Strasbourg, 18 December 2014
9th plenary meeting
Rome, Italy, 16-17 December 2014
Document prepared by the Secretariat
Directorate General I – Human Rights and Rule of Law
1. The Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) met in Rome, Italy on 16-17 December 2014 at the invitation of the High Council for the Judiciary of Italy, with Mr Antonio MURA (Italy) in the chair. The agenda is appended and the list of participants is available from the Secretariat.
2. The CCPE invited the Committee of Ministers:
to take note of its Opinion No. 9 (2014) on European norms and principles concerning prosecutors, also called the “Rome Charter”, which it adopted during this meeting;
and of the fact that this document would be forwarded to relevant bodies in the member states, which would be encouraged to translate it into their respective languages where appropriate, and to the relevant bodies of the Council of Europe in order that they may take it into account in the framework of their own work.
3. thanked the High Council for the Judiciary of Italy for its kind invitation to hold this meeting in Rome, and for the warm welcome extended to the members of the CCPE, as well as for the excellent organisation of the conference of the High Council for the Judiciary of Italy held on 15 December 2014 on the topic of “The organisational statute of the public prosecution in Europe and the relationship with the investigatory structures”, to which all CCPE members and observers were invited, which provided a useful feedback in the context of the preparation of the 2015 Opinion of the CCPE;
4. elected Mr Cédric VISART de BOCARME (Belgium) as President and Ms Alessandra GIRALDI (Denmark) as Vice-President, Mr Peter McCORMICK (Ireland) and Mr Han MORAAL (The Netherlands) as members of the Bureau for 2015;
5. appointed Mr Jean-Pierre DRENO (Monaco), Mr Vitalii KASKO (Ukraine), Mr Antonio MURA (Italy), Mr Peter POLT (Hungary), Mr Harald RANGE (Germany), Mr José Manuel SANTOS PAIS (Portugal), Ms Raija TOIVIAINEN (Finland), Mr Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA (Spain), Mr Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV and Mr Vladimir ZIMIN (Russian Federation) as members and Ms Gordana BOSILJČIĆ (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Mr Tristan PLOOM (Estonia) as substitute members of the select group responsible for preparing the draft Opinion for 2015, to be submitted to the 10th plenary meeting of the CCPE;
6. designated Ms Raija TOIVIAINEN (Finland) as the Gender Equality Rapporteur for 2015;
7. welcomed the information provided by the members of the CCPE and observers on their participation in various fora and conferences, including in particular the 19th Annual Conference of the International Association of Prosecutors held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), the conference on combating organised and transnational crime held in Irkutsk (Russian Federation), and the meeting of the Prosecutors General of the Visegrad Group, comprising the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, held in Budapest (Hungary);
8. took note of the information provided by Mr Lorenzo SALAZAR, representing the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC), regarding the annual conferences of directors of prison administration and the Working Group of experts aiming at assisting member states to develop national strategies for combating prison overcrowding;
9. took note of the request for observer status with the CCPE submitted by the Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan, and welcomed the participation of a delegation from Kazakhstan in the plenary meeting;
10. took note of the targeted co-operation between the Council of Europe and Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova funded by Denmark, aimed at supporting criminal justice reforms and, in particular, the reforms of the public prosecution services, and launched a call to members of the CCPE to participate in the implementation of these projects; took note also of the twinning programme envisaged by Spain with Serbia which could involve co-operation with the CCPE in October 2015;
11. entrusted the Bureau to organise the work in 2015 and proposed to hold the 10th plenary meeting of the CCPE on 19-20 November 2015 and the meetings of the CCPE-GT on 12-13 March and 25-26 June 2015.
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Information given by the President, Bureau members and the Secretariat
4. Discussion of the CCPE draft Opinion No. 9 entitled “Reference document on European norms and principles concerning prosecutors”
5. Preparation of the CCPE draft Opinion No. 10 on “prosecutors and investigation” and synthesis of the Conference on the same topic (Rome, 15 December 2014).
6. Election of the President and Vice-President
7. Election of the Bureau
8. Nomination of the members of the CCPE-GT for 2015
9. Appointment of the CCPE Gender Equality Rapporteur for 2015
10. Relations between the CCPE and other bodies inside and outside the Council of Europe
11. Any other business
12. Next meetings of the CCPE