25th meeting of the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI)

18-20 June 2024

Draft meeting report

1.    Opening of the meeting and welcoming remarks

Maja Zarić (Serbia), Chair of the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI), welcomed the members, participants and observers to the 25th Plenary meeting, held in Strasbourg on 18-20 June 2024, and gave the floor to Matjaz Gruden, Director of Directorate of Democracy, for his welcoming remarks.

Mr Gruden noted that this was the first plenary meeting of the CDMSI after the move from the Directorate General Human Rights and the Rule of Law (DGI) to the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity (DGII). He stressed that the transfer enables more effective collaboration between the relevant divisions within the new directorate, and that indeed the committee has continued its work efficiently. He then invited the CDMSI to observe a minute of silence to commemorate the passing of Christophe Deloire, former Secretary General and Director General of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and Chair of the Forum on Information and Democracy and acknowledged the significant work he carried in defending the safety of journalists.

The Director noted with appreciation that the Campaign for the Safety of Journalists was gradually advancing and invited the CDMSI to take full advantage of the opportunities it provides, with a view to reaching significant improvements in meeting its objectives. He also remarked that the Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists (hereinafter ‘the Platform’) would mark its 10th  anniversary in April 2025, celebrating a decade since its establishment, an occasion which provides for further synergies.

He welcomed the promising and relevant work recently initiated by the experts committees under the CDMSI (the MSI-AI and the MSI-eSEC), which again demonstrates the CDMSI's ability to articulate questions but also responses that drive and energize the Organisation in its fields of competence. He also expressed satisfaction with the CDMSI having concluded its work on its most recent deliverables, notably the CM/Rec(2024)2 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 5 April. Finally, he informed about the adoption of the Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 May 2024, and stressed the importance of this instrument, including for the work of the CDMSI in the relevant field. Pointing to 2024 as a “super election year,” Mr Gruden concluded his remarks by stressing the vital importance of press freedom and plurality for democratic processes. He emphasised that European citizens should be able to make informed choices to maintain and reinforce democracy.

2.    Adoption of the agenda

The CDMSI adopted the meeting agenda (Appendix 1). The list of participants and information on gender distribution appear in Appendix 2.

3.    Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

Rodica Ciochina, Campaign manager, presented developments regarding the ‘Journalists Matter’ Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists, launched in Riga in October 2024. She informed participants that 38 member States had appointed national focal points and invited further support from the countries whose national focal points were still missing (Andorra, Belgium, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Poland, San Marino, Türkiye). Reminding the main role of national focal points, which is to act as an interface between the Council of Europe and national stakeholders as well as between member states in the framework of the Campaign, Ms Ciochina stressed the importance of ensuring continuity and stability, to the extent possible, and encouraged CDMSI members to communicate relevant updates to the Secretariat. Noting that national focal points also play a crucial coordination role among national relevant stakeholders, she renewed the Council of Europe call to member states to set up national campaign committees which are also expected to remain in place after the campaign, as also requested for relevant countries at the level of the European Union (EU). The campaign committees should engage - where such assessment has not been initiated - in the assessment of the needs in the area of journalists’ protection and, where appropriate, work towards the adoption of national action plans or strategies for the safety of journalists.

She informed about existing synergies with ongoing Council of Europe co-operation projects, notably in south-east and central Europe, where important achievements under the Campaign are already witnessed. Information about these developments, as well as those concerning other countries, are provided, and regularly updated on the ‘Journalists Matter’ Campaign webpage, and in particular on the section dedicated to the National Chapters, available for the public at large. The CDMSI was also informed about the budget dedicated to the campaign. While mostly funded from the division’s ordinary budget, the Campaign benefitted also from several voluntary contributions, namely from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, and the Netherlands.

The CDMSI took note of upcoming Campaign’s events: the second meeting of the national focal points, to take place on 20-21 June, immediately after the CDMSI Plenary; the seminar on the Role of the police in the protection of the safety of journalists, to be held end on 26-27 September in Strasbourg; the annual thematic conference entitled Protection of journalists - a multistakeholder dialogue, relating to the implementation of the ’Protection Pillar’ of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors, taking place in Strasbourg on 29-30 October; next year’s thematic conference focusing on the ‘Prosecution pillar’, back-to-back with the third meeting of the national focal points, to be held in the spring in Luxembourg, organised with the Presidency of Luxembourg of the Committee of Ministers  (13 November 2024 - May 2025).

The CDMSI exchanged and provided preliminary updates on progress made at the national level under the Campaign. It was noted: that some countries already benefit from national structures established for the journalists’ safety in the framework of their cooperation with other organisations,   such as, for example, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); that an online forum for enabling exchanges between national focal points, such as the creation of a dedicated workspace, would prove beneficial for better coordination and exchange; that the campaign’s top-down approach , as well as some reported reluctance from journalists at the national level, require further reflection and efforts and that the Platform’s assistance and support could be beneficial in this sense.

CDMSI members also provided updates about specialised training initiated at the national level; noted the importance of strengthening exchanges amongst key stakeholders; pointed to the importance of the translation of relevant Campaign materials and to related costs; and stressed the role of political will in advancing the campaign.

4.    Exchange of views with representatives of the Contributing Partner organisations to the Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists

William Horsley (Centre for Freedom of the Media, CFOM) and Flutura Kusari (European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, ECPMF), representing the partner organisations to the Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists, presented the 2024 Annual Report “Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide". The report takes stock of key areas of law, policy and practices affecting media freedom and safety of journalists in Europe - including threats and intimidation, detention, restrictive legislation, abusive lawsuits, media capture and attacks on public service media – and identifies actions required to improve effective protection of journalists.

The report highlights the agreement of the partner organisations to the Platform to pay increased attention in the framework of the Platform’s activities to “systemic threats” to the journalists’ safety such as criminal defamation and restrictions on the independence of media regulators. Such threats have a significant impact on press freedom. Additionally, the report reviews the social and economic insecurity faced by journalists, as well as further emerging threats to the profession. Among these are concerns about artificial intelligence, the influence of social networks, disinformation, intimidation and pressure on media covering climate change issues, and a political climate increasingly characterised by radicalisation and polarisation, which is hostile to free and independent journalism.

The CDMSI was informed that, although the number of journalists killed and violence against them has decreased, the alerts on the platform show a growing diversity of threats, pressure and constraints against journalists. It was noted that safety of journalists issues are shaped also by military conflicts arising in past years. Moreover, the report notes that threats and intimidation, especially online, seem to have become a “new normal”; in some member states detentions and criminal prosecutions were again misused in 2023 as a tool to stop independent reporting; SLAPPs are a major concern , especially for journalists investigating corruption, conflicts of interest and financial crimes; several governments introduced more restrictive legislation against the media or compromised the independence of public service media by replacing management and board members and dismissing journalists or editors. Yet, the report also identifies several good practices, such as the PersVeilig project in the Netherlands. Recommendations addressed to the Council of Europe and EU bodies were also transmitted to the CDMSI.

