

Strasbourg, 13 November 2014CDDECS (2014) 18











Proposals made by the member States

in the CDDECS survey on Activities










1.1.   General

The CDDECS secretariat, as requested by the Bureau of the CDDEDCS in September 2014, conducted an online survey in October 2014 on the short term and long term priorities, proposed actions with regard to the priorities and proposals for exchange of views in the future CDDCS meetings.

A total of 31 member States replied to the survey[1]. There were 268 proposals made for activities. In addition, 31 proposals were made for topics in the future exchange of views during the CDDECS meetings.

1.2.   Priorities

According to the survey results, the following themes were selected as priorities (merged short term and long term priorities). Some member States had selected the same priority in both categories, hence the over 100% with people with disabilities. Some replies had too many options selected in each category. Those could not be entered into the online-version and are not reflected in the priority statistics. All the proposals have been included in the tables.



(not included in the survey)


B) social inclusion of all persons, and in specific of all persons in vulnerable situations,

including migrants

71,6 % of all priorities, 19 replies


A) discrimination and stereotypes on any ground

57,0 % of all priorities, 15 replies
E) violence against women, children and persons with disabilities (see below)

44,6 % of all priorities, 12 replies


B) gender mainstreaming

72,5 % of all priorities, 22 replies


B) the violence against and abuse of children

96,8 % of all priorities, 21 replies


A) the rights of people with disabilities

115,1 % of all priorities, 29 replies

In addition to these priorities, the overall priorities of the CoE have to be taken into consideration. These priorities are the fight against intolerance and hate speech (including combating all forms of extremism and violence, and building a culture of tolerance); and protection of minorities and vulnerable groups.

1.3.   Proposed activities

Many of the proposed activities were measures that have to be conducted nationally. Many were ideas of issues and topics to work on in general, without actually proposing concrete executable actions. However, all of the proposals have been included in this document for your information and to be transparent.


The secretariat has grouped the similar replies together and added subheadings (awareness raising, experience sharing, capacity building, cooperation, standard setting) for them. In some cases, replies have been slightly edited to remove reference to a specific member State. Sometimes replies were divided in multiple parts to be able to place them in the most appropriate category.


The proposed actions on areas of responsibilities of the subordinate bodies of the CDDECS will be sent for their information and for possible actions.


1.4.   Proposed topics for exchange of views

As with proposed activities, the secretariat has also grouped similar topics for exchange of views together giving them subheadings. There are 9 categories of topics (see table below).


This document is to be read together with the CDDECS draft Programme of Action CDDECS(2014)16 that includes in table format

NB! The member States are advised to consider proposals in the light of the recommendations made by the SG (Column 5) as those express the priorities for the all the work within the CoE in the foreseeable future. Also, attention should be paid only on actions that CDDECS as an intergovernmental committee can take, and NOT on actions that are for individual member States to take.




The chairperson will give further guidance for the discussion during the meeting.



  1. Promoting human rights
  • Discussion on the role of equality bodies in promoting equality.
  • Addressing implementation  and non-implementation of human rights for better effectiveness, particularly on the basis of peer -reviews or best practices


  1. Ensuring human dignity
  • Human dignity future steps
  • Cooperation between member states in combating human trafficking



  1. Inclusive societies –abolition of discrimination, promotion of equality
  • Discrimination on any ground
  • How to better monitor Social Cohesion in different States
  • Social cohesion as a dynamic process in the world
  • Changes in social cohesion: what are they? Towards revision of New Social Cohesion Strategy
  • Societies - diverse and successfully inclusive: do we lack instruments or actions or finances or will to overcome the obstacles to reach this goal?
  • How to promote social cohesion as a necessary attribute of modern society
  • Exchange of best practice with regard to promoting and preserving social cohesion on various levels (local, municipal, regional, national).
  • Social Inclusion of all persons, in specific of all persons in vulnerable situations.
  • Social inclusion of persons in vulnerable situations
  • Young people and their integration in the society


  1. Access to economic and social rights by all
  • Access to social rights by removing administrative barriers
  • Access to Social Rights by all,
  • Access to economic and social rights by all


  1. Various aspects of poverty and how to reduce it
  • Pension schemes and ageing population (poverty among the elderly).
  • Promote the well-being and empowerment of families, which are critical for the quality of life and the prevention of poverty.
  • The role of social security as the guarantee for the stability and cohesion of societies.
  • Social protection
  • Promoting Social Protection



  1. Gender equality as the way forward
  • Integration of gender perspective in the work of the CDDECS.
  • national machineries on gender equality-finance and human resources, obstacles, good practices.


