membres du Bureau et le Secrétariat

4.    Recent developments regarding public prosecution in the member states: tour de table / Evolutions récentes du ministère public dans les Etats membres: tour de table

5.    Discussion with a view to the adoption of CCPE's Draft Opinion No.1: " Ways to improve international co-operation in the criminal justice field" / Discussion en vue de son adoption du Projet d’Avis N°1 du CCPE: "Les moyens d’améliorer la coopération internationale dans le domaine pénal"

      Rapporteur:       Vito MONETTI (Italy / Italie)

6.    Working programme 2008 and beyond / Programme de travail 2008 et au-delà

§  Alternatives to prosecution / Alternatives aux poursuites

            Rapporteur:       Olivier de BAYNAST (France)

§  Relationships between public prosecutors and politics / Les relations entre les procureurs et les autorités politiques

§  The role of public prosecutors outside the criminal field / Les compétences du ministère public en dehors du domaine pénal

            Rapporteur:       Peter POLT (Hungary / Hongrie)

§  Relationships between judges and prosecutors / Les relations entre juges et procureurs

§  Training of prosecutors (follow up to the 2007 Warsaw Conference on "International cooperation in the criminal field") / Formation des procureurs (suivi de la Conférence de Varsovie 2007 sur "la coopération internationale en matière pénale"")

            Rapporteur:       Jerzy SZYMANSKI (Poland / Pologne)

7.    Working Structure of the CCPE/ Structure de travail du CCPE

§  Proposal for amending the CCPE's terms of reference / Proposition pour amender le Mandat du CCPE

§  Election of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the CCPE / Election du Président et du Vice-Président du CCPE

§  Election of [one] [two] members of the Bureau / Election [d'un] [de deux] membre[s] du Bureau

§  Designation of the Working Group of the CCPE for 2008 / Désignation du Groupe de travail du CCPE pour 2008

8.    Situation in member states concerning prosecutors / Situation dans les Etats membres concernant les procureurs

9.    Relations between the CCPE and other bodies of the Council of Europe / Relations du CCPE avec d’autres instances du Conseil de l’Europe

§  Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) / Conseil consultatif de juges européens (CCJE)

§  European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) / Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice (CEPEJ)

§  European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) / Comité européen pour les problèmes criminels (CDPC)

§  Lisbon Network / Réseau de Lisbonne

10.  Communication strategy of the CCPE / Stratégie de communication du CCPE

11.  Any other business / Divers




ANDORRA / ANDORRE                                                                        

(Apologised / Excusée)


Ernst-Eugen FABRIZY, Deputy of the Prosecutor General, Generalprokuratur, VIENNA (Apologised / Excusé)

Karl GASSER, Senior Public Prosecutor, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Graz, GRAZ

BELGIUM / BELGIQUE                                                                        

(Apologised / Excusée)


Kamen MIHOV, Head of Mutual Legal Assistance Department, Prosecutor General’s Office of Bulgaria, SOFIA

Kamen SITNILSKI, Deputy Prosecutor General, Prosecutor General’s Office, SOFIA


Josip ČULE, Deputy State Attorney, Office of the State Attorney, ZAGREB

(Apologized/ Excusé)


Jana ZEZULOVA, Public Prosecutor, Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office, BRNO


Jesper HJORTENBERG, Deputy Director, General Prosecution, COPENHAGEN

Jørgen Steen SØRENSEN, Director of Public Prosecution, General Prosecution, COPENHAGEN


Margus KURM, Chief State Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor General, TALLINN

(Apologised / Excusé)

Norman AAS, Prosecutor General, Office of the Prosecutor General, TALLINN


Ms Raija TOIVIAINEN, State Prosecutor, Head of the International Unit, HELSINKI

(Apologised / Excusée)

Pekka KOPONEN, Head of the Steering and Development Unit, State Prosecutor, HELSINKI


Olivier de BAYNAST, Procureur Général auprès de la Cour d’Appel d’Amiens, AMIENS


Tinatin GOLETIANI, Head of Department, General Prosecutors Office, TBILISSI


Harald RANGE, Prosecutor General, Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Celle, CELLE

(Chairman / Président)

Annette BÖRINGER, Oberstaatsanwältin beim Bundesgerichtshof, der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichthof, KARLSRUHE


Roussos-Emmanouil PAPADAKIS, Vice-Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Greece, Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court of Greece, ATHENS



Peter POLT, Chief Prosecutor, Head of Criminal Trial Cases, Office of the Prosecutor General, BUDAPEST (Vice-Chairman / Vice-Président)