Additional information was provided by Mr Horsley on the rate of resolution of alerts published in the Platform, noting that the level of response and effective action by national authorities remains unsatisfactory and needs to be improved. He encouraged States’ representatives to explore further the possible uses they can make of the Platform and suggested involving the representatives of the contributing partner organisations in workshops and other safety of journalists related activities.

CDMSI members held an exchange and, while acknowledging the importance of the Platform in enhancing journalists’ safety, underlined the need to ensure at all times that the information published via alerts is accurate, including by adjusting the information posted in due course to take account of relevant developments. Several members provided updates on political will displayed to protect journalists and ensure public service media functioning, including in times of war. The specific situation of Russian and Belarus journalists in exile was noted. The Committee also discussed issues arising from the use of spyware. Also, some of the members expressed concern that the lack of mutual trust between judicial authorities, law enforcement and journalists remains a real and important challenge.

5.    Standard setting work progress under the CDMSI Terms of Reference

Mr Cesare Pitea, Secretary to the Committee of Experts on online safety and empowerment of content creators and users (MSI-eSEC), updated the CDMSI on the first MSI-eSEC meeting on 9-10 April. He informed the CDMSI of the election of Ms Nicole Stellou, Media Policy Expert, Presidency of the Greek Government, as Chair, and Ms Marijana Grbesa-Zenzerović, Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Strategic Communication, University of Zagreb as Vice-Chair. Mr Martin Husovec and Mr Peter Noorlander were designated as drafting Rapporteurs. Jennifer Adams was appointed as Gender Equality Rapporteur. He further reported on the timeline agreed by the members of the Expert Group, whose deliverable, a draft Recommendation on online safety and empowerment of content creators and users, is to be delivered to the CDMSI by the end of 2025. A preliminary outline for its draft Recommendation will be presented to the CDMSI before the end of 2024.

Ms Stellou, Chair of the Committee, reported on the progress made by the MSI-eSEC so far. She underlined that the Committee decided to tackle the issue of safety by giving prominence to the perspective of users’ experience and empowerment, and responsibilities and responses in this respect by States and platforms, within the framework of existing standards for digital governance. She underlined the adoption of a risk-based approach, focusing on risks directly connected to the exercise of freedom of expression, including the right to impart and receive information. The second meeting of the MSI-eSEC will be held in Strasbourg on 24-25 September 2024.

6.    Council of Europe work towards a legal mechanism to support European drama series production

Ms Susan Newman-Baudais, Executive Director, Enlarged Partial Agreement – Eurimages, presented the background, context and objectives of the work of the Steering Committee for Culture Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) towards a future Convention of the Council of Europe on the co-production of European drama series (exploratory study and a proposal for a draft of a future Convention). She recalled that the Council of Europe's perspective on cultural cooperation encompasses the creation of audiovisual works, notably through the co-production of cinematographic works and TV series.

CDMSI members welcomed the presentation. During the related exchange, members expressed strong interest in this initiative, as well as in a transparent and inclusive process in developing a future legal instrument of the Council of Europe. Given the relevance of the freedom of expression perspective, the importance of including the CDMSI in this process was highlighted as well as the committee’s willingness to be kept informed of the process and to contribute to it through timely and thorough consultations on the draft future instrument.

7.    Ongoing work on CDSMI deliverables

The CDMSI participants received information about the ongoing work on other deliverables foreseen in the CDMSI Terms of Reference, notably the “Ten steps to counter disinformation - Strategy and practical tools based on existing Council of Europe standards and other instruments”; the “Feasibility study on immersive reality applications and their implications for freedom of expression”; and the “Indicators for media and information literacy (MIL) strategies at national level”. The Secretariat invited the CDMSI to provide support and guidance in the elaboration of these documents and their follow-up, including by providing information via forthcoming questionnaires, and clarified that external consultants will be engaged as appropriate.

8.    Follow-up to the adoption of CM/Rec(2024)2 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs)

Ms Giulia Lucchese, former Secretary to the Committee of Experts on Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (MSI-SLP), subordinated to the CDMSI, illustrated the main elements of CM/Rec(2024)2 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 5 April. In her presentation, she reminded on the definition of SLAPPs provided by the recommendation, its key terms and scope of application, and presented outstanding differences as well as complementarity with other relevant standards, in particular those adopted within the EU framework. Updates were provided about the follow-up work and initiatives carried out following the adoption of the Recommendation. The CDMSI members were invited to raise awareness of newly adopted standards, including by ensuring the translation and dissemination of the document. To this scope, it was noted that relevant documents are available online, also in a leaflet format.

The CDMSI took note of the upcoming second European anti-SLAPP Conference, that the Council of Europe is organising, together with the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the CASE Coalition, in Strasbourg on 14 November 2024. The main aim of the Conference is to promote and introduce the new legal instruments adopted in the field to the wider public, highlighting legislative and policy frameworks, as well as other governmental initiatives that will assist with the implementation of such standards at the national level.

9.    EU legal instruments on countering SLAPPs

The CDMSI exchanged views with Mr Georg Haibach, Principal Administrator, European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, who presented recent EU legal instruments on countering SLAPPs, namely the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on protecting persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings and the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/758 of 27 April 2022 on protecting journalists and human rights defenders who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings.

The main elements of the Directive were presented to the CDMSI, including its scope, which is to address civil proceedings with a cross-border dimension, procedural safeguards, remedies, and protection against third-country judgements. Mr Haibach provided clarification also about the timeline for its implementation, noting that a first assessment is planned to take place two years following its adoption.

Mr Haibach informed that the Recommendation was adopted in April 2022, as a soft law instrument directly applicable in EU member states, where its implementation already started. The complementarity between the EU instruments and Council of Europe standards and initiatives on safety of journalists, including against SLAPPs, was underlined, and avenues for cooperation in their implementation were discussed.

The discussion focused in particular on: challenges in the transposition process; the status of focal points appointed at the EU level and the implementation of the new instruments; the possible participation of civil society organisations in trainings and workshops; the complementarity with the Council of Europe instrument.

10.  Appointment of CDMSI rapporteurs on transversal issues and liaison contacts with partner Committees

Ms Artemiza Chisca, Head of Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division and Secretary to the CDMSI, provided information about the expression of interests received by the Secretariat regarding the appointment of CDMSI rapporteurs on transversal issues and liaison contacts with partner Committees.

The CDMSI appointed: Maja Zarić (Serbia) as Gender Equality Rapporteur; Marius Jitea (Romania) as Youth and Children’s Rights Rapporteur; Tigran Dadunts (Armenia) as liaison person for the Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM); Inge Welbergen (the Netherlands) as liaison person for the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI); Thomas Schneider (Switzerland) as liaison person for the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI).

11.  AI developments within the Council of Europe

Patrick Penninckx, Head of Digital Development and Governance Department, Council of Europe, presented developments on AI-related work following the adoption of the Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law.

He remarked that the instrument had been negotiated at a global level, with 57 countries involved in the negotiation process, along with several international and regional organisations working in the field of AI. The Convention covers both the public and the private sectors, with exceptions regarding research and development, national security, and defence issues. Its ambition is to remain technologically neutral, allowing for the incorporation of future developments in the AI field. Building on the values of the Council of Europe, the Convention is the first global legally binding instrument providing principles on AI, based on human rights.

