RESOLUTION (50) 5 (31 March 1950) - Admission of the Saar

The Committee of Ministers decided to send, through the French Government,

the following letter of invitation to the Government of the Saar:

I am directed by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to

make the following communication to the Government of the Saar.

Article 5 of the Statute of the Council of Europe provides that, in special

circumstances, a European country, which is deemed to be willing and able

to fulfil the provisions of Article 3, may be invited by the Committee of

Ministers to become an Associate Member of the Council of Europe. Having

in mind the desirability of associating the Saar with those European countries

which are determined to preserve their democratic way of life, the

Committee of Ministers hereby extends a formal invitation to the Saar to

become an Associate Member of the Council of Europe.

In conveying this invitation, the Committee of Ministers desires me to

draw the attention of the Saar Government to the fact that it would be

necessary, in accordance with Article 5 of the Statute, for that Government

to deposit with myself an instrument accepting the Statute. Such an instrument

should state that the Saar is willing to accept the guiding principles

and aims of the Council of Europe as set forth in the Preamble to and in

Article 3 of the Statute; a copy of the Statute is transmitted herewith.

I am further to state that the number of Representatives to the Consultative

Assembly to which the Saar would be entitled would be 3, and the contribution

to be paid by the Saar would be 2,750,000 French francs for the

present financial year.

                                                                                          (S.) J.-C. PARIS

                                                                                       Secretary- General