Ragnheiður HARÐARDÓTTIR, Assistant Director fo Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, REYKJAVÍK



James HAMILTON, Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutors, DUBLIN (Apologised / Excusé)

Peter McCORMICK, Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutors, DUBLIN

Helen CULLEN, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutors, DUBLIN


Vito MONETTI, Substitut du Procureur de la République près la Cour de Cassation, ROME

Antonio MURA, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Italian Court of Cassation, ROME

Antonio PATRONO, Member of the High Council for the Judiciary, ROME


Mrs Rudite ABOLINA, Head Prosecutor of the Department of Analysis and Management of the Prosecutor’s General Office, Deputy Prosecutor General, RIGA

Una BRENČA, Head Prosecutor of International Cooperation Division of the Prosecutor General’s Office, RIGA


Robert WALLNER, Prosecutor General, VADUZ


(Apologised / Excusée)


Harald STRAND, Senior Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, OSLO

Roar ØSTBY, Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, OSLO


Jerzy SZYMAŃSKI, Public Prosecutor, National Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Justice, Organised Crime Bureau, WARSAW

Anna ADAMIAK-DERENDARZ, Director, Bureau of International Legal Cooperation, National Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Justice, WARSAW


João Manuel DA SILVA MIGUEL, Procureur Général Adjoint, LISBONNE


Alexander Grigorievich ZVYAGINTSEV, Deputy Prosecutor General, Office of the Prosecutor General, MOSCOW

Vladimir P. ZIMIN, First Deputy Chief, the General Department of International Legal Cooperation, Office of the Prosecutor General, MOSCOW

Mikhail V. POPOV, interpreter


Djordje OSTOJIC, Deputy Prosecutor General, Office of the Prosecutor General, BELGRADE (Apologised / Excusé)


Katarína LAIFEROVA, Head of the Office of the Prosecutor General, BRATISLAVA 


Mirko VRTACNIK, Supreme State Prosecutor Councillor, Deputy State Prosecutor General, LJUBLJANA


Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA, Deputy Attorney General, Fiscalia General del Estado, MADRID


Annette von SYDOW, Chief Public Prosecutor, International Unit, Office of the Prosecutor General, STOCKHOLM

Erik FÅGELSBO, Public Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor General, STOCKHOLM


Claude NICATI, Procureur Général Suppléant, Ministère Public de la Confédération, BERNE


Jovan ILIEVSKI, Head of the Specialised Unit for Prosecuting Organised Crime and Corruption, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Department for Prosecuting Organised Crime and Corruption, SKOPJE


Ahmet TASYURT, Public Prosecutor of Court of Cassation, ANKARA

Aydin TEZCAN, Public Prosecutor of Court of Cassation, ISTANBUL


Olga LYTVYNCHUK, Head of International Cooperation Unit, Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, KYIV


Mr Roy JUNKIN, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland, BELFAST (Apologised / Excusé)

Moira ANDREWS, Head of International Affairs, Crown Prosecution Service, LONDON


HOLY SEE / SAINT SIEGE                                                                  

(Apologised / Excusé)



(Apologised / Excusé)



Gerhard REISSNER, President of the District Court of Floridsdorf, Vice-President of the Austrian Judges Association, VIENNA


Henk MARQUART SCHOLTZ, Secretary General, International Association of Prosecutors, the Netherlands

Tel:+31 (70) 36 30 345, Fax:+31 (70) 36 30 367, E-mail: [email protected]


Jorge COSTA, Procureur de la République, Assesseur à la Cour Constitutionnelle, LISBONNE



(E-mail : [email protected])

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs /

Direction Générale des droits de l’Homme et des affaires juridiques

Philippe BOILLAT, Director General / Directeur Général

Stéphane LEYENBERGER, Secretary of the CCPE, Justice Division / Secrétaire du CCPE, Division de la Justice

Jorge DIAS DUARTE, Administrator / Administrateur

Jean-Pierre GEILLER, Documentalist, Justice Division / Documentaliste, Division de la Justice

Emily WALKER, Assistant, Justice Division / Assistante, Division de la Justice

Interpreters / Interprètes

Sylvie BOUX




[3]  See report CCPE-BU(2007)12.

[4] CCPE-Bu(2007)15 Rev.


[6] If the Committee of Ministers did not adopt the revised therms of reference, the Bureau would meet with its  members appointed in 2007.

[7] See document CCPE-BU(2007)26.