The CDMSI held an exchange on the complementarity of the new convention with other instruments; next steps for enabling the implementation process; safeguards contained in the Convention; issues related to copyright. The CDMSI members congratulated Mr Penninckx for the work carried out during the years spent as Head of the Media and Information Society Department.

12.  Digital Governance

o    Digital Partnership:

The CDMSI was informed about the latest developments in the framework of the Digital Partnership, and in particular of the outcome of the Workshop with Digital Partners: Protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the digital environment, held on 21-22 May 2024, during which the Secretariat presented the most recent relevant instruments elaborated by the CDMSI: the Guidelines on the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in journalism and the Guidance Note on countering the spread of online mis- and disinformation through fact-checking and platform design solutions in a human rights compliant manner, and current work on online safety, generative AI and immersive realities, likely to offer opportunities for cooperation with relevant and interested digital partners of the Council of Europe.

o    Council of Europe participation in events related to digital governance:

The Secretariat further informed about the Council of Europe participation in events related to digital governance, in the framework of which the Secretariat presented recent and ongoing work of the CDMSI. These include the EuroDIG (17-19 June Vilnius, under the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers), during which, amongst others, the Council of Europe held a session to launch the full report on the Metaverse, made available as ISBN publication.

o    Future Declaration of the Committee of Ministers in support of WSIS

Mr Penninckx provided background information regarding the proposed Declaration of the Committee of Ministers in support of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), clarifying its political nature and recalling that the first CM Declaration in support of WSIS was adopted by the CDMSI already 20 years ago.

The Secretariat presented a preliminary draft Declaration on the WSIS +20 review and the extension of the mandate of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), for discussion and possible approval by the CDMSI. The Plenary members decided to proceed with the approval by written procedure, after the integration of comments and suggestions sent to the Secretariat, and to transmit the approved text to the Committee of Ministers for adoption on behalf of the Council of Europe.

o    Exchange of views with LEGO Group

Ms Ida Søndergaard Rasmussen, Senior Program Manager, Child Rights and Safety – Digital Empowerment Program Lead at the LEGO Group, a member of the Council of Europe Digital Partnership, presented the work of the LEGO Group in supporting and incentivising innovation in digital play. She illustrated the company’s understanding of digital empowerment; the core life skills to thrive in the digital world; tools to promote children’s well-being through digital safety and empowerment; and, how to contribute to the digital empowerment of both children and parents through learning and play.

Ms Søndergaard Rasmussen concluded with a call to action for children to have a right to be online, making the industry and lawmakers responsible for creating positive spaces; encouraged the development of wellbeing-by-design digital spaces, notably to allow children to form meaningful social connections; and, advocated for the maintenance of high standards of online safety and privacy, with a view to striking the right balance for the best interest of the child.

The CDMSI participants exchanged with the representative of the LEGO Group, including to discuss multi-language access to products.

13.  Council of Europe co-operation and assistance activities on freedom of expression

Alina Tatarenko, Head of the Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression of the Council of Europe, presented updates on relevant co-operation and assistance activities on freedom of expression, which are currently taking place in 16 countries. She encouraged involvement from CDMSI members and relevant national authorities, including for further promotion of the ‘Journalists matter’ Campaign for the Safety of Journalists and the implementation of CDMSI standards. She provided information about the training module developed for judges and legal professionals on SLAPPs, which will be presented at the occasion of the European anti-SLAPP Conference of 14 November 2024. A similar module on access to information in the context of freedom of expression is under work.

Ms Tatarenko provided updates on upcoming events of interest for the CDMSI, including a Conference on fostering the culture of public debate in Europe, taking place in October 2024 in Vilnius, organised together with the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, and focusing on the implementation of the requirements of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

14.  Hate Speech and Media Seminar “Upholding Media Integrity: Fostering Tolerance and Combating Hate Speech” – thematic session with the participants to the “No Hate Speech Week”

The CDMSI members participated in the seminar on Media and Hate Speech, organised by the CDSMI Secretariat in the framework of the No Hate Speech Week. The seminar was held in the format of a joint session with the participants in the No Hate Speech Week.

The seminar focused on the role of media in preventing, combating and addressing hate speech, as outlined in the relevant section of Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 of the Committee of Ministers to member Stateson combating hate speech, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 20 May 2022. According to the recommendation, the role of journalists, media organizations, and regulatory bodies is paramount in shaping public discourse and promoting societal cohesion. The seminar was articulated on three rounds of discussions with outstanding experts and practitioners in the relevant field. The first session focused on the role of media in democratic societies and ways to promote a culture of tolerance; the second on the public service media’s mandate and the need to avoid stereotypical depictions and prejudice; and the last on regulatory frameworks in the media field, accountability and transparency.

The CDMSI members and other participants engaged in a Q&A session, enabling further exchanges on strategies to ensure that relevant activities and projects effectively engage those involved in hate speech acts; measures to prevent and combat hate speech online; challenges arising from political influence on information; recent national decisions on hate speech cases. Participants were further informed that a following seminar, to be scheduled on a date yet to be determined, will address the other prominent aspect of the issue, which is how to combat and prevent hate speech against the media.

15.  Follow-up to the Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on combating hate speech

Jennifer Jackson-Preece, Associate Professor of Nationalism European Institute, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, presented the draft Compilation of promising practices at the national level and tools for the implementation of relevant aspects of the Recommendation, elaborated with the support of the Secretariats of the CDMSI and the Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI).

She clarified that the primary objective of the compilation was to highlight a range of promising practices by member states and other key stakeholders consistent with the recommendation during its early implementation period, with a view to offering concrete guidance for further developing “good practices” that fulfil the document’s aims and objectives. The compilation is based on the qualitative analysis of survey responses from CDADI and CDMSI members, oral contributions and written contributions received from member states, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and desk research. The compilation also provides a self-assessment tool, which identifies actionable points across all key objectives relevant to the implementation of CM/Rec(2022)16. According to the Terms of Reference of both steering committees, further implementation review of the recommendation is planned for 2027.

The CDMSI welcomed the presentation and endorsed the Compilation of promising practices at national level in combating hate speech and tools for the implementation of relevant aspects of CM/Rec(2022)16.

16.  Report by Maja Zaric, Chair of the CDMSI, on the meeting of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe with the chairs of intergovernmental committees (1 February 2024). Follow-up steps

The CDMSI Chair reported on the Secretary General’s meeting, on 1 February 2024, with the Chairs of Council of Europe’s intergovernmental committees, with its rich exchanges and engaging conclusions. With a view to enhancing interaction and boosting exchange on good practices, also as a follow-up to the discussions held on 1 February, CDMSI members were invited to express their interest in being appointed as CDMSI rapporteurs on transversal issues (gender, children protection and youth) and liaison contacts with partner committees. The Secretariat noted that the terms of reference of the CDDH, CDEDU, CDBIO, CDENF, CDADI, CDEJ, CDCPP, CDDEM contain deliverables of potential interest for the CDMSI work and activities.

