CM(99)70 ... (675/8.2) ... Progress report of the 1st meeting of the Joint Council on Youth Matters

Committee of Ministers

Comité des Ministres

Strasbourg, 18 May 1999



For consideration at the 675th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies

(15 June 1999, B level, item 8.2)



a. priorities, objectives, budgetary envelope of the youth sector for the year 2000

b. terms of reference to be given to the Programming Committee of the European Youth Centres and the European Youth Foundation


In accordance with the decisions taken by the Committee of Ministers at their 650th meeting (24-26 November 1998), the reform of the Youth Sector of the Council of Europe was implemented as from 1st January 1999.

Within this context, the Advisory Council, as well as the Joint Council on Youth Questions, two of the new advisory and co-managed organs of the Youth Sector, were established and held their first meeting from 16 to 18 March 1999, on the occasion of one of the annual meetings of the CDEJ.

In accordance with the terms of reference given to it by the Committee of Ministers, the Advisory Council designated, from among the organisations, networks and other structures represented in it, those which will be invited to be represented in the Programming Committee. This Committee will hold its first meeting on 15-16 June with a view to drawing up various programmes of the Youth Sector for 2000, in particular the programmes of the European Youth Centres and the European Youth Foundation, with the exception of the programme of the CDEJ.

Furthermore, the Advisory Council elaborated a number of proposals concerning the priorities, objectives and budget envelopes of the Youth Sector for 2000. These proposals, as well as those of the CDEJ, were submitted to the Joint Council on Youth Questions grouping the members of the Advisory Committee and the members of the CDEJ.

The Joint Council on Youth Questions, in accordance with its terms of reference, focused its work on developing a common position on priorities, objectives and budget envelopes of the Youth Sector for 2000 and agreed to present to the Committee of Ministers a summary of its discussions, as well as the conclusions it reached so far (common position). The Joint Council decided to continue its work during its next meeting in October, in particular on the budget envelopes of the Youth Sector for 2000.

In addition, the Joint Council agreed on a draft mandate for the Programming Committee and decided to submit it to the Committee of Ministers for approval.


a. Priorities, objectives, budgetary envelope of the youth sector for 2000.

Within the statutory organs there was not always sufficient reference given to Resolution (98) 6 on Youth of the Committee of Ministers. This Resolution, however, together with the Final Report of the Ministers' Conference in Bucharest, was for the time being the common ground, in terms of principles and objectives, to stand on for all statutory bodies of the youth field.

The Advisory Council proposed that the Youth Sector should further develop its capacity to meet the needs of youth in Europe through youth participation and co-management in the spirit of pluralist democracy and support for minorities.

The Advisory Council had presented a "Proposal on the Priorities and Main Budget Envelopes of the European Youth Foundation for the Year 2000" to the Joint Council. This proposal concentrated mainly on the strengthening of multilateral support for youth activities and networks. It was also suggested that pilot projects for young disadvantaged people be set up.

The very detailed proposal of the Advisory Council could not immediately constitute, in the present form, a common basis for recommendations of the Joint Council. Other elements as discussed within the CDEJ had to be considered - the emphasis on new forms of participation e.g. the important role of non-formal education, the youth contribution to the Council of Europe's objective of creating greater social cohesion within its member countries and the co-operation with other Directorates of the Council of Europe. All this was indispensable in order to properly develop the new youth structures and a coherent idea of youth policy. From there to a concrete translation into a budgetary proposal there was still some way to go for the Joint Council.

Some members of the Advisory Council felt they were insufficiently informed about the complete budget of the Youth Directorate and, more particularly, the budget of the CDEJ. This would have to change for forthcoming meetings.

The Joint Council was not a body to endorse very detailed budget proposals. The Council should establish clear priorities and communicate them to the Committee of Ministers. The translation of these priorities into a programme was a matter for the Programming Committee. Therefore, some CDEJ members felt that some of the more detailed proposals of the Advisory Council were not to be debated by the Joint Council.

Some of the new partners had already expressed the difficulty to fully play their role. The Joint Council came out as a very diverse group and the debates required a lot of willingness to understand and to listen to different viewpoints. In a way, also the statutory bodies of the youth field needed some confidence building, particularly with regard to new partners.

In conclusion, the Joint Council put the work with new partners forward as a priority. Another priority, which requires further discussion, is the introduction of pilot projects at local level with specific modifications to the financial regulations of the EYF. Considering that this Joint Council would have little influence on the 1999 budget, the Chair asked the meeting to concentrate on priorities for the 2000 budget.


b. Terms of reference to be given to the Programming Committee of the European Youth Centres and the European Youth Foundation

The Programming Committee is, within the new structures, the body which has the task of drawing up the various programmes of the youth sector, in particular the programmes of the European Youth Centres and European Youth Foundation, with the exception of the CDEJ programme. These programmes must be drawn up on the basis of the common position developed by the Joint Council on Youth Questions on priorities and budget envelope of this sector and approved by the Committee of Ministers.

The Joint Council on Youth Questions which met between 16 and 18 March 1999 agreed on the following terms of reference for the Programming Committee :

1.    facilitate the carrying out of meetings for youth organisations, which will contribute to their long-term development and increase youth participation in the development of policies of interest to young people;

2. support youth activities, other than meetings, enabling young people to communicate their particular vision on issues of concern;

3. distribute the funds of the European Youth Foundation in accordance with the regulations laid down in the statutes, with special emphasis on the international character and the quality of applications. Applications from new partners shall receive special attention;

4. decide on the annual programme of study sessions and training courses of the European Youth Centres and questions related to the running of the programme of language courses;

5. decide on proposals and indications from the Joint Council on the holding of symposia, consultative meetings and other activities;

6. not have any responsibility for the area of research, documentation, publication or information;

7.     secure the implementation of the Partnership Agreement with ERYICA;

8. secure the implementation of the Covenant with the European Commission.


Now the Committee of Ministers is invited to take note of the summary of the discussions which the Joint Council on Youth Questions had on priorities, objectives and budget envelopes of the Youth Sector for 2000 and to approve the common position which the said Council reached.

Furthermore, the Committee of Ministers is invited to approve the draft terms of reference elaborated by the Joint Council for the Programming Committee in order to enable this Committee to proceed with the establishment of the programmes of the European Youth Centres and the European Youth Foundation for the first half of 2000.