  1. Violence against women and how to eliminate it
  • New forms of VAW (Cyber-harassment), FGM, sexual harassment, the role of the NGOs.
  • Exchange of good practices in eradicating all forms of violence against women.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of awareness-raising initiatives for eliminating all forms of violence against women.



  1. Child participation as a human right
  • Rights of the child.
  • The participation of children in the decision making on important matters concerning them



  1. People with disabilities as equal participants in the society
  • Access to justice by people with disabilities.
  • Integration of people with disabilities into society.




*Not included in the survey

  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States

Coordinate with and consult all relevant bodies within the CoE to identify the areas where the CDDECS can provide long term added value for the inter-governmental work of the Council of Europe in the fields of social cohesion, human dignity, equality and anti-discrimination.


Prepare thematic collections of the recommendations, opinions and findings given to all MS by the relevant monitoring mechanisms of the CoE, the CM and the Commissioner for Human Rights in their latest evaluation rounds.


Develop a common database of the said recommendations, opinions and findings.


Prepare a comprehensive web-site for CDDECS to allow availability of all the relevant materials and easy access to other related web-sites, such as databases of other international organisations in the fields of activities under the CDDECS’ mandate.


Carry out an examination of the Conventions for which the CDDECS has been given responsibility, as set out in Appendix 1 of its Terms of Reference.


Contribute to the examination of the other relevant conventions.


Draw the attention of the CM to the main concerns and other time-relevant developments (as identified in the identification processes below) in the areas of responsibilities of the CDDECS.







  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States

Review the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in 2015, drawing from the discussions in the CDDECS and in the conference on social cohesion in Baku (Azerbaijan) on 10-11 September 2014.


See proposals 88 - 92 below

Prepare thematic collections on access to economic and social rights by all.














  1. Presentation on the “status” of the implementation of the European Social Charter in the CDDECS meetings.


Awareness raising

  1. Awareness raising on community level.


  1. Develop a common document on various studies and guidelines on the effects of austerity measures in the access to economic and social rights.


  1. Survey about access to economic and social rights by all persons in all Member States.


Experience sharing

  1. Organization of one meeting in one country which can be selected as model for the member states.


  1. Share country experiences and good practices.


Capacity building

  1. Identify new / innovative methods for raising societies’ ability to access economic and social rights.


  1. Activities to facilitate access to economic and social rights by all.


  1. Elaboration of / seminar on model social cohesion plan ensuring inclusion of social rights.


  1. Recenser les principaux obstacles à l’accès aux droits économiques et sociaux des femmes et des enfants et des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité ou de désavantage, -les personnes handicapées, les minorités nationales et linguistiques, les personnes LGBTI, les jeunes, les personnes âgées et les migrants.


  1. Communiquer les résultats aux comités subordonnés ad hoc en vue de l’élaboration de leur stratégie post 2015.


  1. Workshop on gender mainstream activities carried out within this priority, to present results segregated by sex, to take into account differences of women’s and men’s situation carrying activities, aimed at access to social and cultural rights.


  1. Promote social cohesion through education, job creation, work and family life concession, strong community links and active participation in community life and decision making.


Cooperation with other actors

  1. Take into consideration the recent activity of CoE Committees on social cohesion issues - The Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable development, The Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs, which presented in PACE reports on social policy issues - "Social exclusion - a danger for Europe's democracies", "Europe's public administration  in flux: public service under threat", "Towards a new European Social model", " Measuring and fostering the well-being of European citizens".


Prepare thematic collections on Discrimination and stereotypes on any ground.

Awareness raising

  1. Awareness raising campaigns.


  1. Launch a campaign covering discrimination on all grounds in the style of the ‘everyday sexism project’ ( in order to create awareness.


  1. Develop online courses on matters regarding gender, sexuality and human rights of LGBTI persons for social workers/police/health/legal professionals.


  1. Awareness raising in terms of providing trainings for relevant stakeholders (eg public sector officials, teachers, police etc).


  1. Implement awareness raising projects at European level aimed increasing the knowledge of rights of victims of discrimination, hate or intolerance based crimes.


  1. Prepare a thematic study on discrimination and stereotypes on any ground, including multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and stereotypes.


Experience sharing

  1. Extend FRA research to non-EU member states.


  1. Share country experiences and good practices.


  1. Consultations for stakeholders.


  1. Make this theme transparent by looking into it, sharing information on special characteristics of different groups, organising thematic seminars and sharing good (and bad) practices.


Capacity building - Role of the media

  1. La GEC projette la publication des bonnes pratiques identifiées lors des Conférences d’Amsterdam (médias et image de la femme) et d’ Helsinki (lutte contre les stéréotypes dans et par l’éducation).