17.  Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM)

The CDMSI exchanged views with Urška Umek, Head of the Democratic Institutions and Civil Society Division and Secretary to the newly established Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM), who presented the work of the committee.

Ms Umek recalled that the CDDEM was established last year by the Committee of Ministers as a direct result of the 4th Summit of the Council of Europe, which took place in Reykjavík, on 16 and 17 May 2023, when Heads of State and Government noted that there was a strong structure within the Organisation for human rights and the rule of law, and that a further structure was to be put in place to reinforce a more holistic perspective on democracy. The CDDEM was given a broad mandate and is expected to promote a more overarching understanding of democracy as a political system but also of democracy as a culture of participation. The CDDEM will complement and promote further the sectoral work of the Organisation on individual key components of democracy, a task for which the collaboration with the CDMSI around the contribution of freedom of expression and information to democracy is pivotal. Ms Umek noted in this connection that freedom of expression is one of the human rights expressly mentioned in the 10 Reykjavík Principles for Democracy. The task of the CDDEM is to develop parameters expected to serve as indicators to facilitate the implementation of the 10 principles, by collecting and selecting existing relevant standards, while also focusing on emerging issues which are crucial for maintaining democracy.

The CDDEM held its first Plenary meeting on 13-14 May 2024, during which the CDMSI Secretariat informed members and participants about relevant freedom of expression and information standards and activities. According to its Terms of Reference, the CDDEM is also expected to undertake work on the protection and promotion of the civil society spaceand on the promotion of the participation of citizens in political decision-making. The CDDEM has also been tasked to prepare a study on the advantages and risks of the use of artificial intelligence in public debate relating to democratic processes and on artificial intelligence literacy for democratic life, a subject which is close to the CDMSI work and mandate. Close collaboration between the two Steering Committees is essential to strengthen common messages and avoid potential overlaps.

The CDMSI welcomed the comprehensive presentation and exchanged further with Ms Umek on the mandate of the new steering committee. CDMSI members highlighted the issue of disinformation as a challenge for democracy, the impact of AI on democratic processes. ; and underlined the importance of the inclusion of civil society in drafting and other CDDEM’s working processes. The CDMSI extended their congratulations to Ms Umek, former long-standing member of the CDMSI secretariat, on her professional achievements and expressed sincere wishes for her success in the new position.

18.  European Media Freedom Act and other EU legislative developments in the area of freedom of expression

Mr Audrius Perkauskas, Deputy Head of the “Audiovisual and Media Services Policy” Unit, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT), European Commission, delivered a presentation on recent developments at the European Union level, notably the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and the European Commission Recommendation on ensuring the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists and other media professionals in the European Union.

Ms Perkauskas explained that the EMFA Regulation is now in force, with full application by EU member states required by 8 August 2025 or later for some provisions. It sets a framework for various media services in the EU. Its provisions, often principled, grant media service providers rights (such as protection of journalistic sources and against abusive deployment of spyware) and impose duties on them (such as on transparency of ownership and guarantees for editorial independence of media outlets). The Regulation introduces a new European Board for Media Services, replacing the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) and provisions to enhance regulatory cooperation, including bilateral; it also introduces a special regime for the moderation by online platforms of content from certain types of independent media, without affecting the enforcement of other EU laws, such as the Digital Services Act. Other provisions address the allocation of economic resources in the media market, primarily to ensure fairness and transparency in the distribution of state advertising. The Commission's priorities in the implementation of EMFA include provisions on media sustainability, protecting journalists, and operationalise the new Board.

With regards to the Recommendation on the safety of journalists, Perkauskas welcomed the substantial background information that, amongst others, had been provided by the Council of Europe, which contributed to a comprehensive instrument. A study was conducted, and then published on 3 May, regarding the status of implementation of the recommendation, a preliminary assessment disclosing that a lot is happening at national level in EU member states, although there are nuances and room for further improvement in terms of concrete effectiveness. Progress was achieved in terms of physical protection, including during public demonstrations, yet in the digital sphere states are still struggling to find effective solutions. He further informed that the study provides a template for states to conduct the assessment in a more systematic way, to be employed for further monitoring in the future.

During the ensuing exchange, on the EMFA, discussions delved into: the importance of the provisions on State advertising, often used as a tool to influence private media, and on limiting surveillance of journalists; the relevance attributed by the EMFA Preamble to alerts of the Council of Europe Platform in monitoring the implementation of the EMFA ; and challenges in domestic processes to implement the EMFA in both EU member states and accession states, including on how to ensure legal certainty in the enforcement, by the European Commission, of a principle-based document. In respect of the Recommendation, the exchange focused on boosting cooperation between European institutions on the safety of journalists as well as other freedom of expression-related issues, including by working closely on the collection of feedback expected from States. To this end, some CDMSI members invited a more regular presence and engagement of EU representatives in the CDMSI plenary meetings.

19.  Exchange of views with the Secretariat of the European Audiovisual Observatory and of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA)

The CDMSI took note of the information provided by Ms Maja Capello, Head of the Department for Legal Information at the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO), on recent relevant developments in the audiovisual field. For example, in the field of media literacy, a EAO publication focused on the empowerment of children and the elderly, two categories at risk of being excluded, and another on AI literacy. Videogames is a new topic approached by EAO, including issues of funding, on which a pilot publication is already online. Work is foreseen also in the ambit of the EMFA and Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). Ms Capello also informed about available legal databases and EU co-funded studies. Ms Capello invited the CDMSI to explore further venues for exchange and cooperation in the fields of interest.

The CDMSI also took note of the information provided by Ms Geraldine Denis, from Secretariat of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA), on the latest work, events and meetings of the EPRA. She provided updates regarding elections of the EPRA Executive Board and members, recalled the Platform’s values and tools to streamline its mission and presented the new strategic objectives. Current work is dedicated to exploring the impact of AI in the media sector, including the impact of AI systems on content and the implications for media national regulatory authorities (NRAs). Attention is dedicated also to the topics of media literacy and hate speech. The 60th EPRA meeting will take place in Limassol, Cyprus, on 23-25 October 2024, and will focus on the impact of AI systems on media and implications for NRAs, and on the role of regulators in fighting hateful content.–.

20.  Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Ms Valentina Grippo (Italy, ALDE), PACE General Rapporteur on Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists, provided to the CDMSI participants updates on the work of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education, and Media.

First, she presented the reports that are under preparation. The report on “Propaganda and Freedom of Information in Europe”, now at a rather advanced stage, focuses on the dangers of propaganda and the importance of promoting media pluralism and stresses that content removal should remain a measure of last resort. The report on “Public Regulation of Freedom of Expression on Digital Platforms” examines the role of digital platforms in content moderation and the need for public regulation to protect freedom of expression without resorting to censorship. The report on “Media Concentration and Threats to Media Pluralism and Independence”, which is still in the early stages, addresses media ownership transparency and the impacts of economic pressures and media capture on media pluralism. A new report on the pipeline is on "Media Freedom in Sport", addressing challenges in sports journalism.

