[Insert name of organization]

Diversity Assessment Report

[Insert date] //


// [Insert name, title and organization of the person responsible for the Deep Dive]

Table of Contents

Abstract. 3

Introduction. 4

Purpose of the report 4

Focus areas. 4

Theoretical Background. 4

The 70% rule. 5

The diversity history of [insert name of organisation] 6

Diversity on different organizational levels. 6

Official values on diversity. 6

External focus on diversity & diversity in external relations. 6

Internal focus on diversity. 7

Diversity Management Initiatives. 7

General introduction. 7

Formal and informal arenas supporting knowledge sharing and innovation. 7

Recruitment and staff retention. 7

Talent development 8

Communication and PR. 8

Internal communication about diversity. 8

External communication about diversity. 8

Press coverage. 8

The official website. 8

Diversity in external relations. 9

The Current Diversity Narrative. 9

The Diversity Strategy. 9

Management and Employees. 9

General Conclusions and Reflections. 10

Strengths and potentials already tapped into. 10

Development potential 10

Overall recommendations. 10


In this paragraph, you should write an abstract for the Diversity Assessment Report and the results of your research and interviews. Remember, that often the abstract is the only part that people will read. Therefore, it must be possible to get the main points of the Diversity Deep Dive from only reading this part of the report. (Length: approximately 1p)

You should include the following:

·           A brief description of your motivation for conducting the Diversity Deep Dive

·           A brief introduction to the diversity history of the organization

·           The three main positive findings

·           One or two main recommendations for future initiatives


Purpose of the report

The Diversity Deep Dive aims to describe the diversity history as well as the current discourse on diversity within [name of organization]. Furthermore, the report describes the diversity strategy and initiatives of [name of organization], and investigate whether these are known to the entire organization.

The report is based on a desktop study, a focus group interview with senior management, and interviews with employees.

Considering the fact that the Diversity Deep Dive is based on a limited number of interviews and a desktop study, it must be regarded as a snapshot of diversity management within the organization based on specific parameters as well as data collection from specific sources. If other sources had been selected, the results might be different. Based on the Diversity Deep Dive, several recommendations for future actions regarding diversity management and strategy are presented.

Focus areas

The report will cover four focus areas that constitute the parameters investigated. These include:

·           The diversity profile

·           Diversity management initiatives

·           Communication and PR

·           The current diversity narrative

These parameters will be investigated to the extent that they are deemed relevant for the organization.

Theoretical Background

The Diversity Deep Dive is inspired by a broad understanding of diversity. This means that diversity includes age, gender, ethnicity, seniority, disability and educational background. This report, however, mainly focuses on the four parameters measured in the Diversity Measurement Tool, i.e. age, gender, ethnicity and seniority.

Thus, purpose of diversity is not the representation of certain groups of people within the workplace, but rather creating positive results across differences within the workplace, with a focus on the complex and dynamic identity of the individual employee. All individuals are recognized as part of the diverse workforce within organization, no matter their connection to minorities or majority.

The theoretical background of the Diversity Deep Dive is based on Taylor Cox[1] and his work on diversity in organizations. He defines diversity as a variation of social and cultural identities among employees, working together within a given organization (Cox 2001). Social and cultural identities are specified as gender, race, origin, religion, age and branch.

In relation to the diversity strategies of the organization, the Diversity Deep Dive is based upon the ideas of Hagedorn-Rasmussen and Kamp (2003)[2].

Model 1: Approaches to diversity within companies and organizations



Types of integration


-       Focus on principles of equal treatment


(everyone is perceived as equal and treated in a similar manner)

Access and legitimacy

-       Perceives multicultural customers and markets as a challenge, and sees a diverse staff group as a way to access these segments


(individuals are valued according to specific characteristics and thus divided from the rest)

Learning and synergy

-       By combining different perspectives and insights, the organization generates a creative working culture that contributes to innovation and increased performance

Mutual integration

(all individuals are valued for who they are and mutual learning is of importance)

Model 1 will be used when identifying different discourses on diversity in [name of organization]. These discourses reflect the approach towards diversity within the organization, which is dependent on the organization’s main focus. If the focus is on equal treatment, then the approach is anti-discriminatory implying that assimilation is taking place. If, on the other hand, focus is on utilizing diverse employees in order to access new market segments, then the approach is access and legitimacy. In this case the risk is that the employees are differentiated according to their specific characteristics, and thus segregated from the organization.

