Tribunale di Rimini

in association with

Ordine degli Avvocati di Rimini

Fondazione Forense Riminese

Camera Civile di Rimini

Camera Penale di Rimini

Associazione Nazionale Magistrati
Sottosezione di Rimini

Fondazione dei Dottori Commercialisti
e degli Esperti Contabili di Rimini

Comune di Rimini

Provincia di Rimini

Questura di Rimini

European Day of Civil Justice

The Lisbon Treaty and the Italian Constitution:
values which unify

Hall of Justice - Rimini

via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa 11

Saturday, 23 October 2010

8.30          Welcome address and contributions

                 Rossella Talia, Chief Judge of the Tribunal of Rimini

                 Giovanni Scarpa, President of the Rimini Bar Association

                 Stefano Vitali, President of the District Council of Rimini

                 Oreste Capocasa, Rimini Chief of Police

                 Giuseppe Savioli, President of the Rimini Public Accountants Foundation

9.00 – 13.00

A JOURNEY THROUGH THE TRIBUNAL: roles of the operators of the sector, problems of society and local resources through the simulation of civil, criminal and employment trials.


-      The Treaty of Lisbona one year after its coming into effect (with the participation of Prof. Marco Borraccetti, Confirmed Researcher in European Union Law at the University of Bologna, and of Valentina Bazzocchi, lawyer, Research Doctor in European Union Law)

-      Constitution and defence of rights: the examples of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino

-      Family Law: community and constitutional aspects

-      GAME OVER! The rules of the game, i.e. how to defend oneself against bullies and the dangers of the Web (with the participation of the Juvenile Division and the Postal Police of the Rimini Police Headquarters)

-      Towards a common European economic language: the International Accounting Principles (with the participation of Prof. Giuseppe Savioli, Professor of Business Economics at the University of Bologna)

The citizenry is invited to participate