Ms Grippo provided information also about current draft Resolution proposals, aimed at, respectively: encouraging member States to develop holistic strategies against illegal and harmful propaganda; emphasising the importance of safeguarding freedom of expression and the role of independent media oversight mechanisms; and advocating for public access to reliable information, government transparency, media literacy, and a pluralistic media environment. Finally, Ms Grippo confirmed full support to the CDMSI work and the Council of Europe ‘Journalists matter’ Campaign for the Safety of Journalists and reiterated her committee’s readiness to further coordinate with partners and stakeholders to enhance journalist safety and media freedom.

21.  Primary Source Journalism project

Mr Andrew Moger, Chief Executive Officer, News Media Coalition (organisation holding observer status at the CDMSI) presented the Primary Source Journalism project, intended to protect on-the-ground news gathering by professional journalists. He clarified the meaning of primary source journalism, i.e. the information gathering from direct source and reporting of newsworthy current affairs from the field by trained journalists with the purpose of better informing society. He stressed that protecting primary source journalism means protecting newsgathering before, during and in and around organised events and safeguarding event coverage. The projects aims to contribute to shaping public policy in the field and promoting news industry values. Ms Moger further noted how the protection of primary source journalism fits the work of the CDMSI and he recalled the CM/Rec(2016)4, also stressing the importance of safeguarding the gathering of information. He, therefore, invited support from the CDMSI in future work and activities in this area.

The participants exchanged with the News Media Coalition representative and discussed the specific characteristics of primary source journalism related safeguards and challenges, as well as tools to ensure access to sources.

22.  Report from MSI-AI, Committee of Experts on the implications of generative artificial intelligence for freedom of expression

Giulia Lucchese, Secretary to the MSI-AI, updated the CDMSI members on the first Expert Group’s meeting, held in a hybrid format on 23-24 April 2024. She informed the CDMSI of the election of Mr Andrin Eichin (Switzerland) as Chair and Ms Katerina Mantzou (Greece) as Vice-Chair of the MSI-AI. Ms Iva Nenadic (Croatia), Ms Murielle Popa-Fabre and Ms Patricia Shaw were designated as drafting co-Rapporteurs; Mr Raphael Kies (Luxembourg) was appointed as Gender Equality Rapporteur. The CDMSI was provided information on the timeline agreed by the members of the Expert Group, mandated to draft a Guidance Note on the implications of generative artificial intelligence for freedom of expression, to be delivered to the CDMSI for possible adoption by the end of 2025

Mr Andrin Eichin, Chair of the Committee, reported on the progress made by the MSI-AI. He informed that the Expert Group discussed the mandate and scope of the future instrument and agreed on ways of working and planning. Members shared the view that although multiple human rights and fundamental freedoms are impacted by Generative AI, the primary focus of MSI-AI work remains on those rights directly challenging freedom of expression, to be addressed in line with Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the relevant case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. He informed that the Expert Committee decided to consider Generative AI in its multi-modal nature, such as audio, image, video, text, etc, and to adopt a functional definition of Generative AI, focusing on its potential to generate human-like expression, regardless of the underlying technology.

Regarding the audience of the future Guidance Note, the Expert Group agreed that, besides member States, other key stakeholders, such as private sector, technology companies, and users, should be addressed. The MSI-AI also noted that, to discuss implications effectively, both the positive and negative aspects should be identified. On the basis of this analysis, the Guidance Note will provide indications on how to mitigate systemic risks and how to realise potential benefits. Given the complex and multi-layered nature of the Generative AI supply chain and lifecycle, the MSI-AI also decided to delve into a "technological stack" to map the relevant risks, benefits and actors. The second meeting of the MSI-AI will be held in person, in Strasbourg, on 17-18 October 2024. A first elaborated outline of the future Guidance Note will be presented to the CDMSI before the end of 2024.

The CDMSI exchanged with the Chair and Secretary of the MSI-AI, including about the status, scope and audience of the foreseen deliverable, and encouraged the members of the MSI-AI to take a pragmatic approach and keep the users into due consideration.

23.  Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU)

Marie-Anne Persoons, Chair of CDEDU, presented to the CDMSI members current work and challenges of the CDEDU. She clarified that the CDEDU is currently implementing the decisions adopted at the 26th session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education was held on 28-29 September 2023, in Strasbourg, France, notably on the civic mission of education, on education in times of emergency and crisis, and on harnessing the potential of digital transformation in education.

She further recalled Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on developing and promoting digital citizenship education as well as the Council of Europe  Reference framework of competences for democratic culture (RFCDC) - Guidance document for higher education (2020), setting out 20 competences our education systems should develop in students to prepare them for lives as active citizens in democratic societies. The CDMSI also took note of upcoming events, such as the 2025 European Year of Digital Citizenship Education, providing a platform for States to set common goals, exchange sense-making practices, measure achievements and define together a road map for the future, and the Conference on Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Education, taking place in Strasbourg, on 24-25 October 2024.

24.  Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO)

Ms Siobhan O'Sullivan, Chair of CDBIO, informed about the work conducted in relation to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (ETS No 164), the only international legally binding instrument on the protection of human rights in the biomedical field.

She presented the main deliverables foreseen by the Terms of Reference of the CDBIO (2024-2027), focusing on outstanding ethical human rights challenges, on neurotechnologies, and the finalisation of a Report on artificial intelligence applications in healthcare.

25.  European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ)

Mr Jorge Orlando Soares da Silva Queirós, Chair of the CDEJ, presented the work of the European Steering Committee for Youth, noting that the perspective on this subject was strengthened during the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe. He therefore provided clarification as to what “meaningful participation” of youth entails, stressing that the youth perspective should be conceptualised as an attitude and integrated in all Council of Europe activities. Therefore, he encouraged further collaboration with the CDMSI, including with a view to better integrate the youth dimension in the Safety of Journalists Campaign.

26.  Exchange with Ms Irena Guidikova, Head of the Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department, Directorate for Democracy, Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity

Ms Irena Guidikova addressed the CDMSI Plenary for the first time in her role as Head of the Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department, Directorate for Democracy, Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity. She focused on the objectives and priorities in the future work of the Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division, part of the new Department, and welcomed the new setting, enabling further connections and interaction amongst different activities under the Department.

She stressed the importance of making advancements both in standards and on the ground, including through the assistance and cooperation work run by the Council of Europe in the fields of freedom of expression, media freedom or journalists’ safety. The Head of Department further recalled that the ‘Journalists matter’ Campaign, building on existing standards elaborated by the CDMSI and adopted by the Committee of Ministers, is still to prove effective and influential at national level, where member States should strive to achieve a concrete improvement in the protection of journalism and of journalists’ safety. She also encouraged the CDMSI to engage in a comprehensive overview of the standards produced in past years in its field of competence, to measure progress in their implementation but also with a view to updating these instruments in the light of the most recent developments, as appropriate.

27.  Recent developments in the area of freedom of expression

CDMSI members agreed to send the secretariat information on the most recent developments related to freedom of expression and information in their countries. This information will be subsequently circulated to all in written form.


