Recent developments in the judiciary field in Lithuania in 2014

1.      Law amending the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania created the legal framework for the exercise of the right to file class actions. From the 1st January, 2015 it will be a possibility to settle disputes of persons with common interests during one procedure which would help cut litigation costs and shorten the duration of court proceedings.

2.      From the 3rd January, 2014 regional courts (not the Ministry of Justice) are responsible for issuing the European arrest warrant.

3.      The video conference equipment, enabling parties to the proceedings to participate in court hearings via video conferences, is being introduced in the courts of Lithuania. Until the end of December 2014 18 courts of Lithuania are planned to be equipped with such equipment. This project is funded by the Lithuanian – Swiss cooperation programmed.

4.      It is important to note, that due to the adoption of euro in the Republic of Lithuania from the 1st January, 2015 lots of legislation had to be changed, information systems had to be adjusted to euro. The law on the  Euro Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania has been adopted, which among other matters referred to the obligation of courts to set fine or monetary obligation in litas and in euro in decisions (article 20). Therefore, a lot has been done in order to have all regulations in place after 1st January, 2015.

5.      The Judicial Council has taken steps in promoting the judicial mediation procedures, new rules on judicial mediation were adopted, which will come into force from 1st January, 2015. The main changes in the judicial mediation proceedings from the 1st January, 2015 should be distinguished:

§the judicial mediation is available in all the courts of the Republic of Lithuania in civil disputes;

§upon the agreement with the parties, the judge, who is on the list of judicial mediators, can act as a judicial mediator in the case he deals with. If the agreement is reached such judge will also confirm the agreement; In case no agreement is reached, the judge will have to opt out of the case;

§considering the opinion of the parties to the proceedings, the judge or the panel of judges, dealing with the case will appoint the judicial mediator in a case (not the Chairperson of the court);

§the judicial mediation session can take place outside the court; the time limit for judicial mediation sessions has been withdrawn;

6.      National Courts Administration is implementing the Project ,,Strengthening the competence of representatives of judicial system (including judges, court staff and representatives of NCA) (training)” within the Programme LT13 “Efficiency, Quality and Transparency in Lithuanian Courts” under 2009-2014 Norwegian financial mechanism.