
Strasbourg, 10 January 2017




Additional CEPEJ Questionnaire regarding Gender equality in judicial systems

This questionnaire is a complement to the questions already existing in the CEPEJ evaluation scheme on gender equality in judicial systems (questions 46, 47, 52, 55, 56, 110-1, 112-1, 117-1 and 119-1).

All the information (answers to the questions but also comments under the questions) will allow the CEPEJ to deepen its knowledge of this subject.

1.    Number of males – females within the different professions in 2016 (see also existing questions 46 and 55)




Total number of lawyers (in the first column, total number as indicated in question 146)

_____/ NA / NAP

_____/ NA / NAP

_____/ NA / NAP

Total number of notaries (in the first column, total number as indicated in question 192)

_____/ NA / NAP

_____/ NA / NAP

_____/ NA / NAP

Total number of enforcement agents (in the first column, total number as indicated in question 170)

_____/ NA / NAP

_____/ NA / NAP

_____/ NA / NAP

2.    In 2016, are there specific provisions for facilitating gender equality within the framework of the procedures for recruiting : (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          non-judge staff ?

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

-          lawyers?

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

-          notaries

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

-          enforcement agents ?

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

If you have additional comments please specify:

3.    In 2016, are there specific provisions for facilitating gender equality within the framework of the procedures for promoting : (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          non-judge staff ?

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

-          lawyers?

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

-          notaries

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

-          enforcement agents ?

 Yes  No                   If “yes”, please specify:

If you have additional comments please specify:

At national level

4.     Do you have, at national level, one or more recent surveys or reports related to - wholly or partly - the distribution males/females within the judicial system concerning: (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          judges ?

 Yes  No   

-          prosecutors ?

 Yes  No   

-          non-judge staff ?

 Yes  No  

-          lawyers?

Yes  No                   

-          notaries

 Yes  No                  

-          enforcement agents ?

 Yes  No                  

Could you specify the reference or internet link of this/these document(s) or sent it/them to us? 

5.    Is there a national programme or an orientation document to promote males/females equality within the judicial system? (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

 Yes  No 

Could you specify the reference or internet link of this/these document(s) or sent it/them to us? 

6.    At national level, is there any specific person (eg an equal opportunities commissioner)/institution dealing with gender issues in the justice system concerning: (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          the recruitment of judges ?

 Yes  No    if yes, please specify:

-          the promotion of judges ?

 Yes  No    if yes, please specify:

-          the recruitment of prosecutors?

 Yes  No    if yes, please specify:

-          the promotion of prosecutors ?

 Yes  No    if yes, please specify:

-          the recruitment of non-judge staff ?

 Yes  No    if yes, please specify:

-          the promotion of non-judge staff ?

 Yes  No    if yes, please specify:

-          if other than recruitment and/or promotion, please specify:

6-1: Please specify the text which institutes this person/institution (title, date, nature of the text):

6-2: Please specify the status of this person/institution (eg independent, attached to the Ministry of Justice, to a council of justice or equivalent or to an interministerial institution specifically dedicated to gender equality):

6-3: Please specify if this person/institution has an information and consultative function or if its opinions/decisions have legal consequences (eg block a decision or allow an appeal):

At court/public prosecution service level

7.    At the court or public prosecution service level, is there a person (eg an equal opportunities commissioner)/institution specifically dedicated to ensure the respect of gender equality in the organisation of judicial work:(If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          in courts (judges)

 Yes  No  

-          in Public Prosecution services (prosecutors)

 Yes  No  

-          for courts’ non-judge staff

 Yes  No  

If yes, please specify their titles and tasks:

8.    Does the feminisation of certain functions, if it exists in your country, within courts or prosecution services, lead to concrete changes in the organisation of the judicial work in the following areas: (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          Assignment in different positions

 Yes  No  

-          Workload distribution

 Yes  No  

-          Working hours

 Yes  No 

-          Modalities of teleworking and presence in the work space

 Yes  No  

-          Replacement of absent persons

 Yes  No  

-          Organisation of the hearings

 Yes  No

-          Other

 Yes  No   if yes, please specify:

If other please specify. Could you also please indicate concrete examples referring to the various possibilities mentioned?

9.    In order to improve gender balance in access to different judicial professions and equality in promotion and in access to higher responsibility, what are the measures, in your country, which:

-          have been already implemented (please specify) (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          are planned (please specify) (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          should be taken (please specify)(If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

10.  In your judicial system, and eventually based on evaluation, studies or official reports, what are the main causes of inequalities in:

-          recruitment procedures (please specify) (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          promotion procedures and access to the functions of responsibility (please specify) (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

Please specify also the reference documents.

11.  In your courts, is there a particular attention given to gender issues as regards the public and users of justice, in particular: (If the situation changed since 2016, please specify in the comments)

-          judges and court staff are more chosen among males or females according to the type of cases

 Yes  No if yes, please specify:

-          the composition of hearings with several judges is always mixed

 Yes  No if yes, please specify:

-          statistics exist concerning males and females who initiate a case/victims, accused persons, etc.

 Yes  No if yes, please specify:

If you have additional comments please specify :