28.  Participation in events of relevance for the CDMSI

The CDMSI entrusted the secretariat to circulate information on the participation in relevant events to all members, also taking into account information to be provided by members in written.

29.  Other business

The CDMSI agreed to hold its next plenary meeting on 4-6 December 2024, in the premises of the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg.



                                                                                                         3 June 2024


18 June 2024

Morning Session 09:30 – 12:30

1.     Opening and welcoming remarks of the meeting

Matjaz Gruden, Director, Directorate for Democracy

1.     Adoption of the agenda

2.     Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

o    Progress report on most recent developments and forthcoming work

o    Steps taken by member states - Information by CDMSI representatives

(Tour de table)

For information and discussion

3.     Exchange of views with representatives of the Contributing Partner organisations to the Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists

Coffee break 11:10-11:30

4.     Standard setting work progress under CDMSI Terms of Reference

Report from MSI-eSEC, Committee of Experts on online safety and empowerment of content creators and users.

Presentation by Nicole Stellou, Chair of MSI-eSEC

For Information and discussion

5.     Council of Europe work towards a legal mechanism to support European drama series production

Exchange with Susan Newman-Baudais, Executive Director, Partial Agreement - Eurimages

For information and discussion

Afternoon session 14:00 – 17:30

6.     Ongoing work on CDMSI deliverables

o    Ten steps to counter disinformation - Strategy and practical tools based on existing Council of Europe standards and other instruments.

o    Feasibility study on immersive reality applications and their implications for freedom of expression

o    Indicators for media and information literacy (MIL) strategies at national level

For information and discussion

7.      Follow-up to the adoption of CM/Rec(2024)2 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs)

For information and discussion

8.     EU legal instruments on countering SLAPPs :

o    Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on protecting persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings

o    Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/758 of 27 April 2022 on protecting journalists and human rights defenders who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings


Exchange of views with Georg Haibach, Principal Administrator, European Commission

Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers

For information and discussion

9.     Appointment of CDMSI rapporteurs on transversal issues and liaison contacts with partner Committees

Terms of Reference 2024-2027

15:30-15:50       Coffee break


10.  AI Developments within the Council of Europe

o    Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law

Presentation by Patrick Penninckx, Head of Digital Development and Governance Department

For information and discussion

11.  Digital Governance

o    Digital Partnership: Report on the Workshop with Digital Partners (21-22 May 2024): Protection human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the digital environment

o    Council of Europe participation in events related to digital governance – EURODIG, IGF

o    Future Declaration of the Committee of Ministers in support of WISIS

For Information and discussion

o    Exchange of views with LEGO Group, member of the Council of Europe Digital Partnership

Presentation by Ida Søndergaard Rasmussen, Senior Program Manager, Child Rights and Safety – Digital Empowerment Program Lead

 For information and discussion

12.  Council of Europe cooperation and assistance activities on freedom of expression

Presentation by Alina Tatarenko, Head of Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression

For information and discussion

Award ceremony and Reception for Journalists promoting positive image of Roma

(No Hate Speech Week)

17:30, in front of Hemicycle, Palais Building

19 June 2024

Morning Session 09:30 – 12:30 – room 9, Palais de l´Europe

13.  Hate Speech and Media Seminar “Upholding Media Integrity: Fostering Tolerance and Combating Hate Speech” - thematic session with the participants to the “No Hate Speech Week

o   Concept Note and Agenda

Coffee Break 11:00-11:30

14.  Follow-up to the Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on combating hate speech

Draft Compilation of promising practices at national level and tools for the implementation of relevant aspects of the recommendation

Presentation by the Dr Jennifer Jackson-Preece, Associate Professor of Nationalism European Institute, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science

For discussion and endorsement

15.  Report by Maja Zaric, Chair of the CDMSI, on the meeting of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe with the chairs of intergovernmental committees (1 February 2024). Follow-up steps

Meeting agenda

For information and discussion

16.  Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM)

Presentation by Urška Umek, Head of Democratic Institutions and Civil Society Division

For information and discussion

Lunch Break 12:30-14:00

Afternoon session 14:00-17:30 – Room G02, Agora Building

17.  European Media Freedom Act and other EU legislative developments in the area of freedom of expression.

Presentation by Audrius Perkauskas, Deputy Head of Unit “Audiovisual and Media Services Policy”, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT), European Commission

For information and discussion

18.  Exchange of views with the Secretariat of the European Audiovisual Observatory and of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA)

Information provided by Maja Cappello, Head of Department for Legal Information at the European Audiovisual Observatory

Information provided by Géraldine Denis, EPRA Secretariat

For information and discussion

15:20 – 15:40 Coffee break

19.  Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Exchange with Valentina Grippo (Italy, ALDE), PACE General Rapporteur on Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists (TBC)

For information and discussion

20.  Primary Source Journalism project

Exchange with Andrew Moger, Chief Executive Officer, News Media Coalition

For information and discussion

Networking time at the Fair of good practices and examples

(No Hate Speech Week)

Starting from 16:30, in front of the Hemicycle, Palais de l´Europe

20 June 2024

Morning Session 09:30 – 12:30

21.  Report from MSI-AI, Committee of Experts on the implications of generative artificial intelligence for freedom of expression

Presentation by Andrin Eichin, Chair of MSI-AI

For information and discussion

22.  Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU) - exchange of views

Presentation by Marie-Anne Persoons, Chair of CDEDU

For information and discussion

23.  Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO) – exchange of views

Presentation by Prof. Siobhan O'Sullivan, Chair of CDBIO

For information and discussion

24.  European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) – exchange of views

Presentation by Jorge Orlando Soares da Silva Queirós, Chair of CDEJ

For information and discussion

11:00 – 11:20 Coffee break

25.  Exchange with Irena Guidikova, Head of the Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department, Directorate for Democracy, Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity

26.  Recent developments in the area of freedom of expression

Presentation by CDMSI members and other participants

For information and discussion

27.  Participation in events of relevance for the CDMSI

Presentation by CDMSI members and other participants

For information and discussion

28.  Other business

Date and place of the next meeting

Informal Lunch together with the national focal points

responsible for the ‘journalists Matter’ Campaign for the Safety of Journalists


In front of room G02

Lunch offered by the Secretariat

General reference documents

Terms of reference

CDMSI terms of reference 2024-2027

Terms of reference

CDMSI terms of reference 2022-2025


Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods

Final declaration and resolutions

Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society: Artificial intelligence – Intelligent politics; Challenges and opportunities for media and democracy. Adopted Final Declaration and Resolutions, (Nicosia, 10-11 June 2021)

Conference report

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society (Nicosia, 10-11 June 2021) – Conference report

Key messages

The ‘Pen is Mightier than the Sword? Meeting today's challenges to freedom of expression and the safety of journalists’, International Conference, 5-6 October 2023

Recent meeting reports                     


Report of 24th CMDSI plenary meeting (29 Nov – 1 Dec 2023)



Abridged Report of 24th CMDSI meeting (29 Nov – 1 Dec 2023)


Report of 26th CDMSI Bureau meeting (17 May 2024)


