| | | | | 4 months - 4 national adaptations of the Council of Europe HELP online course on violence against women and domestic violence | | | | Since its launch on 25 November 2017, the Council of Europe HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) online course on violence against women has been translated and adapted to the national legal frameworks of Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia and Slovenia. The HELP course on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence aims at improving the quality of the judicial response to cases of violence against women and at supporting access to justice for victims while prosecuting perpetrators. It covers in interactive ways the key concepts, the international and European legal framework and the European case law governing the prevention and protection of women and girls from violence, focusing in particular on the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention. So far more than 90 prosecutors, judges and lawyers from Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia and Slovenia have been trained through this online course comprising theory, case law and practical exercises. By offering the course in the national language and providing additional materials based on the applicable national legal and policy provisions, the HELP course can be tailor made to the specific needs of legal professionals.This free online course can be accessed in English on the HELP online platform at this link | |
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| | | | | | | Council of Europe event in Mexico on the gender equality dimension of drug policy | | | | Experts from 12 European and Latin-American countries met in Mexico in February to discuss the importance of mainstreaming a gender equality perspective in drug policy at a conference co-organised by the Council of Europe’s drug policy network (the Pompidou Group), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and the National Institute for Women (INMUJERES). | | | |
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