European Day of Civil Justice in Estonia (22. − 26. October 2007)

Member Stateor national or international body:
The Supreme Court of Estonia, Tartu Court of Appeal, Tartu County Court

Activity(ies) envisaged:
This year there will be several activities organized within the framework of the European Day of Civil Justice. Above all, activities are addressed to schoolchildren.

1) Since 22. October until 26. October schoolchildren, on supervision of their teachers, can visit court hearings at different courts.

2) During the whole week there will be educational guided tours at courthouses.

3) At 26. October justice Donald Kiidjärv will deliver public lecture about children's rights. Also, as a justice, he will give information about how to become a justice and will answer to children's questions.

Date(s) :
22. − 26. October 2007

Aims :
1. Foremost, the aim is to educate schoolchildren and to rise their awareness about legal questions giving information about:

a) court system,

b) court hearings,

c) children's rights,

d) how to become a justice etc.

Publicity envisaged:
1) Press releases at local newspapers, news services and courts webpages.

2) The information will be directly sent to schools and teachers by e-mail.

3) Special flyer about the European Day of Civil Justice witch contains the information about all the activities that are taking place within the framework.