



Contact         Name:




I. General information

1. Number of inhabitants

Number:                                                                               Year of reference:               

                …………………………………..                                                     ……         



2. Total annual State/regional public budget

Budget:                                                                                 Year of reference:

                ………………………………….                                                      ……



3. Average gross annual salary

Salary:                                                                                  Year of reference:

                ………………………………….                                                      ……

Source :


II. Access to Justice and to all courts

II. A. Legal aid/cost of justice

4. Annual public budget spent on legal aid

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


5. If possible, specify

- the annual public budget spent on legal aid in criminal cases

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


- annual public budget spent on legal aid in other court cases

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


6. Total number of legal aid cases (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


7. If possible, specify:

- the total number of legal aid cases in criminal matters (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


- the total number of legal aid cases in other court cases (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


8. Does your country have an income and asset test for granting legal aid?

Yes / No:

9. If yes, what is the maximum income level for granting legal aid?

Income level:                                                                       Year :

                               ……………………………………………..                         ……….

10. Is it possible to refuse legal aid for lack of the merit of the case?

 (e.g. for frivolous or vexatious actions, or cases without merit)

Yes / No:


If yes, is the decision taken by :      -  the court

- a  body external to the court

  (please indicate the right answer)                 - a  mixed decision-making body   (court and external)

- other:

What factors are taken into account ?



11. In general do litigants have  to pay a court tax or fee to start a proceeding at a general jurisdiction court?

Yes / No / Otherwise:


If yes, is this true for :          - criminal cases? Yes / No

- other than criminal cases? Yes / No

12. Does your country have a private system of legal expenses insurance for individuals?

Yes / No / Otherwise:


13.       Do judicial decisions have an impact on who bears  legal  costs which are

paid by the parties during the procedure?

Yes / No / Otherwise:


If yes, is this true for :          - criminal cases ? Yes / No

- other than criminal cases? Yes / No

14.       In your country, have studies been carried out on the costs of cases brought to courts concerning:            - users? Yes / No

- the State? Yes / No

If yes, please indicate the references of these studies published in the year 2002 or 2003:

(Author / instance)                              (Title)                                                    (Type of courts or costs reported on):

……………………………              ………………………………………  ………………………………………………….

……………………………              ………………………………………  ………………………………………………….

……………………………              ………………………………………  ………………………………………………….

II. B. Users of the courts and victims

15. Are there official internet sites/portals (e.g. Ministry of justice, etc..)

 through  which the general public may have free access to:

- legal texts (e.g. codes, laws, regulations, etc..)?  Yes / No                              

   internet address:                             


- to the case-law of the higher court/s?     Yes / No

   internet address:             

- to other documents (for examples legal forms)?  Yes / No

   internet address:             

If yes, please give the internet address

16. Is there a public and free-of-charge specific information system to inform and to help victims of crimes?    Yes / No


17. Is there a public, free of charge and personalised specific information

system, managed by the police or the justice system, on the follow up

given to complaints by victims of crime?    Yes / No


18. Does your country have a public compensation fund to compensate

financially victims of crimes?    Yes / No


19. Does your country have users’ or legal professionals’ (judges, lawyers, officials, etc.) surveys  to measure public trust and satisfaction with the services delivered by the judiciary?    Yes / No

If yes, are these surveys

- at national level    Yes / No

- at court level    Yes / No

20. Is there a national or local procedure for making complaints about the performance of  the judiciary (e.g. through an ombudsman)?    Yes / No

Please specify:

- at court level/internal procedure    Yes / No

- at court level/external procedure    Yes / No

- at national level/internal procedure    Yes / No

- at national level/external procedure    Yes / No


21. As a general rule, do the institutions which receive such  complaints

have an obligation to respond and/or to deal with the complaint

within a certain time limit?

- time limit to respond:        Yes / No

- time limit for dealing with the complaint:       Yes / No

III. Functioning of courts and efficiency of justice

III. A. Functioning

22. Total number of courts

Number of courts:


23. Number of general jurisdiction first instance courts

Number of courts:


24. Number of specialised first instance courts

Please specify the different areas of specialisation

(area of specialisation)                                      (number of courts)

…………………………………………….           ………….

…………………………………………….           ………….

…………………………………………….           ………….

25. Number of professional judges sitting in courts

(present the information in full time equivalent and for permanent posts)

Number of judges:                               fte                           Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


26. Number of non-professional judges sitting in courts

(present the information in full time equivalent and for permanent posts)

Number of judges:                               fte                           Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


Please give details:


27. Number of non-judge administrative staff who are working in courts

 (present the information in full time equivalent and for permanent posts)

Number of staff:                   fte                           Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


28. Annual budget allocated to all courts

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


29. Annual budget allocated to the Ministry of justice or the institution (for

example Judicial Council) which is responsible for the functioning of the courts

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


30. Has the budget for justice increased during the last 5 years?       Yes / No

What are the figures?

Budget                                                  Year

                ……………………..                     ……

Budget                                                   Year

                ……………………..                     ……

31. Which institution is formally responsible for setting up the budget

devoted to courts?