Capacity building - Discrimination

  1. Develop a yearly European Prize for a person, initiative or organisation that has contributed greatly to the eradication of discrimination in Europe. The attention given to nominated initiatives create awareness and function as good practices for other member states.


  1. Conference on how to prevent discrimination and how to monitor and compare results.


  1. Overview of anti-discrimination legislation.


  1. Prohibition discrimination at all levels.


Capacity building - Sterotypes

  1. One special panel with the guest and speakers focused only about the stereotypes.


  1. Develop preventive measures for excluding all forms and stereotypes of discrimination.


  1. Promoting equal and non-stereotyped presentation of all vulnerable groups in education, media and employment.


Prepare thematic collections on multiple Discrimination.


Experience sharing

  1. suppor the exchange of good practices in detecting the more common situations of multiple discrimination and the legal response.


Capacity building – multiple discrimination

  1. Capacity building seminar on elaboration of an action plan dedicated to combating multiple discrimination in all areas.


Cooperation with other actors

  1. support possible targeted research initiatives on multiple discrimination, networks and joint initiatives between CoE, member states, other international organisations, civil society etc. through CoE website.


Prepare thematic collections on  abuse of persons in institutionalised settings, including children, elderly, persons with disabilities, national and linguistic minorities, LGBTI persons and migrants


Awareness raising

  1. Raise awareness of children of their rights and establishing complaints mechanisms within care institutions.


Experience sharing

  1. Research and collect good practices how to encourage children and their representatives to report cases of abuse and violence in the family or care institutions to competent authorities.


  1. Research what services are available in each member State for the effective rehabilitation of child victims of neglect, abuse and exploitation in institutional care.


Capacity building

  1. Le fort taux d’orientation des personnes handicapées, surtout des enfants, vers des systèmes ségrégatifs contrevient à leur droit de vivre dans la communauté et constitue déjà en soi une violence.


  1. Dès lors il conviendrait de recenser les catégories de personnes placées en institution et par qui et selon quels critères elles le sont.


  1. Analyse d’impact.


  1. Develop a comprehensive strategy to prevent and address all forms of violence against children.


  1. Develop training to professional staff to care for children with behavioural problems.


Cooperation with other actors

  1. Pour les PH, communiquer les résultats au DECS-RP qui de son côté peut relever et informer sur les possibilités de vivre en société et les encourager.


Prepare thematic collections on violence against men, elderly,  LGBTI persons, national and linguistic minorities and migrants.


Awareness raising

  1. Raising awareness and informing on the violence issues for vulnerable groups.


  1. Develop platforms for awareness-raising on violence against women, children, persons with disabilities, etc. with involvement and through mass media.


  1. Developing a photo exhibition/a film/a play on violence against LGBTI persons which can be exhibited throughout CoE member states in order to create awareness.


  1. Translate, publish and distribute relevant national laws and policies regarding  LGBTI persons.


Prepare thematic collections on violence against women, children  and persons with disabilities (see below)


Awareness raising

  1. National awareness raising campaign for girls, adults and elderly women.


  1. Organize Europe-wide awareness-raising media campaign against violence.


Experience sharing

  1. Exchange of view on the mobilisation of NGOs concerning the prevention and handling of violence in the family.


Capacity building

  1. Organise a discussion/conference on the role of the Media in preventing violence


  1. Project on building capacities.


Prepare thematic collections on access to justice of victims of violence and discrimination








ltiple discrimination

Capacity building - Access to services for victims

  1. accès à des services d’aide et de consultation. Prêter une attention particulière aux enfants pour l’accès (soutien/représentation) et les procédures (audition, etc.). Voir ci-dessous sous Droits de l’enfant lettre c).


  1. Violence against women, children and persons with disabilities - Involvement of all stakeholders and a clear definition of responsibilities (protocol).


  1. Proposals to facilitate access to justice of victims of violence and discrimination.


  1. Activities on interrogation, prosecution and court practice to give absolute priority to cases.

Develop a common document on various studies and guidelines on the effects of austerity measures on the most vulnerable members of the society.


Prepare thematic collections on social inclusion of all persons, and in specific of all persons in vulnerable situations, including migrants.




Experience sharing

  1. Information sharing and good practices on actions that have been taken in different countries to prevent exclusion.


  1. Share country experiences and good practices.


  1. Introduction and presentation of best practices from selected member states.


  1. Member states need to share the experiences in each CDDECS meeting.


  1. Examiner les stratégies des Etats membres pour lutter contre la pauvreté, notamment pour les jeunes familles, les enfants et les jeunes.