Report of 25th CDMSI Bureau meeting (6-7 November 2023)


Report of 24th CDMSI Bureau meeting (13 April 2023)


Report from 1st MSI-eSEC meeting (9-10 April 2024)


Report from 1st MSI-AI meeting (23-24 April 2024)


Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) /

Comité directeur sur les médias et la société de l’information (CDMSI)

25h meeting – 18-20 June 2024/

25e réunion – 18-20 juin 2024

 List of participants / Liste de participant.e.s

Total number of participants: / Nombre total des participants : 86

Gender distribution: 39 men (46%) / 47 women (54%) / Parité entre hommes : 40 hommes (46%) / 47 femmes (54%)



Mr/M. Tigran Dadunts

Director of the "Centre for Legislation Development" Foundation of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia / Directeur de la fondation "Centre pour le développement de la législation" du ministère de la justice d'Arménie


Mr/M. Matthias TRAIMER

Federal Chancellery, Constitutional Service, Media, Information Society, Political Parties (Law)/ Chancellerie fédérale, Service constitutionnel, Service Médias et société de l'information, partis politiques (droit)



Head of International Relations and Strategic Planning, Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan / Responsable des relations internationales et de la planification stratégique, Agence de développement des médias de la République d'Azerbaïdjan



Media Advisor, Department of Culture, Youth and Media, Flemish Government / Conseiller medias, Département de la culture, de la jeunesse et des médias, Gouvernement flamand



Head of Audiovisual and Media Services, Communications Regulatory Agency / Chef des services audiovisuels et médias, Agence de régulation des communications



Head of Media Sector, Ministry of Culture and Media / Cheffe du secteur des médias, ministère de la Culture et des Médias



Head, Liaison Officers Section, Press and Information Office (PIO), Ministry of Interior/Chef de la section des agents de liaison, Bureau de presse et d'information (PIO), ministère de l'Intérieur


Mr/M. Artus REJENT

Director, Media and Audio-Visual Department, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic / Directeur, Département des médias et de l'audiovisuel, ministère de la Culture de la République Tchèque


Mr/M. Andres JÕESAAR

Adviser (media), Arts Department, Ministry of Culture /

Conseiller, Département des arts, ministère de la Culture


Mr/M Mathieu PRADIER

Editor Copyright, audiovisual regulation, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs; Directorate of Cultural Diplomacy , Sub-Directorate for Culture and Media - Media and Cinema Unit / Rédacteur Droit d’auteur, régulation audiovisuelle, Ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères ; Direction de la diplomatie culturelle,

Sous-direction de la culture et des médias - Pôle médias et cinéma


European Affairs Officer, Ministry of Culture / Chargée de mission en affaires européennes, ministère de la Culture



Commissioner, Communications Commission of Georgia / Commissaire, Commission des communications de Géorgie


Mr/M. David NEJJAR

Legal Department Representative, Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (German Federation of Journalists) / Représentant du département juridique, Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (Fédération allemande des journalistes)

Ms/Mme Christiane KLEIN

Representation of Rhineland-Palatinate / Représentation de Rhineland-Palatinate


Ms/Mme Aikaterini POLYZOU

Head of Department for Audiovisual Media & Internet, Secretariat General for Communication & Media / Chef du département Médias audiovisuels et Internet, Direction des médias, Secrétariat général pour la communication et les média


Mr/M. György OCSKÓ

International Legal Advisor, National Media and Infocommunications Authority / Conseiller juridique international, Autorité nationale des médias et des info-communications



Director, Media Commission, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture / Directrice, commission des Médias, ministère de l'Éducation, des Sciences et de la Culture


Ms/Mme Leah KIERAN

Administrative Officer, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Broadcasting & Media Division / Administrateur, ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture, des Arts, du Gaeltacht, des Sports et des Médias, division de la radiodiffusion et des médias


Mr/M. Pierluigi MAZZELLA

Director General, Agency for the right to university education, Professor of Information and Communication, University of Rome / Directeur general, Agence pour le droit à l'éducation universitaire , Professeur d'information et de communication, Université de Rome



Head of Information Space Integration Division, Ministry of Culture / Chef de la Division de l'intégration de l'espace d'information, ministère de la Culture


Ms/Mme Sarah NIGG

Diplomatic Officer / Agent diplomatique

Ms/Mme Naomi LIND

Advisor / Conseiller



Advisor, Public Information and Copyright Policy Group, Ministry of Culture / Conseillère, Groupe de politique de l'information publique et du droit d'auteur, ministère de la Culture


Ms/Mme Céline FLAMMANG

Senior policy advisor, Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy, Ministry of State / Conseillère principale, service des Médias, de la Connectivité et de la Politique numérique, ministère d'État


Ms/Mme Aneta GONTA

Vice-president of the Republic of Moldova Audiovisual Council / Vice-Présidente du Conseil de l'audiovisuel de la République de Moldova



Head of Partnerships and Institutional Relations, Interministerial Delegation in charge of Digital Transition / Chargé des partenariats et des relations institutionnelles, Délégation Interministérielle chargée de la Transition Numérique

Ms/Mme Paloma REBSTOCK

Interministerial Delegation in charge of Digital Transition/ Délégation Interministérielle chargée de la Transition Numérique


Mr/M. Vukasin PUDAR

Independent advisor, Media Directorate, Ministry of Culture and Media / Conseiller independent, Direction des medias, ministère de la Culture et des Médias


Ms/Mme Inge WELBERGEN (Vice-Chair/ Vice-présidente)

Legal officer Media, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Directorate-General of Culture and Media, Media and Creative Industries / Conseiller juridique Médias, ministère de l'Éducation, de la Culture et des Sciences, Direction générale de la Culture et des Médias, Médias et Industries créatives



Senior legal adviser, Ministry of Culture and Equality/ Conseiller juridique principal, ministère de la Culture et de l'Egalité



Chief Specialist, Media Law Unit, Department of Media and Creative Sectors, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (KRRIT) / Spécialiste en chef, Unité du droit des médias, Département de médias et des secteurs créatifs, ministère de la culture et du Patrimoine national

Ms/Mme Maria TANAS


Ms/Mme Charlotte SIMÕES

Policy Officer, International Relations and Communication Department, General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers / Chargée de mission, Service des relations internationales et de la communication, Secrétariat général de la Présidence du Conseil des ministres


Director of International Relations and Communications at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers / Directeur des services des relations internationales et de la communication à la présidence du Conseil des ministres


Mr/M. Marius JITEA

Public Manager, General Secretariat of the Government of Romania / Manager public, Secrétariat général du gouvernement de la Roumanie


Ms/Mme Maja ZARIC (Chair/Présidente)

Head of Division for International Cooperation in the Field of Media, Ministry of Information and Telecommunications/ Chef de la division de la coopération internationale dans le domaine des médias, ministère de l'Information et des Télécommunications


Head of normative Unit at Media Department, Ministry of Information and Telecommunications / Chef de l'unité normative au département des médias, ministère de l'Information et des Télécommunications