- the ministry of Justice (or equivalent)     Yes / No

- the Government     Yes / No

- the Parliament     Yes / No

- the Judicial Council     Yes / No

- the Courts      Yes / No

- other:


32. Who manages the budget of the courts?

- the President of the Court     Yes / No

- the person administratively responsible for the court     Yes / No

- other:


33. Which institution is responsible for arranging and scheduling the court


- in criminal cases:   the court  /  public prosecutor  /  lawyer  / other: ………………


- in other than criminal cases    the court  /  public prosecutor  /  lawyer  / other: ………………

III. B. Efficiency

34. Total number of criminal cases received by the public prosecutor (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


35. Total number of criminal cases dropped by the public prosecutor (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


Please indicate also, out of this total, those dropped as the offender has not been identified

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


36. Total number of criminal cases which are concluded by a

sanction/measure, imposed or negotiated by the public prosecutor (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


37. Total number of criminal cases charged by the public prosecutor before

 the courts (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


38. Total number of incoming criminal cases in the courts involving  robbery

cases (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                               Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


39. Total number of judicial decisions, involving  robbery (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                                Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


Please indicate, if possible:

Number of convicted persons:                   % of convicted persons:

                                                               ……………..                                                                             ………

Number of acquitted persons:                    % of acquitted persons:

                                                                ……………..                                                                             ………

40. Percentage of decisions involving  robbery subject to

 an appeal to a higher court (in a year)

Percentage of decisions:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


41. Total number of incoming criminal cases in the courts,

involving  intentional homicide (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                                Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


42. Total number of judicial decisions, involving  intentional homicide  (in a year)

Number of decisions:                                                                                        Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


Please indicate also if possible:

Number of convicted persons:                   % of convicted persons:

                                                                ……………..                                                              ………

Number of acquitted persons:                    % of acquitted persons:

                                                                ……………..                                                               ………

43. Percentage of decisions concerning intentional homicide subject

 to an appeal to a higher court (in a year)

Percentage of decisions:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


44. Total number of incoming civil and administrative cases in the courts (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                                Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


45. Total number of judicial decisions in civil and administrative matters  (in a year)

Number of decisions:                                                                                        Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


46. Percentage of decisions concerning civil and administrative matters

 subject to an appeal to a higher court (in a year)

Percentage of decisions:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


47. Total number of incoming divorce cases in the courts (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                                Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


48. Total number of judicial decisions in divorce cases (in a year)

Number of decisions:                                                                                        Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


49. Percentage of decisions concerning divorce cases subject to

 an appeal to a higher court (in a year)

Percentage of decisions:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


50. Total number of incoming employment dismissal cases in the courts (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                                                                Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


51. Total number of judicial decisions of employment dismissal cases (in a year)

Number of decisions:                                                                                        Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


52. Percentage of decisions concerning employment dismissal cases subject

 to an appeal to a higher court (in a year)

Percentage of decisions:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


IV. Use of Information Technology in the court

53. Annual IT budget allocated to the courts (if possible in Euros)

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


54. In general, do the courts in your country have computer facilities?

- for judges    Yes / No

- for non-judges court staff    Yes / No

55. Is there a centralised institution which is responsible for collecting

statistical data regarding the functioning of the courts and judiciary ?       Yes / No

If yes, please specify the name and the address of this institution

(Name) …………………………………          (Address) ……………………………………………………

56. What kind of facilities can be used by the clients of the courts

to communicate with the courts ?

- Telephone   Yes / No        

- Mail   Yes / No

- Fax   Yes / No

- E-mail   Yes / No

- Internet   Yes / No

57. Is there an electronic form to carry out certain procedural steps?  Yes / No

V. Fair trial

58. Percentage of adversary judgements in criminal cases in first instance

Percentage of judgements:                                                Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


59. Is there a right to an interpreter for all those within your jurisdiction if the

persons cannot understand or speak the language used in court?    Yes / No

60. Is there an effective remedy to a superior jurisdiction for all cases?    Yes / No

61. Are reasons given for all prison sentences?    Yes / No

62. Average length, in days, of robbery cases from the formal beginning of the

prosecution until the first instance judgment

Average length:                    days                        Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


63. Average length, in days, of robbery cases from the formal beginning of the

prosecution until the appellate judgment

Average length:                    days                        Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


64. Average length, in days, of divorce cases from the deposit of the complaint

until the first instance judgment

Average length:                    days                        Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


65. Average length, in days, of divorce cases from the deposit of the complaint

until the appellate judgment

Average length:                    days                        Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


66. Average length, in days, of employment dismissal cases from the deposit of the

complaint until the first instance judgment

Average length:                    days                        Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


67. Average length, in days, of employment dismissal cases from the deposit of the

complaint until the appellate judgment

Average length:                    days                        Year :

                               …………                                                   ………

Source :


68. Do you, on a regular basis, measure the size of backlog cases in the courts?

    Yes / No

69. Do you have a way of analysing  queuing time during court  procedures?

    Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


VI. Judges

70. Gross annual salary of a first instance professional judge

at the beginning of his/her career

Annual salary :                                                                                                   Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


71. Gross annual salary of a judge of the Supreme Court or of the highest appellate court

Annual salary :                                                                                                   Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


72. Can judges combine their work with other professions (for example as a

university professor, arbitrator, consultant)?   Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


73. Are judges recruited and nominated by an independent institution? Yes / No

(if yes), who are represented in this institution:

- the members of the judiciary   Yes / No

- officials not part of the judiciary Yes / No

- a mixture of the two categories referred to above  Yes / No

Is the process of selection and nomination of judges carried out according to pre-established

procedures ?  Yes / No

74. Is there a system of induction l and continuation  training for judges?

      No   / Yes, but not compulsory    / Yes, compulsory

What is the average percentage of judges who have attended  a continuation training

session each year?