From a learning and synergy point of view, the organization needs to develop a culture that secures a high level of belonging felt by the individual employee, while at the same time create a place in which the employee’s special and unique knowledge and skills are activated, in order to gain the most from diversity. In other words, the organization needs to create an including culture.

All organizations are different and evolve over time, meaning that the current narrative is not static but dynamic. Thus it is possible for the organization to evolve from an anti-discriminatory approach towards an approach focusing on learning and synergy.

The 70% rule

According to research, if more than 70% of a group’s members belong to the same generation, have the same educational background, share the same gender or same seniority, then the group has a tendency to become fixed in ways of understanding and solving problems. Thus, when group members become too similar, then it can affect performance, efficiency and innovation negatively[3].

Thus, it may be beneficial for organizations to bear the rule in mind in both recruitment and team formation. However, this might not be applicable to all diverse groups within an organization, and e.g. when looking at ethnicity it may be more beneficial to compare numbers with the composition of the population.

The Diversity Profile

As a central part of the Diversity Deep Dive, the diversity profile of [name of organization] will be described. The profile is based on the desktop study and the interviews, and the following themes will be covered:

·           The diversity history of [name of organization]

·           Diversity management initiatives

·           Communication and PR

·           The current diversity narrative

Every theme will include reflections on the current situation and recommendations for future actions, at both management and employee level. (Total length: approximately 8½ pp)

Since a considerable part of the Diversity Deep Dive is based on interviews, certain precautions should be made concering bias. All things equal, the chosen informants and their characteristics, job positions, backgrounds, etc. will influence the results of the Deep Dive. Other informants would most likely have lead to different results.

The diversity history of [insert name of organisation]

Describe the history of diversity within the organization. (Total length: approximately 2½ pp).

This may include:

·           The rating of the organization, based on results from the Diversity Measurement

·           Time of implementation of different strategies and initiatives

·           A small introduction to events or initiatives, and what the organization gained from these

·           Diversity awards won by the organization

·           Other relevant information

Diversity on different organizational levels

Account for the data on staff compositions based on different diversity measures (gender, ethnicity, seniority and age), at different organizational levels, and compare these to the 70% rule. (Length: approximately ½ p).

Official values on diversity

Describe the official values and strategy regarding diversity. This will be based on your findings from the Desktop Guide (questions 1-3) and the focus group interview (questions included in no. 2), and it should only be a brief description of the values and their purpose. Is the purpose to attract a broader field of candidates for positions within the organization, or is it something else? (Length: approximately ½ p)

External focus on diversity & diversity in external relations

In this paragraph, you describe the external focus of the diversity strategy. This could for e.g. be initiatives that support diversity in the local area, culture festivals, etc. (Length: approximately ¼ p)

Internal focus on diversity

Describe the findings from the desktop study and the focus group interview with the senior management, regarding the internal focus and initiatives in relation to diversity. This could e.g. also include strategy used for recruiting new employees, e.g. if a specific text is used in job advertisements. Furthermore, you should include the comments made by employees in questions 2.1.-2.3. Do the descriptions of the internal focus on diversity match? (Length: approximately ½ p)


Here you reflect on the information described above. (Length: approximately ¼ p).


·           2-3 bullets. See “Proposed recommendations” in ISS Diversity Assessment Tool box.



Diversity Management Initiatives

This section will introduce the different initiatives on diversity within [name of organization]. This provides an overview of the current approach to diversity management, which may help identifying areas or initiatives to be developed in the future.

In this paragraph, you describe the most interesting findings from both the focus group interview and the individual interviews. These findings could be the most positive or negative initiatives or a lack of initiatives in general. Your focus here should be the answers from questions 3.1-3.6. during the interviews. (Total length: approximately 2 pp)

General introduction

In this part, you briefly describe the findings that will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs. (Length: approximately ¼ p)

Formal and informal arenas supporting knowledge sharing and innovation

In this part, you will describe the arenas where employees and/or management meet to discuss new ideas, business, customer relations, etc. This could e.g. be formal meetings, networking events, etc., but also more informal gatherings of employees as e.g. parties, team building, ad hoc teams, talent programs, etc.

Furthermore, you should include arenas mentioned in answers to questions 3.1.-3.6. from both the focus group and the individual interviews. (Length: approximately ½ p)

Recruitment and staff retention

In this part, you should write all information gathered from the desktop study regarding recruitment and retention of staff. This should include examples of job advertisements as well as recruitment channels and job vacancies described on the official website. You may prefer to divide the information at management level and employee level, respectively. (Length: approximately ½ p)

Talent development

In this section, you should mention all initiatives and events aimed at developing talent within the organization. This could e.g. be graduate programs, internal education, job rotation or advancement opportunities.


