Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe: Recommendation 31 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Governing. - Council of Europe. Committee of Ministers, Ministers'Deputies - Decision 631/9.7 (May 1998)

631st meeting – 12 May 1998


Item 9.7



Recommendation 34 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Government



Recommendation 1349 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Government of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE)

(CM/Del/Dec(97)602/9.1, 609bis/3.1,

CM/Del/Dec(98)620/9.3, 623/9.1, CM(97)217,

CM/Inf(97)35, Recommendation 1349(1997))



The Deputies

1. adopted the following reply to CLRAE Recommendation 34 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Government:

"The Committee of Ministers carefully studied CLRAE Recommendation 34 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Government.

The Committee of Ministers wishes to inform the Congress that, after thorough examination of the question of the draft Charter of Regional Self-Government, it has come to the conclusion that a legal instrument on regional self-government may be drawn up, but only in those areas which are acceptable to all States. To this end, the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR) was given ad hoc terms of reference to identify those elements on which a sufficient agreement of all member States may be reached and which will point to the type of legal instrument on regional self-government which may prove possible and desirable."

2. adopted the following reply to Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1349 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Government of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE):

"The Committee of Ministers carefully studied Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1349 (1997) on the draft European Charter of Regional Self-Government of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE).

The Committee of Ministers wishes to inform the Parliamentary Assembly that, after thorough examination of the question of the draft Charter of Regional Self-Government, it has come to the conclusion that a legal instrument on regional self-government may be drawn up, but only in those areas which are acceptable to all States. To this end, the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR) was given ad hoc terms of reference to identify those elements on which a sufficient agreement of all member States may be reached and which will point to the type of legal instrument on regional self-government which may prove possible and desirable."