Percentage of judges:                                         Year :

                                    ……………                                           ……..

Source :


75. Is there a system of supervision and control on the courts - other than

through appeal ?    Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


76. Is there in your country a system of temporary judges?  Yes / No

If yes, are these temporary judges paid on the basis of their activity?  Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


77. Annual number of disciplinary proceedings against judges

Number of proceedings:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


78. Annual number of sanctions against judges

Number of sanctions:                                         Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


VII. Public prosecutors

79. Annual budget for the public prosecution

Annual budget:                                                                                                  Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


80. Number of professional public prosecutors (in full time equivalent)

Number of prosecutors:                                     Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


81. Gross annual salary of a public prosecutor at the beginning of his/her career

Annual salary :                                                                                                   Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


82. Gross annual salary of a public prosecutor of the Supreme Court or of the

highest appellate court

Annual salary :                                                                                                   Year :

                               ……………………………………………………………….                     ………

Source :


83. Can public prosecutors combine their work with other professions?  Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


84. Are public prosecutors recruited and nominated by an independent institution?    Yes / No

(If yes), who are represented in this institution:

- the public prosecutors ?  Yes / No

- other stakeholders outside?  Yes / No

- a mixture of the two categories referred to above?  Yes / No

Is the process of selection and nomination of public prosecutors done according to pre-established procedures?  Yes / No

85. Is there a system of induction  and continuation  training for public prosecutors?

          No   / Yes, but not compulsory    / Yes, but compulsory

What is the average percentage of prosecutors who have participated in continuation training each year?

Percentage of prosecutors:                                                Year :

                                                ……………                               ……..

Source :


86. Is there a system of supervision and control on  public prosecutors?   Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


87. Annual number of disciplinary proceedings against public prosecutors

Number of proceedings:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


88. Annual number of sanctions against public prosecutors

Number of sanctions:                                         Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


VIII. Lawyers

89. Number of lawyers practising in your country

Number of lawyers:                                             Year :

                               ……………                                ……..

Source :


90. Is there a national bar association?    Yes / No

91. Have quality standards been formulated for lawyers?  Yes / No

If yes, who is responsible for formulating these quality standards?

- the bar association  Yes / No

- the legislature  Yes / No

- other  Yes / No

92. Can disciplinary proceedings be instituted against lawyers?  Yes / No

93. Annual number of disciplinary proceedings against lawyers

Number of proceedings:                                    Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


94. Annual number of sanctions against lawyers

Number of sanctions:                                         Year :

                                               ……………                ……..

Source :


95. Is it possible to complain about the performance of lawyers?     Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


96. What is the amount paid to a lawyer by the State in respect of legal aid

for a first instance divorce case?

Amount:                                                                Year :

                …………………………………                                       ………

Source :


IX. Mediators and mediation proceedings

97. Number of accredited or registered   mediators

Number of mediators:                                        Year :

                               ……………                                ……..

Source :


98. How much public budget is devoted to mediation?

Amount:                                                                               Year :

                ……………                                                ……..

Source :


99. Number of incoming mediation cases (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                 Year :

                               ……………                                ……..

Source :


100. Number of cases solved through mediation (in a year)

Number of cases:                                                 Year :

                               ……………                                ……..

Source :


If possible, please specify:

- number of criminal cases solved through mediation:


- number of cases other than criminal solved through mediation:


101. In which areas of law is mediation most practised and successful in your country?

- in criminal cases?    Yes / No

- in other than criminal cases?    Yes / No

Year :                     Source :

                ………….   …………..

X. Enforcement agents and execution of court decisions

102. Number and types of enforcement agents

- in criminal cases:

(Type)                                                    (Number)                              (Year)                     (Source)

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

- in other than criminal cases:

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

…………………………………………….           ………………………..                  ……………………       …………………………………..

103. Is there an institution to supervise or control the activities of enforcement agents?

           Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


104. Annual number of disciplinary proceedings against enforcement agents

Number of proceedings:                                                    Year :

                                               ……………                                ……..

Source :


105. Annual number of sanctioned enforcements agents

Number of agents:                                                              Year :

                               ……………                                ……..

Source :


106. Is it possible to file a complaint against an enforcement agent?Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


107. Does the court play a role in the execution of court decisions?Yes / No

If yes, please specify:


108. Are the courts competent to decide against public authorities? Yes / No

Are the courts involved in executing decisions against public authorities? Yes / No