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Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe

« Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey (JP COMASYT)»




Launch conference on future use of CEPEJ Saturn Time Management Tools by the Turkish Judiciary (27-28 February) / Lancement de la conférence sur l'utilisation future des outils pour la gestion des délais judiciaires par le système judiciaire turc (27-28 février) 2

CEPEJ Website. 2

Working Group Meeting on Development of Common Guidelines used by Media Spokespersons was held on 28 January 2013. 2

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. 2

The Presidents of the CEPEJ, CCJE and CCPE invited by the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (14-16 January 2013) / Les Présidents de la CEPEJ, du CCJE et du CCPE invités par le Haut Conseil des juges et procureurs de Turquie (14-16 janvier 2013) 3

CEPEJ website. 3

Turkey, the biggest courthouse in the world benefits from Council of Europe support (January 2013) / Turquie: le plus grand Tribunal au monde bénéficie du soutien du Conseil de l’Europe (janvier 2013) 3

CEPEJ website and website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department 3

The Council of Europe Organised a Workshop for Heads of Justice Commissions on External Relations and Quality Services (13-14 December 2012) 3

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. 3

The relevance of the CEPEJ's tools highlighted at the Round-table on “Excessive length of proceedings" in Antalya (8-9 November 2012) / La pertinence des outils de la CEPEJ soulignée à la Table ronde sur "La durée excessive de procédures" à Antalya (8-9 novembre 2012) 4

CEPEJ Website. 4

Media Spokespersons received skill training (11-12 December 2012) 4

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. 4

Second Civil Procedure Workshop was organised in Salihli for judges and lawyers on 15-16 November 2012. 4

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. 4

The 3rd Judicial Assistant Training Organised in Antalya between 15-20 October 2012. 5

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. 5

Steering Committee meeting : Court Management System Project in Turkey (JP COMASYT) (Ankara, 11 October 2012) / Réunion du Comité de Pilotage du programme conjoint sur Système de Management des Tribunaux en Turquie (JP COMASYT) Ankara, 11 octobre 2012. 5

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department 5

Civil Procedure Best Practices Workshop in Eskişehir created a very participatory platform (9-10 October 2012) 6

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. 6

Judicial assistant training (Antalya, 1-6 October 2012) 6

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department 6

Courthouse Personnel Guide Book (Ankara, 3-4 October 2012) / Guide du Personnel du Palais de Justice (Ankara, 3 - 4 octobre 2012) 6

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department 6

Le Conseil de l'Europe visite la cour pilote d’Eskişehir (Eskişehir, 13 juin 2012) 7

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department 7

Training on Information Desk staff in Turkey (Ankara, 4-7 June 2012) 7

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department 7


Launch conference on future use of CEPEJ Saturn Time Management Tools by the Turkish Judiciary (27-28 February) / Lancement de la conférence sur l'utilisation future des outils pour la gestion des délais judiciaires par le système judiciaire turc (27-28 février)

CEPEJ Website

Two CEPEJ Members will take part in a launch conference, which will be held from 27 to 28 February 2013 in Ankara, of an initiative to gradually introduce CEPEJ Tools in the Turkish Judiciary. The courthouses of Amasya and Erzurum have been selected as main pilot courts for the application of the Saturn tools, i.e. mainly the Saturn Guidelines for Judicial Time Management, which have already been translated into Turkish and disseminated in these two courthouses. This initiative which takes place within the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Project “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT) is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe in co-operation with the Turkish Ministry of Justice.

Deux membres de la CEPEJ participeront à une conférence de lancement d'une initiative visant à intégrer progressivement les outils de la CEPEJ dans le système judiciaire turc. Cette conférence se tiendra du 27 au 28 février à Ankara. Les tribunaux de Amasya et Erzurum ont été retenus comme tribunaux pilotes pour la mise en oeuvre des outils SATURN, et notamment les lignes directrices SATURN pour la gestion du temps judiciaire, qui ont d'ores et déjà été traduites en turc et diffusées dans lesdits tribunaux. Cette initiative qui s'inscrit das le grande du programme conjoint Union ueorpéenne / Conseil de l'Europe "Renforcer le système de gestion des tribunaux en Turquie" (JP COMASYT), est financé par l'Union européenne et mise en oeuvre par le Conseil de l'Europe, en coopération avec le Ministère de la justice de Turquie.

