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No Hate Parliamentary Alliance
Diversity, inclusiveness and non-discrimination against racism and intolerance in Europe| October 2021 Newsletter
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Upcoming events
Upcoming events
  • Monday 25 October 2021 – Conference on Diversity, inclusiveness and non-discrimination against racism and intolerance in Europe
On 25 October, the No Hate Parliamentary Alliance will hold a conference on Diversity, inclusiveness and non-discrimination against racism and intolerance in Europe. Guest speakers will include representatives from high-level organisations such as the European Commission, the United Nations, ECRI, as well as journalists and representatives from the civil society organisations. Full programme available here

Monday 25 October 2021 – 9:15am-12:00pm and 1:30pm-5:30pm (CEST)
A livestream will be available on the Parliamentary Assembly's Facebook page.
  • The Compilation of relevant texts adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly on racism, intolerance and hate speech, with a foreword by Mr Momodou Malcolm Jallow, General Rapporteur on combating racism and intolerance is now available in French.
  • The Alliance has started working on a Handbook for parliamentarians on hate speech, including good practices and practical guidance on how to counter hate speech at the local and international level. The Handbook will feature references to the role of the law in combating hate speech, the intersection of online and offline hate speech, possible avenues of regulation through social media, and it will address the role of parliamentarians in this process. Stay tuned!
  •  A video is also being created to illustrate the role, objectives and action of the Alliance in a graphic and dynamic way. Available soon on YouTube.
All the publications ›
Recent events
Recent events
  • Tuesday 28 September 2021 – Meeting of the No Hate Parliamentary Alliance

On 28 September, the No Hate Alliance held a meeting in the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg, including a hearing on Countering Islamophobia in Europe and an exchange of views on the making of a handbook for parliamentarians on hate speech. 

Guest speakers included Ms Julie Pascoet, Policy Officer at the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Mr Tufyal Choudhury, Associate Professor at the Durham University and Ms Dunia Khalil, Project Dokustelle, Vienna. The meeting was chaired by Mr Momodou Malcolm Jallow (Sweden, UEL), General Rapporteur on combating racism and intolerance and coordinator of the No Hate Parliamentary Alliance.

Watch the video of the event here (also available in French, Italian, German and Russian on PACE YouTube channel).

General Rapporteur
General Rapporteur
  • On the occasion of the European Action Day against Islamophobia, the General Rapporteur has released a declaration raising awareness on the rising Islamophobia in Europe, highlighting the specific discriminations faced by Muslim women: "women who wear headscarves are immediately recognisable as Muslim and can be easily targeted by Islamophobic bias and attacks". Read the statement here.
  • On Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, the General Rapporteur paid tribute to "the victims of the Roma genocide perpetrated during the Second World War" and urged member States of the Council of Europe "to intensify their efforts to tackle both the marginalisation faced by Roma and Travellers in real life, and their marginalisation in mainstream accounts of history and in history teaching". Read the full statement here.
In other news
  • The latest work by ECRI, the Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, includes a new General Policy Recommendation to the 47 Council of Europe member states on preventing and combating antisemitism. Read it here
  • The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) recently organised the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021, with the aim of highlighting new ways towards a better protection of human rights in Europe. Key takeaways from the Forum are now available here
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