Country: Slovakia

Event name: Open day of the Slovak notariat

Organiser: Chamber of notaries Slovakia

Date: 25.10. 2017 from 10:00 to 14:00

Venue: Krasovskeho 13, Bratislava

Format (presentation of event – max. 5 lines): free legal consultations for citizens

Contact: [email protected] , +421 2 38105614

Country: Slovakia

Event name: Open day of the Slovak notariat

Organiser: Chamber of notaries Slovakia

Date: 23.10. - 28.10. 2017 

Venue: email address will be provided as soon as possible 

Format (presentation of event – max. 5 lines): Consultations provided via an email address created for this purpose, where citizens can write their questions. They will receive responses during the following week

Contact: [email protected]+421 2 38105614