


Administrator responsible:



# of units

Average unit rate

( UAH)

# of participants

 budget (UAH)

1. Analysts

1.1. Analyst 1 (days x unit rate/per day)

per day

1.2. Analyst 2 (days x unit rate/per day)

per day

1.3. Analyst 3 (days x unit rate/per day)

per day

Subtotal Analysts

2. Conferences, press-conferences, round tables, workshops

2.1. Conference(s) (number of events x unit rate)

per event

2.2. Press-conference(s) (number of events x unit rate)

per event

2.3. Round-table(s) (number of events x unit rate)

per event

2.4. Workshop(s) (number of events x unit rate)

per event

Subtotal Conferences, press-conferences, round tables, workshops

3. Publications and printed material

3.1. Publications (developing inphographics) (number of items x unit rate)

per item

3.2. Publications (printing) (number of items x unit rate), coloured

per item

3.3. Publications (printing) (number of items x unit rate), b/w

per item

Subtotal Publications and printed material

4. Other (please, specify)

4.1. … (please, specify)

please, specify

Subtotal Other (please, specify)

5. Project Staff

5.1. Project Coordinator (days x unit rate/per day)

per day

5.2. Project Assistant (days x unit rate/per day)

per day

5.3. Accountant (days x unit rate/per day)

per day

Subtotal Project Staff

6. Administrative fees

6.1 Bank fees

per transaction

6.2 Other administrative costs (please, specify)

per project

Subtotal Administrative fees

Total project costs (1-6)


I certify that this is the budget proposed                                  I accept the proposed budget

Name of the representative of the Beneficiary ...                     Name of the representative of the

(followed by capacity, e.g. Director)                                                   Council of Europe

Signature …………….                                                                            Signature:.........................

Date: …………………                                                                           Date: ……………………