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Strasbourg, 17 November 2023




41st plenary meeting, 4 and 5 December 2023

Room 5, Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg

(Please note that the room has changed since the convocation)

Draft agenda

Meeting with simultaneous French-English interpretation

The order of business can be different than the order of the items in the agenda

December 4 morning (9:30am - 12:00pm):  Study session on "Artificial intelligence in the service of justice - concrete examples of implementation".

December 4 afternoon (4:30 - 5:30 pm): Presentation of the Crystal Scale of justice award initiatives

Documents preceded by the sign 2 are submitted for examination by the CEPEJ in view of their adoption.

No document will be distributed at the meeting

The working documents will be available, in restricted access, as soon as possible, on the CEPEJ collaborative workspace which is regularly updated. You can access this space by logging in with your email address and the password you have been given. If you encounter any problem of access or for any other information, please contact: [email protected] 


Opening of the meeting

Ø  Introduction by Christophe Poirel, Director of Human Rights

Background document

Draft agenda of the 41st CEPEJ plenary meeting

Ø  Adoption of the agenda and other information


workshop session

Ø  "Artificial intelligence (AI) in the service of justice - concrete examples of implementation"

Moderator: Marek Świerczyński (Poland), Professor of law, Member of the CEPEJ Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board (AIAB)

*              AI support for the processing of mass trials

Speaker: Jan Spoenle (Germany), Judge, Appeal Court of Stuttgart, Member of the CEPEJ Pilot Court Network

*          Generative AI for a practical guide to access to justice (GPJ)

Speaker: Pedro Alexandre Monteiro Almeida (Portugal), European Affairs Coordinator, Ministry of Justice of Portugal, Member of the CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST

*              Anonymisation of Court decisions through AI (ANOM) 

Speaker: Jacques Bühler (Switzerland), Deputy Secretary General of the Swiss Federal Tribunal, Member of the CEPEJ and of the CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network

*              Voice to text, machine learning applied to judicial hearings

Speaker: Javier Hernández (Spain), Deputy Director General for Digital Transformation, Ministry of Justice


recent development in the field of justice in member and observers states

Ø Delegations are invited to inform the CEPEJ of significant developments in their country since June 2023 - Interventions limited to 3 minutes


Evaluation of judicial systems (cepej-gt-eval)

Ø Presentation of the ongoing work by Jaša VRABEC (Slovenia), President of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL

Background documents

Scheme for evaluating European judicial systems – 2024 cycle


Explanatory note to the Evaluation scheme – 2024 cycle


45th meeting report of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL

CEPEJ-GT-EVAL(2023)11 (under preparation)

*       2024 evaluation cycle (2022 data) – Preparation of the CEPEJ Evaluation report on European judicial systems

*        Use and dissemination of the Report

*       Data collection support and peer evaluation

*     Cooperation with the European Union

Ø Study on the functioning of judicial systems in the member States of the European Union (EU Justice Scoreboard)

Ø Eurostat data

Ø Dashboard Western Balkans

Ø Justice Dashboard Eap (Eastern Partnership countries)


Joint work on artificial intelligence


Ø Presentation of the ongoing work by Maria Giuliana CIVININI (Italy), President of the CEPEJ-CYBERJUST

*   Resource Centre on Cyberjustice and Artificial Intelligence (ReC)

*   Artificial Intelligence Advisory Body (AIAB)

Background document

Link to the Resource Center

Report of the 4th AIAB meeting


Report of the 5th AIAB meeting


(under preparation)


Quality of justice


Ø Presentation of the ongoing work by Joao Arsenio de OLIVEIRA (Portugal), President of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL 

*    Follow-up to the European Ethical Charter on the use of artificial intelligence in judicial systems and their environment: Assessment tool for the operationalisation of the AI Ethical Charter

*    How to assess the quality of the work of judges: comparative analysis

Working documents


2 Assessment tool for the operationalisation of  the AI Ethical Charter


How to assess the quality of the work of judges: comparative analysis


(under preparation)

reference document

Report of the 35th meeting of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL



Judicial time management (cepej-saturn)

Ø Presentation of the ongoing work by Giacomo OBERTO (Italy), President of the CEPEJ-SATURN

*   Case weighting in public prosecution services

*   Database on backlog reduction practices

*   Tool to analyse the different timeframes according

             to the stages of the procedure

*   Follow-up to the adoption of the Backlog Reduction


Working documents

2 Draft report on case weighting in public prosecution services

(under preparation)

2 Concept Note on the database on backlog reduction practices

Concept note: “Which way forward for the tool to analyse the length of the steps of the civil procedure?”


reference Document

Report of the 35th meeting


Cyberjustice and artificial intelligence (cepej-gt-cyberjust)

Ø  Presentation of the ongoing work by Maria-Giuliana CIVININI (Italy), President of the CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST

*   Draft guidelines on online alternative dispute resolution

Working documents

2 Draft guidelines on online alternative dispute resolution


(under preparation)

Report of the 9th meeting of the CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST


(under preparation)


Cooperation activities of the CEPEJ

Ø  Presentation of the current and future co-operation activities

Working document

Status of implementation of CEPEJ cooperation programs


(under preparation)


Development of online training modules on Cepej tools

Ø  Presentation of the course by Eva KONECNA

*   Discussion


Working document

2 Training course on HELP on the CEPEJ: Quality of justice: the work of the CEPEJ

(English only)

(under preparation)


cepej program of activities 2024-2025

Ø  Presentation of the CEPEJ's draft programme of activities for the next two years by Francesco DEPASQUALE, President of the CEPEJ

*       Discussion on possible topics and tools to be developed by the CEPEJ for the period 2024-2025

Working document

2 CEPEJ activity program for 2024-2025 (including CEPEJ working group mandates)

CEPEJ (2023)13

reference Document

Plan d'action de la CEPEJ 2022 - 2025
« La digitalisation pour une meilleure justice »


Crystal Scales of Justice Prize

Ø  Presentation of the 2023 Edition of the Crystal Scales of Justice by the awarded teams

*    Crystal Scales Award: "Kids in Court Game - KICGame" (Cyprus)

*     Special Mention: "Chambre civile et pénale spécialisée en matière d'environnement et d'urbanisme" (Belgium)

*     Special mention: "Facility Dogs Europe - FYDO" (Belgium/France/Italy)

Ø Launch of the 2024 Edition of the Balance de Cristal Junior Edition



Observers to the CEPEJ have the possibility to make an oral presentation of their current activities of interest to the CEPEJ and/or to submit written information to the Secretariat, which will share it during the meeting.


relations between cepej and other council of europe bodies

Presentation of work in progress at the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) and the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE)


Other items

2023 Meeting Calendar

reference Document

Meeting Calendar

information document

Abridged Report of the 40th meeting of the CEPEJ