Capacity building – vulnerable groups

  1. Capacity building seminar on preventive measures used in Member States for avoiding possible poverty risk.


  1. Workshop on bringing national measures in line with the Methodological guide “Living in dignity in the 21st century.” elaborated on basis of joint CoE/EU activity on “Human rights of people experiencing poverty”.


  1. Develop policies and mechanisms for inclusion of vulnerable persons, migrants, etc. through their consultation, participation, involvement and personal responsibility.


  1. Strategies for homeless people and house exclusion .


  1. Develop sustainable programs of social inclusion of vulnerable groups, especially in terms of social protection, education and employment. In doing so, special attention should be paid to combating violence and discrimination.


  1. Develop activities in the areas of employment, social protection, health, education and other areas related to all vulnerable groups, seeking to respond to the obligations arising from international instruments and thus to meet the specific social needs of all vulnerable categories in society.


Capacity building - employment

  1. Increase of competencies (knowledge, skills and access to work).


  1. Development and giving employment opportunities and trainings adapted to the individual needs and conditions for women and overcoming the barriers for integration on the labor market.


  1. Strengthening the entrepreneurship skills of women in business especially young women.


Standard setting

  1. Development of recommendations for the CoE member states.


  1. Elaborate social cohesion guidelines and indicators tailored to actual needs and conditions.


  1. Establish working groups on most stringent issues for finding immediate and adequate solutions.


  1.  Develop a comprehensive guideline for strengthening social inclusion of migrants.



  1. Strong dialogue between the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter and the European Code of Social Security. Overlap should be prevented.


Prepare thematic collection on social protection.



Exchange of information

  1. Introduction and presentation of best practices from selected member states.


  1. Exchange of best practices.


  1. Réaliser une étude recensant et explicitant les meilleures pratiques de conformité à la Charte Sociale européenne pour les articles liés à la protection sociale et établir à cette fin des liens et un dialogue avec le Comité européen des droits sociaux.


  1. Collecter les bonnes pratiques pour réduire le "gender pension gap" (voir aussi les résultats de la Conférence de Vienne d’avril 2014 sur ce thème).


  1. Review of Minimum pensions/security in old age of CoE member states.


  1. Find adequate measures to compare different countries with regard minimum pensions/security.


Capacity building - Social protection and social inclusion

  1. Examiner la protection sociale des personnes âgées (par ex. en faisant un suivi de la partie V de la Recommandation (2014) 2 du CM).


  1. Discussion on models of social protection and best way to combat poverty and social exclusion.


  1. Enhancing social inclusion by improving social protection at all levels.


  1. Study of Guaranteed Minimum Income Schemes.


  1. Corporation and synergies between the public, social sector and the voluntary sector.


Prepare thematic collection on youth unemployment.


Experience sharing

  1. Conference on best (and worst!) practices.


  1. Overview of national youth employment policies.


  1. Exchange best practice.


Capacity building

  1. Study measures for early intervention , measures that may facilitate job creation, measures directed towards improving the link between supply and demand of labour, and measures that address the demand side by improving services to employers and promoting entrepreneurship.


Prepare thematic collection on social and health care services.


Capacity building

  1. Equal access to social and health care services direction.


  1. Enabling legal and policy environment for more equitable access to health services.


  1. Strengthen health systems and preventive services to allow a continuum of care.


  1. Address social determinants of health and the equality gap.


  1. Combining universal and targeted actions for health promotion, with a special focus on vulnerable groups.


  1. Situation of integration of health and social public services in the European countries.


  1. Develop community based services and supported independent living .


Review the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in 2015, drawing from the discussions in the CDDECS, in the conference on social cohesion on 10-11 September 2014 and in the possible Conference of Ministers for Social Cohesion in 2015, both in

Baku (Azerbaijan).

New strategy for social cohesion

  1. Préparer la stratégie de cohésion sociale 2016-2019 et la présentation de cette nouvelle stratégie au CM avant le 31 décembre 2015. Pour ce faire, un comité de rédaction ad hoc sera créé au sein du CDDECS.


  1.         Revise the Council of Europe Strategy and Action Plan for Social Cohesion (2010).


  1.          Support the proposal to create the Working group for revising The Strategy and Action Plan for Social Cohesion in CoE member states.


  1.         Support the initiative of The Republic of Azerbaijan, presented in the course of recent conference in Baku (10-11 September 2014) "Social cohesion - achievements and challenges in times of crisis", to hold the 3rd Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion, which will review The CoE New Strategy for Social Cohesion (Baku, 2015).


  1.          Prepare a conceptual paper and preliminary agenda of the ministerial conference taking into account the declarations and outcomes of two ministerial conferences - in Moscow (2009) and in Istanbul (2012) "Building a secure future for all".






