Strasbourg, 16 May 2002                                                                

Conference of Prosecutors General of Europe

3rd Session

organised by the

Council of Europe

in co-operation with the

Prosecutor General of Slovenia

Ljubljana, 12 – 14 May 2002

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Sunday, 12 May 2002

-           Tour

-           Informal preparatory meetings for the Conference

Monday, 13 May 2002

Morning:         Plenary session with the Prosecutor General of Slovenia on the chair        

-                     Opening of the Conference [open to the media]

-                     Message from the President of the Republic of Slovenia read out

-                     Report by the Chair of the Coordinating Bureau

-                     Report by the Prosecutor General of Slovenia on the impact of Recommendation (2000) 19

Afternoon:      Two working parties met separately:

-                     WP1: relations between public prosecution and the judiciary

Chair: Mr Harald Range, Prosecutor General at Celle (Germany)

Rapporteur : Mr Jean-Amédée Lathoud, Prosecutor General at the Court of Appeal of  Douai (France)

-                     WP2: Prosecutors specialising in anti-mafia cases and economic and financial criminality

Chair: Mr Francesco Mandoi, Deputy National Anti-mafia Prosecutor (Italy)

Tuesday, 14 May 2002

Morning:         Two working parties met separately:

-                     WP3: Ethics / liability of individual prosecutors

Chair: Mr Marc Robert, Prosecutor General of Auvergne (France)

Rapporteur: Mr B E P Myjer, Hoofdadvocaat-generaal, Ressortsparket Amsterdam, Professor of law at Amsterdam University

-           WP4: international co-operation in criminal matters, including relations with Eurojust

                                    Chair: Mr Vito Monetti, Deputy Prosecutor General, Court of Cassation, Rome (Italy)

                                               Rapporteur: Secretariat of the Council of Europe

                                               Lecturer: Mr Olivier de Baynast, member of Eurojust

Late morning: Meeting of the Bureau with the rapporteurs with a view to preparing draft conclusions

Afternoon:      Plenary session with the Prosecutor General of Slovenia on the chair:

-           Reports from the different working parties

-           Presentation of the draft conclusions

-           General discussion

-           Adoption of conclusions [open to the media]


-           Official close of the Conference

-           Reception offered to participants by the Prosecutor General of Slovenia