DDCP-YD/ETD (2016)65

Guidelines for the translation of the Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio

The availability of the Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio in the wide variety of the languages spoken by users and beneficiaries plays a central role in disseminating this tool and support the recognition and quality of youth work.

The Portfolio is a tool developed for intercultural youth work, based on the values and principles of the Council of Europe. It is a tool through which youth workers, volunteers or professionals, can identify, assess and describe their competencies based on Council of Europe quality standards and to set learning and professional development goals.

The Portfolio was produced and printed in 2006.

In 2015 a revised version was published online at Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio website. The website provides information about the principles of youth work and contains an interactive platform for youth workers to assess and develop their competences by creating their own portfolio.

The site of the Portfolio exists in English and French, languages in which the users can create their portfolios.

The translations of the Portfolio into other languages may be published in 3 forms

-          On the Council of Europe website of the Portfolio (in this case, future users will be able to choose the new language in the language menu of the site). This site will be updated and serviced by the Council of Europe.

-          In a website created by the Publishers for whose maintenance and updating they will be the sole responsible.

-          As a printed publication – this option is, however, unpractical on its own because of the difficulties for users to save, share and updated their personal portfolios. It may, however, be used in conjunction with an online version.

The Portfolio includes 15719 words of text, organised in (8 main menus and 6+4 sub-menus of) the Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio website (in the public part of the website and in the section reserved for the registered users).

1. General principles

The translations should be:

-          Complete, i.e. cover the entirety of the website or the entirety of the contents of the website, in the case of a printed version

-          Correct and professional

-          Consistent with the terminology of youth work / non-formal education.

The Council of Europe will provide support for quality control, as well as the template for the design of the Portfolio in view its publication in print or online. For the partners who choose to have the Portfolio in the non-official language hosted on the Council of Europe servers, the Council of Europe will upload the texts online.

The institutional and administrative conditions of the translations are included in a copyright agreement to be signed by the Council of Europe and the applicant organisation(s)/Publishers; a model agreement can be sent to interested partners upon request.

The responsibility for funding the translation and publication lies exclusively on the national partners, who are also welcome to create partnerships for this purpose. The Council of Europe will provide technical support and assistance to publish new language version in its current website.

Publishers may sell the printed publication to cover production costs, not for profit-making.

Access to the Portfolio online shall be free of charge.

2. Adaptation of contents

The Council of Europe welcomes the adaptation of specific contents to national contexts. In principle, this should be done by adding text, and not by replacing existing one. In case publishers decide that the translated version is to be hosted on the Council of Europe serve, publishers must respect the structure of the English website. They may add sections on webpages, but they cannot change the structure of the website.

Information that can be added concerns, for example, the background information about youth work in a specific country or the debate and state of recognition of youth work and non-formal education in a specific country

The Council of Europe must be consulted about any change of the original text and additions in view of adaptations to national contexts.

3. Translation, Printing and Online versions

The entire Portfolio must be translated.

The Youth Department needs to be consulted about changes in the options for printing and in the additions for texts on the website.

Upon acceptance of the  request for translation, the Publishers  will be sent a copyright agreement for their signature and counter-signature by the Council of Europe.

The Publishers will:

·         be granted the right and licence to publish themselves the translation and promote it to their target group

·         be responsible for the choice of paper, printing, binding and reprinting of the translation, in case partners opt for a printed version of the publication.

·         need to use the Council of Europe logo on the cover and title page, in the case of a printed translation

·         be asked to send 25 copies of the first edition of the printed translation to the Council of Europe free of charge and the Council of Europe will have the right to purchase further copies at fifty per cent (50%) of the retail selling price, for institutional use but not for resale

·         provide the Council of Europe with a PDF version of the final publication for printed versions.

4. Partners

Expressions of interest to translate and publish the Portfolio are welcomed from partners with proven experience, credibility and capacity to implement such a project.

Priority will be given to public institutions in charge of youth policy and other partners working for the recognition of youth work on the national level.

Coalitions or partnerships between organisations and institutions are encouraged especially when they increase the outreach of the Portfolio.

5. Quality control and support

The expected deadline for translation and printing of the publication will be set in the Memorandum of Agreement on the copyright.

The publishers will need to provide the translated final text to the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe organises and carries out a quality control, which takes a maximum of two months. The outcome of the quality control is communicated to the publisher in a form of a report, the suggestions of which need to be implemented in the final editing of the publication. Publishers need to send the layouted content (cover and disclaimer pages in case of printed publication) for approval to the Council of Europe before printing.