Working Group Meeting on Development of Common Guidelines used by Media Spokespersons was held on 28 January 2013

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice

Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT), the Council of Europe organised a working group meeting on development of the common guidelines and guiding principles for media spokespersons who have been assigned as media spokespersons by the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey. The first meeting took place in

Ankara, on 28 January 2013. Overall purpose of the first meeting was to evaluate results and outcomes of the first and second media spokesperson trainings and develop an action plan for media strategy and common guidelines which will provide basis among the newly assigned media spokespersons on the issue of justice-media relations as well as the legal aspects in the media field.

The Presidents of the CEPEJ, CCJE and CCPE invited by the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (14-16 January 2013) / Les Présidents de la CEPEJ, du CCJE et du CCPE invités par le Haut Conseil des juges et procureurs de Turquie (14-16 janvier 2013)

CEPEJ website

A delegation composed of Presidents of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), the Consultative Councils of European Judges (CCJE) and Prosecutors (CCPE), as well as representatives of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe, has been invited by the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors to pay a visit to Ankara and Istanbul from 14 to 16 January 2013 to assess the progress in the reforms of the Turkish judicial system.

Picture gallery

Website of the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors

Une délégation composée des Présidents de la Commission européenne pour l'efficacité de la justice (CEPEJ), le Conseil Consultatif de Juges européens (CCJE) et des Procureurs Européens (CCPE), de même que des représentants du Secrétariat du Conseil de l'Europe, a été invitée par le Haut Conseil des juges et procureurs de Turquie à se rendre à Ankara et Istambul du 14 au 16 janvier 2013 pour évaluer les progrès réalisés dans la réforme du système judiciaire de Turquie.

Galerie photos

Site internet du Haut Conseil des juges et procurerus de Turquie

Turkey, the biggest courthouse in the world benefits from Council of Europe support (January 2013) / Turquie: le plus grand Tribunal au monde bénéficie du soutien du Conseil de l’Europe (janvier 2013)

CEPEJ website and website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department

Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT), the Council of Europe and the Turkish Ministry of Justice have been jointly working on the strengthening of the court management system through the dissemination of pilot court management practices in 20 selected courts in different parts of Turkey. As a sign of the importance of the innovations brought by the Project, the Istanbul Anatolian side courthouse has requested to join the JP COMASYT and benefit from its support. Considered to be the biggest courthouse in the world, and the biggest public building in Turkey, this courthouse is being designed in accordance with European standards. This court will be operational in January 2013. This courthouse will receive nearly 45000 visitors per day and will combine all courthouses of the Anatolian Side of Istanbul in a single building that has 326 rooms for prosecutors, 298 courtrooms, 51 enforcement offices, 2 conference rooms with a total capacity of 680 people, a car park with a capacity of 2600 vehicles, cafeteria for 2200 people and a kindergarden.

Dans le cadre du programme commun entre l’Union européenne et le Conseil de l’Europe: “Renforcer la gestion des tribunaux en Turquie” (JP COMASYT), le Conseil de l’Europe et le Ministère turc de la justice ont travaillé conjointement au renforcement d’un système de gestion des tribunaux à travers la diffusion des pratiques innovantes de gestion des tribunaux dans 20 tribunaux sélectionnés dans les différentes régions de Turquie. Le Tribunal anatolien d’Istanbul a demandé à joindre le JP COMASYT et à bénéficier de son soutien. Considéré comme l’un des plus grands tribunaux au monde, et le plus grand établissement public en Turquie, ce tribunal a été conçu conformément aux standards européens. Ce tribunal sera opérationnel à partir de janvier 2013. Le tribunal devrait accueillir près de 45000 visiteurs par jour et regroupera tous les tribunaux du côté anatolien d’Istanbul dans un bâtiment unique composé de 326 bureaux pour les procureurs, 298 salles d’audience, 51 bureaux d'exécution, 2 salles de conférence d’une capacité totale de 680 personnes, un parking d’une capacité de stationnement de 2600 véhicules, une cafétéria pour 2200 personnes et une crèche.