  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States

Promote and review the mainstreaming of gender perspectives within the CoE


  1. Promote an exchange of views with all gender rapporteurs of the Council of Europe’s Committees


  1. Organise a policy exchange meeting between EU/CoE/member states to discuss and improve gender mainstreaming within the CoE


  1. Organize a side event on the work of the CoE to implement the strategy of mainstreaming in the 59th CSW.



Prepare thematic collection on gender equality.




Awareness raising

  1. Awareness raising campaigns aiming at increasing women’s participation in public and political life.


  1. Strengthen awareness for the opportunities of the girls to include in the ICT sector.


  1. Awareness raising, promoting gender equality.


Experience sharing

  1. Support the exchange of good practices, (reporting and complaining mechanisms, toolkits, handbooks, background materials, training resources, news, events, activities with civil society) through a brief note in the Gender Equality COE website


  1. Overview of equal remuneration measures.


  1. Exchange of best practices regarding women’s employment, with special focus on rural women and women with small children.


Capacity building

  1. Support implementation of the CoE instruments.


  1. Training, legislative actions.


  1. Strengthening of national and local mechanisms for gender equality.


  1. Inclusion of gender dimension in human rights education.


  1. CoE support for gender dimension in human rights education by providing cases and good practices.


  1. Improving gender equality in general.


  1. Improve representation of women in the media on political debates.


  1. Reducing gender pay gap.


  1. Support to responsible institutions to introduce gender equality standards within their scope of work and budget.


  1. Implementation of Gender Action Plan in 6 priority areas.


  1. Improve access for boys and girls for ICT training in the rural areas.



  1. Increase number of trained women for managerial positions.


  1. Reduce cases of family voting.


Standard setting

  1. Based on the CoE Gender Equality Strategy 2014-2017 to continue activities on standards and mechanisms, in particular, updating previous CoE “inventories” of gender equality machineries in the member states


  1. To develop gender impact assessment instruments / methods.


  1. Further development of relevant gender equality mechanisms.


  1. Elaboration of universal guideline (concept) on gender identity (Gender identity still is in the list of International health organisation as a mental health).



  1. Decisions in the field of gender equality should not be taken without consulting the GEC.



Prepare thematic collection on gender mainstreaming.



Awareness raising

  1. One special conference in one member state country which is implementing the best practices.


  1. Promote dissemination of the collection of good practices from the member States regarding the implementation of gender mainstreaming


Experience sharing

  1. Overview of good practices.


  1. The introduction and presentation of best practices in the field of gender mainstreaming.


Capacity building

  1. Examine whether gender mainstreaming has been successful in different countries and if, to what extent.


  1. Elaborate methodologies for the implementation of gender mainstreaming strategy in special in the areas of justice, local government, migration, social cohesion, fight against corruption, trafficking in human beings and drug abuse and gender budgeting.


  1. Process incorporation of the gender perspective in the politics, budgets and programs of the state government bodies and the local government units.


  1. Incorporate principle of equality and nondiscrimination, and inclusion of the gender issues in the governmental programmes.



  1. Support possible networks and joint initiatives between CoE, member states, other international organisations, civil society etc. through CoE website.


  1. Establishment of continuous inter-ministerial cooperation, support and coordination between the institutional mechanisms for gender equality on local and national level, for maximum capacity utilization and efficient fulfillment of the tasks and obligations arising from the responsibilities of these mechanisms;


Monitoring the implementation

  1. To set up monitoring mechanisms for gender mainstreaming with specific indicators for each area.


  1. Develop specific indicators for the country in these areas and recommend for their implementation and collection for national statistical data on gender issue.



Supervise and support the work of DECS-GEC, especially in its task to assist in the implementation of the CoE Strategy for Gender Equality 2014-2017.




Promote dissemination of the work and studies on the Istanbul Convention including on awareness raising, prevention, work with perpetrators (examples from the member states and resources available).



  1. Activités liées à la mise en œuvre de la Convention d’Istanbul, entrée en vigueur en août 2014.


  1. Realization of the Strategy for implementation of Istanbul Convention


Standard setting

  1. To extend the legal area covered by the Istanbul Convention to include vulnerable groups (elderly, LBGTI, national and linguistic minorities, children, persons with disabilities) and men.



Prepare thematic collection on all forms of violence against women.



Awareness raising

  1. Promote a multiannual campaign on preventing and combating all forms of violence against women


  1. Awareness raising activities, including public campaigns (f.e white-ribbon campaign).


  1. Trainings for relevant stakeholders.


  1. Design both specific material aimed at youths and adolescents and teaching material on prevention of violence against women which focus on fostering the early identification of the first signs of violence.


