Programme of the events for commemoration of the European Day of Justice in courts of the Republic of Lithuania in 2011




Description of the event



18 to 25 Oct. 2011

Courts of the Republic of Lithuania

"Open door“ events

“Open door” days in courts of Lithuania. Pupil, students and society will be able to get acquainted with organization of court work, hearing rooms, equipment, profession of the judge and etc.

Judges, pupil, teachers, students, representatives of the society.

Courts of the Republic of Lithuania

21 Oct. 2011

Court of Appeal of Lithuania (Gedimino pr. 40/1, Vilnius)

Conference and staged  quiz on law(legal) topic

Main 3 parts event (conference – lecture, staged quiz and excursion in the Court of Appeal of Lithuania) for pupil of 8-11 grade. 


·         Welcome word by Chairman of the Judicial Council Mr. G. Kryževičius

·         Conference – lecture for pupil about Constitution, law and its influence to people and their life, about European legal system and its meaning and influence to our legal system. Speaker – judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. G. Mesonis.  

·         Staged quiz:

Objective: familiarize pupil with practice of law, judges’ work, and right of accused, raise skills of legal language, and contribute to crime prevention. 

Teams watch stories plaid by judges and answer the questions. Judges stage world fairy tales. Leader of the event comments the situation plaid by the judges and asks questions.

Jury - judges, representative of National Courts Administration, teachers and journalists.

The task for participants: recognize possible criminal acts in plaid stories and asses them on a legal aspect (name them, forecast possible legal liability or vice versa prove absence of violation).

-          Staged fairy tales under :

a) Charles Perrault  fairy tale „ Little Red Riding Hood “: Little Red Riding Hood discloses personal data of her grandmother to trickster wolf and  he by trick seizes property of grandmother (money and other property);
 b) Charles Perrault  fairy tale „Cinderella“: staged relations between orphan Cinderella and her guardian ( to comment right of Cinderella as adopted daughter and stepmother’s – guardian duties and etc.);

c) The Brothers Grimm fairy tale „”The Bremen town musicians”: story related to trips of the musicians (problems of emigration), the will of the main character to marry princess (rights of juvenile to wed),  noise and abuse of alcohol (sale of alcohol to juvenile, disposal of drugs, nuisance).

·         Excursion of participants in court.

·         Awards of teams and common picture.

·         Short press-conference for mass media.

Judges, pupil, teachers, representatives of mass-media..

3-4 teams consisting of  3-5 pupil (14-17 years old) familiarize in advance with legal acts which will be necessary to justify the answers.

The Supreme Court of Lithuania, The Court of Appeal of Lithuania, The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, National Courts Administration.