The Council of Europe Organised a Workshop for Heads of Justice Commissions on External Relations and Quality Services (13-14 December 2012)

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice

A workshop was organised for the heads of justice commissions from 20 pilot courts on external relations and quality services in Ankara on 13-14 December 2012 within the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme on “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT). The purpose of the workshop was to present ideas on how the external relations could increase work effectiveness for courts and discuss possible ways of the establishment of the new practices. International experts shared European best practices as well as their own professional experiences.

Following the presentations by international experts, interactive round table discussions for small groups were organised for discussions which lead to finding solutions to shortcomings of the system and developing further approaches to conclude them in common guidelines.

As a result of the workshop, participants developed fundamental policy points on external relations including preparation of annual reports and ideas on how external and internal relations would improve the quality of services for courts.

The relevance of the CEPEJ's tools highlighted at the Round-table on “Excessive length of proceedings" in Antalya (8-9 November 2012) / La pertinence des outils de la CEPEJ soulignée à la Table ronde sur "La durée excessive de procédures" à Antalya (8-9 novembre 2012)

CEPEJ Website

At the Round-table on "Excessive length of proceedings – how to solve a systemic problem and prevent an influx of repetitive applications to the European Court of Human Rights” Antalya, Turkey, (8-9 November 2012), the participants highlighted the importance of the CEPEJ tools which could be used in the daily administration of justice.

Conclusions of the Round table

Lors de la table Ronde d’Antalya "La durée excessive de procédures: comment résoudre un important problème systémique de durée excessive de procédures et éviter de façon durable un afflux de requêtes répétitives à la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme" (Antalya, Turquie, 8 et 9 novembre 2012), les participants ont souligné l'importance des outils développés par la CEPEJ qui peuvent être utilisés dans la gestion quotidienne du fonctionnement de la justice.

Conclusions de la Table ronde

Media Spokespersons received skill training (11-12 December 2012)

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice

Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT), the Council of Europe organised a training session for 20 Chief Public Prosecutors from 20 pilot courts who have been assigned as media spokespersons by the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey. The training took place in Ankara on 11 – 12 December 2012. The training was a follow-up activity of the first media spokesperson training organised on 7-9 November 2012 where the legal basis of the media spokesperson training and European best practices were discussed. Overall purpose of the training was to enhance the spokesperson skills of the Chief Public Prosecutors particularly concerning preparation of written statements, answering live questions, giving interviews and media appearances.

Second Civil Procedure Workshop was organised in Salihli for judges and lawyers on 15-16 November 2012

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice

Following the first Civil Procedure Workshop in Eskişehir on 9 and 10 October 2012, the second workshop was organised in Salihli for selected civil law judges, lawyers and registrars on 15-16 November 2012. Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT), the workshop session is aimed at increasing the awareness of the participants on how to speed up civil proceedings through discussions on a number of habits affecting the quality and speediness of civil proceedings, including the preparation of case files, the role of judges and lawyers in

efficiency of proceedings, use of settlements in civil cases and application of statutory time limits.

The 3rd Judicial Assistant Training Organised in Antalya between 15-20 October 2012

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice

The 3rd Judicial Assistant Training in Antalya was organised within the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme on Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey (JP COMASYT) in cooperation with Ministry of Justice for 35 candidate judges and prosecutors who will then function as assistants to judges and prosecutors in their judicial work as part of the pilot practices in 20 courts around the country. Being the third of its kind within the project, the training particularly complemented the regular training provided to the participants in the Turkish Justice Academy and further enhances their research, legal document drafting, legal reasoning and file management skills. International experts including judicial assistant from Lithuania Dr. Ingrida Daielene participated in the training to share experiences and answerquestions from the participants.