  1. Institutional provision of awareness-raising material for professionals involved in prevention of violence against women, including NGOs, business associations and trade unions.


  1. National awareness-raising campaign on violence against women (see "Vesna - to live free of violence").


  1. Organize Europe-wide awareness-raising media campaign against violence.


  1. Regional workshop.


  1. Prevention of violence against particularly vulnerable groups such as adolescents or victims of trafficking in women and girls for sexual exploitation though awareness-raising initiatives.


  1. Specific campaigns disseminated through mass-media and multiple actions in the sport, cultural and business area, also involving the use of TIC.


Experience sharing

  1. Annual meeting on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, with exchange of views within the countries;


  1. Share good practices of implementation of the Istanbul Convention.


  1. Exchange of good practices in eradicating all forms of violence against women.


Capacity building - general

  1. Support to the harmonization of national penal codes with provisions of the Istanbul Convention (CAHVIO)


  1. Establish regional project in the context of co-operation with non-member States (non-signatory states to Istanbul convention?) at regional level (to select a country in accordance with common criteria or common barriers /problems to implement the provisions of these Conventions at national level and identify/provide concrete recommendations how to overcome them).


  1. Development of systems for exchanging information (between authorities?) in order to improve customized attention at regional or national level.


  1. Consider the exposure of minors to certain forms of violence against women as a form of child abuse in professional protocols for intervention against child abuse.


  1. Recognition of children as direct victims of violence against women as a key factor in the elaboration of healthcare protocols and professional guidelines aimed at the early detection and evaluation of the consequences of violence.


Capacity building – services for victims

  1. Mapping and networking of resources and services for the assistance and care of victims of violence against women at a regional or national level.


  1. Services for victims


Standard setting

  1. Highlight and address other forms of violence against women, in particular FGM, so as to achieve its elimination in our society.


  1. Adoption of healthcare protocols for dealing with FGM.


  1. Adoption of guidelines for comprehensive and customized care and assistance schemes with women victims of violence against women and their children.



  1. Adapt the statistical operations on violence against women to EUROSTAT’s European Statistics Code of Practice.


  1. Improve the collection of statistical data that reflects the impact of violence against women on women with disabilities and minors.


  1. FGM - how to get data 



Promote dissemination of the collection of good practices from the member States regarding access to justice for women victims of violence compiled in the framework of the activities under the Gender Equality Strategy.




Prepare thematic collection on access to justice by women, and by women victims of violence in specific.



  1. the focus should  not only be on additional seminars or workshops and monitoring of existing standards but also on recommendations (instruments) in the field of  Gender equality, e.g. concerning equal access to justice.




  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States

Prepare thematic collection on rights of the child in general.




Awareness raising

  1. Awareness raising on how to involve children in the programming and policy making design concerning them


  1. Awareness raising, including trainings for relevant stakeholders.


  1. Regional workshop.


  1. Discussions on the rights of the child as defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Experience sharing

  1. Workshop on sharing good practice on alternative care


  1. Study what measures the member States take to ensure that all children, irrespective of their age, are herd in any decision affecting them. 


  1. Study how to achieve that the child’s views are given due weight according to his or her age and maturity.


  1. Collect experiences in practice from legal representative of children in different procedures living in own family or in foster care.


Capacity building – legislation and mechanisms

  1. A systematic introduction by the CoE of The Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual exploitation and Sexual Abuse in member states.


  1. Support to the implementation of the reforms at the national level.


  1. Legislation.


  1. Strengthening the capacity of social services.


  1. Overview of prevention of corporal punishment of children legislation.


  1. Protection rights of children according to National Action Plan for children and international documents.


  1. Promotion of children rights in rural arias.


  1. Develop activities related to the best interest of the Child, i.e. a CoE follow up to the upcoming European Conference on the Best interest of the Child (December 2014, Brussels).


  1. Development of an information platform for CoE member states as a resource of good practices related to legal, methodological and practical instruments and examples in respecting and promoting child best interest in different life circumstances and with regard positive parenting.


  1. Les pourcentages élevés d’enfants handicapés placés en institution et le fait qu’ils ne soient pas impliqués dans les décisions qui les concernent sont préoccupants au regard de leurs droits. Le placement des enfants constitue un abandon de leur vie de famille et compromet leurs chances d’inclusion dans la société ; cela interpelle le DECS-RPD tout autant que le DECS-ENF. Le CDDECS doit soutenir une stratégie transversale. : conférences, ateliers, publications.


  1. Hold international consultations on protection of children’s rights in family conflicts including issues of parental rights execution by a parent with whom the child does not live, cross-border removal of a child by one of the parents without consent of the other parent and exercise of a visitation right.