Here you reflect on the information described above. (Length: approximately ¼ p).


·           2-3 bullets. See “Proposed recommendations” in ISS Diversity Assessment Tool box.



Communication and PR

In the following, the internal and external communication about diversity will be discussed, as well as the press coverage, the official website and diversity in external relations, followed by reflections and recommendations. (Total length: maximum 2 pp)

Internal communication about diversity

The internal communication can help ensuring that all employees know of the politics and values of the organization regarding diversity, as well as specific initiatives. Thus the internal communication can make diversity a natural part of the everyday life in the organization.

This section should be based on both the desktop study and the findings from the interviews. (Length: approximately ¼ p)

External communication about diversity

The external communication of both internal and external initiatives on diversity can help branding the organization as a diverse workplace and a front-runner in diversity management.

This should be based on the desktop study. (Length: approximately ¼ p)

Press coverage

The press coverage should include a short overview of the articles published in the media regarding the diversity strategy and diversity management of the organization. These are found in the desktop study. (Length: approximately ¼ p)

The official website

Here, you describe the mentioning of diversity in general and the diversity strategy in particular on the official website of the organization. As an important channel of communication, the website should reflect the organization’s attitude on diversity. (Length: approximately ½ p)

Diversity in external relations

Here, you describe how the organization works with other actors on diversity. This could e.g. be through initiatives helping refugees, young people etc. into work through cooperation with the local municipality. (Length: approximately ½ p)


Here you reflect on the information described above. (Length: approximately ¼ p)


·           2-3 bullets. See “Proposed recommendations” in ISS Diversity Assessment Tool box.



The Current Diversity Narrative

The purpose of this part is to describe the current narrative on diversity and the different discourses on diversity that are present within [name of organization]. This is where you relate the discourse to the theory behind the approaches to diversity (anti-discrimination, access and legitimacy, mutual learning and synergy). The findings will be based on the diversity strategy found in the desktop study (questions 1-3 and 8-10), as well as the discourses found through the interviews (questions 3.1-3.6. and 4.1.-4.6.). (Total length: approximately 2 pp)

The Diversity Strategy

Here, you describe the findings from the desktop study and the interview with senior management. (Length: approximately ½ p)

Management and Employees

Here, you describe the different definitions and associations connected with the term ’diversity’ among management and employees.

”Insert quote from employee on his/her understanding of the term ’diversity’”

Ideally, this part will include an overview of the personal opinions mentioned by employees in connection with questions 4.1.-4.6. (Length: approximately ½ p)


Here you reflect on the information described above. (Length: approximately ¼ p).


·           2-3 bullets. See “Proposed recommendations” in ISS Diversity Assessment Tool box.



General Conclusions and Reflections

The following section provides a summary of the main findings of the Diversity Deep Dive.

Here, you conclude on your findings throughout the Diversity Deep Dive as well as gather the recommendations mentioned. (Length: approximately 1-2 pp)

Strengths and potentials already tapped into

Here, you sum up all data gathered on strengths and potentials that the organization has already tapped into, i.e. what works and what does not.

This could include:

·           The level to which the organization has implemented its diversity strategy

·           The internal and external communication

·           The level to which the management and employees know of the diversity strategy

·           The inititatives implemented to promote diversity within the workplace

·           Etc.

(Length: approximately ½ p)

Development potential

Here, you sum up the areas in which there is potential for development within the organization, i.e. where is there still work to be done, inspiration to find and initiatives to develop. Again, this could include:

·           The level to which the organization has implemented its diversity strategy

·           The internal and external communication

·           The level to which the management and employees know of the diversity strategy

·           The inititatives implemented to promote diversity within the workplace

·           Etc.

(Length: approximately ½ p)

Overall recommendations

Here you state the overall recommendations based on the entire Diversity Deep Dive. The recommendations will set the course for future diversity management initiatives, and therefore it might be a good idea to prioritize these according to the resources available.

·           3-5 bullets. For inspiration see “Proposed recommendations” in ISS Diversity Assessment Tool box.




·           The two or three most relevant recommendations should be included in the abstract at the start of the report.

[1]Cox, Taylor (2001): Creating the Multicultural Organization: A Strategy for Capturing the Power of Diversity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

[2]. Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Peter og Anette Kamp (2003): Mangfoldighedsledelse: mellem vision og praksis, Socialforskningsinstituttet.

[3] Justesen, Susanne, http://www.innoversity.org/max70procent.