During the training participants had a chance of not only having practical information for their future work but also had an opportunity of capturing the knowledge of leadership and communication skills. As a training methodology, the curriculum was divided into two components: with candidate judges of civil and criminal courts being in one group and prosecutors being in a second group. The first group received 6 days of training; the second group for prosecutors received a total of 4 days of training.

As part of the project plan, they as judicial assistants, candidate judges and prosecutors were given more responsibility and duties than the ordinary flow of internship. The JP COMASYT has been promoting the idea of establishment of such a separate position within Turkish judiciary system as inspired by the best practices in EU/Council of Europe Member States and outputs of the pilot practice will constitute the basis for possible legislative amendments. A total of 200 candidate judges and prosecutors will be trained and assigned as judicial assistants prior to the end of JP COMASYT.

Steering Committee meeting : Court Management System Project in Turkey (JP COMASYT) (Ankara, 11 October 2012) / Réunion du Comité de Pilotage du programme conjoint sur Système de Management des Tribunaux en Turquie (JP COMASYT) Ankara, 11 octobre 2012

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department

On the occasion of the 5th Steering Committee Meeting, representatives of all stakeholders of the EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT) will meet in Ankara. The participants will evaluate the achievements so far and the activities implemented since the last Steering Committee Meeting held on 5 July 2012 and decide on the action plan for the forthcoming period.

A l’occasion de la 5ème Réunion du Comité de Pilotage, les représentants de toutes les parties prenantes du Programme Joint UE/Conseil de l’Europe intitulé « Renforcement du Système de Management des Tribunaux en Turquie (JP COMASYT) se réuniront à Ankara. Les participants évalueront ce qui a été réalisé jusqu’ici ainsi que les activités mises en œuvre depuis la dernière Réunion du Comité de Pilotage qui s’est tenue le 5 juillet 2012. Ils élaboreront en outre d’un plan d’action pour les temps à venir.

Civil Procedure Best Practices Workshop in Eskişehir created a very participatory platform (9-10 October 2012)

Website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice

Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT), the Council of Europe organised a workshop for selected civil law judges, lawyers, judicial assistants and registrars in Eskişehir on 9 and 10 October 2012. The workshop was designed as a part of the pilot experiment to put in place in Eskişehir and Salihli Courts concerning the speeding up of civil proceedings, widened utilisation of settlements in civil cases and proper application of the new civil procedure code.

Mr. Bert Maan, Senior Advisor, Prof Muhammet Özekes, National Consultant and Dean of School of Law at Gediz University moderated the Workshop with contributions from Prof Virgilijus Valancius, Long Term Project Consultant and Mr. Nazım Kara, Ministry of Justice, Deputy Director General of Legislative Affairs in an interactive way on how to speed up civil proceedings including the preparation of case files, the role of judges and lawyers in efficiency of proceedings, use of settlements in civil cases and application of statutory time limits. In addition to discussions on national legislation, presentations were given on European best practices. The Workshop was successfully completed with active participation of the representatives from the Court of Cassation, High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, Ministry of Justice, DG Personnel Affairs, DG Legislative Affairs, DG Law Affairs, DG Internal Auditing, DG EU Affairs, DG IT Services and the Union of Turkish Bar Associations and Eskişehir Bar Association. Workshop Report will be shared with participants soon.

