Speeches by Ioannis Kasoulides,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus
POINT 1.2 of the Agenda
Dear Colleague,
In taking stock of the Estonian Chairmanship, let me congratulate you on a task well done. The Estonian Chairmanship has shown vision in the choice of its priorities, as well as, engagement and determination in responding to political developments during its term in office.
I would like to refer in particular to the priority given to the rights of the child , and especially to the issue of children in migration. These aspects of the Council’s Strategy for the rights of the Child are held in high priority also in my own country. Considering the high percentage of unaccompanied minors among those reaching the shores of Europe and their need for protection, highlighting that aspect and the need to act was indeed very necessary and timely.
The Estonian Chairmanship has also focused on the freedom of the internet, which is tantamount to the freedom of expression. The programme of the Cypriot Chairmanship includes events on the freedom of expression in the digital age, in the spirit of the priorities of the Trio Chairmanship ( Bulgaria, Estonia, Cyprus).
Dear Colleague,
Congratulations once again for a job very well done and all the best for the future.
* * *
Dear Secretary General,
Honorable President of the European Court of Human Rights,
Madame President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities,
Excellencies, Dear colleagues,
The Republic of Cyprus is proud to be assuming today the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers for the fifth time during its membership. As a member of the Organisation since 1961, we take the responsibility of the Chairmanship as an opportunity for Cyprus to play a leading role in the vital work of the Council in promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law across the continent.
The assumption of the Chairmanship comes at a time when Europe is faced with economic hardship, migratory flows, terrorism, the dangerous rise of populism, xenophobic rhetoric and extremism, and other phenomena, which test our democracies and shake public trust in state and international institutions. At this time, the Council of Europe is more relevant than ever.
During our Chairmanship we aim at highlighting the role of the Council with its significant expertise, instruments and mechanisms but also by its capacity to reinforce cooperation between member states.
The enhancement of democratic security in Europe is a sine qua non. To that end, we need to invest in democratic institutions, transparent processes, pluralistic and inclusive societies that foster tolerant and democratically active citizens. We need to embrace the fundamental principles upon which the Council of Europe is based.
Cyprus highly values the European Court of Human Rights as the guardian of the Convention in our continent. Our unconditional obligation for full execution of the Court’s judgments remains a fundamental requirement for democratic security in Europe.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I do not want to take your precious time by referring separately and to each one of the almost 30 events which constitute the programme of the Cypriot Chairmanship, as these are duly analysed in the relevant document that has already been distributed. I will restrain myself in just highlighting some of the major thematics underpinning Cyprus’ priorities.
The Cyprus Chairmanship attaches great importance to the protection of cultural heritage. Cypriot diplomacy has undertaken an international initiative to bolster the protection of cultural property from wanton destruction and the illicit trafficking of cultural goods, exploring innovative approaches for the creation of synergies and the development of capacities for the effective protection of cultural heritage.
In March 2016, Cyprus led a cross-regional Statement on the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflicts in the framework of the Human Rights Council. It was co-sponsored by an impressive number of 146 members and observer states of the Human Rights Council. In September 2016, Cyprus, in collaboration with a core group of partners, presented to the Thirty-Third Session of the Council in Geneva a comprehensive Resolution on“Cultural rights and the protection of cultural heritage”, which was adopted unanimously, thus putting the issue of cultural heritage firmly on the Human Rights agenda.
Cyprus will do its utmost to promote the efforts of the Council to finalise the new Convention on Offences related to Cultural Property and to draw international attention and support for the pioneering work of the Organisation in this field. In this respect, the Colloquium on this Convention, organized by the Chairmanship in cooperation with the Council, that will take place in Strasbourg on 13 January, is of importance.
The Cypriot Chairmanship aspires, with your cooperation, to open this Convention for signature, during the Committee of Ministers to be held in Nicosia in May 2017, and to which you will be all warmly welcomed.
Building synergies is another important element in fostering democratic security. The Chairmanship of Cyprus will focus on enhancing dialogue and co-operation with, regional and international partners, as well as, with the southern neighbourhood of the Council of Europe.
In 2017, the European Union and the Council of Europe will celebrate ten years of cooperation since the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and the Council of Europe. Cyprus will take the opportunity to mark the anniversary through various events.
Cyprus will also take the opportunity of the Chairmanship to bolster the relations of the Organisation with its southern neighbours. Through enhanced dialogue and invitations extended to neighbouring countries to take part at events organised during the Chairmanship, Cyprus will highlight the added value of the legal instruments of the Council of Europe, inviting further participation and enhancement of co-operation.
Allow me dear members of the Committee,
to express my appreciation to the Trio of Chairmanships, the Secretary General and to the Secretariat, for their valuable support during the preparation of our Chairmanship.
We set up on an ambitious journey at the steer of the Council of Europe, guided by our faith in the Organisation and the values it stands for. In these endeavours, we count on the support of all member states of the Council of Europe. On its part, Cyprus is committed to acting transparently and in a constructive spirit in undertaking the duties pertinent to Chairing the Committee of Ministers.
Chers collègues,
L’Europe et sa longue histoire ont connu des périodes d’incertitude et d’horreur, mais le continent a aussi été central dans la promotion des valeurs humaines, des principes démocratiques et des chemins de la paix. La nécessité de diplomatie, de sagesse politique et de dialogue n’a jamais été aussi impérative qu’aujourd’hui.
Dans les temps fluides et changeants que nous traversons, nous sommes obligés de considérer ce qu’on donnait pour acquis et agir peut-être autrement. Travaillons donc ensemble pour transformer ces défis en opportunités pour consolider nos valeurs et principes, et avec persistance et cohérence nous allons y arriver.
Je vous remercie de votre attention.