  1. In order for the governments to be able, even in present social and economic conditions, to provide necessary conditions to ensure child’s rights to all-round and harmonious development (in family, school and other child care establishments and in the society at large) and to ensure access of a child to cultural establishment and values, draft questionnaires for member States on their activities, challenges, problems and achievement in this sphere.


  1. Analyse the survey outcomes and the national replies and prepare a report with recommendations on improvement of relevant legislation and practices for CDDECS to consider.


Standard setting

  1. Developing the Recommendations (Guidelines, or other form paper) on strengthening children’s rights to equal opportunities to develop their abilities.


  1. Developing an integrated model of care for children and families with a holistic approach to the needs.


  1. Take further measures to settle inter-country family conflicts that affect child’s rights by working at improving international mechanisms to protect children whose parents reside in different countries.



Prepare collection of good practices in the MS on how to

  1. ensure child friendly health care in line with the Council of Europe Guidelines on child friendly health care,
  2. ensure child friendly social services in line with the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on children’s rights and social services friendly to children and families.


  1. Review the implementation and the achievement of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)12





Prepare thematic collection on the violence against and abuse of children.



Awareness raising

  1. Awareness raising


  1. Strengthen the awareness-raising and educational methods, including campaigns with the involvement of children, in order to inform children and whole society about the protection mechanisms they may access with regards violence against children.


Experience sharing

  1. Sharing of good and bad practices


  1. Discussions on best practices on how to combat any form of violence against children.


Capacity building

  1. Project on building capacities.


  1. Services for victims.


  1. Data collection.


  1. Improving capacity to deal with the cases among relevant stakeholders.


  1. Promotion and dissemination of the CoE campaign " the underwear rule - Kiko and the hand".


  1. Activities that support the identification and development of evidence-based (practice) methods.


  1. To ensure strict compliance with international humanitarian law in the context of escalation of the armed conflicts in various regions of the world.


  1. Non-admission and denunciation of military attacks against civil targets usually with lots of children inter alia schools and hospitals.


  1. Promotion of physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of child victims of armed conflicts in an environment which fosters the health, self-respect and dignity of the child (in accordance wih Articles 38 and 39 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Optional Protocol to the CRC on the involvement of Children in armed conflict, the Hague convention on the conducts of warfare and protection of civilian population, in part 3 of Article 4 of Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of Victims of Non/International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II).



  1. Coordinate with other units and committees of the Council of Europe to avoid duplication of activities


Standard setting

  1. Development of effective organisational and legal mechanisms to protect and restore rights of the children involved in internal and international armed conflicts and to provide their rehabilitation as one of the priorities for the CDDECS activities.


  1. Draft recommendations on observance and restoration of rights and legal interests of children in armed conflicts.


  1. Improve international monitoring mechanisms in this sphere, in order to contribute to fulfilment in good faith of generally recognised rules of international law as applicable to prevention of harmful and wide scale impact of armed conflicts on children.



Explore how instruments effectively contribute to protecting and supporting child victims or witnesses of violence.




Prepare thematic collection of access to justice by children, and by child victims of violence and abuse in specific

Experience sharing

  1. Regional seminar on friendly justice for victims of child abuse


  1. Organising thematic seminars, sharing information and good (or bad) practices.


  1. In order to study the effectiveness of implementation of restorative justice in regard to children, summarize experience of member States in applied in criminal legal proceedings concerning mediation procedures and professional support with respect to children including minor victims and juvenile delinquents under the age of criminal responsibility.


Capacity building

  1. Child friendly justice – logistics (for child friendly interviewing) and development into permanent court practice.


  1. Improve the practices of the child-friendly justice.



Supervise and support the work of the DECS-ENF, especially in its task to prepare the Strategy 2016-2019 and submitting the new Strategy to the CM by 31 December 2015.

  1. Inclusion of violence against and abuse of children in the new strategy prepared by the DECS-ENF.






  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States

Supervise and support the work of DECS-RPD, especially in its tasks to promote the Action Plan and to develop the post-2015 Disability framework.


  1. soutenir la mise en oeuvre du programme de travail du DECS-RPD 2014-2015 en accordance avec la Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits des personnes handicapées (CRPD).


  1. Soutenir les travaux du DECS RPD valant pour la Stratégie post 2015 au niveau du bureau du DECS RPD et des correspondants nationaux.



Prepare thematic collections on the rights of persons with disabilities.







Awareness raising

  1. Raise awareness on people with intellectual disabilities.


  1. Raise awareness,  increase understanding and attention paid to the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in the design and implementation of policies by duty-bearers and other stakeholders.