Judicial assistant training (Antalya, 1-6 October 2012)

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department

Within the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme on Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey (JP COMASYT), a training will be organised in Antalya, Turkey, 1-6 October 2012, aiming at increasing the awareness and capacity of 50 candidate judges and prosecutors who will then function as assistants to judges and prosecutors in their judicial work as part of the pilot practices in 20 courts around the country. Being the third of its kind within the JP COMASYT, the training will complement the regular training provided to the participants in the Turkish Justice Academy and further enhance their research, drafting, legal reasoning and file management skills. International experts including judicial assistants from different countries will participate in the training to share their experience. During their term as judicial assistants, candidate judges and prosecutors are given more responsibility and duties than the ordinary flow of internship. The JP COMASYT has been promoting the idea of establishment of such a separate position within Turkish judiciary inspired by the best practices in EU/Council of Europe Member States and outputs of the pilot practice will constitute the basis for possible legislative amendments. A total of 200 candidate judges and prosecutors will be trained and assigned as judicial assistants until the end of JP COMASYT.

Courthouse Personnel Guide Book (Ankara, 3-4 October 2012) / Guide du Personnel du Palais de Justice (Ankara, 3 - 4 octobre 2012)

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department

A Working Group meeting to review and revise the content of the guidebook named Courthouse Personnel Guide Book, developed during the first phase of the project, will be organised in Ankara, Turkey, on 3-4 October 2012. This edition of the guidebook will be distributed to the staff members of all courts throughout Turkey. The meeting will be organised with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Turkey and the Turkish Justice Academy. This Working Group is implemented within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme entitled “Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey” (JP COMASYT).

Un groupe de travail se réunira à Ankara en Turquie les 3 et 4 octobre 2012 dans le but de passer en revue le contenu du Guide du Personnel du Palais de Justice, développé pendant la première phase du projet. Cette édition du guide sera distribuée aux membres du personnel de tous les tribunaux en Turquie. La réunion sera organisée avec la participation des représentants du Ministère de la Justice de Turquie et de l’Académie de Justice Turque. Ce groupe de travail est mis en œuvre dans le cadre du Programme Joint UE/Conseil de l’Europe sur le “Renforcement du Système de Management des Tribunaux en Turquie” (JP COMASYT).

Le Conseil de l'Europe visite la cour pilote d’Eskişehir (Eskişehir, 13 juin 2012)

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department

La cour Eskişehir est l'une des 20 cours de référence dans laquelle un nouveau système de management a été mis en œuvre dans le cadre du Programme Joint UE/Conseil de l'Europe sur le «Renforcement du système de gestion des tribunaux en Turquie » (JP COMASYT). Le Conseil de l'Europe visitera la cour Eskişehir le 13 juin 2012. Le but de cette visite est tout d'abord d'examiner l'état de la préparation et la mise en œuvre des pratiques de référence dans la cour et de discuter avec les parties prenantes des possibilités d'amélioration. Les plans développés par les agents locaux pour l'introduction de nouvelles unités (bureau de réception et d'information) seront également des sujets abordés lors de la visite. Par ailleurs, cette visite participera au lancement de l'expérience visant à accélérer les procédures civiles, à augmenter la pratique des transactions dans les cas civils et à appliquer de façon appropriée le nouveau code de procédure civil en Turquie. Une réunion avec les juges participant à cette nouvelle pratique sera organisée afin de les informer des objectifs de cette nouvelle action et de la méthodologie à suivre.

Training on Information Desk staff in Turkey (Ankara, 4-7 June 2012)

Website of the Justice and Legal Co-operation Department

Within the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme on Strengthening the Court Management System in Turkey (JP COMASYT), a training will be organised in Ankara, Turkey, on 4-7 June 2012. It will aim at increasing the capacity of 40 newly assigned information desk staff who will function at the information desks as part of the pilot practices in 20 courts around the country. The training will provide the know-how on daily management of newly implemented areas of information desks. Court users who will enter the building will first contact with the information desk staff and receive the necessary information. Deployed in the entrances of the courthouses, these Information Desk staff will both guide people arriving at the courthouses by decreasing the people flow. The JP COMASYT has been promoting the idea of the establishment of the Information Desk within Turkish judiciary inspired by the best practices in EU/Council of Europe member States.