Environmental consequences of the Kosovo conflict - CLRAE Recommendation 73 (2000) - Council of Europe.- Committee of Ministers', Ministers' Deputies.- Decisions 748/12.1 ( 3 April 2001)

748th meeting – 3 April 2001

Item 12.1 

Environmental consequences of the Kosovo conflict
CLRAE Recommendation 73 (2000)
(CM/Del/Dec(2001)745/12.2, CLRAE Recommendation 73 (2000), GR-EDS(2001)CB6)



The Deputies adopted the following reply to Recommendation 73 (2000) on the environmental consequences of the Kosovo conflict: 

“The Committee of Ministers has carefully considered Recommendation 73 (2000) of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe on the environmental consequences of the Kosovo conflict. 

The Chairman in Office of the Committee of Ministers was questioned on this subject during the last session of the Parliamentary Assembly, and although the situation is being closely monitored by NATO and other competent organisations, the Committee of Ministers will closely follow any development in this field. 

The Committee of Ministers is not, however, institutionally in a position to “invite all governments of member States to implement emergency actions aimed at averting the immediate environmental dangers in the region” or to “call on international donor organisations to support such actions under the umbrella of humanitarian aid”.  It will, however, transmit the Recommendation of the CLRAE to governments of member states.”