  1. Financial support for awareness raising activities.


  1. Hearing of a representative of the European Court of Human Rights at the DECS-RPD plenary meeting in 2015.


Experience sharing

  1. Promote good practices and image of people with disabilities by various actions (peer review or seminar).


  1. Exchange of experience and best practices on ICF methodology usage for determination of disability.


  1. Survey on the effects of deinstitutionalisation mechanisms on the beneficiary. Following best practices.


  1. Share country experiences and best practices.


  1. Overview of policies regarding inclusion of persons with disabilities.


  1. The introduction and presentation of best practices from the member states.


Capacity building - general

  1. Regional workshop.


  1. Prepare effective mechanism for independent and supported decision making.


  1. Change attitudes and perception of people with intellectual disabilities (training course).


  1. Implementation of the new Strategy;


  1. Conference of Ministers to launch the new strategy. 


  1. Development of action plans.


  1. Protecting people with disabilities according to National Strategy and international documents.


  1. Activities that support more knowledge on cross sectorial legislation on anti-discrimination with regard to disabilities.


Capacity building - mechanisms

  1. Strengthening of national and local mechanisms for improvement of rights of persons with disability.


  1. Empowerment (eg financial support for awareness raising activities) of equal treatment ombudspersons responsible for people with disabilities in Europe (the bodies vary too much in terms of their authority and/or size in different member states).


Capacity building – participation in the society

  1. Comparative study on the implementation results of legislative regulation of the right of persons with disabilities (especially mental and intellectual disability) to exercise their legal capacity.


  1. Access of persons with disabilities to culture, sports, tourism, leasure and public infrastructure and facilities: public buildings, schools, theatres, accessible roads, parks, sport sites, transportation means, etc .


  1. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities should be implemented in order to ensure the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the institutionalized setting.


  1. Improve social status of persons with disabilities in terms of social inclusion, elimination of inequalities, discrimination and favoritism "Social protection model".


  1. Providing accessibility and availability for people with mental and physical disability in the field of transport and communications.


  1. Undertaking measures for rehabilitation of the railway transport from the perspective of the people with mental and physical disability


  1. Develop further universal design.


Capacity building  - employment - unemployment

  1. Promoting employment and work opportunities for people with mental and physical disability on equal grounds.


  1. To organize vocational training for the unemployed disabled people, for the purpose of improving their position in the labor market


  1. Les règles nationales de diminution progressive et de suppression des allocations - en cas de chômage de longue durée : quels risques pour les PH.


  1. Réaliser une étude européenne : les PH (idem pour les personnes plus âgées) sont-elles soumises à cette règle de diminution et de suppression des allocations de chômage? Dans l’affirmative, selon quels critères? Communiquer au CEDS-RPD.


Standard setting

  1. Develop policies for enforcement and application of legal capacity mechanisms for persons with disabilities.


  1. Develop a comprehensive guideline or strategy about people with psychosocial disabilities.


  1. Assurer un "disability mainstreaming" respectivement la mise en œuvre des droits des personnes handicapées dans tous les domaines d’activités du CdE.



Prepare thematic collections on violence against persons with disabilities.

 Experience sharing

  1. One special conference in one member state country which is implementing the best practices.


  1. Organising thematic seminars, sharing information and good (or bad) practices.


  1. Collecter de bonnes pratiques.


Capacity building

  1. Consistent implementation of relevant legislation .


Standard setting

  1. Develop a clear legal framework for protection of victims of violence, with strong emphasis on access to justice of persons with disabilities.


  1. Relever les protocoles d’enregistrements et de suivi des plaintes existants et vérifier s’ils sont conformes à l’exercice des droits fondamentaux.


  1. Informer le DECS-RPD en vue d’actions ciblées post 2015.



Prepare thematic collections on access to justice by persons with disabilities, and victims of violence in specific.

Standard setting

  1. Recenser les obstacles que rencontrent les personnes handicapées relativement à l’accès à la justice.


  1. communiquer les résultats au DECS-RPD en vue de l’élaboration de sa Stratégie post 2015.


  1. International workshop about supported decision making.



Review and evaluate the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in 2015, drawing from the discussions in the CDDECS and in Sankt Petersburg (Russian Federation) in September 2015.


  1. Hold a conference in Sankt-Petersburg on September 2015 to approve and submit the draft disability work frame (Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020).



Approve and submit the draft disability work frame (strategy or action plan) 2016-2020, prepared by the DECS-RPD, for adoption by the Committee of Ministers in 2015.

  1. Issues for the new action plan: independent living, equal recognition before the law, employment, situation at risk, implementation of UN CRPD.





[1] Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, ''The former Yugoslavian republic of Macedonia”, United Kingdom