Individual interview: Employee /middle management level

Interview framework:
§ Time: 30-60 minutes.
§ Equipment: Voice recorder or pen and paper.
§ Number: From three interviews and up. Naturally, the level of insight gained increases corresponding to the number of interviews.
§ Participants: Preferably, the employees should work in different teams within the organisation. If it makes sense, conduct interviews with middle management as well.
§ NB: Having already conducted focus group interviews with the senior management, you need to consider bias when conducting the individual interviews. Thus, you should be careful not to guide the interviewee in a certain direction and keep your tone, questions and body language open.

This tool will help you get an insight into the employees’ knowledge of diversity strategies as well as their opinions on the matter. In larger organisations, it may make sense to conduct the same interviews on middle management levels, if these are responsible for areas as e.g. the recruitment of new employees.
We suggest that you conduct individual, in-depth interviews, as the purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of whether the official strategies are known by the entire organisation. Individual interviews create a sphere of confidence opposed to focus group interviews, where hierarchical considerations, etc. may affect answers. However, you may also choose to perform focus group interviews using the same questions as those stated below.

Questions and answers from the interview

The schedule below is meant as a help for plotting answers during transcription.



Your comments:

1.    Diversity as a concept

1.1.  How do you understand the concept of diversity?

1.2.  When thinking of your work and your workplace, what are your thoughts on diversity?

1.3.  How do you think about diversity regarding the core activities in your department, compared to the entire organisation?

2.      Knowledge of the diversity strategy of the organisation

2.1.  Do you know the diversity strategy of your organisation?

2.2.  If yes to 2.1.: Can you remember one or more key areas, targets or efforts within this strategy?

2.3.  If yes to 2.1: Does the diversity strategy influence your work in the organisation? If yes, then how?

3.      Diversity management in practice

3.1    Do you and your colleagues think of diversity in your everyday work? If yes, then how?

3.2    Do you feel that your organisation thinks in terms of diversity when it comes to recruitment, employee retention and talent development? If yes, then how?

3.3.  In your opinion, does your organisation think of diversity in connection with innovation and development (internally as well as regarding customers and services)? If yes, then how?

3.4.  Are there times, at which you feel that you and your colleagues are encouraged to combine your diverse backgrounds? If yes, then when and how?

3.5.  Do you feel that management acknowledges your own and your colleagues’ ability to work together and combine your respective diverse backgrounds? If yes, when and how?

3.6.  Do you feel that the management acknowledges your specific qualifications and background, and what you specifically contribute to the organisation? If yes, when and how?

4.        Personal opinions of diversity at work

4.1.  Do you think that diversity is beneficial to the profits of your organisation? Why/why not?

4.2.  Do you believe that diversity within the management is beneficial to the work of the management within the organisation? Why/why not?

4.3.  Do you believe that diversity among the employees is beneficial to the work of the management within the organisation? Why/why not?

4.4.  Do you think that diversity is beneficial to the work of your team within the organisation, in terms of efficiency and quality of the work? Why/why not?

4.5.  Do you feel that diversity is beneficial to the working environment of your organisation Why/why not?

4.6.  Does it mean anything to you to be working in an organisation that focuses on diversity?

5.      Final comments

5.1.  Do you have any suggestions regarding diversity at your workplace? Are there opportunities for improvement and do you have ideas concerning solutions?

5.2.  Do you have any other comments you would like to add?