Program Court coaching Malta
20 June 2014

09.00       Introduction

 (Mr Justice John David Camilleri, Chairman Judicial Studies Committee and Magistrate Francesco Depasquale)

09.30       Presentation on the situation of the Maltese Courts and ECHR judgment on reasonable time

     (Mr Jacques Buhler)

09.45       Presentation on CEPEJ

                 (Mr John Stacey/Mr Roberto Chenal)

10.15       Coffee break

10.45       Presentation on the various CEPEJ tools

                 (Mr Jacques Buhler)

11.15       Backlog reducing solutions adopted in the Swiss Federal Court

                 (Mr Jacques Buhler)

11.45       Commencement work-shops

13.00       Lunch

14.30       Continuation and conclusion work-shops

15.15       Presentation of conclusions of the workshops and planning way forward

                 (Mr John Stacey)

15.45       Conclusion

                 (Mr Justice John David Camilleri, Chairman Judicial Studies Committee)


Workshop A: Members of the judiciary involved in the Criminal cases

                        (Roberto Chenal / Francesco Depasquale)

Workshop B: Members of the judiciary involved in civil and other cases

                        (Jacques Buhler)

Workshop C: Court Registrars

                        (John Stacey)