Mr/M. Zeljko Martyn SAMPOR

Senior Counsel to the State Secretary, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic / Conseiller principal auprès du secrétaire d'État, ministère de la Culture de la République slovaque


Mr/M. Skender ADEM

Undersecretary, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia / Sous-secrétaire, ministère de la Culture de la République de Slovénie



Senior Adviser, Ministry of Culture, Division for Media and Democracy / Conseiller principal, ministère de la culture, division des médias et de la démocratie


Ms/Mme Isabelle LOIS

Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Department of the Environment,
Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC, Federal Office of Communications OFCOM / Service fédéral de l'environnement, des transports, de l'énergie et de la communication DETEC, Office fédéral de la communication OFCOM



Deputy Head, International Relations Department, Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK), / Vice-chef, Département des relations internationales, Conseil suprême de la radio et de la télévision (RTUK)

Ms/Mme Gülten İMRE ÇETİN

Expert - Public Diplomacy Department, Presidency of The Republic of Türkiye, Directorate of Communications/ Expert - Département de la diplomatie publique, Présidence de la République de Türquie, Direction des communications



Chair, National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine / Présidente, Conseil national de la télévision et de la radiodiffusion d'Ukraine


Mr/M. Michael WARREN

Head of European Institutions and Engagement, Department for Science, Innovation & Technology / Chef des institutions européennes et de l'engagement, Service de la science, de l'innovation et de la technologie



Mr/M. Michael LUKAS

Spokesman of the Order of Malta in the Diocese of Hildesheim / Porte-parole de l'Ordre de Malte dans le diocèse de Hildesheim



Director of the Legal Studies Department, focal point, High Authority for Audio-visual Communication (HACA) / Directeur du Département des études juridiques, point focal, Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)


Senior Manager, Legal Studies Department, High Authority for Audio-visual Communication (HACA) / Cadre supérieur, Département des études juridiques, Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)

Ms/Mme Chanaz EL AKRICHI

Head of Division for Cooperation Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Department of Communication / Cheffe de division de la Coopération, ministère de la Culture, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, Département de la Communication



Mr/M. Sebastiano BERTAGNI

EU Policy Officer / Chargé de mission UE

Mr/M. Erard GILLES

Head of media and data taskforce / Chef de la taskforce médias et données


Mr/M. William HORSLEY

UK chairman and Media Freedom Representative / Président britannique et représentant pour la liberté des médias



Legal Counsel / Conseiller juridique


Ms/Mme Flutura KUSARI

Senior Legal Advisor / Conseillère juridique principale


Mr/M. Andrew MOGER

Chief Executive / Directeur général




Principal Administrator, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers / Administrateur principal, Direction générale de la justice et des consommateurs


Deputy head, Audiovisual and Media Services Policy Unit, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) / Chef adjoint, Unité « Politique des services audiovisuels et médiatiques », Direction générale des réseaux de communication, du contenu et de la technologie (CONNECT)


Ms/Mme Silvia Garambois

Journalist, Expert in Information Issues, Former President of GiULia / Journaliste, experte en information, ancienne présidente de GiULia – Giornaliste Unite LIbere Autonome



Senior Program Manager, Child Rights and Safety – Digital Empowerment Program Lead / Gestionnaire principal de programme, Droits et sécurité des enfants - Responsable du programme d'autonomisation numérique



Associate Professor of Nationalism European Institute, Department of International Relations, / Professeur associé de l'Institut européen du nationalisme, Département des relations internationales


Mr/M. Roberto BORTONE

Coordinator / Coordinateur



Professor of Media Law and Information Society, University of Leiden; Senior Researcher, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam / Professeur de droit des médias et de la société de l'information, Université de Leiden; chercheur principal, Institut du droit de l'information (IViR), Université d'Amsterdam


Ms/Mme Jennifer ADAMS

Researcher, community safety in digital public space and gendered disinformation / Chercheuse dans les domaines de la sécurité communautaire dans l'espace public numérique et de la désinformation genrée


Ms/Mme Anna ALBOTH

Journalist / journaliste


Mr/M. Giacomo MAZZONE

Member of the Advisory board, Expert of the EAC High Level panel in charge of digital literacy /

Membre du conseil consultatif, expert du panel de haut niveau de l´EAC en charge de la culture numérique



Mr/M Andrin EICHIN

Chair of MSI-AI / President du MSI-AI


Ms / Mme Nicole STELLOU

Chair / Présidente


Ms/Mme Susan NEWMAN

Executive Director, Partial Agreement – Eurimages / Directeur exécutif, Accord partiel – Eurimages



Head of the Legal Co-operation Unit, Division for Legal Co-operation (DGI), Co-Secretary to the CDCJ / Cheffe de l'unité de coopération juridique, Co-secrétaire du CDCJ


Ms/Mme Marie-Anne PERSOONS

Chair / Présidente


Ms/Mme Prof. Siobhan O'Sullivan

Chair / Présidente



Head of Department for Legal Information / Cheffe du département « informatoin juridique »


Ms/Mme Géraldine DENIS

ERPA Secretariat


Ms/Mme Valentina GRIPPO

(Italy, ALDE), PACE General Rapporteur on Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists / (Italie, ADLE), Rapporteur général de l'APCE sur la liberté des médias et la sécurité des journalistes



Head of Digital Development and Governance Department /

Chef du service « Développement et gouvernance numérique »


Mr/M Matjaz GRUDEN

Director, Directorate for Democracy / Directeur, Direction de la Démocratie


Head of the Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department /

Cheffe du département des institutions démocratiques et des libertés

Ms/Mme Artemiza-Tatiana CHISCA

Secretary to the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI), Head of Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division /

Secrétaire du Comité Directeur Médias et Société de l'Information (CDMSI), Cheffe de la Division Liberté d´expression et CDMSI

Ms/Mme Urška UMEK

Secretary to the Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM) /

Secrétaire du Comité directeur pour la démocratie (CDDEM)

Ms/Mme Giulia LUCCHESE

Vice- Secretary to the CDMSI, Secretary to the Committee of Experts on the Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Freedom of Expression (MSI-AI) /

Vice-secrétaire du CDMSI, Secrétaire du Comité d’experts sur les implications de l'intelligence artificielle générative pour la liberté d'expression (MSI-AI)

Mr/M Cesare PITEA

Secretary to the Committee of Experts on online safety and empowerment of content creators (MSI-eSEC)/

Secrétaire du Comité d’experts sur la sécurité en ligne et la responsabilisation des créateurs de contenus et des utilisateurs (MSI-eSEC)

Ms/Mme Rodica CIOCHINA

Programme Manager, Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division /

Chargée de programme, Division Liberté d´expression et CDMSI


Legal Officer, Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division/

Juriste, Division Liberté d’expression et CDMSI


Head of Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression /Cheffe de division pour la coopération en matière de liberté d'expression

Ms/Mme Irina TOMOVA

Assistant, Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division / Assistante, Division Médias et Internet

Ms/Mme Nadire LAPI

Assistant, Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division / Assistante, Division Liberté d´expression et CDMSI


Mr/M. Remy JAIN


Ms/Mme Christine GILL